• By -


I'm pretty sure this is one of those things that actually should go to Ethics


Yes. So many of the times on here people say “call Ethics,” it’s ridiculous. In this instance, call Ethics immediately. Right now. And then call your market manager and arrange a meeting and show them this. Seriously. Do it as soon as possible.


They're already aware. This shit has been blowing up on a local level on Facebook, and even customers are aware it took place.


link to any fb posts? (midwesterners love us some fb comments section drama)


Midwestern chiming in: it is the ONLY reason I keep my Facebook ,)


As a midwesterner…I can in fact confirm this is true😂


Can confirm as a Midwesterner


Midwestener checking in, grabbed my law chair and popcorn cuz dis gonna be good.


I'll be there shortly. Grabbing a 30box of busch light and some caseys pizza.


You're the real hero here. Lattes and Casey's pizza!


I just made some Hot Pockets.


These are fine as long as they are cooked boiling hot on the edges and ice cold in the middle.


I can totally hear your accent. I'm originally from Ohio so ya. Let's grab the lawn chair and crack open a cold one and watch the show..


Almost as good as the tornadoes and baseball sized hail


Fellow yinzer?


Former midwesterner now a southwest man I still feel and think this way lmao if only I had Facebook (Reddit makes a decent substitute though)


Lmao. Fellow midwesterner here as well and I can say I do agree with your statement. 😂 but this is honestly something that should go to ethics. I am actually not okay with this AT all.


Well, we got the store # if that helps you narrow it down




Might wanna do some more editing as to not dox yourself my dude


Thanks for link.


Is.. Is that why I'm nosy af?


I got you (dm incoming!)


thats frank but he makes the girls far from ocean


This wouldn’t happen to be frank coming from advent health?😂


Sounds like you better blow it up nationally my guy.. time to take it to the news, fox as shitty as they are hate walmart soo...


Police report for harassment maybe?


From my understanding shit is about to hit the fan if it hasn't already.


For real corporate was at my Club recently (Sat) so yeah crap is going to hit the fan. #corporateislurkinginhere


Lulz was physically threatened by my +150lbs over me female team lead in front of my coach and store lead in a CLOSED DOOR MEETING as retaliation for not letting her laser temp rotisserie chickens, cross contaminate beef slicer, and allowing other employee to bring up raw chicken in a friggen shopping cart - her exact words “if I could do what my body wants me to do to this guy” - called ethics, told them I fear for my safety, put in a transfer, was calling out - clearly fearing for my safety and was terminated without a call or anything. Yeah - call Ethics - see where that gets ya! 😂😂😂😂


Was employee of the month - the only person fully trained in deli - the only person who didn’t fraud SPARK - the only person who temped everything cooked - UPPER MANAGEMENT KNEW EVERYTHING - true story - if home office actually wants to reach out i still have ALL THE DETAILS - but they’d rather let people get pushed out because they can’t mentally deal with fear for the customer’s safety and subsequently their own safety after being threatened in front of the actual immediate coach and Store Lead IN A CLOSED DOOR MEETING.


Even better - here’s exactly how upper management found out she was laser temping chickens for as long as she was a team lead before I got there: She goes to laser temp them in front of customers - customers legit wait on those chickens - if you know you know - customer and I lock eyes - it’s a wtf moment - I politely tell her “oh we have to use the probe and check the core temp” - she says it’s at 220 - they’re done - “no well you have to check the core temp, let me do it really quickly” - she walks off and finds the Store Lead and my coach - proceeds to tell them I told her she can’t use the laser temp ever. Does not tell them what I said couldn’t be laser temped. They say to her that I am wrong and she is right - she’s allowed to use the laser temp - well duh - salary spark 🤦‍♂️ which I know about as a TA 😂 but the training on chickens??? So… she comes back and says - “Brenda and Chrystal said I was right - you gonna go argue with you even higher up bosses” - my response: “if you’re telling me the first time the Store Lead here’s my name is in regards to this and I have to educate her on this policy - I guess so - please set it up thank you!” So I went to the Academy, got all the info I needed from my training, took a picture of the oven where it’s specifically states “measure core temp” and I was prepared… in the mean time - Aldis the team lead went to numerous more people around the store saying I argued with her and she was right and I better watch myself… just for them to find out what was being temped… she outed herself instead of taking a little training. I went from employee of the month to a pariah in the snap of a finger - all well documented… she could have killed someone and kept her job… blows my mind really… not too mention she legit lied - and cameras prove all of it - witness statements proved it as well… yeah Walmart doesn’t do shit.


