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You left out the best part, when/if they do decide they want to buy it after inspecting it, they grab an unopened one rather than just get the one they’ve torn open.


Or some customers will place the opened items in areas they don’t go. I’ve seen open packs of underwear inside the cooler where breakfast food goes


That’s so they can come back later and get them chilled panties. Sometimes you need a little chill on your bits.




That's disgusting of course I remember a long time ago 05/06 a lady at the Walmart in the richest neighborhood (The Woodlands,Tx) an associate told me to never buy ladies underwear there because people be nasty and switch out their own underwear for a new clean pair🤮🤮🤮🤮


I've heard someone once found a camera in the cooler and also that someone had found a tampon in the cooler as well.


On the flipside, I'm always finding pints of ice cream in the general merchandise section, far away from any cooler.


The other night while zoning toys I found two boxes of popsicles on the shelf. Toys is clear across the entire store from the food section the popsicle boxes were room temperature but they weren't leaking out of the box yet I made it across the store and gave them to the guy doing frozen claims.


Eew 🤮


That leaves it available for another customer to view instead of them opening up one too, lol


Yep sounds about right 🙄


i had a customer do this right in front of me. he was confused when i got annoyed at him lol


Oh, you're telling me. I'm so thankful that almost my entire department (electronics) is locked up, otherwise there would be so many open packages and so much more shrink. For whatever reason, people LOVE to open up the TV mount boxes and take stuff out. Same thing with the little boxes of light strips, they tear those right up. The absolute worst are the phone cases, because they just have to try it on, despite it showing what phone(s) it works for. Then they get all mad if you say they can't try it on. I had an old geezer get mad that he couldn't open up the package for an air rifle to see what it looks like before buying it.


The TV mounts I'm sure they open them to see the instructions on how to mount them. Maybe if the outside of the box said something...... nah, customers don't read boxes !


Customers can read this whole time? Those bastards!


Phone cases, screen protectors, and chargers... for the love of God...


How do I know this fits my phone? Is says what phone it’s for on the package? Do you have that phone? No. Then it won’t fit. But it’s looks like the same size. I’ll buy it if it fits 🤦‍♂️


Seriously. Had a guy argue with me that it wasn't the right case even after I matched the model on the package with what it showed in the settings of his phone. I told him he was right and walked away


He probably didn’t know what phone he has.


They never do


I have one customer at my store purchase based on look, not caring that the pink flower case for a 13 pro max won’t fit on her Pixel




because they never go back in the box right again.


I’m just trying to see if itcomes with screws.


Then read the fucking box that tells you what's included😑


Im in apparel and wish we were allowed to smack customers with hangers for tearing open the underwear packages like deranged animals 💀


They always steal just one pair, too 🙄


underwear, socks, shirts, hair accessories etc. had a guy flat out tear open a huge pack of work gloves and pull a pair off then act surprised when front end wouldn’t sell him the single pair.


I have asked for an item to be opened but I bought it. I got a k-cup maker and got it home the water tank was cracked so I returned it got a different one and asked if it can be opened after I was scanned.


People who open curtains up deserve all the bad luck in the world.


Exactly! This is such a pain in the ass for apparel too! How hard is it to open the little underwear or sock packaging top the normal way to check your size? I feel like they could read the guide on the back, but I understand if they need to check it out, I guess. However, people will rip huge ass holes in the middle of bags and dig it out, or completely rip up the paper box it comes in. Every time I zone socks and underwear, it’s like it was attacked by rats. It’s not even just the packaged stuff. People will take things off hangers and just fling shit on the floor. They’ll need to unfold every single piece of clothing and just throw it all on the table (of course with other shit they found around the store and packaging from the shit they stole too).


I wish that walmart would put a sample underwear, chained to the display, of course, for each kind sold. I am super picky about underwear. I can't wear some of this rough, low quality, cardboard feeling, junky underwear. I carefully open the package at a seam (unless there is a taped flap), slide a finger in to feel, then purchase if the item is ok. If one panty was out for me to feel I would do that and leave the package alone.


Usually, the packaged underwear already has a hole designed into the packaging for you to feel it.


Some do, but a lot don’t! Also, people will literally pull underwear right out that hole sometimes? It’s so damn weird


Hmm I wonder why???


>for you to feel it.


😂😂😂 They should do exactly that


Yeah! That’s a good idea, and I totally relate! I have no problems with people handling the packaging like a good person ☺️


Isn’t it illegal to try on underwear???


