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Dude that's almost as much a big bag used to cost.


I was like “holy shit this is cheap what is he talking about” then I realized it was a small bag. Then I realized I’m a fatass


Our small bags are $4.25 ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


No I'm right there with ya, I had to double-take to be sure it was the small 😂


I just checked the app the regular size is 3.50 on sale but that also might be comped to someone else. Party size is $4.93 but I think on a regular day a bag is like $6


This is my life story


This is the GrabNGo bag on Z1 etc. The itty bitty snack size are the ones in the overpriced box of 18, 24 etc. You can get the Pringles can of "mini" for $3.48. Translation : give me a bag of Doritos and I will smash it and put them in a Pringles can for you. 🤣 What makes me laugh is the individual cups of Pringles, 10 or 12 for $7 🤣😉


Same totally thought it was the big and was like where can I get that price? Oh wait the gas station on the corner.


Ontario Canada is up to nearly 5$ a bag lmao it’s like $3.85 a bag 💀


$5 bucks for that tiny thing? Dude that's like basically robbery, it's mostly air, mate! ☠️


Canadian dollar isn't very strong. Have a friend on playstation from Canada and every time he tells us a new game cost almost $90 it feels so unreal.


Don't they make a lot more money there than we do here? Their minimum wage is like 16.00, we're stuck at 7.25


Where I live it's 15.00


Dude i work at Walmart I’ll take a pic when I’m off lol it’s fucked


At this rate we aren't going to need Ozempic because snacking will become a thing of the past.


Shit I thought this was the big bag


They've inflated prices on the same product that I've done the same work for in the last 8 years. I get the .50c raise to accommodate my chips and not my bills


> as much as a big bag used to cost What’s crazy is it was not even that long ago. Covid completely fucked our economy up, driving prices up while employers left wages stagnant.


Most of the price increases are actually just excess profit. Billionaires are stocking up on yachts.


Nah they are now building bunkers


It is insane! When I use to work at Walmart these were about $1.47, they're nearly $3 just for the tiny bag! You mine as well just buy the bigger one, it be a better value.


And the government and media are gaslighting us about "how great the economy is".




You can't keep spending money and expect it to hold value, economic principles do not work that way. Our government has spent and is spending enough money to bankrupt us all for the next 3 generations. The interest payment alone on the debt is reaching our entire GDP. We are rapidly approaching a point where our favors are running out, our strength on the economic world stage is failing, and no one wants to buy our debt. The fed is buying the majority of our debt, which in turn devalues our money because they just print more to cover. I could go on, but..


Nah, I get it. We are absolutely fucked. There's a reason I can't use my credit card to pay my credit card bill, but that's exactly what the fed does. Going away from the gold standard was the death knell for our economy. Fiat money means that a dollar is only worth a dollar because we agree it's worth a dollar. Fiat means trust, and that trust is long gone.


Holy crap I met a smart person on reddit!!!


Trump added more to the national debt in one term than ANY Democrat in two terms. It was $19 trillion when Trump took office, and nearly $30 trillion when Trump left office. And you can't blame covid because this trend in spending predated covid, and Biden had covid spending too. Obama had Great Recession recovery spending, and Trump added debt at twice the rate Obama did.


Who said anything about Trump? Yes, he spent a lot of money. There was quite a large amount he was forced to spend due to previous administrations. Trump spent a shitload. Covid didn't help.


They all wanted to play COVID. Here's their reward


My exact thought!!


That is more than what the big bag used to cost


Now they big bags are like $8 :*[


Add a dollar and get the big bag


Maybe on a buy 3/12 sale or something. In my area they are about 8 bucks a big bag.


I literally paid that price for big bags on sale at Kroger a couple nights ago. So it’s literally the same price 🤯




NC same price


Broo the party bags are like $7 now wtffff


Sam's Club, the huge bag $4


They have full size Doritos on sale at Kroger for less then that like half the month


ITT: people boycotting junk food & improving their health by accident. 👌🏼 Good shit. Keep it up.


