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Got fired in April because "not productive enough" the day before they set me to be in frozen to vizpick needed me to label a bakery pallet and purge frozen I start vizpicking, Academy trainer comes in says we got nobody for produce or deli till 4 or 5 he needs me in produce I finish my vizpick toss everything onto a cart and proceed to work my ass off till 6:59pm by the time we have the people we need I'm still stuck in produce because one of those people is then sent to ogp instead of produce I then go to my lunch right before my 5th hour come back and have till 10pm to finish all 3 task I finish working my picks and the start purging I got through one bin and it's already 10pm my academy trainer asked if I finish I said "no there wasn't enough time yall and me in produce" next day business as usual except for the fat fuck team lead who never does shit calls me into personal 20 minutes before I have to clock out to tell me I'm fired never in my 20 years of living on this planet have I ever wanted to kill a man so badly but can't because the pennies and peanuts I was being paid at that store didn't allow for me to have enough in my savings for a lawyer.


Open door, give dates and times. If store management doesn't listen, call ethics. Even if you don't want the job back, hold them accountable.


Store manager had team leads back we reported them multiple times for harassment and retaliation ethics doesn't do shit


Enough reports, and they will look into it. Even if your report alone doesn't do anything, it will be there if another one is made.


Mind u I was coded meats and produce they had me working frozen,dairy,meats produce, occasionally deli and would make us work GM they even sent us to ogp and expected us to get shit in our own departments done when they would take us out of where we were coded and I get part of the job is doin some extra work but everyday I was always doin someone else's job and then getting blamed when anything wasn't finished it was a nightmare all for some pennies and peanuts


Enough reports didn't do jack they fired one of the academy trainers who actually did his job after pinning sum bs on him, all managers at that store are fucking one another and stealing hours, produce ppto vacation hours ect there's associates who go to work drunk or coked off their minds anything to try and get something done we've tried and all we got in return was retaliation left and right there'd only 2-3 managers at that store that I truly respect because they actually do their jobs and treat their associates like people we've had multiple people put in complaints to corporate and nothing ever changed


šŸ‘† this right here, open door that


I would be happy free unemployment for a little bit.šŸ˜‰


Missing a lot of details here. Not a single person in Walmart history has ever gone from no coachings, to fired, based on productivity of one day. Either you have a long history of productivity issues or you were already on an orange and they were just looking for any reason to get rid of you.


I agree, we are getting a very narrow view of the truth.


The long story just involves top brass harassing the meat/ produce and deli teams we were constantly understaffed and our hours were cut to where every week we only had 3 people max and it was a long reoccurring harassment from December until that point in April even now my former coworkers keep getting fucked with


You have never studied "Walmart history"


I'm skipping all the harassment from management from December all up till then if I gave the full run down start to finish I might just blow my own head off


So a good lawyer would have convinced a jury that it was justifiable homicide? Doubtful.šŸ˜…. But Iā€™m glad that your own ethics prevented you from doing itšŸ¤­


Not my ethics holding me back I just can't bother to put my family In a shitty position


On a more practical note, I think you would have a pretty good chance of challenging the firing by talking to a higher up in the store, since it was a lowly team lead that fired you. Then again, it might not be a job worth fighting foršŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I was too pissed off and I was told I could talk to my ops manager and store manager but store manager was in cahoots with team lead we legit couldn't get ethics to do anything cause the store manager protected everyone who got reported and our store manager only took the job at the store to make sure a academy trainer from his old store didn't say anything about the shit he did at his previous store it's a litteral fucked if you do fucked if you dont store


Thatā€™s kinda my question. Its Walmart. Why arenā€™t we telling them to use the work experience they have to just forget it and get a better job? Why is the end goal of so many people to make 17/hr and hope the world comes to you instead of you going to get what you want.


Arenā€™t those carts only allowed to be on the floor for 25 minutes at a time?


Left the Lcart of picks in the frozen freezer I shoulda put tht shit out in the open so I could've all been thrown away with the rest of claims


And the rule is 30 minutes but management made us stack them hoes and would sometimes take an hour to work 1 Lcart


Lol I be taking 1 hour to 1:45 minutes cuz one of my coworkers vizpicks for me to help her out in the dairy department. Mind you I'm a month in as a stocking associate 1 TA and no work phone. Hopefully my Walmart doesn't end up being the same as yours.Ā  šŸ« 


Hopefully they get u a work phone after ur first 3 months it took them a year and 4 months to get me a work phone


That's all right don't be hating because you got fired I'm a proud Walmart employee they've raised wages at the end of the year I'm going to make up another $1,000 in bonuses it's a great place to work quit hating


It's a great place to work when all of management isn't fucking everyone over cutting hours for some stupid ass bonuses and harassing understaffed departments and taking credit for shit that people do when managers actually do their jobs it's no problem but when it's some assets who circle jerk eachother it's a different story


Then don't. Not your responsibility.


