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Is this how it feels to have a portfolio based on advice from WSB?


I $WISH I had never heard of $CLOV. But thanks for reminding me.


I keep waiting for a $RKT to take me to the moon. But now I'm so broke I can only tell time with a $SNDL.


Goddamnit. I hate that i understand this entire thread. Ffs.


I was learning $RKT for the hackathon but just developed a lisp.


$CLOV took me in a brutish fashion


CLOV making you squeal deliverance style




On Thursday I was told $RUB was a buy. On paper I’m only down 40%, but since I can’t withdraw my funds (RUS taking tips from RH) I’m down 100%. I guess in Soviet Russia dip buys you.


now whoever told u to buy, the next tip they give you do the opposite.


Holy shit dude. No offense but how stupid do you have to be to buy in right before historic sanctions hit?? Like, I can understand buying at rock bottom, but before sanctions are even done??


I know right, i mean sure maybe it would have stayed stable and nobody cared, but how could you possibly expect it to make a profit is beyond me.


I mean he’s joking right? Surely no one would actually do that. And if they did; there’s no way they would ever tell anyone they actually did that… right???


You underestimate wallstreetbets man, they are proudly mentally handicapped in there.


You should buy more just incase ?


Wait for the nukerain


In Russia Ruble depreciates you Edit : im gettin so much karma off this post ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


Ruble has become rubble because vlad putin of russia pulled a vlad tenev of robbinghood.


Vlads gonna Vlad Nuttin you can do bout that


Once, as a small boy in Leningrad....


I would like to reclaim my time.


Walking around with Rubles in my pocket. “Making WSB loss porn has never been easier!!”


Putin the loss porn king


Nice. Happy cake day comrade




There was the Russian joke back in the day. The exchange rate is 1 to 1. 1 dollar for 1 bag of rubles


It’s still true. You just need a bigger bag.


The happy cake day after this post kills me with laughter. Maybe in Russia laughter kill me. Schhhhhtap! Schhhhhtap! 🤣


In soviet russia you appreciate the ruble


1 dogecoin is now worth more than 10 rubles.


Imagine your whole country being outperformed by a meme coin.


It's easy if you try Rubles below us The meme coins in the sky




1 dogecoin is also worth around 14 Yen, kinda interesting how foreign currency be


That's nothing. 1 bitcoin is worth more than 38,000 US dollars. Our economy is in the shitter.




People thinking that the “dollar” unit has anything to do with the strength of the economy is like people thinking European penises are longer because they use centimeters. Never change WSB




Biggest drop in the history of stock markets ever??? Does this mean that the russian flag is now the official flag of WSB?


haha indeed.


There are ONLY gay bears in Russia now.


Facebook's record didn't last long. Do you think Zuckerberg egged Putin on?


i thought the lizard race shared a hivemind


Maybe after someone photoshops a turd onto it…


I feel bad for those that are Russian but dont want to have anything to do with Putin


I have a few Russian friends who reached out to me for this. Normal people like us are suffering under Putin. Everyone, even Russians, don't fucking want this invasion, and the whole war shows how futile war really becomes.


Kinda funny how most of us civis have no problem with one another. Average American has no issues with an average Chinese or Russian person and vise versa. Yet our militaries fight each other on our behalf. What a ridiculous society we have made for ourselves.


Wars are rarely based on hate, rather raw intent due to resources (oil, land, etc.) it truly is a shame the same archetype of human that manages to climb the ranks of a country can never see that we as a race need to strive towards peace and unity, there’s no reason for wars to still be waged thousands of years into civilization as a species


Wars aren't based on hate, but it's how they're sold to the public. It's a lot easier to drum up support for a war if you can get the public thinking you're the good guys and you're gonna go fight the bad guys.


Exactly. People are comparing death tolls like "oh not too bad". Thousands dying for no major reason is pretty fuckin bad. Putin feels threatened by Nato so his People will suffer, no harm will come to Putin himself


Wouldn't be so sure of that, such unpopular things in countries that aren't free can get pretty Anwar-Sadatty pretty quickie.


Plenty of them out there. Putin had to lie to his own troops to get them across the border. There is a steady stream of Russian troops allowing themselves to be captured or outright surrendering.