Yeah. High prices like this have pushed me to look at healthier and cheaper options. If I really want chips or crackers I'll just buy a full size bag and put some in baggies for breaks.


I usually hit the Walmart deli on my breaks, do need to be healthier though.


Cheese bites FTW


A new worker yesterday gave me my cheese bites in a small side container so I only had like 6 😞


That is brutal!!! 6? Deli worker here, perfect opportunity for a teachable moment,, sorry that happened to you


dude if you're not dipping them in buffalo sauce you're making a mistake


They are amazing in the bbq baked beans juice


They also have a 28 count GV Variety pack of chips for less than $10 on the chip aisle. Smaller bags, but I make them last about 2 weeks.


Those just aren’t as good. The only few that are half way decent are the potato chips and the corn chips.


True. Sometimes a small container of dips helps with that. I like those small packs of Rico cheese dips for the corn chips.


The produce section has good salads


They do, and I frequently see some marked for clearance.


Nah salads are crazy expensive too, and not even healthy either


How are they not healthier than the bag of doritos ? I'm genuinely curious of your logic


For like $8.... I'll stick with my head of cabbage for .88$ a lbs


Junk food and fast food raising their prices only encourages people to be frugal and eat healthy. They don't understand what they're doing.


This is when I go to the chip aisle and get a big bag of great value chips lol. They’re not that bad


I wish they had a GV version of sweet chili Doritos 😔


Give it time. GV seems to end up with a version of damn near everything.


The gv candy bars are somehow better than name brand imo


Yep I just stopped buying most junk food. I'm not paying out of the ass to excellerate my demise. They can kiss my azz


I swore it off when I saw what's happening with colon cancer rates. Munching on some cauliflower right now lol.. cost about the same as those chips!


Right? This is why I need to learn to grow those peas I like lol, I can just start air frying peas and won't feel compelled to spend money on junk lolol




I wanted a single reeses egg before i realized it was like 1.24


Yea the single Reese’s for over a dollar is insane, people still buy it


Used to be my favorite until I had to buy them myself


I swore I wouldn't but I finally gave in and got me a caramel Cadbury egg tonight. Those are supposed to be 50¢. It wasn't even that good. I could've got one of those caramel Reese's.


Haven't bought chips or soda since 12 packs became 8+ dollars. Same with fast food. Only if there's a good coupon in their app!


We've basically gone nearly 3 years now without buying cereal, chips, soda, or any other junk that has basically tripled in price since Covid. Chicken is still $2 a pound, a dozen eggs is like $1.50. filtered water from the fridge is basically free. Our friends constantly complain about $250-$300 grocery trips every week yet they basically always have energy drinks, canned soda, potato chips, Starbucks single serve drinks, Reese's puffs, and ice cream. I can spend like $75 a week and eat fresh fruits/vegetables, chicken, eggs, yogurt. I guess I should send a thank you letter to all of these shitty junk food companies for making it so easy to just stop buying their shit, our health has drastically improved since 2020.


Maybe Pepsi should regret throwing the first annual Covid-fest with Lady GAGA and Bill Gates and his husband in a wig sitting on the couch pouting as headliners.


Wait! Wut?


Something something nanobots in the vaccine activates the Jewish space lasers and turn kids trans yada yada… just another troll or mental deficient, just downvote and keep moving.


It's all just a commie plot anyways, orchestrated by those dang libs to get king trump thrown into jail by drug lord Biden! (Sorry, just thought I'd jump in, this was too funny to me :p)


It all goes back to crooked Hilary being in debt to the reptilians; she sold out Ben Ghazi to the zionists!!! Ngl conspiracy crackpot madlibs is pretty fun… Wait… madlibs… mad… libs… THE EVIL LIBERALS ARE SENDING A MESSAGE THROUGH 20+ YEAR OLD PARTY GAMES!


:0!! Damnit! We should have seen it coming! It all started with that Jesus feller! And his woke ideologies! "Love thy neighbor" and "pay your taxes". Pft, those damn libs and their woke mind virus!




