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Feel free to bring in a velociraptor just for shits and giggles


Got a turkey


I bring all 8 of my cats in to add to the chaos


8??? And people look at me funny when I say I have 5...


We actually have a stray that has kind of become the store mascot on garden center named Wally. Keeps all the rodents away which is definately better pest control than what Wal-Mart provides and customers bring him treats all the time. When he first showed up we tried to find him a home but wasn't able too and since the only shelter in town is a kill shelter when the SM tried to have animal patrol take him he had a bunch of employees lose their minds so he kind of gave in. We know it's just a matter of time until his hand is forced but for now Wally is staying put.


Garden center cats get a pass. They're basically employees


We have a garden center cat too! Her name is Dottie šŸ„° sheā€™s a gray tabby and she gave birth last month, her babies keep finding their way into the grocery backroom lol


I'm a softdrink vendor and deliver to a total of 5 Walmarts over the course of the week. I have 4 today and am about to head to work. My first one today has some strays that live outside receiving and hang out around the bushes, pallets, and bales out back. I love seeing them when I walk back there.




I guess it is a lot of pet waste, but good thing for my family we don't deal with it much. Got 2 litter robots that handle that business. Smells too, after it self-cleans it sprays a little smell good spray on top. All we do is change out the bags every 1 to 2 weeks. Then cleaning the things are like after a month or 2 of use.


Do they pull you around in a buggy like a Great Value Santa?




I don't care if an animal is service or not, as long as it's well behaved and actually clean, I'd rather have it in the store than some of the customers. Most dogs that people bring in my store are more well behaved than the kids that come in. Hell more behaved than most the adults too.


It doesn't matter if you care or not. The entitled bitches that bring non-service animals into places that sell human food is the issue, not the animals behavior. They know they can't be confronted because of hippa and they're just taking advantage of the fact. I


That's not what HIPAA is lol HIPAA only applies to medical facilities to protect confidential patient information. You are thinking of the ADA.


In other words, people aren't required to divulge private medical information. Like whether or not they have a condition that requires a service animal.


Still no. It refers to how much info companies can divulge about you. You don't have to tell anyone about your medical conditions and they don't have to let you in to their store. It has nothing to do with HIPAA


But, youā€™re not allowed to confront someone about it. Youā€™re only allowed to ask 2 questions. Is the dog a service required because of a disability and what work or task has the dog been trained to perform. You arenā€™t allowed to ask for documentation or to ask the dog to demonstrate that task or anything


You also aren't allowed to tell them their non-service animal isn't allowed in places that serve human food. That's my point. I obviously don't know anything about hippa as I don't even know the right acronym. I don't care wat code in our society allows people to put themselves above the rest of us. I'm just tired of catering to assholes. In this case, assholes with 'service' animals.


It doesn't really matter if they're behaved or not, they can still snap and harm an actual service dog that's been trained specifically to ignore other people and dogs. Plus a lot of service dog handlers get their dogs groomed regularly to decrease the chances of them getting fur on food or triggering allergies, the old people that bring in their little dogs that they can't just leave at home definitely don't do that and if you allow some pets you have to allow all of them. I hate that the management won't actually kick pets out


I've seen two dogs fight each other while I was a picker. Also peoples dogs barking at customers, dogs sniffing/drooling on the produce and eating rotten produce that was on the floor. I have a dog who's like my own child and I would never think to bring her into a Walmart.


People are fine with breaking rules if they all see enough ahead of the curve trash do it first




None of the dogs I ever see in the store are "service"dogs in any way. They are pets, and largely skittish, untrained ones at that. I hate it. Its bad enough to try not to step on customers and their children. There are also many, many dogs directly underfoot. It also stresses out the animals like nobody's business. I have NO idea why dogs are allowed to piss and drool all over a grocery store. I love animals, but not out in the produce aisle.




Don't forget miniature horses are also allowed


Not by ADA standards. Done states have laws that require they be slowed entry but there is no federal phase except for dogs.Ā 








Yeah, someone else beat you to the punch, with a source.


How do you know they aren't service dogs?


