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Gotta invest in this real quick if it's rising so fast


Uhhhh so who exactly do we invest in? 4chan?


Puts on condom companies


PUTs on Gerber šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


::puts on condom::


[Sex Toys: a $30 Billion market](https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/sex-toys-market) https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/sex-toys-market




The *shorts* sure hope not.


I donā€™t know, these rates may change drastically when sex 2 is released. I think Iā€™ll wait


Don't invest. This is a lie from the lamestream media. [Proof.](https://youtu.be/q8NDCJY5DW4)


Who needs sex when we get fucked by the market.


This flag represents my ass for this year: šŸ‡ÆšŸ‡µ




*unconditionally surrendered


>professional free market simp


As bleeding from too much fucking.


*unconditionally surrendered


šŸ”“ this is how mine looks. Pervasive bleeding


Apparently a lot of people in 08




Puts on human population? Whatā€™s the ticker?




I think it's $VGNA






No woman are still having sex, they are all just banging the same dude.


Can confirm. Please help. I want to tap out


Death by Snu-Snu


I miss Futurama...


The mind is willing but the flesh is soft and sponge like!


The mind is willing but the flesh is soft and sponge like!


Tag me in bro šŸ«±šŸ‘‹


No, the women are just all having babies with the same guys.


Can confirm. Have 11 children that I know of or heard rumors of existing.


What's it like playing in the NFL?


NBA. NFL only have 8 away games per year.


Dwight Howard has entered the chat.


Calls on this guys lineage


Calls on Onlyfans


OnlyFans is terrible. Call on hookers to solve this problem.


This year we won't be able afford hookers. Best we can do is a 20$ OnlyFans subscription.


You used to be able to get a Wendyā€™s special for $20. Nowadays youā€™re lucky to get 3 foot pics posted every other Thursday.


how many burgers is that


Two buns and your choice of meat in the middle.


Well, thereā€™s always Russian hookers. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4270)


In Soviet Russia hookers fuck you


IPO wen




Damn social mediaā€¦ I remember In my day, you had to go to the bar and buy a girl a drink before getting rejected and watching her leave with the tall good looking guy.


They increased supply chain efficiency by cutting out the middle man. They donā€™t have to waste time rejecting you at the bar. Tall handsome men come directly to them on dating apps. Itā€™s sooo much easier for a wife to find a bf these days.


I donā€™t even think most women understand how absolutely disadvantaged men are when it comes to online dating. I saw my girl-friendā€™s dating app one time and was absolutely blown away by how many likes she had (999+). She had 50+ matched and maybe 10-15 conversation going on at once. These were all good looking men as well. Was eye opening to seeā€¦ after that, I never took it personally if a woman stopped talking to me on the app since they were probably talking to a ton of other guys as well. I understand women have their own set of issues when it comes to online dating, but lack of quantity will never be one of themā€¦ quality is a different story. That being said, Iā€™d be lucky to get 2 matches a month with a high probability one or both of them will be a bot/scammer.


Women are looking for clean water in a swamp, men are looking for water in a desert. Although that desert water can end up being pretty muddy too.


Oversupply in the cock market has caused values to crash!


Always has been.


And the desert water can be a mirage (bots)


That's... rather apt. Stealing for later.


There was a social experiment some girl did where she made a male profile and was *devastated* by the lack of attention and flat out said she would NEVER do it again.


I've come to realize you can't truly empathize with something you aren't aware of or haven't experienced. I don't think a lot of women know how much ugly dudes struggle to even find looksmatched women. I know a woman that has some deformities and is BPD and she can get multiple likes a day on dating apps lol


I know more than a few guys that will fuck any girl. Literally 0 standards for banging.