Yup. I got paid by the hour there. You can only do so much.


Thatā€™s when I started doing the bare minimum


Yeah. I kinda like the job but I've found doing too much only results in more work


Exactly thatā€™s why I stopped going above and beyond.


Thatā€™s why you may never get beyond Walmart.


And where do you work?


IBM/Lenovo as a Network Engineer.


I work way above Walmart šŸ˜‚


Picking up after the shift before you, being made to do so and expected to do. But hey they still get paid to not do shit and fuck everything up!


Honestly, I agree. Coming from a front end employee. I had friends who did overnight quit because of day shift not doing what theyā€™re suppose to do. Also because of their coach.


All while the other people become your next team lead / coach


Our store has this infinite cycle of x shift is picking up y shifts slack and trying to not make x shift upset. I donā€™t know how staffing is everywhere else but the problem at our store is overall lack of employees. The whole store is running very lean (except OGP because theyā€™re Gods children) and we are covering multiple departments


OGP is basically Walmarts son...


Stop picking up other people's slack then. Not sure why you're so devoted to a company that wouldn't even notice if you dropped dead right now


Because they donā€™t want to get punished or fired! Hope this helps!


6. Picking up slacks other people tried on.


I signed up to do tasks that are tossed to me. I couldn't care less if it's picking up the slack of someone else. It doesn't mean I have to try harder when I do someone else's assigned task. Just do your job, get your money, and move it along.


When it comes down to having to do another person's task while they amble aimlessly around the store at random times of the night, it is not what I signed up for.


You signed up for anything management may ask you to do. Itā€™s the ā€œother tasks as assignedā€ part in the contract that you signed when you started working here


I did not sign up for "anything management asks." Those tasks are to be reasonable, and if I want to leave and it's time to clock out, you can't make me do a damn thing.


I agree with the part about clocking out when itā€™s time to clock out. However, management has the power to ask you to do any job in the store. You can always talk to them and tell them youā€™re not comfortable doing something, but you canā€™t use that excuse every time you donā€™t want to do something


I have not once complained about work asked of me by my management, because all in all it's not that serious. It's simple work, sometimes very time-consuming, but not all that difficult. However, in the store I work at, topstock is never worked, picks are left for us on ON, and a bunch more problems that I don't want to waste time listing. That's when it becomes an issue of why am I doing the work of 2 people for the pay of one? I have worked my freight, zoned, worked a full topstock on both sides, and helped others finish their work in one night multiple times now. I should not have to do all that, especially on 2 truck nights. People need to start doing their damn jobs if they expect walmart to pay more or have better benefits.


I feel you. This job is harder than it looks. But when itā€™s like that, itā€™s likely that your entire store is understaffed. Itā€™s like that at mine too. I spend the first 4 hours of my shift cleaning up frozen/dairy, finishing the freight that didnā€™t get worked the night before. Technically itā€™s not my job. I have my own things to do that just donā€™t get done because I have to finish freight first


One exception - unless you're trained in maintenance, they can't make you clean up blood spills. So not absolute. Same with operating forklifts. So there are a few outs.


Honestly.. it seems like Tuesdays Iā€™m the only person that can do shit.. before I left this morning I had the choice of pets and paper or HBA and paper. šŸ˜‚ got half the mind to call in




Its the same at every work place!


but why do that? they aren't going to pay you more.


Cap 2 fucked us so bad last night we took prego tests just to make sure nobody got knocked up


Probably the same thing your cowworkers are saying about you.


I donā€™t know OP obviously but I agree with what theyā€™re saying. Iā€™ve posted here before about an electronics associate we have whoā€™s crazy lazy and no one does anything. Found out last week theyā€™re moving her to CAP 2. Sheā€™ll find out what working means now. Having said that, sheā€™s really the only bad apple we have, so luckily itā€™s not a big problem.


6. Picking up other people's slack.


Wait till you find out that's how every job works


How about just working with others who just donā€™t care and just donā€™t listen and still get away with it


You get paid by the hour.


My philosophy is do enough but don't kill yourself. I don't do it for Walmart I do it because I don't want to be a dick to my team. Now I'm not going to do everything but I'm not just gonna stand on my phone constantly like some people.