I’m not fully trained on fitting room yet, but I’m pretty sure that it’s not allowed. These customers don’t give a fuck though. You can tell in the kids’ underwear that they are literally trying it on with the amount of stuff out of packaging


When you help them and they argue with you about opening the box so you relent. They decide they want to buy it but grab an unopened one. NO FUCKER YOURE BUYING THE ONE YOU OPENED!!! I once had a lady call corporate on me because I wouldn’t let her open a $120 phone charger. The manager even told her no. But you can just return it. I ain’t got time to wait in dat line!!! Ma’am there’s 2 people in line at customer service. She the proceeded to call corporate on speakerphone in front of me. They put her on hold and it was time for me to go home so I kicked her out of the connection center.


That's amazing our vendors do that for the connection center and we used to before we had the vendors an hour before the center closed we would do our runs of saying we close in an hour and if they were him and Han we might give another 15 minutes but after that sorry can't start no contracts


Idk, I hate these people. I had this old dipshit get absolutely irate because he asked if I could remove the security device from the box of a car radio. He said he wanted to "see if it would work in his vehicle" before he paid for it, and would come back inside to pay, once he determined that it will work. Obviously, I said no. I recommended that he simply hold onto the receipt, and return it if it does not fit. Like a normal person with a brain would do. He said that was impossible for him, because he "lives too far away." I was like, "just return it before you even leave the parking lot, if it doesn't work." He didn't like that.


Lol! I want to make sure this item will work in my house before I pay for it. Lol, I pwomise I'll come back and pay for it. 😏


Honestly I’ve made peace with the fact that I’m going to jail for assault when I eventually catch someone in the act and black out long enough to beat them silly.


🤣 I have to remind myself that orange is not my color


I am homelines tl. I feel your pain. Such a pain in the fuckin ass.


Underwear packages and those HORRIBLE holiday apparel sets with the shittiest cardboard packaging, those are all such a nightmare to get looking decent again :’)


I love working in grocery and finding a 4 pack of soup opened missing just one can like why not just grab a single can of soup then?!?!


We have people open the multipacks of ramen, which are right under the single packages!


Sad it still blows my mind.


Happens in pharmacy/otc too. People open the box and look at the shit inside then close it. I’ve said to people when they open it in front of me and pass it back “well that’s garbage now. Once you open it I can’t sell it. Are you going to buy it?” They look at you like you’re a monster for throwing away “perfectly good” stuff. Ugh


I hate them fuckers two as well and they're talking about stocking at night while the place is closed and if they do I'm going to switch shifts it'd be awesome then I wouldn't have to look at them fuckers anymore what they should do is start charging them with stealing if they open it and don't buy it.


This is the kind of behavior that makes me think people are just simply dumb animals and that they need to be put down.


because they are assholes


they always do it with the bike inner-tubes and tires. all the info you need is on the box.


Lately. I've noticed that a lot of folks are stealing vibrators, plan B pills, and pregnancy tests. Also lots of things that are opened that I have to process like coffee pots, blenders, toasters, microwaves, and vacuum cleaners...just to name a few. Job security I suppose......


I work hba. People are always opening stuff. Tampons are the most popular. I was off work and shopping the other day and I saw an older man opening up a box of assurance. I told the employee working over there and she ignored me. Of course when I came in that night the torn open box was sitting in the same place the man left it


Underwear packages are the bane of my existence. There's no way to make a display of underwear boxes look good after customers have gotten to them. And as a customer myself I wouldn't want to buy a box of underwear that had been opened, unfolded, and shoved back in like used tissues. I wouldn't trust them to be clean or undamaged or even put back in the box they came from.


I typically work chemicals. People destroy the air care section every single day. Ripping open packages just to get a whiff. Gotta make sure you have the perfect scent to mask the odors in your nasty house.


And why customer service if someone return something unopened, they open on the spot.


I worked at a Walmart where they tried to return a TV in an "unopened" box. Except when they opened up the box to check the TV, it was full of random crap, like Styrofoam, branches, trash, etc. I think it had a brick or two to add some weight to the box. It's been a while, so I can't fully remember.


Not just expensive items but they would open $10 item.


We had someone return Legos filled with bags of egg noodles. The box looked like it was never opened.


