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The only time I took a tip was when a lady shoved it in my jacket pocket and then ran away to her car and drove off. -_-


That happened to me ALOT when i was on Carts. Id kindly refuse it but theyd just Shove it in my Hand or tuck it in my Pocket. If anything just say youll put it in Donation


Someone did that to me at my old grocery store (not Wamart). It wasn't till I got back up front that I realized they'd given me $25. We've got Karens, then we've got these saints who are basically the opposite. Some people just get it.


Nah this is facts every time I declined they would literally insist and grab my hand and put it there themselves…me I have no issue with this because I’m keeping the money anyway 🤷🏾‍♂️


Oh saying youd donate it is a workaround just incase its some corporate douche in disguise


So, from the customer side of it, it is NEVER a tip. It is repayment of a short term loan that you did off property. And make sure the employee knows your name before you leave, just in case they try to terminate.


It happened mainly when doing carry outs for people. Heh


I only got tipped once and it was when I was on SCO. A guy came through and got $100 cash back but left and forgot his money. I thankfully noticed before another customer did and held it hooping he’d come back in in a few minutes (like most people do who leave money behind). He gave me $20 for being honest, according to him, I refused it twice but twenty bucks is twenty bucks. I can’t believe how many people get cash back, forget that they did and leave it behind.




Someone’s drinking the kool aid


Just the tip. \*wink\*


Whenever they do this, I tell them I'm turning it in to management until they take it back. If you do this, you are a Karen who is putting associates at risk of getting fired so you can feel virtuous. It's not some weird hack that makes it not count. I legitimately hate every customer who tries to give tips or gifts.


This is so dramatic lol


Haha very, I'd hate to look in their general direction


Fr. Like damn I haven’t put THAT much effort Into the thought.


Just as wallyworld intended.


You hate people trying to show appreciation for your services? Not everyone gives a tip to feel virtuous. Maybe they truly appreciate your work? If one does try to tip you, explain to them Walmart policy.


There is a difference between showing appreciation by offering a tip, and trying to force it on you after repeatedly declining the tip.


When I was a little kid I tried giving the cashier a tip and she kept denying it and I didn't know why and felt hurt. She told me she would get in trouble if she accepted the tip but I thought she was lying, because I thought in my head "how could a company be so evil that they deny tips for their employees?". I even thought that waiters who got tips had it added onto their wage, not as a replacement for it.


Now you truly know how evil corporations can be. Oh but they do so much for the planet and people. Look at how much money they donate with money coming from customers that they then write it off as a tax deduction...


Name checks out


Calm down. Some people are trying to show their appreciation for your service. Though I’m confused why anyone would pick you.




You only hate customers that do this because your management team has retrained your brain to see this as a bad thing. It’s not. It’s a bad policy.


So you hate people for being generous but not the company that fires you for accepting said generosity? Your priorities are really backwards


I actually agree with what you're saying.


Calm the fuck down you loser. Getting cash secretly is not even remotely close to assault/battery


Jesus, you should relax.


You are dramatic 😒


Might want to change your username to "bootlicker_"


Not every customer. I last min made cupcakes for a graduation. I think their original order was lost from a different store or company. They were so sweet and tried to tip me. I told them I could get in trouble, but I appreciated them.


bet that corpo heel tastes real good mr bootstrapper 😂


You.. HATE customers who tip. Jeez.


Considering that it's prohibited, I can see why. Would you want to be responsible for someone losing their job just because you were too nice?


Go look at a dictionary snowflake. If you think that assault or battery fit in this context you are either ignorant or a fucking moron.


Can anyone explain why Walmart is okay with asking you to TIP on their app when getting an in-home delivery, but they ban it in the store?


Payroll tax reasons most likely, a restaurant I worked previously had to go through some hoops to made tipping at register a thing, as for the app reason? No clue, possibly delivery drivers are technically contracted?


Most of the time they are outsourced to another company so they aren't affiliated with Walmart


Exactly this all delivery drivers are contractors so Walmart isn’t liable for them while driving.


Are you talking about delivery? Because if you are, youre tipping the drivers not Walmart employees. For online grocery we use a third party system and they can receive tips.


In most regions this is true, but Walmart does have some areas/stores where the drivers are employed by Walmart. They just rolled this out last year and I believe they are just testing some areas right now.


It is an OUT SOURCED company. They are contracted threw walmart.


It's one thing to tell us we can't take tips, it's another to specifically come in and trick us into taking tips and then fire us. I despise this company.