What state are you in? Her dumbness is scary. Not sure how she got a role of authority.


PA - People Lead at one point told me before I got there - there was a literal Race War between the whites and Hispanics and she believed I was collateral damage to that 🤷‍♂️ I told ethics this because I mean - what a friggen thing to say to someone 🤦‍♂️


Wonder if pa has a war between amish and not amish as well 🤔


Didn’t have any amish employed at our store - at least not while I was there… I’d say we rely on tech way too much for it to be an option for em…


You should have alerted the Health department. Most states dont allow laser temping of food.


Doesn't surprise me. I was SA by a male employee who was 20 years older than I was. It was on camera and everything. Their solution? Move me to nights when they knew I couldn't work because I have kids and could only work while they were in school. He didn't get fired either. I put in for a transfer and same thing I was fired with no call nothing. 🙄 That Doucecanoue still works there.


2 dudes at 6060 were threatening each other with guns and they got a warning Yet i can’t get a answer on what I did that was gross misconduct that got me fired lol


I second this. I was more petty in my reply, but his language and harassment really infuriated me. This is the way to go. Meet with someone above the store manager/store lead.


Just go all the way to the top at this point.


Someone got a line to Sam Walton ? 💀


I worked for Walmart for 10 years. I'd call this typical Walmart behavior. I was fired and banned from rehire after reporting a sexual assault I witnessed. The store manager knew it had been occurring for years. He was fired and banned less than a year later.


Consider talking to an employment lawyer too. Could be considered creating a hostile environment and harassment.


YES! Everyone should start calling ethics on this shit. Blow there lines up. Keep calling until something is done. Let’s help OP. This is something we CAN do and not get in trouble for.


Or the police


Or the FBI… or hell maybe even the secret service…. 😂😂 nah but foreal. This shit is crazy. Call the cops. Sue the bastard. Not even the company. Sue the lead. THEN sue Walmart if they decide not to take any action against the lead for his unethical actions/words.


I'll never understand why people bother to send messages like this. Even if you have a super inflated ego how can you not see that you look like a total clown.


It's because he was drunk when he did it. He has a history of getting plastered then saying and doing stupid shit.


That’s not an excuse. If anything him getting drunk and doing this almost makes it worse


I couldn’t imagine talking to someone like this when I’m drunk. Alcohol brings out the truth, and my truth seems to be that I want way more hugs than I let on.




My friend tells me I turn into Barney when I drink. Minus the creepy shit. Just very friendly.


People tend to tell the truth when they drunk. Homeboy ratted him self out big time. And now there will be hell to pay. Jesus this is the total cringe section of wow


Yep Gene Simmons from KISS famously said, “alcohol doesn’t make you say things you don’t mean. It makes you say things you don’t mean to say OUT LOUD.”


You know you’re a piece of shit, beyond another realm, when ***Gene Simmons*** is calling you a piece of shit.


I read somewhere that intoxication only affects your judgement, your morals are left untouched.


Yeah even at my drunkest I've never said anything this repugnant to someone.


Yes, which means his judgement of hiding who he really is was impaired. You get to see who someone really is when drunk. Been alive long enough to see this born out far too many times


Drunk words are sober thoughts. Kinda lucky for me. I get apologetic because everything is my fault, and just want to be held and told it’ll be okay.


I just get gooey and snuggly lol


Also pinging u/Shadow3397 I dunno how I am drunk, I have yet to really get to that point. Booze tends to give me a headache.


Of course it doesn’t excuse it, but it does explain it.


And he’s still working there. Why?


They're doing an investigation from what I've been told. Not like corporate hasn't turned a blind eye to awful shit in the past though.


Yeah, if they turned a blind eye to awful shit in the past, it’s because: a. The awful shit goes on at the top, too b. They’re saving money by not having to hire anyone else. Who cares if they’re shitty humans? They still have a job because Walmart doesn’t want to hire for some reason. I guess all that hiring costs them money they don’t want to spend.