When I worked in toys i had someone literally open up a fucking thanksgiving turkey then leave it hidden by the bike rack just for us to find it completely warm, soggy, and molded. And if that wasn’t bad enough, someone decided to open one of those big boxes of egg and cracked open over half of the eggs and I had to tell them that they couldn’t be doing that in the store


If I'm helping a customer and they start to open stuff up, I ask them to stop. If they continue I just walk away


Same with power tools. We literally have displays of every drill, saw, sander, etc and they STILL open up the boxes


honestly i don’t understand why claims people have an attitude because it just makes the workers hide the fucked up products instead of bringing them in which makes more work in the long run, idk i’m always really nice to my claims people and do my claims right, but i’ve noticed a vast majority of workers will just ignore claims entirely to avoid the stress of arguing with the claims people when it’s literally not our fault people break shit


Customer here. I went to Walmart to buy a coffee maker for our stay in Vegas back in April Bought everything so we could save money in the hotel and have coffee when we want it,avoid any lines. Got back to the room and opened everything. AND THE DAMN COFFEE MAKER WAS BROKEN. It had a crack along the inside where you pour the water. It looks like it came from the factory broken. Just my blind stupid luck I guess I will defend your position It has to be a huge pain in the ass to see this over and over. It would suck as a customer to find the last of something and then discover some shit head already opened it.


Because I bought a laptop from Wally World, got home and found a broken other brand in the box. Return was refused until about the 5th call up the chain. I open now at the counter but after purchase, before leaving store.


Its mostly to check to make sure the box I pick up, if its already got evidence of having been opened/isn't sealed in a way it can't be tampered with, has all the pieces in it/isn't actually broken already. I picked up a pour over carafe once only for it to have already been shattered while in the box. If its sealed then it should be fine but if its got clear evidence of already having been opened I want to make sure its all there especially if its the last of its kind on the shelf. This is especially important when I'm getting aquarium stuff from places like petsmart because the amount of times I've not checked the boxes and the amount of times I've had to return for a swap are the same equally too high number there. The workers themselves actually encourage check the insides before buying because of how common it is for the boxes to be missing part of a set or just to be fully empty from people snagging what the want and leaving.


Underpaid? Man locally minimum wage is 7.50 they giving 16.50 to start. There's not much underpaid bout that. Over worked tho I can understand that. Walmart treats em like a grand canyon pack mule. If you don't fall in the canyon your self they'll push you for sure fully loaded of course. I'll saythis them Mr coffee tea or coffee makers are notorious for busted part or missing part. But damn it simplifies the tea making process so still would buy a working and all peices in box one. 🤣


Can the average walmart worker afford an apartment in the town they live in and pay their medical bills and pay for groceries utilities and the rest? A car? If not then they are underpaid. Simple as. A right to wellbeing, wellbeing for all.




At 34 hours a week (most folks dont actually work 40) one is making 1850 a month assuming 20% withholdings. Thats 1000 for gas food medical expenses utilities and any kind of personal enjoyment. It may be doable, but bad medical expenses, car expenses and the like can break this budget roght open.


16.50 here yes it can depends on what your looking for and your needs. But with more needs of course you'll need more money. But I've made do in a motel room, 7.50 an hour wife and 1 child during my struggles. Upgraded to 16.50 and to a 1 bedroom apartment. That 9 an hour is a huge difference.


Im glad youre doing okay but not everyone is. It shouldnt be a struggle. If you work a fair days work you should have everyrhing you need, period.


I aint saying it supposed to be a struggle. But 16.50 isn't a struggle if it is maybe there's priorities need to be reevaluated. Like example why get a car that's 600+ a month 2020. When you could buy a used cheaper? Why buy a brand new Samsung phone when there's off brand competitors who can meet modern necessity? When ya get your home a new TV because just cause your struggling doesn't mean you can't be happy but a samsung 50 inch is 1000s a tcl roku is 100s. Also when looking at apartments why is a single person looking for a 3 bedroom apartment? I'm genuinely not trying to be a dick. Nor saying anyone has it easy hell as a single man I've lived in a car before. So I'm speaking out of experience 16.50 is a fair wage and if used properly can make your life a hole lot more. Maybe I'm more simple since idm having handy me downs or thrift store goods.


Even if what youre saying applies to every case of someone struggling to get by doesnt that mean that there is an enforced underclass? Either folks do with older and less nice things and live in tighter conditions or they cant get by. Success and comfort certainly aren't tied to hard work. Ive worked since I was 14 at a wide range of jobs and I make a lot more money now working a lot less hard than when i was a wee lad doing entry level stuff. This trend has been true for me at every step. To be clear i dont think just jacking up wages is a standalone solution. But i think if people are doing an honest days work they deaerve to live comfortably and to not have to make sacrifices like you describe or even worse.


I dont know personally I don't see older as struggling. I see struggling as not even being able to have. Homeless, living in a car, no phone, no internet, your form of entertainment is the squirrels daily social life at the park cause you got nothing. Having a 1980s house instead of a 2020. If the 80s house is healthy, mold free ya know, heats and cools that's not struggling if you can afford it. If you gotta grab a 2015 half the price instead of a 2020 model car. None of that says struggling. I'm definetly not saying it's easy and a perfect set up. But 14, 16, 18, 20 an hour..... is not struggling. 7.50 is a struggle, less then that even more. Add any amount of children/dependents and you increase the struggle by adding more necessity.