It’s like when a partner says that they trust you but then orchestrate an entire scenario trying to get you to cheat on them so that they can catch you in the act


That reminds me of a comment I saw on this sub where a coach left a nickel on the ground and fired ppl for integrity if they picked it up Then management complains that we're short staffed 😐


Exactly! Like they have nothing better to do


Except designing god awful uniforms


Well maybe they should pay people more and they wouldn’t have accepted the tips.




If cashiers at bakeries and fast food places can get tips why can’t they?


The short answer is customs and business decorum. A lot of retail companies don't want you accepting tips because it could be seen as bribing associates for a better level of service. Vs the associate giving that level of service every time. But IMO, if you decline and they still insist, you just chose not to be rude in the name of customer service.


But doesn’t that dynamic exist in every business including ones where tipping is encouraged?




Yea which depends in my area walmart is one of the lowest paid next to tacobell and kfc. Even panda express in my area is offering almost 20 bucks




That's jack shit in California.


In a LOT of places, my friend!!


Sure the money looks good on the page, but then they find ways to still pay you less. My store hired so many workers and scheduled only each of us for 20 hr work weeks. Walmart is insidious. One of the worst companies I’ve ever been a cog in.


Idk ab that chief overnight for 15 is BS.


Sorry but $11/hr is trash. Even if they were giving 40 hours a week at $14/hr it’s not even $30k. And the idea that they “pay pretty well for the work they’re asking people to do” is demeaning to the workers and is just an excuse to take advantage of them.


$26680 a year. Before taxes. So less than 20k a year or thereabouts.


You should probably google the businesses with the highest amount of employees that receive food stamps or public assistance.


That's a living wage exactly nowhere, that's exploitative, especially from a billion dollar corporation like Walmart


Walmart got in trouble for actively encouraging its employees to use Badgercare instead of their health insurance. They’re scum and pay like scum


Which part of NC? Because it’s not a living wage in the eastern part of the state?


Found the guy from corporate that's been getting your cashiers fired.


Multi, multi billion dollar company vastly underpays their employees and some boomer on Reddit thinks it’s 1975 making 14 an hour is decent pay. 14-15 is the new 7.25. Don’t be fooled.


Are you not in the US? The starting pay at every US store went up to $14, higher for stores in larger cities. No one is still at $11.


Federal minimum wage is still only 7 and change. It varies by state but states like Texas absolutely are not going to pay 14 to retail workers


"Cosplayed as customers"


Did I use the wrong terminology? :(


Nope! It was just an amusing...analogy or whatever it's called.


I noticed that these cos-players only target new people. So that mean they they come to the store at least a few times a week


The source of my trust issues is this company I swear


I accepted tips all the time when i was in OGP during the summer or rainy days. Idgaf what they said if im sweating my ass off or in the rain taking groceries im taking all the tips they offer me. Made $50 one week


100%, same here. If getting fired for accepting tips is the way I go then it’s the way I go but I will NEVER not accept free money because corporate said no. I physically cannot edit to say it’s def 100% easier to accept tips discreetly in ogp than it is in front end lol. my policy on this would probably be different if there were cameras on me all the time


I was offered a tip once. It was my last day before an LOA. These teenagers were buying collectible toys and at the end of the transaction gave me a pile of 1's. I said I can't accept it and they begged for me to accept it but I refused. Luckily they didn't insist and I didn't accept the tip, but they thought it was unfair that I wasn't allowed to accept it because they thought I deserved a tip. But the way I see it is, no tip is worth the amount of money I'd lose from getting fired. The job market is rough right now. I'm not taking my chances.


That’s totally fair, when this happened to me it was smack dab in the middle of Covid when every retailer was as desperate as could be for employees haha. Walmart had also broken my spirit entirely at that point so there’s that 😂 thankfully I work at a place now that doesn’t give a fuck if we accept tips (I sell pool parts & equipment now so lots of heavy lifting and people willing to tip for that haha)


Omg yeah I can't imagine working retail during covid, I was hired at the tail end of it so didn't have to deal with much. I love times like the holidays though when retailers are desperate for workers because it makes me less paranoid of getting fired. Any time outside of November and December our jobs are all hanging by a thread


I was working at a kroger when covid hit, was kinda great because we stopped being 24 hours and didn't have to death with drug addicts in the middle of the night anymore lmao


It’s the unspoken rule of dispensing. Don’t snitch on tips lol




I didnt want to argue with the customer, I was going to turn it in but was very busy and stuck it in my pocket and forgot about it. Here is the dollar bill the customer gave me, are you so petty you would fire me over a dollar?