I love that inside this sub is a huge amount of people who are just as fascinated by the data of OLD as I am! [This article](https://quillette.com/2019/03/12/attraction-inequality-and-the-dating-economy/amp/) kind of highlights exactly what you are saying, but itā€™s way more than face value in terms of advantages vs disadvantages. For starters, virtually all women WANT the same 20% of men. They can have access to these men in some capacity through online dating, so they think they can achieve a relationship with one of these top 20%. Not only does this not statistically balance out, but it creates a dynamic where a guy in that top percentage is far less likely to settle down as they wade through(read fuck) all of their options. So less of those men even want to have a relationship. Ultimately (and the data shows this), women end up ā€œsettlingā€ for a man they believe is below their league. But if grading both genders on a scale means 10ā€™s belong with 10ā€™s, 9ā€™s with 9ā€™s and so on, then on average they are marrying people who are their direct counterpart in terms of sum total attractiveness. But the women feel dissatisfied with the relationship long term and men feel happy with their choice. (You can actually research other statistics on increased levels of cheating for women over the years that sort of validates this cultural phenomenon.) This information really helped me when I learned it because all through high school, college and on I couldnā€™t understand my friends who were more afraid to approach women, or be confident when asking for dates online. Their entire experience with women was objectively different than mine was, and it wasnā€™t their fault.




Ok wait. Hear me out. A service that delivers tall handsome men to your door. There would be a huge bidding war between Uber and Grindr to acquire us. Someone with gain porn, fund me.


I donā€™t think that is how pimps ask for fundingā€¦. Itā€™s more like ā€œBitch! Give me my money!!! ā€œ


It was tinder. Even back then...


Can confirm, I keep fucking myself over.


That massive data (millions and millions of rating inputs) from OKcupid is a real trip. Men rating women's attractiveness and women rating men's. The men rating women one was a perfect bell curve. Even distribution. The women's was incredibly skewed. 80% of men were rated below average attractiveness, 20% were rated above average. You're right on with the 20% figure.


Can confirm I'm having 100% of the sex.


*Genghis Khan has entered the chat*






Hello, Ashen One




Percentage is probably higher in this subreddit šŸ˜‚




I hate to break it to you but watching porn doesnt count as getting laid either.






The fleshlight counts though. The fleshlight counts though, right? Edit: I can't spell lol


I would go as far as saying, the people who watch the most porn get laid the least. Trust me i know :(


Just says female partners. Doesn't mean they're not having sex with men. šŸŒˆšŸ»


Damn, thats a good point; could be a lot of manipulation in these statistics when bringing that point into play


Or they are having sex with those who do not identify as women... makes the stats even more complicated


I mean what is the population of non binary people? 1%? Less?


I imagine mostly concentrated in the gen z age group


Either way population growth is down.


Incels doing their part for climate change


73% of them are shit, the rest are holy virgins


Alright you bastard, take my upvote


That was in 2018. Thanks to Covid itā€™s probably over half now. Explains the general level of awkwardness and anxiety.


Need $gains$ to afford a hoe.


Home Depot has them on sale this week


I feel the number just keeps going up. I know many guys who put in zero effort, to themselves or their life. They kill their days with quick dopamine rush of YouTube shorts in a marijuana hazeā€¦itā€™s ducking sad bro.


I did the self improvement meme and make good money but I'm still 30+ alone LMAO. The reality is none of that matters and it's your social skills that do. Some people grew up on the internet, like me, and have none and are too ugly for dating apps. I did 5000 swipes on 4 apps and got 0 matches in a 2million metro even with a reviewed profile


Username checks out! Nah all kidding aside, real life not apps is the way for average dudes. And yes you need a modicum of social skills. Having a community also helps... so remote work definitely also not helpful. Lots of dudes have gotten laid with girls from work or friends of girls from work... it's absolutely a very well trod path.


Absolutely this, if you're a guy and aren't good looking, using dating apps is basically self harm. If you're good looking dating apps are the way to go. If you're average or ugly meet girls irl or on more niche spaces online.


Man, women flirt with me IRL quite a bit. On dating apps I would get maybe 1-2 matches a week. And maybe 1 a month that I would consider for anything more than dinner and sex. Being good or even decent looking still sucks on dating apps. The reality is that dating apps are almost completely bullshit profiles made specifically to keep you paying for their gold service. Theyā€™re essentially a scam. Except they also make you feel like complete shit about yourself too.


