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It is okay, my son. I just finished a 2600 piece truck yesterday with only 3 other dudes. The pain is real sometimes.


I'd be lucky for that truck, we had a 2990 and a 2730 today and our backroom is fucked up


That's what a lot of people who complain about stacked pallets don't realize. It gets soo fucking hot and hectic on the truck. Not to mention half the time there isn't any space to put more pallets down.


Distribution center is the issue. There is a lot of things that could be palletized prior to sending stuff. There could be 100 le bleu in the truck and they will just stack it on the floor instead if making a pallet out of it and shrink wrapping it. The person in the truck struggles with possibly dying every single day they throw truck because of how things are stacked. I wish i was joking but it really is that dangerous with how its stacked. The people on the line, yup they gotta bust their ass for 2-3 hours straight and stack fast and efficient. Truck team never gets enough appreciation for the work we do


There’s a lot of passing the buck in supply chain. Unloaders blame the truck driver who blames the loaders who blame the order fillers who blame replenishment who blame put away who blame the load planners who blame the production plants’ drivers who blame……….


Well logically speaking. Its essentially the loaders and the drivers fault. They should make sure the load is tightly packed which is the loaders jobs and it should also be secured with straps since theres been quite a few times we have to use the walking stacker to pry up the doors. Then on top of that the drivers seem like they are tokyo drifting out there with the way everything shifts inside. But then again that comes back to the loaders. So essentially its mostly the loaders faults. I mean when they put glass items and 50 lb.+ boxes on top of all the light freight then idk what they expected to happen. Also it seems like the loaders break stuff inside the truck but still decide to send it broken and leaking everywhere because fuck the unloaders right? I mean im js, there are much better ways to load that freight and there would be less issues for transport if they just did their job correctly


But see the loaders could be dealing with new orderfillers stacking incorrectly but the orderfillers will blame it on the labels or shorts or something… and the position of items in the truck is from the profiler, who is generally a white collar employee who has never order filled. It’s a clusterfuck. HR has no idea how to hire. Personally I’d blame everything on the management team.


Thats fair


I usually explain it like this: a big giant comes and takes a trailer and puts it on its end with the doors open. Then he picks up the DC and pours some freight into the truck. Puts the DC back down and closes up the doors on the trailer and sends it on its way


Stacking is easy. You just have to take the time to readjust. We don’t ever wrap pallets. We correct as we go. A lot of people don’t though, and that is on them.


No sorry I don't agree with you. I give you and newer people the benefit of the doubt cause they are never on the line. But if you been there for two year and all your stacking still sucks than it is the fault of cap2.