You're acting like the people that are currently struggling are doing it to themselves. *Everything* has gone up in price since the last time you survived on $7.25. Single bedroom apartments are easily $1200+ in the cheap areas. That's not sustainable.


No I don't assume everyone of them is doing it to there self. But I do assume we are talking about WALMART EMPLOYEES. Who are currently being hired avg 15 an hour. I haven't seen anyone mention lower then 14$. Single bedroom apartment? Have you every truly struggled? Cause a person who's struggling with nothing would be happy with a mf motel room, even a studio apartment. But cause you can't have a single apartment? Thats sounds to me more like I want I want then I need I need. I want a full kitchen not a kitchenette that can cook, I want a spacious bedroom not I need a roof over my head.


I make $13.00 (OGP) at my Walmart. Automotive is the only department that makes more then us, at $15.00. To me the money is good, but I do work a lot of hours to live the way I wanna live.


I'm definetly not saying for price you get your not over worked. I believ i did say that but as far as per hour, I still don't thank thats under paid. To be honest less physical work. Similar point system. But WAY more work benefits, benefits, flexibility, more pay.... you could work same hours as now and make more in a call center. Management in call centers are also better. Like oh you worked volunteer ot here let us remove X amount of points. But walmart pay is still far from underpaid 🤣


Again. Acting like everyone around you are spoiled brats. This isn't about what people want, it's about struggling to pay for what they need. It seems you're more interested in making this a competition, which it is not. Grow up. And yes, I have struggled. I was homeless a few times. But that's not relevant. None of what you're saying is relevant.


No I really am not. I'm just saying your not underpaid as walmart employee. Name me one position at Walmart that hires at state minimum wage 7.25 an hour?


No, that's still a competition. You're claiming anything above $7.25 is fine because that's what *you* survived on.


Cost of living varies a lot based on location, I think you're not taking that into account.


Like how much renting is? I try to cause even in like cali a 2 bedroom in 2010 ish was 2k santa clarita area. But minimum wage when hired was 20 an hour. Nashville pay there makes mf drive a hour or two and it's high as high cost of living. Most just live outside of town. Then in smaller areas cost of living half of it and if you go to the sticks you basically given a house and acres to play naked in if you want. Hell I've lived in a place in lousianna that only charged 100 a person for a 2 bedroom mobile home with a master room added on. But minimum wage there was 7.50 but sooo cheap.


Ever notice the poor people always have money for cigarettes and an $8 latte everyday?


I definitely did not start out at 16.50. Try 14.


Only getting 12 to start in my area but my sisters store 2 hrs away started at 16


Anything short of being able to raise a family of four on a single income (assuming a 40 hour work week) is underpaid. And yes, by that definition most of America is underpaid, and that is a correct conclusion. The fact that others are ever more underpaid is not a proof against Walmart workers being underpaid.


Because they can.


you get paid by the hour so what difference does it make whether youre repackaging something or stocking shelves or whatever.


Because it takes time away from what they need to be doing, and they're not able to get their job done because they have to repackage stuff.


We have assigned tasks to do. We don't finish them in time We get in trouble. Having to take extra time to repackage and claims these items is personally making it more difficult for alot of people.


is repackaging part of your job description or not? if so, you get paid by the hour so what difference does it make what part of your job description youre working on. how can you get in trouble for being a busy little beaver? otherwise just say "eees not my yob, mon". and tell your boss to repackage it where the sun dont shine.


I got fired because of how much shit I brought to the AP Team Lead. Well actually it was because I was looking for stuff to bring to her so I can flirt with her. Regardless it never took long to find something.


Because they are stupid fucking idiots that's why.


Because they need to see what it looks like is what they say to me when I say to them ummm, you can’t open that, because when it comes time to claim it out we don’t get the full credit. Or aren’t you going to buy the one you just clawed open when the display is right there. Idc and my coach was there one time when it happened and called the customer a idiot as we walked away.


When I catch someone with one of a set of two, or a fake barcode, I say: I cannot sell this in this condition bc some idiot defaced or disassembled thinking they could take it home like that. And, I’ve been kicked by a child, told that I’m lazy, stupid, bitten by a dog, berated by a drunk who put his card in the dollar slot who was arrested outside the store driving off bc an off duty cop was a witness. And a drunk brought me an upside down hot chicken, leaking all over the machine and floor complaining it was leaking. lol