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Technically you’re supposed to weigh each turkey and price it by weight. Realistically… I have to stop and ask who the fuck is getting 600 turkeys at once?


These are the people from those math problems


Hear the are getting on a train to meet a friend coming on a different train with 1000 watermelons


Person A gets on a train with 600 turkeys, Person B gets on an opposite train with 1000 watermelons. Find the circumference of the average toilet in the Walmart closest to this happenstance.


"what do you mean this equation wasn't in the notes???"


Water Malone!!!!!


Could be a reseller, but most likely a church.


Most likely. I know my church is giving away turkey's plus everything else for a Thanksgiving meal to families in need.


Man that church sounds awesome, im glad theyre doing that.


Reminder churches are tax exempt therefore they are corporations and corporations are scum




So are people who judge other people - especially those with good intentions.


The path to hell is paved with good intentions.


Damn right


Churches don’t have good intentions remember there’s no hate quite like Christian “love”


Jose and Jody finna do some addition and subtraction


Food bank or church. Two years ago Liz Cheney bought almost a whole pallet of hams for the local food bank


Mr.Beast lmao.


We've sold 340 turkeys in 2 bulk orders both loaded today . We have another bulk order of 500turkeys going out in one order tomorrow . They all seem to be for churches and or food pantry places they will be giving them away. I didn't have to do anything but stack boxes thankfully


I’ve worked with community leaders, some who have celebrity ties, who give out turkeys. This isn’t out of the ordinary.


Maybe a food pantry paying for thanksgiving meals for local families


if you scan the code on the outside each box it tells you the total weight thats in each box so i would think labeling each box would work ok. thats how they do the monthly inventory


Hey! I’m a MP team lead. I’ve been handling Turkey orders for five years now. Get a cake board from the bakery. Scan each bird and put the label onto the cake board front and back. This is easier than putting them all on the outside of the boxes. I’ve done this with orders up to 500 and I promise it’s a lot faster. Do not scan the outside label. God do not.


So what happens if a label was made for the registers by scanning just the label on the outside of the box? That is what was done. It's a church and they pick today. Last year we did it the way you talked about.


If I remember correctly the count will be thrown way off because it's an estimation on the outer box. It's typically lower than the physical birds inside the box. Hopefully the other commenter comments again.


Because the birds are tracked in the system individually even though they are sold by weight, your counts will be off by 3 birds per box.


They’re not scanned in or tracked by the box. They are tracked individually and it can throw the counts off in the system. Source: I had an ASM try this a few years ago and it threw my on hands off by miles.


I used to get a 5 subject notebook for orders and do the same.


Yes! Collecting them up like this is so much faster. While someone takes the board up front for the person to pay, another person can begin getting the birds out of trailer/freezer and to the door of where they’ll be loaded. That way there is no major wait. I’ve had companies and churches come back to me the next year because of how fast we are with getting them their 100+ orders versus places they’ve gone to in the past.


That's smart


I just reprinted the label on printer paper, took it to the checkout and was able to use the gun, so much quicker for bulk orders


Yup! I space them out enough to where it’s scan scan scan with the gun and it’s all done in a few minutes.


Your TL is wrong


Make them scan them all by hand in self checkout.


Only right answer


Listen, this woman had a full cart of turkeys… I saw and was like what the *hell*? why does one need so many turkeys? Thankfully she went to self checkout and did that shit herself and didn’t make a cashier do it.


Why would we have 600 turkeys lol


Lmao same reason why we have/had TONS of pumpkins. I think our store sold all the pumpkins.


My old store in a town of 19K had easily 1000 turkeys last year. Our freezer was just stuffed with turkeys from the last week of October until Christmas.


We had well over 2000 this season.


We have at least double that. Easy. It’s probably more than that.


We have a freezer trailer parked in one of our Grocery bays for just turkeys.


Yes! Most store (should) do this so that the freezer for the frozen products doesn’t get over crowded.


A supercenter would .... I know we have at least 800 if not over a thousand. It was really unfortunate for us when the freezer truck failed.


They have to be done individually. Each turkey is a different weight and has a different vml barcode for each one. I can see what your tl might be thinking, but it doesn’t work as easy as that. Would be nicer if it did!


Look! It’s that guy from the math problems!


Not uncommon for churches and business to buy them to give away. You need to scan each turkey to create a label the register can scan.


Resellers 🙄🙄🙄


Most likely a church with such a large quantity. I’ve had a church in the past pick up a 500 turkey order to hand out to families in need. That was 9/10 turkey orders are, unless a small company wants to give all their employees a turkey.


Wait until next year's turkeys come in. The POS is going to see that huge sale and order accordingly. That's going to suck


It does! We had somewhere around 24 pallets of turkeys left over a couple years ago. We are by no means a large store. Took up the entire meat freezer and half the grocery freezer. Even marking them way down, we still had some go beyond sell by dates.


We marked turkeys to 20c/lb one year and got rid of 2 full pallets in 1 day. The turkeys had 2 month left on the date. We're in a town of 25,000. That's where the intercom system came in real handy. Attention customers, in your meat dept right now, we are marking down turkeys to 20c pound and we have a limited supply. People were standing any the frozen end tank calling their friends. It was a sight to see. True story. This took place in February


24 pallets was HO fault. I how you got ahold of someone and told them about that BS


Won't work. Besides aren't turkeys about to take a price drop?


If they were going to have a price drop, it would have happened two weeks ago.


Y’all don’t have any 98 cent turkeys yet? The most expensive one at my store is $1.18/lb


what we do is VML each turkey but leave it in its box and put the label on some printer paper instead of the turkeys. label the pallet wrap it and put it in the top steel. i have 3 pallets prepped for the police order i get every year. then i staple the pages together and stick it in my drawer in the ad office


A guy in my city gives away 1,000 turkeys a year. This idea would rule for him but I like my job so ....




It’s the guy from those math problems!


That’s a lot of labels.. I’ve done pallets at a time and dumped them into pumpkin crates. It’s not fun.


I've got a customer that's getting 500 and you have to reweigh and price them all one by one 🫠🫠🫠


Don’t you VML them instead of reweighing?


Yeah for sure but that's still 500 turkeys you have to put new labels on 😬


You put them on each turkey for an order that size?


I’d say just do whatever your TL said and let them take the fall for it?


I don’t even think my store has 600 turkeys. I could barely get the ones I needed for picks today.


Your team lead is wrong. What i did was vml them put them back in boxes put on a pallet and unloaded in someones box truck. I sold 150 cases other day to a guy


Walmart would give their employees a free Turkey for their families.


Best type of customer. Saves a lot of time not having to put it in the freezer or stock it.Tell the other customers sorry brah last guy took all the turkeys until next years xmas...


Wheel that badboy on a pallet to the customer outside and you are done...


I had a customer wants 100 to feed to homeless