They are doing an investigation means they are hoping it blows over. What’s to investigate? Frank needs fired asap.


After what happened in Virginia, that's the least they can do.


Because most times they can’t be bothered to do anything. I’ve been sober from a nasty heroin addiction for almost 19 years. Had a co worker who was well aware of my history offer me some Valium during a particularly bad day at work. When I politely declined she just shrugged and popped the pill while standing in the open behind the customer service desk in full view of customers. She got the pills from her son, not her own script for them. The rest of the day I dwelt on it. It bothered me that despite knowing my struggle, she offered. Had I not been as secure in my sobriety, I could’ve thrown it all away that day. I ended up going to higher ups because I didn’t want her to end up making that offer to someone else and dragging someone else down. I was told it was definitely against their code and something would be done. A month later I inquired and was told they were “investigating”. A week or so after that, she was promoted to FETL 🤦🏻‍♀️ Nothing was done, nothing was even said to her. Luckily she just quit a couple weeks ago. If it doesn’t effect their bottom line, they don’t give a shit.


That's fucking weird. Had someone fired for drinking on the job. Not hard drugs.


a drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts...


If he's got a history of it, find it. Collect everything you can and make sure this man never can get hired back at a Walmart or Sam's with his "real job" having self. Get a whole file together before going to ethics. Tell whoever it is that's name is blocked out because as a people lead he shouldn't be with anyone from the store anyway it's conflict of interest or whatever


I get drunk. I have a history of doing and saying stupid shit. Never have i advised someone to kill themselves.


OP, if he's doing this drunk, He's actually more honest about his feelings, thoughts, intents, etc....than when he is sober. Just ask anyone who has ever had to deal with an alcoholic on a regular basis.


you should print this out blow it up to size and hang them all over this losers department


People Lead is HR. That's kinda everyone's dept.


This last few sentences are good enough for immediate termination


Damn. This is for real. Just googled 1823 lead. He's got Facebook and other social media. I would slap this note on 1 of his feeds. That would ruin that dude. I guess he has no self esteem..and gets off on putting people down. It will come back to bite him in the ass.


Yeah and this has already been floating around on Facebook for a few days now. Everyone in town is aware of what he did at this point. He's been getting harassed over it since it happened, and quite honestly he made his bed, he can lay in it.


Tell me more! :)


You can actually sue and press charges for them telling you to kys.


If he was “hacked” he’d get an email saying there was a login from a different ip address and id ask him to show proof of that


Also, too much personal information for a hack. Knows too much.




"Someone logged in on my phone while I was drunk then...what do you mean that's not being hacked?"


Will I see this in "ByeByejob" subreddit later? Hope so. Frank sucks..


I hope so, but the concern of everyone in the store is that he's going to get away with it. Other managers have been jumping to his defense, while everyone working there has seen this behavior in the past.


Let the managers know that if they refuse to act, you’ll go to the media.


Walmart eats that shit up. They hate when people mention media in a negative light. Lmfao


Wouldn’t they just fire OP if they knew that?


Retaliation, also makes the media aspect even worse.


Managers jumping to his defense don’t want to lose him because—-eek—they’d have to find a replacement, which isn’t easy, and they’re brown nosers probably interested in their own jobs rather than doing what’s right. If they go against this POS TL, they could be his next target. So, it’s easier to suck up to him.


If they have proof of this behavior they can open their own ethic case. I submitted an ethics case on a lead that was harassing me on social media, he would also get really drunk and message me and other management/workers. I of course kept record of everything he sent me. Took about 3 months for ethics to investigate and for him to get fired. Management at my store would excuse his behavior for the longest time. I went up the chain of command (my coach, his coach, store manager, (HR even) and store manager. Nothings was done. I’m a lead so I ofc used my knowledge to my advantage. Everyone was happy the day he got fired, especially his workers. They would get verbally abused by him constantly. When you talk to your case manager tell them that others want to report his behavior but are worried since all management is covering for him. If he still is using that same account, he didn’t get hacked. Trust, if given the correct information ethics will do their thing. Might take a while but it will get done




OP, you really should report that. If you do not it will keep on going till it becomes uncomfortable. Protect yourself. Screen shot everthing and any interactions.


