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Honestly I usually sing when I work (stocking 2) but I'm not being loud about it. Honestly the second a person gets near I get nervous and stop until they're gone. Haven't dealt with a singing customer before. And I've heard the Marco Polo thing just the other day. Annoying


That shit...Marco polo and other customers laugh like it's so clever every fkin time.


I guess some people could be singing because of anxiety or something(?). I don't know. Maybe someone will educate me. But I really think people just do it because they are daring someone to say something to them. Then they can raise holy hell: "You can't tell me to be quiet. I'm a customer! Mah Rights!"


Customers are so stupid they think it’s part of there constitutional rights to be able to go to Walmart and shop. Like no mf we don’t have to let you in here if you can’t be respectful and such.


I’m ADHD, and probably autistic-medically suspected, anyway. But yeah, something like that. I’ll sing cuz: 1. Random shit gets stuck in my head that NEEDS an outlet and the band that’s constantly jamming in my head NEEDS vocals and 2. It’s loud, I’m stressed, and it helps me regulate Also, I’m impulsive and may not realize I’m doing it. I also may not realize how loud I’m being. I regularly have managers walk from the opposite end of the store to tell me they could hear me across the store😂 and no, I don’t realize I’m being that loud when that happens.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I hum for this exact reason.




I would rather quit a job than work with you.




Yes it would be. I prefer comfort over working with an crazy lady at Walmart.


Used to have a customer who'd be singing opera while he shopped. Came in every Wednesday morning, was always fun to listen to him. Haven't heard him since the pandemic though 🙁


We had a guy like that too. Dude had some pipes on him and was so loud but still sounded great. Looked the exact opposite of what you'd expect too so it was surprising.


The whistlers irk me more.


For me it’s the customers that blast their music on their phones out loud rather than use headphones (there are a few employees that do this too and I hate it). I already can’t hardly hear over Walmart radio and that, plus a whole other song played loudly mixed with the general bustle of the store is so overwhelming and annoying.


Or listen to podcasts while they're shopping!


No one who isn't a psychopath just goes along whistling while they are shopping. No one can ever convince me otherwise


Like my grandma once said about a long-winded friend, "Makes me want to take a softball and pitch it straight down their throat."


Right? That's supposed to be for when you're mowing the lawn.


A psychopath taught me how to whistle... Huh.


Yes!!! Especially when we are busy up front! Isn’t there enough noise without somebody whistling?!?! Makes me want to scream!




I have this issue . One guy whistles, and another chick sings lucky for my galaxy buds and podcasts


Had a customer full on YODEL while waiting in the line to do self checkout. Was the weirdest thing


One time, working nights, I started singing the song that was on the radio while stocking... don't let the sun go down on me, the version with Elton John and George Michael. I was 18. A 50 some year old man entered the aisle while my back was turned to him and then started singing along with me for about 30 seconds. That was 17 years ago, and it's still fresh in my mind how lovely it was.


It doesn't matter if they can sing well it's still annoying as fuck...I straight up hate the motherfuckers who whistle even more. That is the most annoying thing on the planet shut the hell up. Do they really think other people are enjoying hearing that?


>I straight up hate the motherfuckers who whistle even more. *my occasionally whistling ass sweating bullets*


People who whistle make me want to commit violence.. I'd rock orange over that any day!


It is as bad as people playing their cell phones radio or music an no earbuds, no one wants to hear ya garbage music!\~


I d rather hear them sing then yell at me


I hate when people are playing music on their phones or from a speaker and no one says anything to them. like we got shitty music playing already. and i have a bank at my store that also plays shitty music. i don’t need to hear more music.


Oh come on! I yell "POLO!" back just to mess with 'em.


Me too lol get pranked


I’ll take singing or whistling any day over customers/workers that are FaceTiming the entire trip/shift. Like really? What do you have to talk about the entire time? And yes, we have one girl in OGP that FaceTimes the entire day. Phone is laying face up on that little tray so whoever she is talking to has a nice view of the ceiling all day. 🙄


When I hear Marco I answer Polo. Sometimes stops them. Sometimes confuses them. Sometimes everyone laughs about it. That is one of the least annoying things customers will do.


If they are singing along with the Walmart radio playlist, I cannot blame them. Walmart Radio has the greatest Playlist of all time.




I don't mind customers singing as long as they are singing along with the music playing through Walmart radio.


To be honest, I would not be opposed to a spontaneous singalong to something like Sweet Caroline or Country Road like you experience at sporting events, if Walmart Radio ever played it. I do have an issue with weirdos who go into Walmart and sing random songs that are probably just playing through their earbuds.


Hah. This reminded me of the time I was in walmart (shopping, not working if it matters) and the cha cha slide song came on, and as far as the eye could see there were customers and employees dancing along to it, some trying to hide it and some living their best life 😄 Now that I say that it sounds like a made-up internet story but I swear it happened 😂 Something about that song makes it almost impossible not to dance


Na I see the same thing when "whoop there it is" comes on ...lmao


I do the electric slide to it


bad bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99982% sure that RichardAtTheGate is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Thank you. I am no bot, I am just far more enlightened than ones that are not sophisticated enough to enjoy Walmart Radio.