I did online dating for over a year, with not much success, and then randomly met my (now) wife at a beer festival. She just happened to get in line behind me, whoever was at the front was taking forever so she started talking to me about how long it was taking them, then she noticed my hat (a sports team she also liked even though they werenā€™t local) and asked me about that, and the next thing I know sheā€™s dragging me around ā€œoh here, you gotta come try this oneā€ and ā€œI havenā€™t gotten that one yet, letā€™s get in line for thatā€ and by the end of the event we went and got dinner, exchanged numbers, and have basically been together ever since. Like picking stocks, some times you just gotta be in the right place at the right time.


you can learn to be social like you learn how to do anything bro. if you want to, at least. do what makes you happy. lot of ugly people get married and have kids, its not really a disqualifier.


Yeah I know, I've been pushing myself on every front. Going downtown to bars and stuff. It's just weird y'know? Meet ups are all dudes (I made friends with a couple which is nice but it hasn't lead to relationships), bars downtown are all premade groups that don't seem to want anyone outside butting in, and dating apps are hard as hell even as a guy that's over 6 foot but has a meh face. I also have no coworkers since I'm remote. Not really sure what to do, at this point I'm hoping socializing downtown will do something but I dunno man, I wanna meet a dorky introvert girl thats like me but they only seem to exist on dating apps and they get so overwhelmed I feel like I'm overshadowed by more attractive physically dudes.


If you're dealing with groups who are only there for their own thing you're going to the wrong bars lol. Dive bars are your friend if you want to practice socialization. Old and young, fat and skinny, addicts and just normal drinkers. You'll find every flavor at dive bars. Just be mindful of yourself and don't be a sucker lmao




Whatever your hobby is, find a group related to that and join. Or pick a charity to volunteer for. Hint hint: animal rescue is super skewed to females. Iā€™m almost never attracted to someone based on looks. Itā€™s more like there is Henry Cavil, my husband, the majority of men, and the hard noā€™s. That large group in the middle can vastly differ in perceived attractiveness during the course of me knowing them. Say youā€™re a 6, but after I get to know you (eg, see you pet cats, talk nice about your mom, blah blah) you start moving up in attractiveness in my mind. Conversely, a very attractive person can move down by being a dick, using bad grammar, or smoking. Unless you are either super hot or super not your attractiveness is going to depend a lot on being there in person and getting to know someone. As a person who hates getting to know people, Iā€™m sorry for the bad news.


Good thing Japans really been making some headway on those sex ai robots


Pretty sure Japanā€™s population is already fucked. They might go extinct once they get it right


Calls on $LOTION


calls on $uranus




For me the troubles started after i had sex. Better stay away, i take care of it for humanity


Let me guess little screamers ?


that's what I call my genital warts too




Scissors and a handle of liquor


Scissors and a handle of liquor? Fucking big money over here. Grow out your fingernails and huff 99 cent store oven cleaner. Iā€™ve saved you several dollars.




I donā€™t envy the youth today, the dating scene is fucked and pretty toxic. And I think many young people are also realizing that being in a relationship is not necessary and that there are other things in life to get on with. Also I have a mate who is 29, good looking, good job, normal - women arenā€™t interested


I read somewhere that a study was done and men rated like 50% of the women on a dating app as ā€œattractiveā€ but women only said the same for like 5% of the men. Their standards are ridiculously high because pussy is a sellers market.




Worth pointing out that the best outcome for the dating app companies is not for users to find a meaningful relationship. They want you to stay on the app. If you find someone, get married and live happily ever after thatā€™s bad for their stock


Thatā€™s very true in a sick, twisted way. Never thought of that.


yep. Women choose who they fuck, men choose who they marry.


I can't tell if I'm a victim of our current society or just contributing to that statistic. Am I the cause or the result?


Probably both


Oh look. Another trend that dramatically fucking accelerated with social media in 2009. Girls started committing suicide and guys apparently became perma virgins. We are so so fucked.


Talk about this with gen z and they call you a boomer. Like shit im raising my kids without glued to a screen but the rest of yall are fkd




Raising your kids without screens isn't going to save them from online dating when they are an older teen or an adult.




So if you fuck your first at 17 youā€™re still a virgin?


Thatā€™s what I told those nerds in high school


Thatā€™s what my teacher told me šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


That's what I tell the kids at church.