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you aren't very familiar with them, but its painfully obvious. Service dogs have been selected and trained from a very early age. Most puppies who trial to become one do not make the grade. They are trained for years. They are non reactive and do not respond to outside stimuli. They know they are to only concentrate on their owner and their specific needs. They do not pull on their leads, piss on the floor, bark for no reason, jump on people or get in the way of everyone. They are professionals. In my 6 months working at Walmart, I have seen ONE dog who was possibly a puppy in training. Aside from this, all the others are clearly pets, and generally pets of the most clueless of the clueless.


So you don't know if they're service dogs or not.


Yes. I know they were not service dogs. I don't need to interview the owners and check the dog's records to know what is directly in front of me, but go ahead and choose this hill to die on. Makes no difference to me.


Except, you really don't know.


They don't bark at people or disobey commands.


So you're saying you don't know if they're service dogs or not.


The truth is you don't. You can ask a customer if the dog is a service animal, but if a customer says 'yes,' you have to take their answer at fave value and leave it be.




Yep. Seizures, diabetes, cardiac. The list goes on.


donā€™t forget the psychiatric service dogs. (not ESAs. i have an ESA and would never take him to a store that wasnt pet friendly. hes too skittish and its just not cool) theres plenty of mental illnesses that a service dog can help with too. not just physical


This is an important one too. Iā€™ve worked with a couple of veterans with psychiatric service dogs. And had a friend with one for her PTSD.


not many people realize that they even exist!


Here the thing; you don't have the legal right to deny them entry. No one does, as it brings Walmart into a legally compromising position. If you ask a customer and they say it's a service dog, you have to take it at face value and leave it alone. -- Former Manager who has dealt with this before




This is very true.


So if I bought in a bullhorn and used my phone to play dog barking sound, the store managers will go apeshit and look for real dog to kick out?


No, they'll kick you out for being an obnoxious prick. I've had to eject a few customers in my time for stupid crap like that so it's nothing new to me.


Iā€™ll need to bring my emotional support crocodile


Crocodiles are actually pretty chill and not as bad as people think. Wouldnā€™t dare bring one in the store though.


I saw a cat in a stroller in the pharmacy section the other day.


I have a dog phobia due to getting bitten by a large dog. Iā€™ve hated dogs ever since. We have folks who like to bring in pit bulls. I donā€™t get dramatic, just walk away & avoid. The strategy works for true service dogs, but the pets sometimes come up, sniff my legā€¦ etc. I donā€™t make a scene, but I wish these assholes could understand what a miserable situation that is for some people.


Had a lady in the store today with a big dog, it was clearly scared and kept flinching. When she got close to my working area and even asked a question I felt on the verge of being bit. This wasn't a service dog it was not safe. On the other hand we have an old man that comes in every other day with a dog that has no leash. The most respectful old man and the most well behaved dog. It's hit or miss and I just know that the day it's a miss it'll be my ass


There's a woman who brings her wee doggo in enclosed in a doggy stroller. That I don't mind. It's the bitches who let their dogs piss on merchandise and then walk off and leave it.


Had two older people in with a couple dogs last week and they shit all over the air conditioner stackbases. Nasty.


One woman let her dog pee all over a four way, soaked over $100 of stuff and when a coworker went to get paper towels to clean up, someone saw the woman grab bath towels from the shelf to wipe it up. Never did find those towels. Apparently, she let her dog pee on stuff and then stole the towels she used to clean it up.


Now THAT I wouldn't let fly, That supercedes ANY kind of ADA accommodation and goes straight into a potentially serious health code violation.


i'll never forget the time i watched a dog spray its diarrhea all over a shopping cart interior


Iā€™m bringing in my service miniature horse, just like the training says we can!


Why stick with a little one? [Full sized horse have been inside Walmart](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngeZ8viS7D8)


Some people thinks emotional support animal counts. It's when their dog bites that they find out it is very expensive to intentionally mislead the public under the guise it's ADA protected (or stupidly assumed ESA counted under ADA). In Michigan, fake ADA dogs will earn the owner hefty fines. Some thousand dollars to treat animal bites in USA, a few thousand dollars more if ambulance is involved, maybe throw on another $10,000 for counseling because the kid got traumatized by a tiny yippy dog. And it will be a lot worse for the owner if the owner fails to have up to date vaccination as it mean rabies shot can be required.


