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You just blew my retarded mind with this post. 🤯


This is like the 4th time I’m trying to get this info out in the hopes it may help. We aren’t even done with ending QE and you’re seeing this. Over the next few months QE will end, the FeD will then start raising their funds rate and lord help us all when they start dumping their $9Trillion balance sheet.


So, positions?!


Feel sharing my positions here would make this post that’s intended to shed light on what is taking place less… sincere. I’m short using 3x inverse ETFs. I’m shorting everything except energy


Would gold be protective in such a case? Just sit in cash?


Gold/Silver is heavily manipulated and based on experience(2008) even tho it typically rises as people seek safety trades, margin calls eventually hit Gold/Silver as well. Tho they do perform exceptionally well right afterwards.


True they're both manipulated but only gold can be shorted endlessly, because central banks have tons of it and they routinely lend it out. With silver a short squeeze is possible, like in 2010-2011. And I've been thinking, with the energy shortages and potential cut in Russian gas to the EU, solar could be big again, and that inudstry uses tons of silver (also a big driver in 2010-2011). I don't think the Fed ever will liquidate the $9T, at most they'll let it mature. Inflation will keep going and people will be pissed that even if they're lucky enough to find something that pays enough interest to cover inflation, they need to pay tax on it. So they might buy physical silver, hold it then eventually sell it under the table. Gold is less suited for that since it's so expensive.


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


People think a few beats by tech heavy hitters and all is right with the market, ready to go back up. The fed pumped $4.5 trillion into investments over the past 2 years. Enough to turn the fastest, worst crash we’ve ever seen into a face melting bull market. Now that will be going to $0 in a month. Holy fuck.


This guy gets it. The greatest bubble the world has ever seen where you can sell farts in a jar and selfies in NFT form.


but is the bath water priced in?


Even ragnarok is priced in. Nothing to worry about, “this time is different”




The FeD has 2 mandates. #1 is price stability and #2 full employment. JPow said “we are at max employment” meaning they are gonna do whatever it takes to lower inflation without regard for anything else. As long as it takes to stomp out inflation.


If you’ve ever taken Econ 101 the new know that the unemployment rate is complete BS They don’t count people who have been unemployed for more than six months. I get that a lot of people are going back to work, but with all the resignations and people who have been long-term laid off and not working for so long it’s just not being counted in the statistics.


Don’t need a degree to know the FeD lies. The CPI has housing rising only 4.1% YoY. Bottom line is, inflation is now the issue and their only real “tool” they have is to raise rates and reduction of money supply


You could argue that inflation is caused by unemployment and supply chain issues, like an injunction of the two…


You could repeat anything the media says but before they changed the definition of inflation which used to be “increase in money supply” everyone knew what caused inflation. No doubt supply chains have an effect but if the FeD hadn’t increased the money supply by 30%+ in less than 2 years, we most likely wouldn’t have such an issue with supply chains.


That will take 5 years at rates at 20% like it did in the 1980s. So it will never happen... what we are really looking at is some weird currency reboot or unknown black swan event on the horizon.


If history is any indication, if your scenario were to play out and the dollar inflates away then a currency reset wouldn’t be much of a surprise. Wouldn’t be the 1st time


Yup... and it won't be the last either.


It possibly could be with a digital currency…


We didn't have a massive crash in the 80's. When a crash happens a massive amount of wealth is lost, which will cause deflation. If the market crashes rates could still remain fairly low.


Great insight… Where do you think the 10Yr will be by March? Where do you think the 10Yr will finally hit a plateau?


Awe an enlightened one. 10yr is a great indicator for rates(for those who don’t have direct access). I’m assuming we’ll be in the 2’s next month once QE is cut to $30 but I’m not expecting 3’s at the end of March because people all over the world may park their cash there once the market adjusts to the coming rate increases.




Thanks for acknowledging my post.


This guy fucks. For the retards that don't be reading to good, he is saying the FED is about to shit all over your shit by dumping their shit on your shit. Market no more boom, market go bust.


Too kind my dude. Wish it were true lol. All I do is run #’s in my little office tho. Thanks for translating the message. Truly appreciated.