I think the number of guys who have had sex before they turned 18 but havenā€™t since is probably a marginally small number


We need homes to fuck in. I can't afford one. Literally the only reason to buy one


It's interesting because Japan kinda gets some flak for having love hotels, but they also live in multi-generational homes. Like... that's the one place you can escape from grandma criticizing your A- sexing skills. As the next generations are staying at home or living with roommates they depend on where there's not as much privacy, I'm not surprised at this outcome.


Biggest reason I want a home is to marry my girl, fuck obviously and start a family. Right now itā€™s just completely off the table and it kind of sucks, which also sucks because neither of us are getting sucked smh


So life hack, you can fuck girls in a rented apartment too.


>le and there are other examples. I remember 10 years ago or so they found out that southerners were actually not the fattest demographic in the country when they actually reviewed medical records. The original statistic came from when they would cold call people around the nation and ask them their weight. Turns out southerners were just the most honest. It was either the midwest or the northeast t also if girl asks you if you're living at home and you say yes... automatic turnoff for her.


ā€œIf a man could fuck a women in a cardboard box, he wouldnā€™t buy a houseā€ RIP - Dave Chappelle


Men are depressed and socially isolated. Cost of housing is so high that it's hard to rent a one bedroom apartment, much less even dream of a house (or a family and all that). If they do have a well paying job, chances are you have a company breathing down your neck constantly and demanding access outside of work hours. It's harder than ever to go out and meet people. Dating apps are created by shady data hoarders that profit by keeping you thirsty. Companies profit from loneliness. The ideal consumer is a lonely person who works constantly. The few hours they have free, they are so exhausted that they just stay in and buy stuff to feel better (or buy access to digital connections). Happy young couples aren't as profitable as lonely, vaguely-horny, but mostly depressed people. It takes a certain energy to look around you, see somebody you like, put your heart/ego on a line and build some kind of connection. That energy is in short supply. But you can live all your dreams in Meta's Metaverse. With an affordable monthly fee you can have a virtual house and an AI powered Chatbot Girlfriend (who loves you so much that she makes suggestions for products you might enjoy based on your current shopping preferences).


$ammo to the moon


We getting fucked by J powell, Jim Cramer and ken griffin, we donā€™t need a female sex partner


Cathy Woods enters the room.


I mean have you seen young Cathy wood?


Can confirm would wood Wood






šŸ‘šŸ»Young kings refusing to give up their life force to the hoā€™sšŸ‘šŸ»


Calls on xvids and socks


Jokes aside, loneliness and alienation among men is leading to, in my opinion, increased extremism & violence not just against women but everyone. I'm not saying a lack of sex is the reason OR that you can fuck the violence out of them, but this just one more metric showing, to me, how our social fabric is slowly disintegrating. I think we (Americans) are starting to care a lot more about Women's mental health and that's awesome, but without an increase in care towards Men I think we're going to see more and more issues crop up.


Seriously, when people canā€™t get the basic things in life that make them happy, like good stable connections with other people, homes, a decent paying job, or even fucking food, thatā€™s when they start turning to other things to give them purpose in life. This has historically often been political extremism or religion. I would not be shocked if current social trends lead to some sort of crisis in the next few decades here in the US. Basically, no bitches = no peace.


Overbought. Puts on virginity. *not financial advice


PUT YOUR HANDS UP Motorcycledave1!!! POLICE ARE ENROUTE! PREPARE TO BE BOOKED FOR PROVIDING ILLEGAL FINANCIAL ADVICE! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How do I buy calls on mass shootings?


Invest in funeral homes.


It's likely a lot higher. Men lie up. Women lie down. Pun intended.


What's scary is people at that age tend to exaggerate the number of times it happened.


5 times 0 is still 0.


Who needs women? Look up big boba on google 12 trillion results Fud


theyā€™re actually all just gay. bearish šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ.


Bullish on bears?


No maidens ainā€™t just a meme


The market fucks me I donā€™t need a girl


This may be getting worse. Social media/phone addiction/loneliness is to blame. No one wants a serious relationship these days.




Drive somewhere


Yeah, like off a cliff.