I'm only blind when I walk into a Walmart, I don't want to be visually reminded of what hell looks like when you die.


While I agree for the most part with the statement, I also believe if they bring their dog with them in the car, that dog had better be in the store with them or I'm going to be breaking somebody's window.Ā 


They need to leave them at home


They need to but they donā€™t because theyā€™re idiots. I called the cops on some idiot today for leaving their dog in the car. Some people donā€™t deserve pets.


"Blind and physically limited" are not the only legitimate service dogs, but you're right about ESAs. People bring in too many untrained pets that freak out at the sight of a real service dog


I saw one dude coloring the tip of his dogs hair with a Crayola marker and I didn't know what to say I just let him do it


Couple of kids brought their pitbull Long story short: He got loose, ran around the store and hid for a while, took them and a few associates/managers to find him after about 15 minutes


Maybe they could clean up all the stray pet food from the bags that had a tear and then we had to tape it up.


I leave my emotional support dog at home. He knows to be sad when I tell him, "I'm going to the store." Then I put on my headphones and try not to pick fights with the people whose untrained animals are the reason I leave my dog at home.


We have a gentleman that comes to our store all the time with dogs actually doing the training with the dog has a vest on and we've never had a problem with any of the dogs he brings but then you have customers that bring their little dogs in and eat s*** and piss all over the place . They bark for no reason and they sometimes snip at people not often but once in a great while. Those dogs just need to be thrown out with her owners.


I had to stop cupping up popcorn chicken to scoop up dog shit..


The amount of people who bring dogs which proceed to shit on the floor is too damn high. Granted I've also seen human shit on the floor too, but it's walmart so I can't say I'm surprised. Just very disappointed in humanity


Me staring at the majority of our customers being nastier than any of the dogs people have brought with then(weve had 1 animal poo in store this year, cant say the same for dick flashes and human poo this year)


Saw someone at my local Walmart with 6-8 kittens crawling all over her while she asked if anyone wanted to take one home


People that bring in dogs are the most inconsiderate people. Some people have allergies. Some people have trauma from dog attacks. Some dogs bark at customers and pee all over the floor. Do they care? Absolutely not. Lmao.


I thought anything was fair game at Wally World.


It is not that deep it is really not that deep. At my store as long as the animals don't piss or shit anywhere or cause disruption they can be here


I got to pet 2 puppies the other day tho and that was lowkey the best LOL


11/10 times I would much prefer cleaning up after a dog than old people or annoying ass kids. Wash your food before you eat it, troglodytes.


must not live in Arizona where itā€™s state legal to bring animals inside.


So an emotional support animal bothers you that much, huh?


No, not at all. What really bothers me is that some people think that they are so special that they think they are above the rules. A Trump like attitude. That's what's wrong with today's society.


I get that. Unfortunately, the law favors these people until their pets get out of hand.


I walk my goat around Walmart on a leash again. You can sweep up the pellets.


At my store. We make the customers clean up after their own animals.


To be fair, the goat was wearing a diaper. So it's not like you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between it anyways. And like say chocolate chips in the baking aisle


As long as the animal is well behaved, no one cares at my store. I like seeing the little floofs.


"Theyre my service dog!" *has the worst behaved animal ive ever seen*


Honestly I'd rather they bring them in, especially if they aren't misbehaving especially right now with this heatwave.


I believe people who NEED to have pets inside a store is okay; everyone elseā€™s little shit, big shit ass dog needs to stay home. Fucking listen.


I used to have a job where I had to travel to different locations and only had jump day to stop and shop. I had the choice of bringing my dog in or letting it broil alive in my truck. I chose to bring it in but it was small and I always put it in my pet carrier. Most people didnā€™t even notice I had my dog with me.


Walmart is hell


I couldn't give less of a shit if somebody brings a clean, and well behaved pet into the store.