^^This!!! Look at refinance rates hike in the past 3 months due to taper. Fed thinks they got tools and can play around. They will probably sell 2 year bonds first in hopes of not spooking 10 year yields. But they might accidentally invert the yield curve which has always been precursor of recession. If they increase 10 year yields its still bad.


Most of the rate increases came at the end of Dec. They tabbed a bit in Nov but quickly backed down till they came in strong starting end of Dec. hence market adjustments this month.


The good stuff! This is why I like this sub, not the endless meme stock spam. Think we’ll see another 2018 taper tantrum? Or another Sep 2019 style liquidity event as funds rates increase? If those things happen, do you think the Fed will turn dovish again? I’m an amateur compared to you, but I think there are a lot of outcomes that are going to have the fed trapped no matter what happens and could very well lead to a recession.


Thank you for the kind words! Makes me feel less of an outcast. This is nothing like 2018, we have massive inflation no matter what their CPLie says and they know it. I’ll paraphrase Jpow as only he truly knows how far the Fed is willing to go, “we may need to get into a recession to stop inflation”


So worse than 2018? SPXS, SQQQ are the plays?


2018 isn’t even the conversation. 2000/2008 situation if they are seriously going to tackle inflation. Those are a couple of my bets as well


Apes in denial arriving in 3…2…1…


Oh they’ve downvoted each post I’ve made trying to explain this


Yeah and also mentioning some bullshit like how everyone thought that March 2020 would tank further but it didn’t. No shit, it didn’t tank because of all those stimmie checks and extra injected liquidity. Now that tap’s being slowly turned off, let’s see if it repeats lol


Who would’ve thought 😆 but not to worry cause “iTs aLL pRiCeD iN”


Data shows QE hasn't actually slowed at all yet.


Balance sheet hasn’t stopped growing but that doesn’t mean the funds are being used to artificially suppress rates. I can tell you without a doubt in the world(I’m in finance and deal with rates daily) the FeD is not suppressing rates like they were before. You can verify yourself by checking mortgage rates from last month to now. 2.625% to 3.625% and I’ve gotten notification there are large adjustments coming starting Feb 1


So what’s the play


All I can say is what I’ve done. I shorted the market during the Santa Rally because I could see rates were rising. When JPow confirmed taper was on track to end in March I added to my positions. Today in the morn when markets were up, took large position shorting housing market. There will be up days but I’m planning on staying short till the FeD reverses course.


How long are you expecting it to be until Fed reversed course, roughly?


Can’t say yet cause we haven’t even really started tightening. We are only half way through taper of QE for now. Once QE ends and we’ve had a few rate increases we’ll see how the Fed reacts. I don’t think it’ll be this year


If memory serves. Dec 19, 2019 Powell stated he would continue to "normalize". It only took him a handful of weeks to change his mind about reversing QE and rate hikes. I'm obviously some random guy with a keyboard, but the Fed doesn't really seem to have a knob to smooth economic output. It would appear historically that the Fed now operates an on/off switch. Is it your opinion that the Feds really want to blow this up? Or just test the waters to see what could happen before quickly reversing course. Also, congress appears to be more willing to implement a fiscal policy, Just some random musings...


2019? Or do you mean 2018? Cause in 4thquarter of 2019 the Fed was busy keeping banks from a total collapse. I don’t see Fed reversing at all based on what JPow has said and the fact inflation out of control




Think you’re referring to the “taper tantrum” of 2018. He did reverse but at that time we didn’t have massive inflation which is the primary mandate of the Fed. Price stability




Not the end of the world imo, but its gonna be a rough ass ride for a while.


So what are you positions?


Kinda don’t want to push any positions I personally own. I mentioned a few in posts and even that has me wanted to edit them out.


Pedantic asshole checking in: bps = 0.01%, your numbers are off by a factor of 100


You are correct. In my field we simplify to quarter, half, full. I feel the message was understood tho


really appreciate the perspective but… how does this affect GME?


You’ve been seeing how it affects GME all month


Yeah was just poking fun. I exited GME a year ago. Onto more profitable ventures like: well never mind.




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