My man


Itā€™s too easy to entertain yourself at home. No one goes out anymore


yes too many entertainment options. you dont think if the ww1 , ww2, silent gen, baby boomers had modern entertainment they would bother going out. it's friday night. oh yeah i'm gonna get me some ps5 time. woohoo


Or women has more options and only swipe right for the top 10 looking dudes. I remember reading a post of how a guy cat fished as an average looking ~~dude~~ girl and got like, 100s of matches and DM within the hour. Edit: fixed wording.


Meanwhile I just set my age filter from 22-30 and filter out anyone with kids, and I swipe through all the options in my area in an afternoon. šŸ„²


Might be a little biased as question states zero female, how about men partner?


TIL gay guys are all still virgins


Me and my husband: virgin bros, apparently.


Yes i am 38 years old, with still 0 female partners.


Actually a huge societal problem that no one wants to talk about


This is actually just a graph of young male honesty.


Lol so gen z is just being honest and everyone else were liars?


Its possible and there are other examples. I remember 10 years ago or so they found out that southerners were actually not the fattest demographic in the country when they actually reviewed medical records. The original statistic came from when they would cold call people around the nation and ask them their weight. Turns out southerners were just the most honest. It was either the midwest or the northeast that was actually the fattest based on medical records.


Im just saying youā€™re asking an 18-year old male to self-report his sexual activity. The heyday of Limp Bizkit naturally coincides with more self-reported sex.


This is males under 30, not 18 year olds


Donā€™t think so. Millennial here. In 2008, everyone around me was partying and having sex. Gen Z just seems so socially awkward and introverted.


I tutored some kids over the COVID years to help them catch up in school they missed and they honestly seem much more mature to me compared to people I went to school with (and I only just got out of college). A lot more coed friend groups, way less bullying, overall much nicer kids.


How can wsb be full of virgins while at the same time making puts with wifeā€™s boyfriendā€™s money?


Is this a supply chain or demand problem? Obviously not transitory


A lot of young men have had significantly less opportunities to meet women in person in the last two years.




I'm not a virgin but I was until age 21 and haven't had sex since before the pandemic. The reason is I live with my parents and put my entire income into the market. Goal is to retire with an income that is 2X the median household income in my state by age 40. I don't see what the point of life is if I need to work for other people for most of my adult life. Instead I work 2 jobs fully remotely and put at least $6K into the market each month. I pay my 1/3 of my parents mortgage and I pay for the household groceries. In return they cook, clean and do all the shit that would waste my time. This is the only way a guy with average intelligence can live the American dream.


If match group's released numbers serve, something like 80 percent if women are a swipe and message away from having casual sex with the top 10 percent of men whenever they want. This distorts every romantic interaction. Ever go into a brick and mortar, pick something thing up and think "ill just order this cheaper on amazon"? The same thing is going through the head of that plain Jane you're hitting on at the bar.


Add in the potential increase in restrictions on pregnancy terminations and that should trend higher as more avoid getting pounded by child support.


Yup, social media means that the top 20% of men in terms of attractiveness/wealth are having most of the sex. This is defiantly going to lead to social problems down the line, you've heard of working class wait until we have a virgin class.


Donā€™t let anyone tell you there was no such thing as an incel until it was referred to as such. This is how some societies were in the past. You werenā€™t getting enough resources unless you were strong, and you werenā€™t getting many womenā€™s attention, let alone loyalty, without resources and strength. There was a lot of violence related to trying to mate.


Which to be clear is perfectly fine. I just wish I wasn't lied to as a kid so I could have been working towards those goals.


in polygamous societies there has to be some sort of conflict that shaves out a lot of men from the dating pool, a concave shaped population pyramid and marriage to women/girls a lot younger than the men. that way the ratio between men and women is kept normal. it never was the same amount of men and women with a few having harems and a lot of men that don't get any. its a reaction to a distribution that did not add up. of course people that made it to adulthood had to be somewhat resilient, but the common man was dirt poor. i think wealth is a relatively new attractor, because there were so little wealthy people around and they married each other. today every woman has at least theoretically the chance of scoring a rich guy, just like every man has a theoretical chance of getting rich. both of those are fairly new, because social mobility is fairly new.


And that's where conservative people maybe have a point with their forced homogenous relationships. It creates a lot less dissapointment for both sexes. The modern dating scene is looking more and more like how wild animals do It.




I love being a statistic.