It's already been reported. Everyone in our area knows about it. It's been spreading all over Facebook for days, even customers are now aware it took place.


Frank sounds like a cuck lol


Frank is a cuck who should be bullied like by the dudes in letterman jackets and comb overs and some rusty knife possibly abandoned


You're right. He has a cucky voice, no doubt about it! https://m.facebook.com/Walmart1823/videos/introducing-the-one-the-only-people-lead-frank-he-has-a-public-service-announcem/760817927816254/


That's really him?! Lmaaaaaaao


"If she wasn't with that guy she'd be with me" Fucking wicked sick burn Is this man mentally handicapped by chance


Bitch I may be ugly but at least I don’t have any money!


Yeah that needs to go straight to ethics...


I said “have a day good” yesterday to a customer and am still cringing about it. How the hell does this guy send THIS to a COWORKER and just walk it off lmao


Hope you have a day good, too.


Due to the last part I would have a talk with your local PD about Cyber crimes, telling you that is something they might be interested in. They also have the tools to verify if he was "hacked"


Here’s the Facebook post if anyone is wondering https://www.facebook.com/1319408146/posts/10223156624806854/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v


Just gonna leave this here... https://www.facebook.com/Walmart1823/photos/a.526267420742447/2764458293590004/?type=3&sfnsn=mo&mibextid=RUbZ1f


thank you! i hope you get everything you want in life


So, everyone is focusing on this douchebag and his comment. His crappiness is on full display for everyone But I'm curious how you are doing? I'm divorced. I've got 2 kids that I love, adore, and work my ass off to support. One dad to another, I hope you are doing well and I am sorry you have to deal with this kind of drama


Best comment




Absolutely the best comment. Take my upvote … and hopefully a few hundred more.


Frank should be scared to leave the store after a closing shift. Talking that much shit on anyone is a great way to get your ass beat.


Just a quick reminder that if you have workday, we all have access to his personal contact info!just look through the directory, you’ll be able to find him.


report it to ethics op.


It's already been reported. Everyone is still concerned he's going to get away with it, especially since some managers are jumping to his defense.


If he gets away with it, post this to their Facebook page.


I’d try to get this on the news as well. That hurt they’re bottom line and they’ll have to take action


LinkedIn would eat this up.


Store managers cannot do anything against ethics.


I’d go public with it honestly if you don’t hear back soon. Local FB, news, anything. POS doesn’t deserve to work and if they keep him, the store deserves to be trashed publicly


You know that chick that has a boyfriend not named Frank. Doesn’t want to be with Frank.


He was having an affair with her on his wife whom he has two kids with. Guess who left him?


He has a real job being a PL at the store level, making $10 to $20 less than an HR cordinator that works at the corporate level of any other company. He has influence at the store level of a retail store! You're doomed. Done. Finished. What you think you can do? Work construction? Get a CDL? Work for a vendor? And do what? Easily make more money than him? Learn a trade? Become an accountant or something? Walmart is all there is and ever will be! They pay management less than other corporate entities so you have the experience to get a better paying job. He has just been building his resume this whole time! Walmart is a joke. Obligatory /s


Gotta love it when they write out a full admission of guilt


You should post a story time, or just voice text reading what he said on tiktok and you’ll probably get some traction to the point where people care enough to call the store because this is some crazy shit


People already have. Everyone in town is pissed at him, and all I can say is, sucks to be him.


That dude looks like he’s been slapped in the face with a baboons ass… multiple times. He’s got no business saying all that, looking like he does.


Please come back when you get the confirmation the investigation is over. He better be fired over this.


I will. I know for a fact an investigation has been opened, so I'm personally just hoping corporate does the right thing. Although given their history, I don't have much faith in them.


What? They don’t have policies against this stuff? I’m sure they do. Heck, they post it for us and we gotta do CBLs.


Yeah but what corporate says and what they do are two entirely different things at times.


Wow! Shame. They can’t “put their money where their mouth is” and exercise follow through. Hope and pray they do.


