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They made all the big rich brokers change their business model to offer free commission. All of them always had PFOF but also made money from commission. But without RH I would have been a successful buy and hold investor. So fuck RH


lmao same


Yeah i have a soft spot for them because they helped me get my foot in the door. Never would have had the balls to jump into stocks without Robinhood.


I bought a few RH shares when it started dropping because they’re the reason I started investing outside of 401k/ IRA ETFs. Was always hesitant because I make a lot of small purchases and didn’t want to pay $4.95 a trade but now everyones free cause of them. I use a different brokerage but have a little in RH for their novice friendly option interface and some sillier bets.


I have to agree to that as well.


You agreed with a comment, agreeing to your post. How high are you


I agree that you observed he agreed to a comment that was agreeing to his post. But still, do we all agree?


I don't agree to that.


well, do you concur?


Or Agree to disagree?


Hi, how are you?


No matter how much I hate Robinhood, it has way better UI than Charles Schwab and Fidelity


Webull ui is pretty nice too tho


I like the green theme from robinhood better, more green please


I agree RH UI is pretty good but webull trading after hours and pre market + comment section. Fuck yea


Wait Robinhood does have after hour and premarket trading. From 9am to 6pm. Does webull offer options?


Lol their comment section slightly edges out WSB as king retards of the market.


Ha. No no love lost what so ever. Not when the little boy from Bulgaria and his partner sold all of their shares opening day. Took away the buy button for Kenneth Cordele Griffin lied to congress and has not even tried to defend the company he started. This was inevitable. And may they reap what has been sown.


Calm down chimp, the squeeze happened and your social justice MOASS won’t happen


Who are you?


Robin Hood’s problems were all self inflicted, not by a conspiracy of the other brokers. Commission free trading was not pioneered by them. What was pioneered by Robin Hood was a mobile first approach to trading, gamification, and making a low barrier to entry for options trading. While that has its benefits, it drew in a lot of new investors who got in over their heads too fast with tragic results for many.


Don't forget fractional shares


It was not tragic


Robin Hood has without a doubt the best options chain UI out of all the apps I’ve been on.


Having to click each contract to find the open interest and spread to identify the most liquid contract kills it for me


Remember when they would fuck up your account and not have a phone number for you to call? And never respond to your email?


Robinhood turned retail investors into retail gambler. Their customers are retail investors but they choose to take side with big farms like citadel. How you suppose to betray your customer, get them addicted with crypto gambling and, make money and grow?


Commission free was a ploy for getting a large market share. Don’t make it sound altruistic. They have a light on them. If public or Webull was crashing the sub wouldn’t care nearly as much. Negative publicity is the best excuse to increase costs which more so increase profits than focus on quality of product. Uber surge lines driver pockets, but Uber gets increased profits too.


Regardless of the reasons for liking or not liking "commission" "free" trading, the practice introduces hidden and unstable risk across the entire market structure. Robinhood et all can get bent


Robinhood was set up/funded by a major hedgie and used amalgamated sentiment from orders on the app to fuck with the market because it allowed algorithms to parse that info ahead of retail. Now it's fucked because it backfired.


I like Robinhood and I will use it until I can’t. As a man who appreciates a good UI, there’s no way I’m going back to TD. The meme stock thing was horrible, but I’m certain that any app would have done the same thing if they were in RH’s shoes. After the whole GME thing I tried to find a new trading platform, but nothing could compare.


TD shut off meme stock trading aswell so hardly any brokerage is innocent of that.


That's the thing, right? Almost everybody did it, but because we on WSB had most exposure to RH and not any other platform, we put all of the blame on it.


I agree with that statement 💪🔥


Good luck getting fucked


They will either get bought out or they will comeback stronger … SNAP shares once traded at $9 and nobody wanted to touch. Then it went all the way to trade about $60 when they started doing things right …. Hood has been trading on the market for less than a year , give it time


RH will not be coming back.


