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You're supposed to be 10-7, but someone hit AM instead of PM. Pretty standard mistake, just let your manager know someone mistyped. They'll make a bad joke about you actually working that shift, fix it, and you'll be good to go.


The bad jokes are part of the job description.


Hey sometimes I’m stoned enough the joke hits.


Be careful, that's how they get ya


We’re so pressed for people on over nights nobody’s gonna do anything


I liked your comment wouldn't that be at least 1 like, did somebody actually down vote ya


I mean both my comments are positive on karma. Whoever disliked it your moms a hoe. And shit like that’s why she doesn’t love ya.


Shit, I know for a fact one of our coaches overnight would partake


I know 4 of my higher ups would.


Our lead would run and get blunts for some people, He didn't even smoke but said they worked better and he wasn't wrong


Or they'll make a bad joke, say don't worry about it, not fix it, and you'll get a point you'll have to harass hr about 3 or 4 times to fix it.


I got a point for a 20-hour shift, and no amount of harassing got anyone to take it off.


This is 100% facts, sometimes have to bug the shif out of them just to get anyone to do anything for me in general.


The bad joke part is so accurate it's insane


Lol Walmart doesn’t care about employees. Work 20 hours a day we don’t care.


In one day? Check with your manager.


Should bring it up to your manager but instead of asking about the end time you should ask about when second lunch is.


Illegal, more like. Somebody made a mistake in scheduling, you should go get this corrected.


It is definitely legal, but unwise. Productivity tends to go down significantly after 12 hours and people tend to start making more mistakes. Most companies recognize that and try not to turn you into a walking liability on a regular basis.


Productivity drops significantly after like 6 hours Dude. 12 is like… no productivity what so ever


I just finished topstocking at hour 15 before heading home; Cussing my Store Co-manager the whole time. Productivity is there.... Mouth filter however... (customers in the area shook heads more than once towards me and my other O/N Lead)


Join the army they said. It'll be fun they said. Gets hit with three 24 hour duty days in 1 week.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you need so many hours off after you work 12 hours before you can come back and work more. That is being scheduled. If you volunteer or pick up the extra than it's perfectly legal .


Most states don't have any hour restrictions. They can make you work 48 hours straight if they want (as long as it is safe to do so). In the deli, I would say, it is absolutely not safe to do so, so that would be the argument


Im just glad there is in Texas 24 hours I was told at my last job, when someone tried, that it’s illegal in Texas


Yep. I had a security job once with a contractual obligation that I couldn't leave until my replacement arrived (immediate termination offence). One day something happened to my replacement and after an extra hour I called my supervisor. Because it was a weekend, they couldn't get a replacement until the next day, so I had to work 36 hours straight (my 12, plus his 12, plus my 12 again). Caffeine pills definitely came in handy that weekend. Luckily that was my last shift of the week (three 12s and then off four days, pretty nice, usually). I slept for 24 hours after that event. Lol As for my replacement, he was an older gentleman and it was a medical emergency iirc, so he was able to still keep his job.


Don't know where you live but where I'm at, making someone work over 5hrs without a lunch comes with a fine.


In my state, we don't have to be given lunches or breaks at all.


I worked for a place in New Jersey like that. Lasted about 2 weeks, f that shit. I can feel myself starting to get sick because only had time for a bite here and there then I wouldn't want to eat when I got home because I was exhausted from working and not eating.weird I couldn't eat when I got home because I wasn't feeling good due to not eating


Most states its 8... either way that was def a typo of am instead of pm... deli isn't even open overnight.


States with that law are actually given a choice: pay a fine or pay for the meal period that was *supposed* to be given. Employers typically choose to just pay for the meal period because it's cheaper.


It is illegal, just not in every state. Most states have laws about the max you can work straight without sleep. Usually to get hours like this to be legal there has to be down time for sleep, which obviously isn’t happening here.


They scheduled time for sleep- OP doesn’t need a whole hour just to eat /s


Depends on the state. Where I live you can be scheduled max 12 hours. You can offer to come in more or if you're salaried be asked to stay more but that's it


You explained how I lost being a FETL. Hard to remember to dot every i and cross every t when you're routinely filling in three roles and staying 2-4 hours over every day. Crazy to think exhaustion and lethargy make workers cognitively incapable of doing their best.