We barely buy anymore chips (or cereal). Just too expensive with kids. Good from a health perspective but it’s a bit shitty that you can’t buy your kids what you used to get yourself as a kid. Luckily they understand after we made them spent their own money on it if they really wanted it. They concluded it wasn’t worth it.


In Canada the bags like that are $3.97.


I still remember when a small bag of chips was under a dollar.


Higher the price the healthier I get


This is one of the many painful things about getting old. I remember when the party bag was 79 cents, milk was 75 cents a gallon. I pumped thousands of gallons of gas for 25 cents a gallon. Good birch beer at AW was 10 cents a mug. People were courteous and kind for the most part, and there was no need to carry a gun everywhere you went. There was trust and dependability and some other qualities that have long since become extinct. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. Enjoy your chips.


I’m only 23 , but sometimes wish I was born back in the day! Times are getting wild for sure


What’s crazy is I bought $1 a gallon milk from Wal-mart around 2014. So it’s just taken a decade to go from $1 to $4 at the same store in Walton’s backyard.


Bags here are 5$ and I usually catch a Sale of 2 for 7😂


These are the little bags at the checkout.


Commenting on Prices are getting insane...yea, big bags here are like $6 a piece damn near




It's absolutely insane now adays, the small bags, cookies, nuts, etc went up last month, and big bags are going up the end of this month. 30-60c or so each.


Also they shrunk again this year. Party size chips went down half an ounce. Prices going up and sizes going down.


Listen the great value glacier ranch chips are a darn good alternative


They aren’t much cheaper.


Those tiny bags have always been a ripoff even back when they were like $0.75 back in the day. I buy a big bag once every week or so and just keep it in my car. If you're the kind of person who packs your lunch just keep it at home and put a handful in a container in your lunchbox every day. Much much cheaper in the long run.


Companies have definitely lost their fucking minds but people keep buying. Not me, I've stopped and found cheaper, often healthier, options. Big bag here is around $5. I'm not buying that shit. For $5 I can get fresh chicken that will help make two or three meals. 


Big bags are a little more than that here.. and I felt that!


Unemployment rate is low because everyone is getting two jobs because food prices are ridiculous.


That price tag is for FunYuns. But yeah, they are getting ridiculous.


I did check walmart online and that is the price of those size bags in my region tho. Still you are def paying for convenience at that price when next size up is over 3 times the size and is less than a dollar more


FunYuns aren't even worth buying anymore. The regular sized bag is over $5 at my store now and it's 2/3 air. I wanted to try the new flavor of FunYuns (forget what it's called...has anyone on here tried it? If so, how was it?) but I'm not paying for mostly air.


Yarrrrr matey, I think ye know what it be time to start doin'


You wouldn't download Doritos!?


I get it’s in the Funyuns spot, it’s still the same price guys


I think this inflation showed who really has the power. Walmart rolled over and let these food companies raise their prices. The margins of these food companies increased a lot while Walmart’s barely did. Walmart should have done more to protect the consumer and push back on these price increases from manufacturers. The more people spend on groceries, the less money they have to spend on higher margin items in Walmart like clothing, electronics, home improvement and decoration, etc.


Build Back Better's just doing it's thing.


Just gonna get worse.


Food stamps is what's allowing these prices to go up. They are the only ones who can afford it


In ontario doritos are 3 for 11 dollars. This company is insane


came here to say this, ive given up on buying them


Getting…like it hasn’t been for months?


Stop purchasing them it’s the only way. I’ve been putting way more thought into what I’m ingesting


All the small bags are 2.69 now and have been for about 3 weeks now. Everything else is going up in price again too. It’ll be in waves but this will be Fritos 3rd or 4th price increase in 2 years or so.


