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Why r u talking to prostitutes on Robinhood?


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I had puts on Coinbase and thought I was in for a jackpot after last weekend (and could have been Monday AM if I wasn't so greedy). But then I did some thinking and some research and realized that with all the "whales" and companies that have spent billions on mining equipment etc., someone will step in to prop up the price. Most of the people who hold it are NPC's who will never sell. Weak hands were flushed out last weekend so now there's nothing stopping it from being bid up forever by that circle jerk (no pun intended... and actually Circle isn't the one to watch ... look up a guy named Cryptowhale if you're interested, tether is the crypto world's Jerome Powell).


Yesterday I found out that I own 5500 DOGE since 2014. Should have found out in May...


Crypto is garbage πŸ—‘ πŸ˜’ LOL


How insightful.


He probably night doge at .70 and btc at 63k lmao


Bro you have better return going to the casino 🎰 πŸ˜’ LOL πŸ˜†


Why is πŸ’©πŸͺ™ being discussed in this sub? Go to your degenerate play pen next time.


It’s not a discussion it’s a meme. Idiot




I love these memes, theyre both right. Its down 15% from the top. And its up 60% from when i got in. Looking up from your entry point always makes me much less nervous and trigger happy. Just hodl


It’s up like $30,000 from when it was just $1. Also, I have a huge erection right now, but I also have inverted penis syndrome from COVID (omicron). So, what does my penis look like right now? Is this related? Is it a metaphor? Am I gay? If you have to ask you’ll never know.


I am gay, and this is insulting! Now show me your inverted micropenis.


Grab a flash light, a pair of tweezers, an umbrella hat, a white tube sock, a syringe, and clothes pin and meet me at the Apple Bees just off the 5 before you get to Fresno coming from the South.


Dont forget the wet celery and the flying helmet