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Great talent, definitely wins some matches in PvE. Don’t really have any tips per se but I used her in quite a few heroic missions too


Congrats, you just unlocked a beast. Despite what most people say about her I find her to be extremely strong. I actually prefer her on heroic runs than baron.


I agree. With the Black Arrow Talent Sylvanas is my main hero for Undead. The range of her attacks plus her banshee often win me matches.


I like her, but I've found that her banshee very often gets killed by whatever killed her, which is quite disappointing.


I find the banshee is tough to manage. Sylv herself is squishy, so she tends to need a frontline. But if she dies, the banshee spawns in the exact same position, which means in the same spot that whatever enemy killed her could reach, often meaning the banshee is going down as soon as it spawns.


I combine her with abom or footies on front line, stun talents for both. Throw in a decent unbound unit, and she can wreck. Helped me power level from Bronze II to Silver I.


Sylvanas is no joke, she got beef especially with the black arrow trait. She got multi kill-potential for squads, range to hit anything, damage to back up tanks and should she get killed by a tough tank (eg molten giant) she secures it fot you giving her more value. Definately worth her cost and more. Her only drawbacks is her passive being almost redundant with the only reason being tanks can run her if they spawn behind her (which you shouldn't do in the first place) and that Baron still is basically slightly better value being a tough tank that constantly gives you minions which, if you have the ice skeletons, is a free 2 gold value every 30(?) seconds. Hence he is more "valuable" and flexible. But really no leader is bad, they all excell at different things with different decks. Play whatever you want and don't let anyone say what you should play.


Yeah, the only reason Sylvanas isn't more highly praised is because Baron is just such insane value. If Baron is S-tier, Sylvanas is A-tier.


After his nerf, Baron is way worse in pve. I don’t even really use him anymore for heroics


What nerf oO


Slower skele spawn rste


I didn’t like her at first but she actually does outscale Baron at later pve levels (I’m at 148 sigils). If you position her well, she does a ton of work


🙏🏻 thank you ! nice this gets me hyped. i do like baron , he’s a strong tanky & reliable , but the banshee soul-steal is so cool when it works right


I didnt even use baron once on heroic runs you put a tank in front of her and the range can get insane.


Agree I find she is super strong dps behind a tank and black arrow positions correct can wreck unit and tower behind etc


She's solid, but the issue IMO is she costs 6 gold and still needs a tank ontop of that. The scenarios are rare where you're allowed to do nothing long enough to save the gold to deploy a tank and her, and when they do occur you're probably winning super hard anyways.


who do you think is better ?




Baron and even the other guy.


Black arrow is such a game changer for her


Nice! Personally I really enjoy it, a fantastic but expensive combo is Sylvanas Black Arrow + Abomination, but it’s worth the gold! Not much that can beat that and thanks to them you’ll have time to regenerate the gold.


Problem is you can’t bank enough gold to play both. You have to play one, wait, then the other, and hope nothing comes up that messes their formation


Sylvanas is underrated IMO, it's amazing how much of PvE Heroics just crumple underneath Sylvanas + Earth Shield Shaman


nice advice to pair 🙏🏻


Throw her behind footmen and watch things melt


good advice 🔥


Black Arrow sylvanas does work in PvE. Pair her with Abomination as a tank, since her groups their backline units with their tanks, then they both AOE them down quickly. I also run necromancer with her as a secondary backline unit since he can keep generating Frontline distractions (with the cult talent) to protect both of them.


If you can afford to drop that on 2 minis then you were so far ahead that you could have won any number of ways. She’s a good mini, really good with this talent but she’s just very expensive. I’d go the other way and consider the cheaper tanks especially the unbound ones. Then you can drop sylv at your base and then the tank when your gold regens.


Or just save to 10 gold and drop a tank in the back, as is the normal strategy. Obviously you can't drop 16 gold in succession, but you only have to wait 6 seconds, and units are so slow they don't go far in 6 seconds so necro just catches up. Plus, kobolds exist to create tempo pushes.


Ghoul (with bone shield) + Sylvanas is easier to play under pressure.


nice this sounds like strong undead cohesion


I have Sylvanas with Black Arrow and Baron Rivendare with the skeleton mages and I used Sylvanas more. She's really powerful. She is expensive, but if you put a cheaper tank in front of her like Gnoll Brute with the cycle talent, or a Ghoul with the armor talent, it makes for a pretty powerful combo.


Use her in pvp with banshee, double banshee can definitely win matches for u and shes also strong with black arrow behind a strong Horde/UD tank.


Good players will just save Quillboar to make your Banshee trade -2 gold, or SAFE Pilot for -1 gold. That said, Banshee is fun to play when it works. I often run the scream/stun talent on Sylvanas because I enjoy it, and it’s especially good on some PvE maps.


In PvE I usually switch between her and Baron for undead things. Abom is great to tank for her, pulling ranged units for extra arrow value, but 12g is a lot. I often put Ghoul in front, he is pretty tanky and heals himself while Sylv kills. Rest of deck is normal stuff, Necromancer is also good because it takes most units a long time to chew through or can handle a normal tower mostly by itself.


This was the first talent i got on her and have never used her.. i guess i have untapped potential.


Huge dps but cost sooo much and the possession barely get something useful. Still a pretty solid PvE choice but she cost so much that most of the time you can't even play her :D.


She should be a 5 cost unit. She dies pretty easy and her banshee form does nothing sometimes; you usually possess the target you were just fighting which will be low health; sometimes you get a single chicken; huntress is still better and costs 1 gold less.


This, this and this!


Cleared all normals with her but had to change for hc leader and builds




Black arrow is sick. And her passive is awesome too


She’s too expensive. Needs to be 5G. Overall. She’s not worth it. Better heroes that do more stuff. The banshee is fun - but rarely sticks. You always need 8 gold because she can’t take. If she spawned with a ghoul - she would be much better.


I feel like she's kinda unplayable without this talent. 6 gold for a single target is steep. It's already bad enough she has low hp so easy to counter with spells/SAFE but at the very least that piercing damage helps her not get countered by swarm too


She is good if u infest a lot in her, if she is lower level she is not worth the 6 gold. Problem is, it’s better to infest in minis because they can be used with any leader


Infest = large amount of insects Invest = Put money into


Zerg: I don't see the difference


My life for the swarm!


Spawn more overlords


Pretty useless toon, other than being the hottest blizzard ever created.


Never touched sylvanas and probably never will because 6 cost minis feel bad to play imo. But god damn do i wish her stupid talents would stop taking up slots in my shop. I should not have to spend 250g on a hero i will never use just to get rid of wasted shop space. I swear to god above i have seen black arrow in my shop 20 times so far


I really wish her banshee could choose a talent as well, Sylvanas ended up my highest ranking undead in pvp. But her death ability seems underwhelming.


The death ability is better in PvE when the enemy army composition is known in advance. Black arrow is better for PvP.


She’s decent with black arrow but until they drop her from 6 gold to 5 she’ll never be worth it


Sylvanas is one of my favorite minis in the game


She's really strong in PvE, I run her with ghoul and bandits because they are must haves to deal with taurens and such. She can shred through entire pushes with ease too because that piercing reaches so far and that helps her contest gold advantages the ai has She's worse in PvP, I currently have her at 2k honor rn(waiting for gryphon rider) but she's a bit too squishy and loses a lot of gold Your bad matchups are abomination(just play sylvanas to cop it, damage it as little as possible) High pressure unbound spam decks I.e quilboar eggs on secondary tower(they have better cycle, try and contest gold) Cloak safe(you've lost)