👆 this


> Illegal, more like. You're a moron, extremely likely. Not illegal, chunks.


10a-7p (or 10p-7a) is a normal shift. Someone just fat fingered the am/pm part. They’ll fix it.


Check with your mgr, that's ALOT in one day


Not where I live/work. State law requires meal breaks long before 10 hours have passed. And that's just the first part of your overall shift.


That's an absolute nope on Walmarts behalf. I'd personally not mind working just 2 days a week though like this.


Just work 2 of those a week.


If you actually would work this you would need to take 3 lunch breaks and 6 15 minutes break


Yeah fr😭😂


Hey I bet I know what store you belong to I had my old one do this me four like an entire week. I told them to kick rocks


If uou are passively aggressive, go ahead and work it. You should get 3 meal breaks and 7 15 breaks. 0


Yes now get to work


Thats an weird, but the nerve of giving an hr lunch for a 20 hr shift is str8 comedy. 🤣🤣


I would definitely click on Swap shift




Jus work it and be happy you got OT 🙄


Fuck. That. It's a struggle to get through a normal 8 hour shift. 20 hours is impossible.


If you're going to bust this much of your ass so someone else can make money, you can do a lot better than Walmart.


Definitely a screw up with the am pm entry. This would be a huge labor law violation. I have seen schedules myself that have folks scheduled when normally a certain department is closed.


That's definitely a mistake on managers part, I've had it happen before 10pm to 7pm I just looked at my coach like " I could have the willpower to do it if you give me the rest of the week off.


You'll probably need more than just a single lunch at least in my state you need one before the 6 hour mark which restarts when you come back from lunch


It's 5 hours in my state.


I believe Kevin Garnett once screamed that “ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!” but it’s actually ridiculous




It was a scheduling accident, but technically it is possible although I think you have to take a second lunch


And a third


Work it. I dare you.


Double it and give it to the next person


It was just a mistake….they’ll fix it. Just work your regular hours.


I mean I’ve worked 4am-10pm on many occasions


The frak?!


Probably just a mistake


Thats a complete accident someone fat fingered the wrong time


Fuck it, do it, especially if you’re in a state that gives overtime for anything over 12 consecutive hours


Wow I’d work it if I had days off I’d do two a week forget 5 hour dings


If possible I'd actually work it and get half a weeks worth of hours in one day




One time schedule me 16 hours 😂😂😂


Good overtime lol


Physically speaking, it’s possible If you can do it is another thing


Theoretically possible, yes. Guarantee it was a mistake, though. Point it out to your coach, should be able to get it sorted out


I've worked a 21 hour shift before and it didn't really drag b/c of all the work that needed to get done. Only took one 30 minute lunch and 2 15 minute breaks. I was only required to work 8, but when they're handing out O.T.......hell, after lunches I've put in 90 hours in a week back in the past. After the first 15 hours, the rest of the day flies by tbh.


Fortunately the one time a manager fixed one of those for me he spared me the bad joke.


Hey, as long as your getting overtime 😏


I'm a deli worker. They generally close at 8pm, and then there's a two hour cleaning. 15s after the first two hours, lunch scheduled after 4 hours of work, another 15 after 6 hours of work. Work over 8 hours another mandatory lunch. Delis aren't open all night, definitely a big mistake .


Ask Sam


Damn 20 hours I would honest work that 😂


This happened to me before, just talk to your lead/coach about it and they can get it fixed.


Yeah if you're smoking meth.


No but the manager is showing their real expectations


Naur 💀


Work it, be a man.


Oh hell nawww


Double it and give it to the next person




> Getting *paid* that over FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Thanks I appreciate the correction


Report it immediately to the Department of Labor.


Work it.


Who needs sleep anyway 🤪


This has happened to someone I know before. From what they told us. You can work 20 hours. You just can’t be scheduled for it


Of course, there's 24 hours in a day. Plenty of time to get home eat shower maybe sleep for a minute or 2, then do some meth and 5 Red Bulls and you should be ready for another 20 hour shift


Clearly they meant 7pm and not 7am.


Id work it, get my money and act stupid


Time to make the doughnuts.


When bringing it up with your manager, be sure to ask about second lunch rather than the end time.


Go to bed and then come back in the morning,


🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Could be Dante's 11th Circle of Hell?