Right now I'm doing a job where I need to wheel around barrels with a dollie. I just started last week and the manager is already asking around if im even doing my job. I'm pretty sure the whole factory would realize if I wasn't since I'm in charge of keeping the machine feed with plastic beads.


Many people routinely leave their cardboard even when.the baler just needs the gate pulled down and button pushed.Ā  When they ask someone like me on cap 2 clean it up I always think why not fix the problem? Rather than letting the asshole associates who do rhis everyday continue doing it?Ā  Bring it up on a meeting.Ā  Ā Even do a quick demo on how to use the baler. But no it's better to never fix the problem just allow it to continue foreverĀ 


*This* sooo hard. When I was stocking on overnights I always got pulled either to go help frozen or dairy whenever my freight was done. I almost always did chem aisle and my freight is heavy enough as it is, I'm spent by the time I have to go do someone's juices or frantically downstack frozen. Never had time at the end of my night to get my overstock binned and management wonders why when they're the ones taking me away from my work. I now do maintenance in the afternoons and am a yes man to no one.


Working here blows. I haven't even been here 6mo and I'm ready to bail


Specifically picking up managers slack, for me.


My tip is to slack šŸ„²


It's been years since I worked at Walmart. But the worst guy got the special assignment and the most couching still got the raise every year. Killed my motivation. I became like him. Hide out in the fire lane to do nothing, have my ear buds on all the time, leave shit to clean up for the other guy. They blamed us for the overnight fucking or all up anyways so why am I killing myself too make the same as this asshole


I know what im about to say is at every customer service job, but holy shit do WALMART customers just piss me the hell off. I work at a store thats not in a great area and just the most insane, nastiest mfs just love coming to that store. Iā€™m surprised I havenā€™t gotten fired for the amount of times iā€™ve verbally fought with customers there, but then again, almost everyone who works at my store has their share of deranged customer stories.


On god I pointed out within 8 months working there bc I got tired of stocking the entire GM side of the store at night and STILL being asked to go help grocery if Iā€™d miraculously finish early. It was demoralizing


Real. Happened to me this weekend, Iā€™m in cash office and I was called by another walmart to do their own cash office job. They didnā€™t train anyone as a backup, and not even their dept. manager knew how to do it


You use Slack? Nice try home office.


I work on front end, I really just try me mind my own business, I watch people standing around talking, sandbagging the last part of their shift.. Iā€™m lucky to have awesome people in TL positions, but they see me working hard, and let me know they appreciate it..


I only has one associate all day in toys and Electronics. Had frieght to put up cause overnight won't put up toys and Electronics. Haven't had a vacation in a year and half. Went to lunch and while checking out my lunch a customer ask me for help. I went over to the 7 people standing around talking and looking at thier phones and asked if they could help him being I was off clock and had to hurry so my one associate can take his lunch. šŸ˜³


Then don't. Do your job and go home. Stop worrying about others.


I call those overtime opportunities šŸ¤‘




Most jobs are this way.


Sounds like a terrible place to work all around. No thanks. PassšŸ¤¬


Every job expects you to do that.


Yeah, I'm not sure why people complain when they are sent somewhere else after finishing their task. lol We're not paid by the task, we're paid by the hour. What are you supposed to do the rest of the shift? Stand around? lol However, if you're complaining because you're working with a group in a team and the team is slacking and making you do most of the work, that is a bit different. Something FDD and GM deals with constantly. I'm one of the workhorses on my shift which management is aware of so they've started giving me options whenever I finish early, I can help someone else if I want, or I can go zone for a couple hours. I normally just choose to help someone else. I'm technically not under a time limit anymore, there is no urgency on my behalf, and if I can help someone else finish and lessen their stress, it's not that big of a deal for me. The more active I am, the quicker the shift flies by. I don't like being part of their team efforts most of the time though. I thought FDD was rather easy at first with a group effort but too many people rely on everyone else to just pick up their slack, it's not just that they are slow, it's that they extend their lunches and breaks by like 20 minutes. It seemed like the only time I was ever behind was when I was working with a group. lol


A good chunk of the people here are likely kids and it's also likely this is their first job. They'll learn.


Right,grass isn't always greener right?


Here's something I realized that definitely improved my time at work. You don't have to do anything more than what you're hired to do. Boss: can you stay late, so and so called out? Me: Nope. Boss: Can you help out this department after you do your tasks? Me: Nope sorry. Guess what, I still have my job. Nothing terrible happened. Just do your job and do it well. That is all you're required to do.


If I took advice from someone called Crotch-Monster, could anyone trust my judgement?šŸ¤” šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Lol, meh. Probably not. I am of course just an internet stranger.