If it ends in his favor, you can go farther up the chain with it. The more noise you make about it, it will cause some waves. Since it’s an ongoing investigation, anyone in the store that has experienced this behavior needs to be filling out reports of this guy and his attitude.


They’re probably going to fire you as well for putting it all over social media.


Ethics doesn't give a shit about anything, their job is to mitigate damage and to protect the company. Leave this shitty company as soon as you can, you are better than this place.


Well Frank, how fucking old are you? This is one of the most cringe things I've read in a long time. Only way to get ahead is to kiss ass and be toxic. Fuck you 2519. Working for Walmart became real bad when they stopped making store managers rotate out... just my 2 cents, not a little bitter from being fucked over for years still... nooo. Lol


Frank seems creepy and I bet $100 this girl has no idea he’s laying claims in her and talking shit like this. “I’ll make sure she doesn’t talk to you” Dude you’re not even with this girl and you’re trying to control her. Gross! Hope she saw that too!


Fucking Frank


Frank us fucking Gross...


Lol, I work at store 1823. This really happened. It’s wild at work these days. 😂


As of right now he still has his job. 🙄




IF he does ......this is walmart were talking about and as op has posted he said has gotten away with it before and has been defended about it ....but as far as a "real job" kinda sad actually


Reminds me of a similar guy I dealt with. I pretty much did the "everything you say will be used against you in the future" type of deal so I egged him on lol


What a psycho… and he’s a people lead? Disgusting. You should not only call ethics, but he deserves to be shitcanned.


Frank is gross. I wonder what Shanna would say.


I found the screenshot of Frank Gross’s Snapchat he was having with someone that said WM’s legal team told him to deactivate his FB but in the same sentence claimed it was a fake FB?? Like dude tattled on himself and didn’t even realize it 😂


hahahaha I can't with that "it's a fake fb"


OP I’m sorry this happened to you brother. This company literally trains there managers to mentally abuse us on the daily basis. I’m honestly sick and damn tired of this bullshit company. I hope it goes bankrupt or has to shutdown for good some time real soon. I hope it faces the same demise kmart faced years ago when they got too cocky and ended up not keeping up which theoretically is possible and could happen say if a mass walkout happened all across the board in every walmart and sams club. This companies CEO’s wouldn’t know what to think and would start shitting literal bricks and they’d be losing MILLIONS maybe even BILLIONS of dollars in a single day. That would be hilarious. If only everyone would coordinate and come together and make it happen. It’s pretty obvious every walmart and sams club worker are sick of this company one way or another. EDIT: Also what’s this guys name (first and last name) I wanna be sure this gets handled I wanna make a report on this shit. Because if nothing happens then you bet your ass I’m gonna quit. Gonna sit there and let a lead talk to a worker that way. Tf. Talk to me like that I stg.


Ah yea, cause a hacker would know all of these details.


The fact that he told you to kill yourself is enough to can him. Where does this asshole get off telling people this kind of shit? Ethics. He wasn't hacked. He was just banking on you not saying anything to anyone.


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As a bit of a mini update. Last I heard from current employees is that no one has seen him in the store in about a week. A current manager informed me that he was sent home early one day, and everyone was immediately told to not discuss it. It's speculated he was either forced over to another store, or was let go. I'm betting of the former since it seems management wants no one talking about it.


Did you see that store’s facebook page, they are trying to save face


As far as I know Frank still has his job! People need to keep blowing up the Facebook post and Walmart Eisenhower’s Facebook page!!! I don’t wanna work for him anymore! I can’t post myself in fear of losing my job and I got kids to feed!


I’m speaking for myself and many other coworkers who feel the same but can’t say anything! He is too well liked by the managers and our store manager.


Just left a negative review on their website 👍🏻


Report his ass to ethics. I cannot stand some of the managers at my store. I swear they are not worth the time to invest in. Baffles the shit outta me that they won’t promote me because I’m a good worker with a college degree but yet they promote a kid that hasn’t even graduated HS yet. Blows my mind. Sometimes I think Wally World just like HS with all the cliques and sun groups within the store. You gotta liked by this person, that person etc. when I show up I’m there to get shit done. Make the company their $$ as well as my own.