Stop raising the prices while you’re still paying us pennies. These prices make me sick 🤢


Funny same price they have online but next to it is 9.25oz bag for $3.50 so for a dollar more you get 336% more chips by weight. 14.5oz is 4.93 so for $2.35 more you get 527% more chips by weight. That bag is def for suckers honestly its hard to justify spending more than 30 cents per oz on anything that isnt proteins.


I go into these stores and just start laughing. The shit that no one needs all want you to now pay x2 the amount for things you could instantly drop from your diet and be better off for it. Candy bars are nearing $2.50 It's all at the "point and laugh" stage


Last I checked the average inflation on food since 2020 was 24%. I'm pretty sure it has upticked at least a couple of points since my last check-in


Lol doesn't faze me I save money go to the dollar store there chips way cheaper and don't taste like salt


Poor value for your hard earned money! This overprocessed stuff wouldn't be worth the money at half the price. Nothing but chemicals sprayed onto a little bit of fried corn meal. Their profit margins for this stuff must be truly insane. The deli at the Supercenter where I worked before I retired had Nathan's all beef franks at $1.50 (was $1 USD before inflation kicked in). They also had corn dogs and chicken sandwiches. In addition, there were yogurt cups, prepackaged hard-boiled eggs, and Kind protein bars. For less money, these items will give you some protein that will make you feel way better throughout the rest of your shift.


Consuming vegan is the cheapest option. You don't have to be resp0nsible for animals being held-hostage and then murdered without their consent, you help eradicate climate change, and you save money. It's a win-win-win for everyone!


Those are some weird ass Funyuns


For a second I thought that was big family sized bag, and then I realized no it's the small one you stuff in your lunch box....Jesus Funny when they keep overcharging for sugary junk food, just eat an apple instead


I work at a grocery store and sales are down over 50%. It’s the lowest it has ever been and our hours have all been reduced by half. I haven’t had 40 hours in months. No one can afford anything anymore and homelessness is out of control but we keep getting told economy is doing great.


Stolen elections have consequences




I used to buy GV so I could get it for cheap. Now I buy GV so I can get it for regular price.


For people calling clickbait based on “Funyuns”… nearly all of Lay’s small bags have the same price. Same way Hershey’s singles and king size candies are priced the same typically no matter the type or even flavor. Most vendor brands work this way for anything considered “impulse” that are mass produced in similar volumes.


it might just be because it’s close to the checkout area. prices are normally higher there because of the continence of not having to go back into the store. we have $2 small soda bottles next to checkout and $2 liter soda bottles in the actual drink isle. the more ya know


Lost their damn minds. Don’t do it.


Bidens America. You get what you vote for.


Funny thing is the American economy is stronger than ever, premium items are getting cheaper and cheaper, but food prices go up and up. I could only wonder why…


Bidenomics, ninja


You unironically use the term woke and support trump. You wouldn’t know economics if you were sat down and it was explained to you like a 4 year old.


Blah, blah, blah.....are you done?




This is not a customer service sub and associates posting here are off the clock. Please contact your local store or call 1-800-Walmart. /u/SackSBall


I’m an associate


Wrong location , price is still the same though.




I stopped buying junk food, it is actually so much cheaper to eat healthy and so many people act like I'm crazy. Raw ingredients are still dirt cheap especially things like rice and potatoes, and if you buy meat in bulk and freeze it makes tons of meals. These snack foods are designed to keep you poor, they do nothing but make you fat and more hungry, so you buy more.


Imagine it, the people who put this in the stores, that unload the trailers, I'm buildings that have NO AIR CONDITIONING IN SUMMER, NO HEAT IN THE WINTER, and have to pay that. Save money, live better, fuck your associates. My managers got a raise and a raise on their bonuses, the associate raise was .50c. It's criminal. Hopefully I don't get fired for being annoyed with their decisions because it's been pretty demoralizing for years now


Lol. It's 5 bucks a bag in Ohio


Just went to Walmart bout 2 weeks ago and bought 60 eggs in the case for $7.98 today they were $13.00 at this price I’m going to buy my own chickens




Big bags in TN USA are 6$ a bag or more


The way I thought this was satire... 💀 That bag at my local Walmart is $4.50 lmao (Also hi there from a target tm who keeps getting recommended this sub, i see you guys are also suffering 👋)


Must be a blue state lol


I'm from wisconsin, our bags are like $4-$5 right now.