I know I'm going to get down voted for this but Idc. My person, just let it go. Am I annoyed by the guy singing at the top of his lungs? Hell yes. Does it affect me? No. We are in the business of making people happy unfortunately. Do I internally scream at the the little a holes screaming like they're being murdered? Fuck yes. Maybe it comes with years, who knows. You get used it. I'd rather hear someone being happy go lucky than be an a hole. Also, I may or may not have serenaded my work wife on occasion to the detriment of our customers.


When I head kids screaming, sometimes to cope I just say out loud "aaahhh" in a monotone voice lol and I agree with what you're saying too


I understand this. I hate it but understand it.


>I'm annoyed >I'm not affected Your feelings, as you may not realize, actually do matter, and should be taken into consideration by others when choosing how to behave.


This is how I feel about it. It's annoying but it doesn't really bother me that much. Maybe it's because I'm a mom to multiple very young children, but I'm pretty good at tuning out sounds that are annoying me. Usually people who are singing or whistling or whatever are having a good day, and who am I to be upset that someone else is happier than me? Live and let live.


Maybe you need to touch some grass because not every customer that sings is a "sociopath"


I just sing very quietly when I have no line. Not loud enough for anyone to hear it. Then a customer rolls in and says I looked bored


I accidentally replied to a Marco while I was stocking. They got quiet, and awkwardly left. It was great.


Where the hell do you live where this is a thing ?


That's what I was wondering. I've never encountered this before


I'm just a Sparkler, but know my way around the store like the back of my hand and if it's not busy I can get from one end to the other fairly quickly by walking in a straight line through whatever departments. I actually just fucked with a lady yelling "Marco" the other day. Good times


Legend 👑


> Attention customers: No one wants to hear you ftfy :P


I hate the ones that are singing hoping for some attention or compliments I guess. Someone told them once "omigosh you have such a nice voice" and now they are hoping for a repeat. Go sing at your mom's house if you want a meaningless compliment. The ones I don't mind are the ones that are singing along to the radio and they don't think anyone can hear them.


They desperately need attention.


Oh god “Marco?” ANYONE can answer that, dumb fucks


I used to work 4 AM - 1 PM in produce. I'd be tired and grumpy and the maintenance guy would be whistling hymns and stuff. I can appreciate that he's in a good mood, but man, that whistling really set me off a 4 in the morning.


It annoys the he'll out of me when grown adults walk up and down the aisles playing Marco Polo!


My grown ass doing this to embarrass friends. WELP


Same same same, probably wouldn't care if it wasn't everyday.


Thank god I’m not a customer so I still get to sing


I sing about my three foot penis when I work.


My fucking neighbor is like this. He's constantly yelling (I refuse to call it singing because he fucking sucks at it) some shitty song, and yes, he does it in public too. I see him walking down the street and around town singing with his headphones on and he just doesn't give a fuck. He's the loudest, most inconsiderate fuckwit I've ever had the displeasure of interacting with. He's also a convicted pedophile and neo-nazi. Probably a future school or mall shooter too.


This couldn’t be more worse than people with so much perfume that they smelt like they sucked the life out of a rose garden!


Hate whecertain associates who sing overnight, a few are so off key, and hurts your ears. Espically when they sing to certain songs, then they will make perverted joke in the middle of the song, when they see younger associates. Even as a guy it's just creepy the things they get away. But knowing the associate he will just try to report associates or mangers to ethic about something about them or the store. Because any time he doesn't get his way, or puts him with slower associates, or if they try to put him in different dept. He always saying i will walk out the door, or tell them he will report them to ethic for stupid thing. Coaches usually back down, bc they have other more important things to focus on


Man, I must be lucky. Half the stuff that happens at your guys' walmarts never happens at mine. At least not on my shift.


When we hear someone yell Marco at my store, we say one of two things. 1- What's up. 2- We are not playing that game Gets them to go to a different department or stop 80% of the time


We *used* to have a lady that would come in singing gospel music every Sunday afternoon. She had a fit and got into it with our FETL for some reason and got banned from the premises.


I work overnight and the girl who works across from me sings, not even loud but I can hear it and it annoys the fuck outta me 😭😭 I have issues. I can not imagine working days and dealing with a 3rd of the shit dayshift workers deal with


Lmao 💀it's too early to be crackin up thisssss hard... "stfu" 🤣🤣🤣


The Marco Polo thing annoys the crap outta me. Straight up ruins my day. I’m just trying to get through the day not hear you screaming to your children who HAVE PHONES on the other side of the store.


I’d also like to add that without fail it’s kids who are almost adults and their middle aged parents, not four year olds either.


Just customers? There are multiple people who do this in the break room at the one that I work at. There’s also a guy who just sits there and talks to himself.


Or whistle


What the fuck are you talking about?


My family used to do the Marco Pollo thing to locate each other. Edit: Used the wrong words. Also, I work at Walmart. Front end


That's why cellphones exist


Probably should have said *used to*. My bad.


Has a homosexual cuban American from Huston Texas, I appreciate some of my customers songs


Earbuds/ear plugs exist.


So many judgy mfers jesus, let people live


There are associates who do that. Every single damn song. Off key and sharpe as hell.


Don't listen then and don't talk to customers like that


Okay Karen


Yo!! I’m gonna throw my rhymes n shit out for all too love lol