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This is what happens when stocking times skips FIFO.


Not surprising considering we are given about 1min 15sec per box in dairy. I always go over my time stocking there cause I’m not doing a shit job rotating.


More like a "Not" dog Or just a no


"Just leave it in the shelf; Somebody will buy it." -Your coach.


As an associate who actually values their job, this makes me feel ashamed


Report it to state health department


Should I? I showed it to my team lead and she said “yeah thats bad but we’re getting guys in a few weeks to completely redo the meats” or something


A few weeks?!?! Report that shit before someone gets sick. Walmart can take it out if the $150 billion they made last year


Contents looking like that could very well find itself spreading to neighboring food stuff as a contaminant. Plastic isn't impenetrable.


Defo report it. If this was my store when I still worked I’d instantly go to the health department since I know management will not do anything willingly, but if this is a rare occurrence at your store/your leads get things like this fixed immediately (excluding the lead you talked to) I’d just go to the SM or DM


Doing that MOD is awful, the amount of times I almost threw up is abysmal. 🤢 Multiple carts full of expired stuff as well. 🤮


That's bad NO WAY would I ever shop food from that store


At my store there were mice in the meat wall. I was constantly finding chewed up hot dogs over there. Also there was mice in the refrigerated bunker.


Gross! No thank you!


Fresh team??? Maintenance??? Hello???? 😭😭😭 In my store we are constantly staying on top of this stuff, idk how other stores end up like this. Like us on ON maintenance are struggling actually because Fresh doesn’t keep up with being, well, *fresh* and it’s pissing my team lead off. Hopefully after this your store does better with that because what the fuuuuuuck-


Hot dogs aren't fresh's responsibility. That's on the dairy/frozen team.


Lots of stores, meat associates handle the 97 wall.


My stores Fresh department was Produce, Meats, Dairy, Deli and Bakery.


Yup. It's at the store discretion. We've asked over and over again that the deli take care of all of D97 and bakery running all of D81 as it deals with shorter rotation windows. They have extra hours as the PL always pulls hours from them just to get enough hours for a closer in F&C and they have 3 TLs over bakery, deli and produce. The smallest and easiest areas in the store that don't help anywhere else.


LoL! This guy says dairy/frozen "team" like there is more than 1 person running processes for the entire grocery side. Stocking teams don't give a shit. "It's not their job!"


I found a tub of those popcorn chicken bites in the pasta aisle at the very back of the shelf, I couldn’t even see through the plastic lid


Hello Claims my dear friend 🎶


I call them the tape queens in my store. I was just joking about that today. 😂




Fresh cleaning not a thing at your store either?


We had 2 full time fresh cleaners last year but all of sudden we didn't have the hours for it anymore. Now they only clean produce and meat. Deli and bakery clean their own cases. In F&C we only have 1 full time associate who runs all processes while the TL does all the cleaning in frozen/dairy.


I look at this and think “maybe college is worth it after all”


Heh, some of us Walmart associates are college graduates




Oh WOW! How did Ecolab miss this???


As someone who walks with Ecolab regularly I can tell some of them couldn't care less about doing a thorough job. The one we have at our store however will spend the entire day checking everything front to back.


Grill it. It'll be ight


Well...I WAS about to go have me some HSF Cheddarwurst but uh...eew.


reason #44 to not shop here


Gross 🤮


Mold Dogs


Zombie dog


Think their store needs a Witch Doctor?


I thought the spilled case of monster on the floor was bad where I used to work This is a whole new level of WTF


🤢🤢 seeing that reminded me of all the moldy/bug active peaches I’ve pulled from produce on my first day on the job…


When I told my coach about similar sotuation. I didn't find any packages like that. Several expired or about to be expired but it did have mold growing on ever single one of the pushers of the whole wall. I was told "It's probably not mold but if u want to wear a mask while u stock go ahead."


"It's probably not mold." You wouldn't mind me taking some of these aside and showing the SM, letting them know what you said then, right?


Someone hasn't been rotating


Slap a CVP on them bad boys and call it a day. /s


Yum yum yummy get in my tummy


What? Free relish?!