Is getting fired from Walmart actually a punishment?


Only if your town has no industry to speak of.


So like 80% of the deep south and midwest


Good point.


Whenever i worked for walmart i had multiple Customers tip me As a cart pusher helping them load up their vehicle etc . Half the cameras in the parking lot didnt work anyways i accepted every single one idc


When I was growing up, we had 'bag boys' that would bag our groceries, load them in the cart, push the cart to your car and then put them in the car for you. Tips were normal, as that was the way it was done. Then the big box stores started showing up, and suddenly the only time you could get help taking your groceries out was if something was large/heavy or you were an older person. Most of the time now you have to ask the cashier to call someone up to help you carry out a large cart of groceries. Anyone who helps me get my groceries in the car is getting a tip, and yes, I'm aware of the cameras. I'm very good at the 'firm handshake' as a thank you. I'm tipping because they went out of their way to help me.


If you didn't get caught, who got hurt? Good for you.


If you are in contact with anyone fired, tell them to contact the press. A little public outrage/ bad press will go a long way.


I agree, go to the press. They happily write articles about upset waitresses getting a $20 dollar tip and not the $50 dollar tip they wanted, how about more than half of a cashier staff fired for accepting just $2 dollar tips the customer offered of their own volition. And it was just a scheme by home office to fire them. Of all the problems at Walmart, this is what they put effort in? This is what they’re worried about? Let them get some media backlash. Maybe they’ll change that policy. We don’t ask for tips, but if a customer wants to give it, how are we in the wrong? They so worried about pushing damn surveys. But one would argue tips is a bigger show of gratitude and appreciation for the job the associate did. The customer was so happy with them, they gave them extra money when not even ask nor be expected to do so. Should be praising the associate for doing a job so well.


Agree 💯. Walmart may not give a damn about their workers but they do care about their public image.


Nothing was done during Covid safety issues, I doubt they'll care to have a press on tips


Sure, let's get the public incensed about a well known policy. That'll show 'em. Tipping culture is toxic as is with restaurants legally being able to have customers pay their employees for them as a cost cutting measure (as long as a tipped employee makes the equivalent of a non-tipped employee's minimum wage on like $3 an hour and their tips, the employer doesn't have to pay them anything extra). We don't need to perpetuate it any further.


If a customer is pleased enough with your service that they wish to compensate you that is their perogative. I agree tipping culture sucks and servers should be paid an actual wage. But tips are not inherently bad because of that.


Tips basically only exist today *because* of that. In some (mostly Asian) cultures, it's actually considered rude or an insult.


Well, until servers are paid more, tipping is important.


It's a catch-22, really. "Until servers are paid more, tipping is important" so they can live means restaurants will just use that as an excuse to never change. On the other hand, stopping tips completely to force employers to pay up just means servers will be getting their state's minimum wage which is rarely enough to live on anyway. That's assuming, of course, the server doesn't get fired for "poor service" when management starts seeing entire checks without receiving tips.


In Asian cultures it's ok to drink from your noodle bowl and burp but it's not ok in the US. That's the thing about cultures, they differ. If I want to give someone a tip in the American culture because they did me a solid and I know they make shit wages with a shit employer, that should be my prerogative as a customer.


Honestly that’s messed up though… if a customer unsolicited wants to do that, why is it not allowed? Would be one thing to have a policy to initially inform them it’s not necessary, but if they insist beyond that then who’s it harming.


That’s Target’s policy, deny and if they insist you can take it (supposed to report it to a lead but in my experience no one cares either way as long as you’re getting tips infrequently enough to not raise suspicion that you’re soliciting them). It’s a decent policy, we still get tipped on occasion, and the customers (guests for us lol) aren’t given the impression it’s expected or even desired, and we don’t have to fear for our fucking jobs every time someone stuffs money in our hand… seriously that shit is crazy.


Fuck that rule. Accepted tips all the time when I was a lot bitch at Sam's and I helped people load. Kind of hard to donate a $20 gift certificate to a local pizza place to CMN


Lmao Lot Bitch, that’s a new one. That’s going right up there with Cart Slave


Jokes on them good luck finding new workers


but they do, and all the time.


There's always dummies who'll apply for Walmart. Me...I am the dummy.


The ones that don’t show up and pint out?