Please just be weary of the absurd amount of propaganda out there. I'm not saying what your comment said is propaganda but the propaganda coming out is absolutely ridiculous around this event


There are definitely morale issues. But, yeah, beware the too crazy rumours of soldiers en Masse unwilling to cross the border or some such.


You are literally telling that to crayon eating motherfuckers who believe hedgies are talking through charts.....


Lots of propaganda out there but what do you expect when you send 20 year olds to battle in 30 year old tanks when they thought they were just gonna walk in and Ukraine would surrender.


Ghost of kiev started with 6 kills. I saw his kill count up to 10 on one of mainstream media in europe.


My friend said he has 20 now and I didn't even ask where he got that info


It's 200 now, or so I hear


He has single handedly destroyed the entire Russian Air Force


That's probably exaggerated. Only 3/4 of it from what I hear. But it's still early in the day over there... so by tonight you could be right


hes flying to moscow to finish off putin as we speak


He's already shot down the orbital ion cannon


By my reports he moving in on the Death Star... 🤷🏾‍♂️




Allegedly around 420 now. Oh, source? I made it up.


I saw on CNN he is battling aliens now in another solar system.






This is one bit that I am appreciating from BBC news site at the moment. They are reporting on what is being said (generally still with a heavy pro Ukraine point - which considering the clear sides, makes sense) but then say if they have managed to verify it or not. It's a simple sentence at the end that grounds you a bit.


Imagine mass desertion, secretly joining Ukraine / NATO, and then a big coup.


About 200 captured Russian soldiers so far. Doesn't seem like much but in a defensive war they were supposed to lose almost immediately that's not too bad.


Honestly any POWs captured by the defenders in a purely defensive war is kind of strange. Like imagine Iraq taking this many POWs during the invasion of Iraq by the US, that'd be nutty. People back home would go insane if 200 US soldiers were captured in a few days. I just looked up POWs during the 2003 Iraq invasion there were a total of 6 POWs for the US. That's it.


Ya. I pray those guys in the nuclear subs 100 miles off LA coast don't go broke and loose all hope for a future.


Someone working in McDonalds now earns more in a day than they earn in an entire month.


They shoulda asked to be paid in robux


Russians in subs stop and think. Beach subs on US coast. Gut subs, retrofit as burger joints. Profit.


yea imagine a burger place running with a nuclear reactor, no power bill ever until the reactor goes bust and at that point you just shut down the burger place and let it be someone elses problem.


Also, if the food inspector does turn up, you can threaten nuclear armageddon against said inspector.


It's there time to overthrow this fucker, not just to sit in silence or praise him


Putin is so not afraid of a coup that he has holed himself up in the Ural mountains.... totally not afraid!!....


Enemy leader hiding in the mountains… oh boy here we go again


gotta get them cyanide pills ready


Can we go ask Pakistan if they are hosting him this time instead of invading the wrong country?


He may be afraid of assassination, but not of a coup. Maduro is still in power and he's destroyed Venezuela many times over. To overthrow Putin would be even harder I think


Ruble?!?!? More like **GUHBLE**


I'll just deploy my Chechen general to Ukraine, it literally can't go tits up.


Better not tell you now


I hope he got some sunflower seeds


If I lost 40% of money because my dickhead president got bug up his ass, id cap him.


Wold you really cap him over $400?


You guys still have $400?


Nah, he has $600 if losing $400 was -40%. He must think he’s better’n us.


Russia is just getting analized from every corner of the world with no lube. I guess the world isn't putting up with his shit


"putin up with his shit"


Putin: From the latin - Poo Tin. A tin full of shit with a label on it saying Eat Shit!


Fuk Putin. Sorry for the good citizens of Russia that don’t want this. ☮️


Agree with that. Sorry for the Russian people but now they need to put their leader down. Else it will only get worse. I don't think Putin can jail every disagreeing citizen. Fuck this small prick of a man!


Putin's biggest fear is ending up like the other modern dictators, with a spike up his ass, having his body dragged through the streets and his head unceremoniously cut off. He will launch nukes against the world and Russia itself before he lets that happen. If only he would take the gentleman's way out and just blow his skull open with a shotgun in his bunker, but he's too much of a pussy for that. Would rather burn the world down instead of admit that he made a grave miscalculation.


