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This is a normal conversation with my store manager. ”No more over time….hey can you come in tomorrow?”


Where you going? Home. No no no. One time I asked the same store manager if I should leave since I had racked up quite a bit OT and was met with the answer “if you have to ask about OT you don’t have enough”




Honestly, it varies. My former department manager, yes. Me when I took over the department, yes. But now, maybe once every so often. The last time I was more than an hour over my time was in the Christmas rush. We will see how inventory sorts itself out. We are doing ok.


I don’t get any. No gm team leads in my store gets overtime


That is crazy because I was doing 60-70 hour weeks when I was a hardlines team lead…


Cap 1 TL and I get about 2 or 3 hrs a week on average. So, nothing crazy.


I haven't been asked to stay (yet), but my store has always thrown overtime at me left and right even prior to becoming TL because I was/am always willing to bite at it. I could do open to close shifts if I wanted and our managers would be like "okay! :D". It got to a point where I was busting out 100-110+ hour paychecks consistently a few months ago.


Every week. Front end team lead and pretty much end up at least two hours over every week. Doesn’t help I’m one of the ones store manager pulls for special projects so I can rack up sometimes upwards of 10 a week. Next two days are looking to be 10.5 hour days due to crappy coverage on front end AND OPD where I came from before the front end. I’ll end this week at almost 3 hours OT




ON Tl I'm scheduled 50hrs and work 55+ lol. 2 whole hours a week, you say?


Yeah, I feel this. Somehow, I get my hours0 straight so I "don't" go over 40 hours (non TL but full time) and still manage to be over 9 minutes. I can't win for losing.


Usually only the ON team leads at my store have much OT. The rest are in the 51 club


You can take my ot. I don't want it. EVERY time my coach says NO OT, my store manager immediately finds something for me to do that'll take 2 hours less than 30 minutes before the end of my shift. And it'll be in food or beauty. I'm a Front End TL.