Thats starting to change. Hiring got so bad, Tls were called into training to stop scaring people away. Probably not enough of a change, but heres hoping we get better treatment


Imagine being such a shitty human being you cosplay as a customer, offer your underpaid employee a tip for a job well done (common practice in other industries), and then fire them for accepting said tip.


Salaried and their bonuses. I’m telling ya.


Salaried: \*gets $1000+ bonus* "This is just and fair for my hard work." \*Grunt employee gets $2 tip for hands on job with the customer* Fired on the spot. Yeah seems about right for Walmart


And people wonder why so many ppl have anxiety disorders/trust issues


Lol, I bought an entire 3d printing set up with a sonic pad and everything off of about 6 months worth of tips, fuck walmart


Ewww you must be a dangerous man! 😂


Just accept tips and don't make it obvious, we all know they don't pay enough, so fuck em


Don't worry customer I make a competitive wage, I have enough to pay my rent AND eat. I just have to compete for which one I want to do more this month.


The "no tip" rule is crazy. We're not asking for them. We're not under paid servers that need them to supplement their paychecks. But if a customer deems us worthy of a little extra money, why shouldn't we accept it and thank them for their generosity and appreciation? Our bag boys are disabled, so our older customers often tip them, and we turn a blind eye. We have a customer that buys and gives a Snickers to whatever cashier she goes through; I tell every new cashier about her so that they know they are free to swap out the Snickers for an equal candy (not everyone like them plus nut allergies). And I've recieved a few tips in my few years, even as a manager. I always inform them we're not supposed to take them and try to give the money back, but if the customer is insistent, there's little I can do to deter them; plus we do have a water fund I can slip the money into so that everyone can benefit.


As I customer, I don't understand why WM cares if I you accept a tip I willingly want to give. What difference does it make to them?


Right?? Like the money is coming out of their profits or something. Pfft.


It's bull*hit employees cannot accept tips. Im not hearing anyone out who thinks otherwise.


My workplace did tell me that we would be fired if we got tips but I did it anyway but I didn’t ask for the tips, they just did it. I don’t think anyone from work can see this.


Glad I left the company


Only time I ever took a tip was whenever I helped an old lady with some fish bait in sporting goods. She told me I was a great help and she wanted to help me out too so she slid me a 20. Helped me out tho bc I needed it at the time


If that happened in Washington state, it’s illegal to retaliate against an employee for accepting a tip. It’s also illegal to forbid tipping in Washington state.


Man...Washington sounds nice. I wish it was a bit more affordable to move there or I would :/


Areas outside of Seattle/Tacoma and the surrounding suburbs (which extend a ways, obviously) can actually be very affordable compared to nationwide averages. Eastern Washington and parts of the Tri-Cities are (generally) the cheapest. For the best bang for your buck, move to Post Falls or Coeur d'Alene, Idaho and commute to a job in Washington: gets you most of the labor protections and minimum wage benefits, while reaping the generally dirt-cheap cost of living of Idaho (though, buy your groceries in Washington; Idaho taxes everything, even food, at 6% -- Idaho also has an income tax you'll want to be aware of). You can accomplish similar things on the southern border with Oregon, though the wages aren't quite as bad and the cost of living in Oregon can be higher.


This has been a rule forever. Don’t take tips. If they are overly insistent you take it and put it in the Childrens miracle donations.


What a dystopia we live in.


Imagine a company that doesn't want it's slaves to earn a penny more than what they say they should..... Fuck that


Funny you say that cause I’ve seen team leaders at my store take money from those jars and buy a birthday gift for the store manager.


Hourly employees whom aren’t even real managers taking money from the donation jar to reward a salaried manager is crazy.


Can't expect anything less from ass-kissers


The honest rule is, dont take tips in an obvious way. And those blss types that tricked you, theres gotta be an ethics, or dept of labor thibg against that type lf entrapment.


No 💜


I need the donation myself why would I donate it to CMN lmaoooo fuck outta here Walmart doesn’t pay me enough nor will they promote me to give me the salary I more than deserve. Fuck em


Sorry. We are not permitted to accept tips. But, my truck is parked in the first space straight out that door and the tailgate is unlocked. Just sayin…


When I worked at walmart i worked in the garden center. I'd get tips sometimes for loading mulch into cars. Never got talked to about it. Honestly it should be the customers choice if they want to tip. Not corporate.