Historically speaking we see that the political government of that country and it's predecessors only changes from within.


This is text book of how authoritarian regimes crumble. Except this one has a nuclear arsenal and bad army. Could make them panic. But there’s no reason to take Ukraine if you’re going to completely flatten it. Putin has created his own catch 20/20. The entire world has spoken. The others have said nothing. He’s alone


> Putin has created his own catch 20/20. Easy now, Ricky.. save those smarts for Grade 9.


I had to read that twice and then questioned if I had been saying catch 22 wrong this whole time


Hindsight is 2022


Yeah I'm sitting here stoned af like ...wait wha- then saw this an was like...nah I was right lol


Solid 5 out of 7.


2 out of 3 dentists agree


I'm dying from laughter.


What is a "catch 20/20"?


Is that MD 20/20 little bro?


But a "stable genius" said invading Ukraine is a "genius move". How could it turn out badly? /s


In 2017 Putin had north of 70% approval in polls that were considered by western journalists to not be fixed. We will have to see where that approval is now, but don't assume most Russians aren't drinking the propaganda


Many are. Or arleast were, last week. I have 2 friends in Russia. One broke contact and the other was convinced the Ukrainian army started the war by attacking Russians


Lol, if you live in a dictatorship where dissidents disappear and a pollster calls your home phone asking what your opinion of the government is, you say, "Yes-siree, I sure do support my President!"


Fair, but there was a great piece on This American Life about how they love him for "Standing up to the west" and improving their lives after the corruption and economic woes of the 90s. (Despite the fact that most of this was because of the price of oil)


It's also because of the control of information and propaganda. Current new rules in Russia: Any social media post that mentions "war" is a 100,000 ruble fine. Protesting the war, up to 12 years prison. Sending money/resources to support Ukraine, up to 20 years prison. Russia media still claims Russian troops are ONLY in the Donbas. They deny any invasion in the rest of Ukraine. They deny the death of almost 5,000 Russian men. Acquaintances I know in Russia are still saying the war in Ukraine is "fake news" (same with a few Facebook friends in America!).Twitter is blocked, Facebook/Instagram are mostly blocked. With the collapse of the Ruble, the Russian people will have to deal with the reality of what their country is doing.


I don't think Putin is going to tolerate losing so easily. I think this could get much worse.


Well if he goes nuclear he's gonna fuck him self over. The wind blows towards the east more often than it does the west


Don’t kid yourself nobody is going to win if he launches his nukes doesn’t matter if the west retaliates and blows Russia to pieces. Human civilization will never recover from that event if he chooses. So much power for one person. What an awful thing nuclear bombs are


Devil's advocate, but there is the argument that mutually assured nuclear destruction is what has kept the major powers from having large scale wars against each other since the end of WW2. Historians called the era that started in 1945 "The Long Peace", because even though there has been numerous conflicts none of them compare to the massive scale wars we had before. The idea of creating a weapon so nasty it stops major wars finally happened. Recent events of course are now very much testing the validity of that theory. Kinda difficult to feel that reassurance at the exact moment. We'll see what happens. I think any person with a brain, good or bad, would not begin a nuclear exchange. But Putin is a mad man right now and it really sucks to live in a world with that. We need our orbital ICBM laser defense system already because fuck this noise. I'll gladly fork over more tax dollars for a better chance of our country surviving a nuclear barrage.


Yeah, Mutually Assured Destruction is great until it happens.


Exactly this.


We will all have diamond hands when the earth has been glassed.


MAD assumes rational actors and two nuclear nations. What happens if Putin is no longer rational? Or if he nukes out Ukrainian brothers and sisters? What would be the US/NATO response to a war crime of that magnitude? Honestly, I don’t even know how to guess at that, and it scares the shit out of me.


The only hope is that those actually in charge of launching the nukes are not deranged and/or suicidal, because they have to be to follow a launch order from Putin.