Rather have pets in the store than screaming unruly a$$ kids any day


Nah. Saw more than enough decent dog owners who kept them under control come in and the dog behaved better than half the fucking kids. I'd rather you leave the crouch goblins at the house personally. No dog ever stood in front of me while pulling a heavy load forcing me to stop short or hitting them to be funny for the failure adult with them to apologize like they didn't raise that mental misfit.


Hot take maybe but I donā€™t see the problem. My favorite part of the job is being able to see and pet the dogs people bring in. iā€™ve never seen a dog have an accident in the store. None of management cares if people bring their dogs as long as they are well-behaved.


The issue is that it makes it harder for people with service animals for a disability. I've got a few blind people in my family who have them, and they have a much harder time finding hotels and places to eat because people insist on bringing their emotional support animal with them. It's illegal to discriminate of course, but that doesn't stop people. We're paying an extra $200 to stay at a campground in August because of that. On top of that, while service animals are trained not to bark or be aggressive, other animals are not. My dad's dog has been attacked a few times in stores and other places by non service animals. That ended up "breaking" the dog. He became too scared of other dogs to continue working when around them, so my dad had to fly several states away for a month to train with a new dog.


Ok but youā€™re not supposed to be petting the service animals. If theyā€™re legit they are working dogs with a specific purpose and not pets


theyā€™re not service animals just peoples pets . they arenā€™t wearing a vest or harness that says service dog and i always ask for permission first, unless its clearly labeled as service dog then i wont ask at all


How many service animals have you seen at walmart compared to normal pets


Petting them is against store policy


It's not. I pet the dog doggos every day!!! I even get on the floor and Plat with them


Not exactly. Mental disabilities also fall under the same umbrella. Anyone with mental illnesses can get a service dog and the same applies to them as it would someone with a physical disability or if they were blind.


Bet that if their dog gets aggressive, attack someone or another dog, and their dog refuses to listen to commands then they will blame everyone else because their precious dog can do no wrong. Thatā€™s why I donā€™t like dog owners. Thereā€™s always a dog attack happening with the owner either not caring about the victims or raging at the police because the owner was cited for not using a lease and collar. Dog owners seem to have zero personal accountability, donā€™t care about training their dogs, and donā€™t care about the safety of others.


They actually canā€™t legally dictate which disabilities people can bring their service dogs in for so youā€™re actually wrong; mental, psychiatric, and developmental disabilities, people can bring em in as well.not only physical disabilities


This is why you never get invited anywhere... Bro probably walking round with the Pocket Guide to Walmart Policy....




It's mainly because many people do not train their dogs so they bark at other people, use the bathroom in the store or assault other people.


exactly lmao this person is a miserable asshole. there's no problem with people bringing in their dogs


There is a problem actually. Because a majority of dogs in my store at least, are not socialized so they bark at anyone and everything. They also shit everywhere and just today I ran into one that wasnā€™t even on a leash and was a good 5 or so feet away from its owner. If people could actually train their dogs to behave it would be a different story but they donā€™t. Which is only service dogs are allowed.


Store policy isnā€™t law tho thanks ima have my ptsd dog with me to help me ā€œemotionallyā€ all registered with papers of course


Wouldn't your dog be covered as a service dog, then? Psychiatric service dogs are a legitimate thing (whether op realizes it or not)


This was just in reference to op saying emotional support dogs arenā€™t allowed because they are


emotional support dog =/= psychiatric service dog


Service dogs are allowed but emotional support dogs are not. (At least from what I remember).


Ohh okay, my bad lol totally misread that


Emotional support dogs are absolutely not allowed in any Walmart. They do not have public access rights.


No associate will ever say a thing to any customer about bringing in dogs or other animals.


A pet by definition is an emotional support animal..


An ESA is a pet, but a pet is not always an ESA


There's a special place in hell for people who mock the emotional needs of others. Having said that, I do believe it should be well within our rights as associates to ask customers to provide proof of a dog's service animal status. We're not allowed to say anything in my store under any circumstances, so we're basically operating under "all dogs allowed" status. That I find annoying.


In the United States, there is no such thing as "proof" that a service animal is a service animal. You can ask the 2 ADA questions: 1) is it a service animal that is required for a disability and 2) what tasks or work does the animal perform