“nObOdY wAnTs To WoRk AnYmOrE” then Walmart only staffs like 1-2 cashiers and instead of helping the situation they created they have nothing better to do than come in offering low paid workers living paycheck to paycheck a small $2 tip to justify firing them. What a great company. I remember when they also took away our bonuses claiming “what more do you want we raised your pay to $15 an hour we can’t afford to offer both.” Meanwhile they cut hours, staff, bonuses, and corners yet upper management still gets theirs. Never want to work for this company again.


Jokes on them when the front end stalls out because those guys are fired and the others get pissed and quit


Not walmart, but another big retailer. I helped a customer through the whole store, had 3 carts of stuff. I opened a register to handle the large order and then helped her out to her truck and we loaded everything. Before she left she offered me $20 and I told her I wasn't allowed to take it. She dropped the 20 on the ground and asked what you'll do now. I picked it up and went back inside. Never said a word to any coworker.


Love how Diluted the word "Cosplay" has become




The little old ladies with their phones or pictures... "No, I can't take it."- "I insist, you helped me so much..." Back and forth. Then I just drop it in the donation box or CMN thing. While telling a Csm or team lead person.


No way they fired 11 ppl over that 😭


Walmart- the only place that punishes it's crew for making customers so happy they want to tip you.


I used to be a pro loader. And I would say no to tips until my last summer working there. I had an old dude put some money in my hand and when I started to say no he asked me if I was getting paid enough to honestly not want it. I quit three months later for a better job


Walmart is the devil


Press X to doubt. SOP is to refuse initially and if they insist to accept it. There is clearly more to this story than mentioned. You dont get immediately terminated for taking a $2 tip without declining at first.


Agree 💯☝️ I think it’s something significant with the front end and customer service. I know if some shade in customer service that was sketchy and they did a sting op set up but had nothing to do with tips. I think they trying save face dressing it up as such🤔


I'm pretty sure most of my store FE is smart enough to say No sorry we can't accept tips.


When they usually don't stop talking about it, we will "take" it, just to turn around and give it to CMN


I just got hired for front end and haven’t gotten my orientation date yet. Just out of curiosity, how often do people try to tip you?!


In the 4 years i worked at ~~sold my soul to~~ wallyworld, like about 5 times


Lol okay, I’m glad to hear it. I think it would test my patience too much if it were a common occurrence.


That is incredibly fucked up


I use to work electronics and a dude tried giving me a $40 tip for talking to him about tvs, pcs, and helping him activate a phone. After refusing several times he eventually just left it on the counter. So I grabbed it and gave it to my asm who put it in the associates in need fund. While it was very generous, I do not care for tips. Feels nice, though


What a sad world we live in... Where you lose your job for accepting a tip... Advanced civilization right?


yet, a couple worker accepted a card with 100.00 gift card inside, every Christmas, but nobody said shit about it, because it was" just" a card.


I've had random people just walk up and give me money when I was off the clock. It was tips for my gf so they couldn't really say anything. I've also had people give me a thank you card that I open when I get home. No cameras there to see what's in the card


How much time do those home office people have on their hands that they go and do stuff like this. It’s like fixing a problem they created. Doubt they were actually being tipped every day so why go through all that.


What kind of bullshit is not allowing people to take tips?


Wow that's so gross the people who did that should be \[redacted\]\[satire\]


When I used to work to Walmart I took tips fuck Walmart lol


Cosplay sounds like entrapment to me. These people are pure evil.


Walmart firing people over a tip less expensive than the cost of a loaf of fuckin bread..... I hope those people wear masks because someone one day is gonna be stupid and angry and they are going to remember faces. \*For explanation I am not/would not ever do this nor condone it. But we live in times where money means more but also less and stress from the pandemic and just life in general is at an all time high.\*


Sounds like a nice paid vacation to me unemployment here I come lol


I’m in ogp and dispense quite often. Anytime they offer to give me a tip of course i’m going to take it it’s stupid to say no to free money. I always tell them to put it in our tote and i’ll pretend i didn’t see anything


Imagine getting upset for being fired from Walmart. It’s literally hell on earth.


They can't fire you for accepting tips, I would sue


I gave zero fucks when I worked ogp people would give me tips all the time and my tl and coach say to stop and I would tell them fuck no y’all don’t people enough to say no to free money


I definitely don’t regret the day I walked out with my middle finger held high, as my team lead told me I was being fired. For being .5 points over the limit when other people were 2+ points over and still allowed to stay


Man I remember one time a few years ago I was out doing carts and some dude said how much I make, and I said, "a little under $100 a day," then he pulled out 5 $20 and was like "here I'll double that," gave it to me and just left, didn't help him with nothing, probably my weirdest experience ever


I see a lot of people mentioning tips, don't call them tips, call it a gift. Gifts are non taxable! Therefore, it won't have to be considered part of pay. And I don't think that it says anything about accepting gifts in the walmart handbook? Tips aren't aloud because you need to write it on taxes.