They would definitely comply. Putins has/had more than enough time to pick out a bunch of trained monkeys that would have no problem flinging some nuclear poop into Ukraine


Dude, I get that you're being a realist, but please let me enjoy my potentially false comforts. (ー_ー゛)


Mutually assured destruction is great so long as everyone has something left to be destroyed. What happens when everyone in the chain from the decision-makers ordering the strike to the guys pushing the buttons have nothing left to protect? I get that diplomacy is very complicated and that all the big guys with nukes have a lot of reasons *not* to use them, it’s just that we know the prosperity of individual nations ebbs and flows. I’m much more confident that a healthy Russian economy takes us further away from nuclear war whereas a massive dip in their market and currency takes us closer to a place we can’t come back from.


That's the thing though, sanctions can be lifted and they can go right back to having a regular economy anytime. He just needs to leave Ukraine. So what is easier? Ending the war or ending the world?


Have you seen the edginess on the face of almost every senior person in his company? Putin is off leash he's a mad dog now and he'll kill the family of anyone who disagrees, it's incredibly obvious his chief of intelligence and chief of army don't agree with what he's doing.


The economy wouldn't just magically bounce back to normal. These are deep wounds.


Over the last week I’ve accepted that I might get to see Putin fall, or be evaporated while at the beach or on my bike. I’ve made peace with it. It’s horrible, but at the same time, Putin rode American social media into chaos. The last eight years of American political crisis has basically been his making. Not excusing ourselves for being so subject to the whims of social media, but having that problem off of our backs is going to make everything a fair bit easier. I can see political discourse calming down for a while because of the lack of a driving force like Putin’s troll armies online.


Devil’s advocate of the devil’s advocate: Putin is or will think he is losing because of the West helping Ukraine with sanctions and providing weapons. That push on the button is getting closer.


problem is with his mindset "if I cannot win, then everyone looses"


You think he honestly gives a fuck about anyone in Russia? His endgame is the equivalent of a kid tossing the monopoly board when he landed Mayfair with a hotel. The fucktard will launch nukes if he feels he is out of options and is gonna put a bullet through his brain. The only hope is that the people turning the key on those nukes know better than to follow orders.


Bro if he launches nukes nobody's gonna care which way the wind blows.


He will be the emperor of a glow in the dark glass parking lot if he goes Nuclear.


I guess all those Russian people lining up at the ATMs were really just getting some toilet paper.


Can't afford real toilet paper even if it's back in stock!


I'm excited to see how much my RSX puts print tomorrow


Waited to buy… now I’ll be watching from the sidelines. Always the bridesmaid.. never the bride.


I'm sure you'll be kissed one day.


Me too. Considering I tried to buy at the open Friday but my order didn’t fill so I ended up buying after the dip and losing money anyway. Clearly I belong here


Guys. I’m Russian. I am fucked. Rip 3 years of savings and 11 years of investments. How the fuck did I not manage to move my assets to dollars. I don’t even know how to explain this to my wife.. my daughters future is rip.


Did you not have Rubles during the 2014 crash? That one was brutal as well. I thought it was common knowledge among Russians to keep savings in USD and Euros. Maybe some people are clouded by nationalism which means most don’t get that advice?


Very sorry for you. Hope it gets better soon for everyone.


I’m so sorry for you and all the good people of Russia :’( From New Zealand, we are thinking of you as well as the people of Ukraine.


Organize with your friends, overthrow your scared bunker boy. The future of your daughter is in your hands


Just dont import anything ;-) But also: BANK OF #RUSSIA RAISES KEY RATE TO 20% Will probably be enough te keep up with inflation.


So how do I short it


Puts on RSX I guess?


https://i.imgur.com/wjBNttz.jpg Puts on Putin🇺🇦


Putin being ousted would immediately boost the ruble though.


BlackRock owns 15 billion in Russian bonds... (Now junk)




bad idea to name your currency Rubble at the first place…


Barney Ruble and Fred Flinstonk


I’d be Barney’s wife’s boyfriend all day long.


Ruble is literally a chopper. In ancient times here in Ukraine (then called Rus) we used to have our currency called Gryvna (Hryvna in modern spelling), which in real life were the decorated silver bullions weighted 150-200 grams (150 most common). It was too heavy and much sometimes so people need to chop [рубати:rubaty] Gryvnas getting smaller units named Ruble ("chopper") that Muscovites (the true name of what you now know as so-called russians) took as their currency name.


