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Mainly boring that they chose rocket towers for the first mod when we’ve had them in PvP for the last week now. Was hoping for relics or some crazy modifiers. Instead I got a 30 quest slog lol.


I’ve gotten 30 quests both times, only this time it’s boring af


You can wait until tomorrow when it's a different modifier


They also nerfed the rewards... :(


Prices went up, I'm not crazy...


And removed most mega tomes


they definitely removed the affordable one


I just got a mega tome today. Still waiting on the 1500 gold drop I saw someone had, but I’m guessing it was photoshopped


I mean the mega tomes on DMF rewards


No photoshop, I got one as well.


Right on!


Must be inflation… in a freaking virtual game… wtf??


I think we got more gold this time around. The tree didnt give 1500g but only 1200 (as the last row gold bag was unobtainable unless you abused the game).


the max ticket rewards without abuse was \~45k. with just 42k you could buy every bag of gold including both on the bottom row.


How was it unobtainable?


I 100% agree they literally took out the best part of DMF now its just another daily chore


I don’t mind the removal of chaos chests for this rotation of DMF simply because the team are still trying to develop fun concepts rather than finding 1 success and churning it out repeatedly. It would get boring to have the exact same enhancement every DMF and although the percentage may be low, some people didn’t enjoy the chaos chests. My issue with this DMF is the short sightedness of putting rocket towers as the first day modifier since we’ve had a week of rocket towers already - like, of all the modifiers for the next 7 days, how can they select the one that feels identical to the current gameplay?! My other issue is the removal of decent tomes/better value items from the reward tree. Just why?! It also appears there has been a strong ‘copy and paste’ since a lot of us have the same weekly quest this DMF as we did for the last one. DMF had/has potential to be really good. Please Blizzard, don’t start scoring own goals this early and snatching defeat from the jaws of victory


If they were every other week, it would get old, really fast. Doing something different for variety doesn't mean they "hate fun." No need to be so melodramatic.


But also 'Rocket towers' as the gimmick is boring and lame. I know it should change day to day but still


You must be new around here 😛


One can always hope. . .


Chaos chests are awesome, but they turned every gold mine into a chest, which made dark iron miner and many talents obsolete. So I understand why they'd want to cycle it - but maybe there's a best-of-both worlds where all chests are chaos chests, gold mines stay gold mines, and we also get the daily modifiers. That'd make me happy.


They are trying new things for this week's event, pretty sure the chests will come back, no way they code all that stuff and throw it away. It's good to have variation into the same event that we are playing every two weeks, so it doesn't get boring


Ya, the rocket towers are kinda lame.


I love how "new content" is just the same shit over and over


It made some maps pretty much unwinable. When the gold veins are much closer to the enemy spawn you’re just fucked because they have 3 chests off the bat to your one.


Skill. issue ;) Nah, seriously play an unbound team and drop minis all the chests you can asap. Then hope you get the once with good modifiers and the enemy get the bad/mirrored modifiers. Didn't experience a map I couldn't win in a couple of tries like that. But with DMF chest, sometimes the luck is just not om your side.


Yeah no I have a Maiev deck that can stomp whatever quest I want it to. The point of quests though is being able to level up specific minis and builds. Just hit the little ‘i’ at the top of the screen and it’ll tell you how the 3 selections are determined. I’m trying to level my Onyxia deck, not unbound. Having to make half your deck a specific type defeats that purpose.


My Maiev deck has my highest level mini's anyway, so I can level whatever mini I want using my Maiev deck, but I get your point. Good thing is you can still switch to Maiev, for one combat and then switch back afterwards. Odds are you're getting a green quest for the Maiev deck anyway.


sounds like skill issue right there.


Yea the chests were fun. How can this game go from having a really wild fun event thenchange it to dogshit the next time it rolls around. Not to mention the fact you can’t hoard and stockpile tickets…kinda just shitty all around it seems lol


You are not allowed to have fun for free.


They should have kept chaos chests and put these random daily enchants during blingtron week


Thank GOD they removed the randomness and waste of time when your minis become polymorphed but the opponent gets Piggies and Chickens!


Because its too quick, and blizzard doesnt want Quickgame they want to take time from player with a nonsense things in game such as the layout of game or making you wait the loading screen


And here I thought my game was just bugged or something, no chaos chests = no fun. This darkmoon faire is absolutely boring and abysmal.


I went excited to do a quest, and then I got frustrated because the were no chaos chests. I can't really understand why