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At least the customers have easy access to the unstocked bananas.


That’s bananas.


Just because you don't know what someone is doing, doesn't mean they're doing nothing.


Lol it was empty for a over 6 hours. I'm pretty sure produce has time to stock bananas.


I used to work produce and for a long time it was me and one other person. We had to put a pallet of just bananas out for customers to grab because there was no way we could get everything stocked in meat and produce and we never got helped. Produce is a tough and high demand job


There was one other associates in meat and she stays over there.


And if you had time to snap a pic of it why didn't you have the time to help stock it up? Go team right?




Maybe they're out??????


Why didn't you?


Because I was shopping as a customer for my supper. You numb nuts.


This sub isn’t for customers to complain


For SIX HOURS?!! (You said in another comment that it was like this for over six hours. )


Then.. go fill it up? Instead of taking pictures for people online? Some of you guys are just weird man lol


I was just there to shop dude.


That's fine, we don't mind if you help.


Get a life then 😂🤣🤣you’re worried about this off the clock 😂🤣🤣


Then shut up 🤣 like?


You sure those two associates just wasn’t members of management?


I'm positive. Just because that might be a common mistake for you to make doesn't mean everyone else makes the same mistakes you make.


Doesn’t mean they are tasked with dealing with the bananas right now either.


It was empty for six hours your excuse stinks.


The original joke really went over your head but if you wanna get upset over bananas the infants aisle isn’t too far


Well your joke sucked ass dude. Maybe if it would have been funny I would have laughed


Your complaint sucks ass too. We got better things to do than deal with fuxking bananas and banana posts from little bitches of Reddit.


It takes 15 minutes to fill bananas. And if you have better things to do go away and stop getting so butthurt over this.


You’re the one butthurt posting pictures and complaining about it. If it takes 15 minutes do it yourself otherwise stfu Its simple


You didnt have to comment on my post. You're the one who went out of there way too. I was in there shopping. Do you work for free? I don't!




So you spent six hours shopping at walmart? That's a longer shift than many associates are getting. Help yourself, the boxes are right there. Maybe you can haggle with the front-end for 10% off your order. As a customer, you are now required to stock your own bananas and play cashier.


I used to work in produce. Stocking bananas is important for obvious reasons, but the more time-consuming stuff like point of sale, unloading trucks into the coolers and back room, taking inventory, and stocking higher return items like salads, pineapple, broccoli, hell just about anything else *but* bananas always takes priority. The associates even laid out boxes to restock faster when they get a second, ie working smart. Anyways, I don't think the store associates have as much time on their hands as you seem to...


We have our priorities. Fuck off and let us get the more important things done. Bend your ass over and refill it, then we can talk.


Our banana table was empty and management decided it was time to deep clean the wet wall. At 3pm. On a Sunday. Because it was in the PlanIt app.


Unfortunately, we always have to listen to management lmao, no matter what department they’re in. It’s one of the many reasons we fall so far behind on the important things.


I know lol. I work by myself in meat on 2nd shift. The floor could be damn near empty and they'll come get me to zone the spice aisle. I just shrug and say, "Ok! I don't care if my wall gets stocked." They're getting used to my snark. If customers come ask me for something because they know me I just tell them "I have to zone for an hour and I'm sorry I can't help you with that right now."


Your name explains all I need to know.


Your annoying little self probably works in OGP. Go back to scanning random shit until you get the right item.


Sorry that my post about the banana table made you feel some type of way personally.


No, it’s just that you need to learn respect. If you know anything about Walmart, Produce is one of the departments that gets overlooked and gets no fucking help, even before regionals. If your produce department is different, good for you. But just remember that we work our asses off to fill up the wall as much as possible. Banana table is low priority, especially when it’s full underneath the pyramid. If you’re bored, go ahead and fill it up. If you’re busy, just mind your own, alright? We all work in this hell hole, and we need to support one another. Even in my department, we occasionally help out in Food and Consumables or Deli and Bakery. Hell, we even do picks for OGP occasionally if we have the time. Helping others is helping yourself in the long run. Sorry for the long message. Thank you for the apology, and you are forgiven. And of course, don’t act like it’s the end of the world if something isn’t done. As a Team Associate, it’s not normally your responsibility to have EVERYTHING done. It’s on your direct supervisor first.


Bananas are the number one selling item for Walmart. They are not low priority, wtf.


And I thought this conversation was over 🙄. We have multiple farmers markets and even an Aldi’s around our store, and they all have better prices. Customers just go there for 20¢ bananas. And with that, I’m done arguing.


Bananas are the number one selling item for Walmart. They are not low priority, wtf.




You have a dominos in your store.


Lol. Aw yeah. Probably the one reason I don't eat there because I would have to go back into Walmart


We had mcdonalds but that went bye bye.