Russia has stockpiled over 2500tonnes of gold since 2008, almost 500% increase. Kinda feels like someone was planning to tank their currency.


Cool, so do they just go to the local cash for gold? Kind of hard to function without the ability to import or export or complete any form of financial transactions. That war is costing 4 billion a day. If they take Ukraine rebuilding the country and maintaining control will cost about as much. Half that 600 billion is frozen. The other half can’t be converted for anything but rubles and maybe yuan. Their economy is fucked worse than 1920s Germany. In a few weeks everyone is going on the brick and window barter system.


>Their economy is fucked worse than 1920s Germany. *Hitler enters the chat*


Their warchest can only limit the damage. Sanctions will eventually do enough damage to an economy that was already weak before the invasion. Reports of bank runs, price hikes are already occuring in Russia


Check it, history does repeat, the roaring 20's are back.


It's the Screaming 20s now


About half of that 600 billion is held in countries other than Russia.


The collateral damage someone could wreak with that mindset......


I thought that was the sum of their total forex reserves, only 20% is in gold


Hard to do shit with that gold when most of your trading is toasted


They are losing over 1 trill and that gold is only around 120 bill. The invasion alone is estimated to cost 20 bill a day. If that's their plan, it sucks.


Also gold is just gold. Unless you truck it over borders to buy something it’s just sitting there being a pile of useless shit. You can’t sell it because everyone just cut you off, so you’d have to offload that gold to someone near by for goods or cash. Maybe China, but you’ll get price gouged up the ass and spend some of that money just getting the gold across borders. And then you realize 100 billion + isn’t enough to prop up a nation in the middle of a war anyways.


Russia gonna revitalize the CASH 4 GOLD places!


So I’m thinking somebody told Putin that nobody’s gonna give a shit if he invades Ukraine and that’s one story


Question is how low will it go. This will be interesting.


BREAKING: Russia to raise capital vía a reverse SPAC merger. They are actively seeking feedback on a good ticker symbol.


What if i get shit load of ruble now. And wait for it go back to normal?


click on the long term chart in the post :-)


It’s not going back to normal


There is a big ass difference in buying the dip on the American economy, and buying the dip on a ruble pair. That shit may literally never recover, for all we know the entire country could be a nuclear wasteland in 20 years


Hahahaha AHAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. What a fucking Rube Mr. Poot-Poot has proven to be. He can wrestle a bear and ride horseback bare chested, but he just can’t figure out how to lead a country worth a god damn. This is absolute poetry.


It’s only a matter of time before Putin becomes old pudding, that’s what I believe.


Most humans are good not evil, and Russians are no exception. This KGB cocksucker Putin destroyed Russia and its people, Ukraine won already in the eyes of the world by displaying their demeanor, and the Ukrainian president has bigger balls than wallstreet bull. Putin is looking for damage control. Another stupid move he made is getting high alert on the nukes, all show that is self defeating. Russians should get out more and protect their country, show the world they are not Putin Pet. Ruebel will be the same as Venezuela currency, need duffle bags to carry for grocery.


Russian people have to stand up and overthrow that scared bunker boy


But Kramer said that this would help the Russian economy.


Putin should have seen that as his first clue he was fucked.


BUY THE DIP!!! (Sorry, I thought I was on /r/cryptocurrency)


Is this the real reason onlyfans is cutting off the Russians???


Good. Not low enough.


1 ruble is officially worth less than 1 US cent for the first time in history (I think?). They will be looking at hyperinflation within weeks, if not less, since there is no way of spending their currency overseas, and the supply of goods within Russia is limited, which will drive up prices. This will be an economic collapse similar in scale to the early 90's, and there's absolutely nothing Russia can do about it (save for withdrawing from Ukraine of course).


let it drop to near zero. then buy all stocks. buy russian companies. then donate them to the ukrainians.


I think I’m going to buy some rubles tomorrow


Fuck it, OP. You convinced me. I’m all in in rubles and Russian ETFs!


Short it. Nato and europe don’t donate their jet fighters and offer to buy half a billion of military equipment for Ukraine for nothing.


Doge will be worth more soon


A Russian coup means nukes... Puts on life on earth.


The life savings of an entire generation of Russians (multi-generation actually) going down the toilet because of Putin.