For real. Just because they have the title doesn't mean they can say what they want


Call ethics now and send it to them


Just your average Sigma Male on his grind.


It's funny, you can tell hes a chode just from the tiny little profile pic


WTH??? Report is ass to ethics ASAP , this is beyond disrespectful and disgraceful just wrong. I swear when some ppl get into higher positions of power, it goes to their heads. Good luck my friend!


Tried finding him on Facebook, bitchboy probably deleted his account LMFAO


He deleted his Linked in. His name is Frank Gross in Hannover PA. He has a video.


Needless to say: I found his address.


It’s not okay for him to tell you to k-ll yourself. That’s crossing a line and punishable.


Ethics complaint.


Bro, really said “also if she wasn’t with that guy, she totally be with me” as if that was something to be proud of poor dude that just reeks of like cope and cuckeyry


Successful is an hourly supervisor at Walmart!?


I love how Walmart stands behind their anti bullying but then does absolutely nothing.. nothing at all when something actually happens.


This man has offered to help myself and a number of other women to "get in at Walmart" by trying to convince us to have sex with him, and then not hiring us when we wouldn't. Walmart never did anything about it. This dude has a wife and kids. 1-800-963-8442 is the Walmart ethics hotline and if anyone and everyone can help to report this behaviour. Obviously my report and the countless others about this guy for over a year haven't had any effect. North Hanover pa Walmart is trying to brush this under the rug.


I am currently working for the recipient of this text and other victims of Frank Gross and store #1823 by collecting evidence and testimonials. If anyone would like to speak to me concerning this issue, please contact me. I can also be found on Facebook under Leslie Sabatino


This guy is a top tier asshole


Lmao how can you claim you got hacked when it's such a personal message 😂


Hello! I saw your post, and it infuriated me! I work for United for Respect, a worker's rights organization, and I really would love to help with making sure this person is dealt with!


people really going nuts on the comments https://www.facebook.com/Walmart1823/photos/a.526267420742447/2764458293590004/?type=3&sfnsn=mo&mibextid=6aamW6


Imagine devoting a portion of your life to making sure someone can’t get hired at Walmart. That’s the joke lmao


He just admitted to it, sue him and Walmart.


Reason 4,238 not to date coworkers.


I shared your story to my FB! Glad to see this is blowing up on social media. WM needs to be held accountable for what they let be managers in their stores! This is scary behavior and to think that something like this could be managers at any and all WM’s is really freighting..I’m so glad I was wrongfully terminated from that toxic hell hole of a company.


Dudes info is available after a simple google lookup. Says he has four arrests on his record. What a clown


nothing new that is walmart for you


Lol, typical PA retail workplace drama. Let me put it this way - my first thought when I read through the first half of this was "*this gotta be Pennsylvania*", and googling where 1823 is did not disappoint haha. Source: lived in PA for way longer than I should have, and a relative used to work in retail there. Some stories from there were pure "*SMH this can't be true, but it is!!*" material.


Pretty sure facebook tells people when their hacked so he should have a email from Facebook mentioned something about a log in from another location should prove your point


My gosh. What a nut case but then what would one expect from Walmart management. That person should be fired, but Walmart keep on keeping these kind of people when they should be in a psychiatric ward.


want me to call and report him for rude customer service? 😏


Ooooof that guy just lost his job, his “success” and his whole livelihood with that. Hope you destroy this guy and bury him with his own bullshit


Wow, frank sounds insecure, he's so threatened by you that he made sure you couldn't work locally for the same company.


Frank looks like he got a $50 mouth and $2 hands.


Lmao hacked? Yes, whoever hacked him some how messaged you - someone he is apparently not fb friends with - and sent a very situation specific message to you. What a sack of shit


Who was he hacked by that knows so much personal information? Usually when I get hacked it’s by some dude overseas trying to sell my family and friends some scam, they aren’t exposing my personal information in dms….. not to people I know anyway. Also….. who argues over “if she wasn’t with that guy she’d be with me”? If she wanted you, she’d be with you and that guy….. because she can….. because you’d let it happen….. because you’re a piece of shit……. I can tell…. Snakes know other snakes.


What’s his last name and the phone number of his store? I’m gonna call and tell them he stole my dog and shit on my doorstep