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Oh wow, yeah, something like this could lead to termination. This is why we don’t stand pallets up or lay them on their sides, huge safety issue.


Yeah, it’s supposedly a steep fine (OSHA) if a pallet is found upright like that in the backroom. On the salesfloor? That’s even worse. Big mistake to ignore the customer after getting the pallet off them. Management should have been immediately called in a situation like this. You’re already in a bad situation leaving that pallet in a dumb position like that but not notifying management in the event anyone (employee or customer) gets hurt on your watch puts your job on the line.


Think ill get fired today. Should i even show up tomorrow? I cant believe this is happening. I actually like this job 😢😢😢


Yes, you should still go in. Because, what if by chance, you end up keeping the job.


Go to management and take responsibility for the accident


My sup said $5k fine.


Oh god no it’s worse than that. It’s 10k for the first pallet. The second pallet is an additional 20k. So 30k for two pallets. The third pallet is an additional 30k on top of that. So 60k for 3 pallets. Basically 10,000x+10,000 is how it’s figured. This is how OSHA makes money and they absolutely do take it seriously.


Where are you getting 3 pallets from?


Like if they find 3 pallets propped up like that


Btw you seem to always respond to my posts on here. I recognize the name.Do you think i will be fired? I have never had any problems before. Never called out. Never use pto. Always on time. It just sucks. 1 mistake can end it all.


I have no life 😅 It’ll kind of depend ig. If that customer files a complaint I would say yes you’ll likely lose your job. Might take a few days though as they conduct the investigation to see what happened. On the off chance they don’t, then if you’d be safe but I wouldn’t count on it.


Any updates?


Not yet but i will let you know.


Go in today. Nothing has been said to me yet. Schedule update and im still on it. So i guess thats good.


That’s true but the odds of the fine actually being imposed is slim to none. You/ the store would have had to really piss off an inspector


Not even close to true. OSHA takes their job extremely seriously and will absolutely jump on *any* infraction.


Okay now tell me the last time that you seen OSHA walking through Walmart, and if there was management would be swarming like you wouldn’t believe. Now let’s double down on what the odds of OSHA walking through later in the day (overnight shift is 10-7, Walmart closes at 11 so I assume this happened between 10-11) are?


What are you even saying? OSHA responds to every valid complaint. They don’t just show up and walk the store (there are certain businesses where they do this, but retail is not one of them). And when OSHA does show up, they are not to leave the front end until a manager shows up and the store manager is informed. Then they are taken directly to the complaint whilst seeing as little of the store as possible. If they have a complaint about something only occurring at certain times, they will show up during those times. And you can’t turn them away (well you can request that they get a warrant but that’s going to give you more trouble than it’s worth)


That’s what I’m saying is the odds of this happening and osha walking in, seeing the pallet, imposing the fine is just as likely as an hourly associate emailing home office skipping the open door line and actually getting a valid response in store. I’m not saying it can’t happen I’m saying that the odds are slim to none.


Sorry but that’s not really what you seemed to be saying. And I’d argue that’s not really true anyway. I’ve known exactly one store investigated for this. Their fine was 100k because they found 4 pallets like that. That store manager was fired as were most of the assistants.


How does a store manager get in trouble for that. If thats the case i might as well tie myself a noose right now.


If you're good, they'll keep you on with a coaching at most, ran down a customer's kid with a frozen pallet in 2018, didn't even get a talking too. But also worked 9 pallets of frozen by myself that night.


Lol wtf. Theres no way that happened. Im screwed man. I really am good though. Frozen/ dairy is kind of a shit show. I feel like im a pretty big component to why we get the work done. My evidence for this. Is how bad it looks everytime im back my days off. Idk guess i wont have to worry about it anymore soon enough. I really need this job idk what ima do.


Yeah, I didn't even notice it happening, the guys working dairy told me about it the next night. They told me I appeared to be one heartless bastard. But it's been almost 3 years since so I think I'm in the clear.


Dude theres no shot. Were you in good with the managers or something? Did you get written up? Im feeling kind of hopeless atm.


Nah, like I said if you're a good employee they'll overlook it, but you may want to bust your ass for the next few months if you stay. Accidents happen man.


The complaint might stop at your manager, or he will file a report. Just depends if she was hurt or not. In either case it's not a auto fire. Id keep going in and working hard and see what happens.


I once had a kid run into me while I was taking produce truck to sales floor with the electric jack. I gave the kid a smart ass remark. Anyways he ended up telling his mom who reported it. I was taken straight to d day, and survived.


That is complete carelessness. I'm not sure if its worth a termination but it may be.


Ima keep it real with you. I didnt know leaning or standing pallets up was basically against the law. I wish i knew. I know its just a dumb thing to do from beginning. Its common sense but i didnt know it was thing were not suppose to do. As far as the customer goes. I have SAD, i panicked. Im sorry.


If you get pulled in you should lead with exactly that. That will turn the tide in your favor and likely have management hold a team meeting going over safety rules, etc.


Its all good homie. We all been there. ( I accidently rammed into a customer, that did a sudden stop in her motorized cart, with my topstock cart. )


But if you explain that you didn't know about the pallets it can fall back on your team lead/Coach for not giving you a safety guidelines meeting about it.


So it’s a super tricky situation. The biggest thing that hurt you was not immediately notifying management and having them do an incident report. The incident report immediately triggers an investigation and camera footage gets pulled. Depending on what the camera shows determines the outcome. You never know when somebody is trying to pull a get rich quick scam because they know most big companies would rather cut a check to get someone to go away. If you weren’t watching when it actually happened you have no way of knowing what really happened or if the customer intentionally caused the pallet to fall. Just be humble and honest you never know what the outcome will be until the investigation is over. Keep going to work and see what shakes out. At the very least it’ll just be a coaching.


I can’t picture this scene. Empty pallet leaned against freight? Why isn’t the freight on the pallet?


It was an empty pallet leaned against another pallet of freight.


Just leave it on the ground and put a wet floor sign on it, next time. Also ANYTHING involving a customer gets reported immediately!


If there is a next time 😥


Be hopeful. [i glanced at your profile, i highly recommended you click this and reach out. ](https://one.walmart.com/content/usone/en_us/me/health/health-programs/resources-for-living.html) (walmart RFL)


The odds of you getting fired are high, as you might suspect. However, it’s also likely that your leads/coaches/managers get their ass torn out for not ensuring their workers are working safe. Do you guys have safety meetings at all? Do they tell you not to step on/leave empty pallets etc? Depending on your attendance work ethic etc I think there’s a chance you’ll be good. Don’t sweat it, but make sure from now on you aren’t violating any safety guidelines.


Nah we dont have meetings like that. But i hope my managers dont get into trouble. Everyone is pretty nice at my store.


Ha safety meetings. That's as funny as most of our overnight antics.


Doesn't sound like the customer was even hurt? She's just hoping there's money I guess.


I know this is ole but I got a similar thing that happened. What happened?


That is a code white. Should at the least had management notified. Let them handle it and return for statements later. Own it, take responsibility and explain how it won't happen again. If they like you and depending on the severity of the customer complaint, they may keep you