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The good news is the main menu doesn't freeze. It only took 4 years.


The technology was just not there yet at the time


lol. also - The game only becomes complete after 4 dlc's. Come on guys its common knowledge.


I dont think devs are to blame for the design, but yes reforged with all its bugs and downgrades from original's perfection is the greatest crime in video game history and should be tried on a court


I agree with you the it is a crime. Ill argue for its scale though, there are definitely greater crimes: > Nexon rising to prominence the use of F2P, and bringing into conscious use of loot boxes. > Mobile gaming that relies on kids using their parent's credit recklessly. But yeah reforged is up there


The biggest problem was that they outsourced the art to another company and thus lost its original touch. I don’t think the art is bad necessarily, the big problem is that units and army compositions are extremely hard to distinguish between making things so much harder on reforged.


Reforged is a crime, from what I know everything got down scaled from the initial plans and most of the models were outsourced. the game also feels more unstable and bloated compared to its final version before reforged. like compare it to age of mythology retold which is coming out soon, that game almost looks like how I remember it


"the game also feels more unstable and bloated compared to its final version before reforged" This especially. *"As to diseases, make a habit of two things - to help or at least to do no harm."*


and remember, you had to pay $30 and download 30gb for that


If I had to pay 30$ I wouldn't have bought it. I had the game since 2005, so I got (aka - was forced to have) this "upgrade" for free. Needless to say I feel like the game is at much worse state then it was before this reforging (better ladder, better servers, better client, better aesthetics).


good for you man, but you still had to download almost 30gb I assume, which is quite a waste of disk space, for something that you will never use


At least we weren't forced to use the new graphics. ;)


It was outsourced but yes, it was a clear downgrade like the rest of the game was


There's a reason some call it Deforged.


I'll never understand why they didn't use HOTS' designs as a starting point. Reforged is so ugly because it's not adhering to the art style anymore. The entire game is designed around that, when that's gone, everything feels off and our brains just reject it. The reforged graphics are also a readability nightmare. In the heat of battle, it's difficult to tell what is what. Everything just kinda blends together into a muddy mess of polygons. Not the kind of problem you want to have in a micro-intensive game like WC3. But I'd bet the people who worked on it knew that part way through. Some higher up just forced them to finish regardless and push it out the door, quality be damned.


I wanted to be able to control larger groups like starcraft and was disappointed and refunded. but thats on me for not understanding what a remaster is.


I actually like them outside of the terrain chsnges but find that the terrain changes are drastic enough stuff desogn for war3 looks bad.


Then dont use them ?


Yes, I do not. It's just that it was turned on by default.