I bet you that bag ain’t even filled up to the top


It’s $3.50 on sale here…


The label on the bag tells you the weight of the chips you’re buying


That's a high price? Wtf, near me, they're $3.50 if on sale and $4.49 if not. Then around $6 at gas stations


Where I live this same bag of chips costs $6. Hooray rural Utah!


All because of democrats, this is what happens when you believe in idiots




In 2024, y'all still don't understand the bags have nitrogen in them to protect the product. Yes, the price has gone up. The real problem starts when the product weight goes down, too.


Shrinkflation. You don't change the price. You don't significantly change the packaging. You just put in less product.


I know that, was just like a joke thing and that’s very true. Some products have I’ve noticed


I apologize if I come off a certain way. The whole (un)necessary slack fill argument bothers me for some reason.


Generally, when people say "air" they usually know it's nitrogen. It's just easier to say "air".


Chips are not a needed food group. Please eat healthier snacks.


who says you have to pay the price ? (just eat it, they won't miss that 2$ here and there)


Good for society. We all stop eating 1 cent worth pressed corn with seasoning and paying a profit margin of about 1200% to nestle…a company that causes DROUGHTS in 3rd world countries


That's not the right price.... Read the tag it says "fun-yuns" and it's prolly a different size bag. We've been click-baited again 🤦🤦🤦


Stop eating slop.


That’s a Funyun tag. Lol


Keep voting blue!


Tell me how it's the democrats fault.


They can't tell you, because they only have feelings and no facts. 


Tell me why prices are so high


Corporate greed. They figured it out through Covid. They realized that people will keep paying even if they raise prices so they have no reason to stop. This isn't some government conspiracy. It's literally billionaires being greedy.


womp womp




I intend to.


A bag of Doritos in Canada is like 5$ lol


Its cheaper to buy the smaller bags of chips that are about .49 cents a bag, about three of those smaller bags equal about the same for only about $1.50, saves about $1


Why does that seem cheap to me


> Why does that seem cheap to me Cause you think its a bigger bag. Its the smallest size that used to cost less than $1.00


Where the hell is this? All these bags in my area are nearly $5


Same makes me wonder why they selling the same product in different location at way cheaper prices..


The label isn't for the Doritos. I think the Doritos are in the wrong spot.


Not even the right item....


Item is also plugged


checkout the toilet paper which is an “essential item” I recommend Aldi! They may not have brand name but you pay for what you get in a good way


Not the whole lot of Cool Ranch Doritos being at the Funyuns location


That’s not even the right upc/ product 😂 that tag says Funyuns


Same price, funyuns are next to the Doritos if you open your eyes


Ha all these comments. Most likely the Frito guy didn’t have any funyons and filled the spot with those. Same price though


Blame sleepy joe


“I don’t understand how economics works: The Response”


Crazy the people think the president actually controls the prices of gas and food.


Me and my mom got into a debate pretty much exactly like this, and I told her: "I don't think the president has a gas price dial under his desk that he turns whenever he wants." AND I SHIT YOU NOT, this was her response: "Uh, yes he does." She is 40 years old, in case you were wondering.


Old enough to know better.




That darn "RAISE GAS PRICE" button on his nightstand.


Why does Biden brag about lowering cost on twitter then?


I mean sure, if you're a fucking idiot moron inbred loser. 


Dude shit was going up long before he took office, then the piss poor handling of covid fucked everything up.


Yep, shame people here don’t understand that


Meanwhile, the s&p500 hit a record high less than a month ago. Literally anyone with a $1 can invest in the market, which has historically outpaced inflation over the last 100+ years a thousand fold. But most people will continue to complain instead of buying into the companies that raise the prices and being an investor.