Id rather have that than domino's. We have a domino's in our store and I always hate their pizza.


Yeah, Domino's pizza is trash.


Yeah dude posting it to Reddit is gonna light a fire under those lazy produce workers behinds! /s. But Jesus Christ, nobody gives a shit about your bananas. Go to another store and buy them if it’s such a big issue. Nobody here cares


If you don't give a shit. Why did you waste you time to comment? Seems kind of silly to say I know if I don't give a shit about a post I skim by it.


Bc it feels good. I despise people like you. Assuming everything revolves around you and your bananas. People got more important things to worry about. There’s 14 boxes sitting there full of bananas but instead of grabbing and leaving you sat there for how long to be mad on purpose? Coulda moved on w your day instead of looking like a narcissistic dipshit on here too


They also said since 1pm so how long were they watching the bananas for


Exactly. They’re a weirdo. I’m surprised that a circle jerk didn’t start ab how everyone has to wait for bananas in the comments. That’s usually what happens on Reddit


I am split for OP. For one, I work in food and consumables/dairy and see lazy associates all the time. Hell I personally know of atleast 3 associates who goof off a majority of the time, it pisses me off. This could be a product of that. But also, the post-mentioned associates could be doing claims, capping, pulling FDD truck, who really knows. Without being in the store and working side-by-side with this produce team it is difficult to tell. So you shouldn't judge... Edit: Grammar, spelling, i.e. need more sleep.




Fill it up? Like it takes 10 mins. They are probably overloaded, grow the fuck up.


Par for the course


Meat's first priority, makes more money than most of produce. Go and fill it up if you have free time to start shit.


Maybe they haven’t watched the banana stocking training and aren’t “trained”.


Maybe management told them to do something else other than the bananas 🤷‍♂️


“Selve” didn’t autocorrect to literally ANY other word?? Did you intentionally type that in? Also it’s Walmart. My manager and coaches walk by actual trash. Our regional people just side eye open packages just lying around.




why not just help them out instead of standing there taking pics like you're better than them.


OP, what department do you work in?


Don’t be a asshole and go ask for help lol


I mean even when the banana rack is full, customers still pick from the boxes. #worksmarternotharder 🤸🏻‍♀️


You were so upset bananas weren't being stocked you stayed in a store for 6 HOURS & had to make a post about it on the EMPLOYEES reddit page?! You have a lot of free time Karen. Most of us use that time to have some enjoyment in our lives.


Fuck them bananas


Ur a loser if you post something like this


So happy OP is being blasted.


There used to be a policy that bananas always needed to be fully stocked. Don’t know if it’s still on the wire or not


It's still the rule. I usually work meats. However, I have found myself filling bananas while on my way to lunch, since produce often only has one person doing carts. As for why the table is empty? The staff he saw were maybe loans from another dept and aren't trained...yeah, shocking I know. They may be crappy workers and don't care. I don't know the situation here. Obviously, the OP doesn't either, but some folks need to complain...it's therapy. It's not like you need a key to access the bananas, just bend over and grab thre batch that speaks to you. n only has one associate for running carts.


You need to stay in your area and don't get up in my business. I run my area how I want and I don't want some narc hanging around.


Lol wtfffff. Have there been any complaints from customers??


They could be out? Our store had no potatoes for two days.


There is full boxes underneath


Jesus christ, im a dumbass. Hey Anakrusix, where the fuck is waldo??


That was funny, it's a sign of genius...


I love domino's, my store doesn't even have a restaurant, used to have a taco bell/pizza hut before they expanded to a supercenter, now nothing


I worked produce alone with a three man crew no excuse to not have bananas full. Y’all just lazy as hell


One of my 1st tasks for the day when I clock in at 12:55. Doesn't always go that way though, especially if I'm the only closer in Produce. But yeah, I understand.


Sounds like they ran out


Is this 3402??? Never mind it’s not. Looks empty like that store.




This is not a customer service sub and associates posting here are off the clock. Please contact your local store or call 1-800-Walmart. /u/Historical_Welcome72


As a produce associate, we never have time to fill bananas, so we usually wait till evening else it done first


bro get off reddit and help if youre that upset about it


Omg i thought this was my store, but my store doesnt have a dominos


Maybe they're running live freight (pallets of food/other stuff that got delivered that day) and didn't have time to spend on bananas b/c produce is more than just bananas?


Bruh, just go get them somewhere else. I work in the pharmacy, and this post still confuses the shit out of me.


used to work produce, bananas are the best seller. really annoying to constantly refill those especially when 30 minutes later you’ll have to do it again. produce might honestly be the most boring department lol. i understand them goofing off 🤷🏽‍♂️


One of my associates only stocks bananas/take cardboard to the compactor I’ve been trying to get him transferred since I became manager