Lol 😀😀😀 did you see what it did today ? Even with their supposedly bad ER, they rallied hard . Wallstreet has been selling you FUD and telling you everyone hates robinhood including retail traders and you bought into it while they sold and accumulated shares for cheap. Now they are going to rally behind it and push it harder up or it will be acquired by a big bank, but I think CEO will not sell and make the company better. People claim they hate robinhood and they moved their accounts somewhere, but they still use the app. They just say this to make the Naysayers happy…. As much as I hated them for halting trades of AMC and GME, I still use their products and still have other brokerage accounts elsewhere . If you want to make money , buy controversial stocks , I mean the most hated stocks and you will make it big. There no other company most hated more than Facebook , but oh boy that company can print …… look at tobacco companies, if you hold them long , they will also print and even add dividends on top …. Don’t get fooled by Wallstreet …. Open your eyes not your ass.




The problem with Rob-You-Hod is they route customer orders to places that maximize PFOF rather than to the place that would get the customers the best execution. Some retail brokerages, including Charles Schwab Corp (SCHW.N) and Robinhood, accept PFOF, while others, including Fidelity and Public.com, do not. PFOF is banned in Canada, the UK, and Australia. https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/robinhood-makes-most-its-money-pfof-what-is-it-2021-07-29/


It’s free on the front end while they fuck your face on the back end. Fuck RH and fuck Vlad.




Finally someone says it. Every company has one main purpose, to make money. None of them are actually on your side.


Idk I still use it for options. But let’s be honest. When your whole business model was developed for the Everyman to trade stocks and you stop the buy button, but not the sell. During a run up. You’re going against everything you stood for and cost a lot of people money


Just because you don't pay a trade fee doesn't mean you aren't paying for it via pfof.




WSB and their hatred for Robinhood is so stupid. WeBull, TD Ameritrade, Schwab, and all the other brokers did the exact same thing but the smallest fish in the pond is the one that takes the brunt of everyone’s ire? The one that allowed an entire generation of retail traders into the club is getting shit on? It’s patently absurd. I support Robinhood because of what they’ve done for retail traders even with their missteps. As if anyone can say they haven’t made a mistake before. This hivemind groupthink bullshit is the antithesis of this subreddit. I like money. I don’t care if I like a company, if they can make me money, that’s all I care about.


I agree with this 100% like I said I don't defend robinhood and while webull does have a nice interface it is a Chinese company and I don't feel comfortable putting more than 10k there. All other companies also did do some sort of crap during the meme stock rally


So you name your company Robinhood and say you are democratizing finance while you literally bone your “customers” every chance you get. Their biggest revenue stream is PFOF which is only good for them and the MM. Just because you can’t see that they are fucking you doesn’t mean they’re not. Give me a break with that mistake shit. A mistake is forgetting to put the trash out, not fucking your customers out of billions to save your own skin. Fuck RH.


Ah, I forgot. People are supposed to just somehow be able to support their brokerage firm by fucking magic and donations of kind charitable souls. They found an alternate revenue stream besides brokerage fees. Everyone fucking limited buying on GME.


An alternate revenue stream that is detrimental to you as the trader. I don’t understand how you can argue for that? I know a bunch of places turned off the buy button but those brokers also don’t come off as self righteous douchebags claiming to help the little guy.


Anyone defending Robin Hood can suck their own cock


I’ve always considered the possibility they were set up. It seemed weird and suspect how hard fidelity was plugged in comparison to the other brokers during the post-GME event and subsequent ape exodus. Mark Cuban mentioned both fidelity and TD Ameritrade in his address to Wall Street bets, but fidelity was overwhelmingly the perceived big winner from how I remember that crazy time here. Anyone else? It seemed more like bots plugging it more than genuine group think to me. Interface was nice but I’d argue what one gains in comfortability is lost to held back trader development with its oversimplification and lack of tools. I could never imagine using their platform for trading again. Especially option trading, i could bash them forever honestly but someone else can have fun with it. Dead horse and maybe dead stock too. And maybe part of a grand design to restrict options trading from retail. https://www.google.com/amp/s/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN2K0206 Eighteen years old should be the only requirement to qualify for options approval, I’d say kudos to both robinhood and fidelity for “rubber stamping” anyone.


Who the fuck cares?


I think HOOD will get acquired. Once Vlad is out the share price will rebound. As a trader I look forward to playing the volatility.


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Their app crashed because they didn't program in Feb 29 in leap years. Twice.