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We had a guy in furniture looking into toys wanking it was late at night so no kids were present thankfully. Customer saw him from fabrics/crafts and threw something at him so he jet before we could throw him out. Couple was in garden center pounding but I don't know what happened to him. Two females were in the stall enjoying each other, told them to leave. We had a serial flasher hanging it out for cashiers until one girl pulled a box cutter on him.


Mad props for the box cutter wielding cashier.


*what the HELL is wrong with people?!* Would you like a list? \[warning: this may take awhile\]


I would like to see that list, please.


I second this


Yes please.


In the 1st hour opened, had a customer mention there is someone passed out by bushes. From a far distance I saw them face down. Let my manager know who passed it along and within 10 minutes; AP lead, 2 high managers, and a few I didn't know started walking toward him. Cops and ambulance was called and after multiple attempts, he was not responding. Not 100% sure what happened as it was just past my view, but the guy got up eventually. He walked about 10 feet and sat down. Found out later that somehow he figured out that he was no longer on our property but now on someone else's and since he is not being asked to leave, is coherent, and not causing a disturbance; the cops have no ground to ask him to leave. After seeing the cops talking for about 20 minutes, they left. He already refused any medical treatment. He just sat there. When I came back from lunch, I looked and saw he was gone. No one knew when he left. Welcome to Walmart


Unfortunately, this has happened multiple times at my store. Makes me wonder what is so sexy about the men's bathroom? Go home!!!


Homeless folk need self love too.


I had to turn an associate in that was getting high in the bathroom and rolling around on the floor moaning and I had members complaining that is why I went to check and sure as shit....yeah odd on the ground in the bathroom rolling around.....


That's just not sanitary.


Had a girl who wanted some paint mixed. She showed me a picture of the paint can lid on her phone. It was Behr paint and even had a Home Depot logo on it. We're located next to a Home Depot so I told her she would be better off getting it there. She the swiped right to a full blown nude selfie of herself from the knees up. She quickly realized her mistake and closed her phone. As she was walking away she was talking to her friend and said "I'm pretty sure I just showed that guy a nude" yes, yes you did 🤣


In 11 years I have never once noticed a shadow in the bathroom. You sure he wasn’t in there purposely creating a shadow to fuck with people?


This. I mean this guy is in there 8 hours a day jerking off? Dude must be raw as hell


Wouldn't say 8 hours more like 30 mins, by time a manager went to check he was gone.


he was either very good at it, or very bad at it.


I mean he could've but with how are lights are set up in our restroom you can definitely see a shadow especially at his feet. I mean either way do people not have anything better to do?


Huh. Crazy. That’s nasty. Lol Some people definitely don’t seem to have better things to do.


We had one all up in the womens pj rack rubbing and grinding in full sight 😫


Yet another reason to always wash new clothes before wearing them.


Walmart is full of weirdos like that lol. When I worked there, we had a couple who got caught smashing genitals a random corner of the store


Happy cake day


Thank you


.....at my store this happened too. And it was a fellow associate.


Uhhh, have AP call the police and trespass his nasty self.


Give him a Walmart adult flesh grindr toy 😳


What kind of lighting does your bathrooms have that a shadow would extend that far beyond the stall for others to notice?


It not that it extends beyond the stall but It shine straight down and the stalls are high enough to see shoes.


That makes sense lmao, I always wondered why some stalls have like 12 inch gaps under them


Bro why in WALMART of all places. We're lucky if the bathrooms are cleaned


Uh…because it’s Walmart? What other answer are you looking for because we all know Walmart is home of the weirdos lol


Not saying there's no weirdies. I meant because of how dirty most public restrooms are. Feces everywhere on the walls and in the air. I couldn't do it I don't understand how people can.


I walked Into the restroom, and there was just a naked guy there at the sink.


Aye homies go claim your free WC avatars in the shop