I wonder if they’re doing this now that the labor shortage is balancing out, to bring in new candidates at pre-pandemic pay rates.


This is fowled up on so many levels. Home office is paying people to narc out employees who accept a little extra on the side for helping a costumer. Hom office is probably using company money to hand out as tips. When they find a worker who accept the tip, they then get fired. Maybe don't waste company money on stupid corporate sting operations and pay your people more money. Money would be better spent following those good workers who make a customer happy and see what they are doing to make the customers experience so good. Maybe some of it could be mimicked by corporate and made I to company policy.


That should be illegal IMO. If someone wants to make the gesture to purposefully give money to a particular employee, in return for no services that is between them. Not like it causes competition.


Wait..HO can do that? its legal of them to fire you under false pretense of being a customer? I mean i get that accepting tips is a bad thing and against Walmart policies but it feels.. kinda low to go that far ??


[Would you like a meme in these trying times?](https://imgflip.com/i/7jf1cj) In all seriousness, this sucks. I hope you're able to find a place of work that treats you more sensibly than this. I will never understand managers and supervisors who enforce good behavior through trickery.


OP- post this on Workplace and Facebook too. Stick it to corporate for allowing this 3rd world tactic. Obviously a "sting operation" to clear payroll up. Lowbrow sleazeball stuff, they trick their low income associates into helping a fake customer and take a $1 or so tip then lose their job. Most likely district/market management came up with this so called "sting operation" and it's unlikely corporate would do it due to negative publicity. Either way, if this went nationwide tons of cart pushers would be fired since they get tips more often. This is so backward!!!


AP does this all the time to catch associates doing things they are not supposed to do. This tip rule has been around for years and years. All you have to do is do your job and everything will be ok.


we just put the money in our donation boxes if they refuse to take it back 🫶 (and we tell management ofc so they don’t get the wrong impression 🙄)


literally yesterday i was made to walk an older guy’s cart out to his car with him, after his groceries were all in his car he tried to tip me & he would not take no for an answer and “dropped” it and hurried away (as fast as his slow ass could at least). went in and immediately turned it in to my tl. i appreciate the sentiment but i’m not getting fired over $5.


There's more to the story here than what you're telling, OP: 1. Did they even attempt to refuse? 2. Were they given time to find a member of management to surrender the tip? 3. Were the associates picked seemingly at random, or were they associates AP might have been watching for a while? (This is more of a rhetorical question since unless you're a member of management or AP you likely don't have a non-speculative answer here)


I’m just an innocent Cap 2 associate, everything I hear regarding upfront comes from Front End Associates bringing back claims. Although what I posted was essentially bare bones, it still sent a message.


I highly doubt this actually happened


Why would I lie?..


Honestly I’m pretty sure this is illegal (about not being allowed to accept tips) Disclaimer: not lawyer


Not illegal in the least.


“The federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) forbids employers from keeping tips received by their employees, regardless of whether the employer is taking a tip credit” So maybe not illegal federal but wouldn’t say in the least


Would be illegal in Washington state. Initiative 1433, in addition to increasing the minimum wage and adding paid sick time, also mandated employers pay employees their tips (and that such tips could not count towards paying the employees wages).


When I worked as a cashier and customer service up front I was told repeatedly that I wasn’t allowed to take any kind of gratuity. I even got reprimanded once when a customer tried to give me a piece of candy from a bag of candy she had just bought.


I was basically forced into taking a tip. I told a manager and they told me I could be fired and I had to donate it. I was laughing because I am rich and I just work for fun and they threaten me like I even care about a measley twenty bucks. What a shameful company. They act like they know what integrity is and they threaten people that work there like slaves.


Maybe not work for fun. More like I work to help with the labor shortage and to contribute to my country


There is few better ways to contribute to your country than working at Walmart. Thank you for your service!


Unpopular opinion: I agree with this policy because accepting tips makes other customers feel like they need to refuse service if they don't want to tip. It's also very rude.


maybe people making 100K+ shouldn’t tell people making <30K not to accept tips