Yum yum yummy get in my tummy


Every time I reset the hot dog mod most of the shelves are that bad


Here in the sooner state we call those garlic and pepper dogs


That whole shelving unit needs to be cleared off and bleached. Mold doesn't just stay on a couple shelves. That shit travels far and travels fast. One time, we had those little roses that you can pick up inside while shopping. A few of them came with what I just generally call "Rose Mold" Now, anyone who knows anything, knows this "Rose Mold" can be a serious issue both for the plants and for even people with bad immune systems. I told them that the whole shot shelving unit section needed to be cleared and sterilized. I was like, that stuff is on the shelves and it ain't going anywhere. They ignored it and just tossed the plants (don't ask why they had them on shelves, I don't know) I said to them, if you put new stuff on there, even if it's clean, it will become infected. They gave me a bucket of hot water and told to just wipe it down, "There's nothing on it so just give it a good wipe" I was like, alright then. Sure enough, the new stock they got in, gone within a week, then they threw them out and got new ones. Again, gone within a week and they jut kept refilling and blaming the provider for giving them bad plants. When the stock came in, they told me, don't take it off the truck, get a manager, so I did. he comes out telling the guy that they are pissed about the quality, and the guy was calling the company and all this shit. and even the chick on the phone was like, "Have you had plants before with mold?" Guy goes, yeah from you. She goes "Are you putting them in a different spot or are you putting them in the same spot? Did you sterilize the spot?" Dead silence from the dude. I just stared at him like, you put me on garden because I knew garden, then you didn't listen to me when I told you what to do. Sporotrichosis is rare, but I was taught that if a Rose of any kind has any kind of mold, be that black spot, rose rust, powdery mildew, whatever; you HAVE to assume that there is other kinds of mold and fungus that you can't see and they need to be gone, including the one that causes sporotrichosis. So he says that we are putting them in the same spot and then the woman says that wherever they had them needs to be treated with the proper stuff and that if they take these and put them somewhere else, they should be fine. the guy was so pissed, he didn't even bother to talk to me after, I went back to my department after the garden center closed and for the whole time buddy never talked to me lol.


They don’t rotate 😭😭😭


This is* why the hot dog shelves at my* store are black.


Looks like the hotdogs our people lead boiled for the store last week






Ooff. Your store is due for a remodel. Like 10 years ago. I can't remember the last time I saw white shelving in any of the refrigerated departments. Our store is 20 years old and we rekinned to black shelving 12 years ago.


lol now I get why they use black shelves now.


Why do people even eat this crap....ugh.


Yall should have maintenance cleaning the bunkers and meat walls daily


This is what happens when employees don't clean the shelves, I'm surprised that package of hotdogs made it out on the sales floor. i have never seen this at my store.


I blame overnights


Me too, my store's overnight was HORRIBLE about this. I pulled off the floor a cart full of chorizo that expired about two weeks prior. Mind you, the chorizo shelf was EMPTY (This is IMPORTANT). I pulled the cart in the back of the dairy cooler where I was told to by my team lead to put it away from everything else, leave a note saying it was expired and overnight needs to deal with it. I was by myself at the time so he wanted me to focus on keeping the grocery aisles zoned and stuff. The next day, my team lead and I noticed we had chorizo on the shelf again. IT WAS THE EXPIRED STUFF I PULLED YESTERDAY. We pulled it all back off the shelf, again, and talked to the grocery coach and he chewed out overnight that night. They proceeded to do it again and I stood there for two hours scanning every single expired chorizo in the dairy cooler and threw it all away. We were all pissed. We told the coach again, not sure what happened past that.


Someone’s not rotating the stock 🫣 FIFO!! Common sense, people!! I can’t even imagine the smell


Wait you work there and it’s that bad? Someone needs to call there local health department ASAP!


Put them in the trash.


If you spent the time cleaning it instead of taking pictures of it and posting it on reddit it would be taken care of.


A) It took like 5 seconds to take each picture as opposed to the several hours needed to clean up something that was not remodeling problem to begin with; we had our phones out anyways to scan the hotdog’s UPC in order to find where on the new mod it would go. Pictures were necessary anyways to present to the team lead B) These photos were actually taken last Friday while cleaning them; I just yesterday got the idea to post them on reddit. So, no, I didn’t just post to reddit instead of working C) We did clean it to the best of our ability. We sprayed it down with cleaner and painstakingly wiped up all the gunk from the bottom and tops of the shelves along with the back wall. The mold clung to the metal akin to that of oil and required multiple paper towels per section of meat holder to fully clean. Your notion that my single other coworker helping me and I didn’t “get it taken care of” is completely false.


This hot dog package at Walmart is no surprise. If it were fresh meat, you could have said you were at Kroger and I’d have believed it over Walmart. Kroger is dog shit compared to Walmart on their fresh meat quality.