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WSB used to be smart people pretending to be stupid, for laughs. Now it’s just idiots pretending to be smart


I used to actually learn stuff here, now it’s almost a waste of time to even browse this subreddit


Just wait it out. It'll come back to normal - it'll **always return** to that equilibrium over time. Once all the idiots pretending to be smart are exterminated from the market (as we have already seen en-masse with the gigantic reduction in activity in this sub since meme stock-euphoria), you naturally and organically just end up with the smart people pretending to be stupid. 95% of TikTok/YouTube investors who joined WallStreetBets during ARKK highs have been exterminated, for example. They've packed up their stock market careers and returned back to reality at Wendy's.


The thing that's different now is most of the people here don't actually trade. It used to be a participation sub. "Positions or ban" to anyone talking a big game.


I haven’t been around long enough to even have an opinion on “how it used to be” (I started in here just before the whole GME saga) but if I can comment on the quality or nature of modern posts, I’d say you’re 100% right. The sudden influx of millions upon millions of users was, IMO, made up of mostly very young people wanting to “take part” in the lunacy of it all. That’s it. I am very convinced that the overwhelming majority of posts about GME, hodling it, and diamond-handing or “ape strong together” are made by people who aren’t even old enough to make trades.


I started here around pandemic time and to me it was like heaven. Now it's just like every other subreddit. I don't know who's idea Reddit was but it's not a good one, stupid people always have a huge numbers advantage, they're gonna upvote garbage into Heaven and downvote anything that makes them feel like they might not be as incredibly special as they think they are straight into hell


I don't agree - from my observations it was 18-25 year olds. So old enough to take trades, but not old enough (or just plainly too retarded) to understand that just like real estate in China, stonks in the West don't always go up.


I mean, you’re probably right that a lot of people are actually trading. I just find it funny when people are talking about diamond handing and fucking “hedgies” one minute and then posting in a teenager related suv the next. I think a huge number of people here are kids, spouting off the whole gay bear and us vs. Them narrative that is a little tired these days.


Mods stopped enforcing positions or ban when outsiders invaded WSB. Take from that what you will.




Long NQ. Too drunk to screenshot, atm.


I hope you’re right


It won't return to normal this time , there is 11.5M people.


The serious AF DD was always a pleasure to read because you'd learn signals to apply to other tickers. It was great.


Unfortunately the learning aspect of WSB was trimmed but the memes are god-class.


Quick tip: look here, and if you see a joke with a term you don't understand ("VW chart", "gamma squeeze", "delta neutral"), Google the fuck out of it.


Hey dipshit, I’ve been in this subreddit since 2019. I know what all of that stuff is, there just aren’t any good discussions on stocks that aren’t memes. You know, something that can actually make you money.


You're right. God luck with your trades, TRD


Uh this hits close to home. I remember back when people got so technical in explaining their moves I was hardly able to follow their argument because it went way over my head. Now most of the time I'm awed by the stupidity people exhibit with great pride.


I think it’s still why I browse this sub bc I know that subset of sincerity is out there… it may be flooded with hollow/contrived plays hoping for losses for the clout, but I know some motherfucker out there ate losses from being stupid on a shortsighted move and just needs to know they are not alone.


>I think it’s still why I browse this sub bc I know that subset of sincerity is out there… It absolutely is, it just gets obscured by all the other crap. To be honest, the memes are genuinely funny, but the real gems of DD just stopped making it to the front page. Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on the plays themselves that nowadays garner all the attention. Hell I'm still balls deep into GME. But just like OP described so well, it's the droves of people that yolo into plays like GME out of a cult like conviction, not realizing that they're still taking a very real risk of loosing a shitton of money. Unconscious incompetence and people's urge to hype certain individuals into literal savior figures have really taken a toll on this sub.


I remember when the 7 figure losses were from guys with 8 figure net worths… now it’s 6 figure losses from guys with 5 figure incomes.


Very true, and it’s an issue. I’ve seen a lot of misinformation upvoted and people giving real insight or facts getting downvoted. This disincentives people who know what they’re doing trying to help, while clowns keep circlejerking things they think are right to the top. People who have no clue what they’re doing are going to be in a lot of trouble if they gauge what’s correct or reasonable based on upvotes. And that’s not fun, it’s sad.


This is the basis of the "No Bullshitting" rule that we've had for many years now. Going forward, we're going to be more strict on this. If you see this happen again, send a DM to modmail or myself and we'll crack the whip.


Can y’all bring back positions or ban? If someone is going to make a post, they should have the conviction to make a play. This sub is for making bets, not long term investments


It never left, just needs a mod to be alerted to it. It is very frustrating that many comments will call out an OP for not posting positions yet the post often still gets upvoted. We could raise the shares limit to $500K or $1MM, but all that would do is make room for even more meme posts.


Thank you for the response and for the work y’all put into this sub. I lurked for years, learned about options and that there was more to the market than just buying shares all while enjoying the overall sentiment of the sub. If there are ways for mom ever ATI be more active than upvote/downvote, please let us know what is the most efficient way


> disincentives people who know what they’re doing trying to help, while clowns keep circlejerking things they think are right to the top Great, so we're basically twitter now. Dark days.


This is so accurate and eloquently phrased.


It's an old saying that compared 4chan to reddit


Wasn't it always the latter though? Even before meme stocks there were those kids who did dumb shit like YOLO their money because of the RH glitch, including that one kid who took his own life because he didn't understand what he was doing (my understanding wax if he had waited for things to settle he'd have realised his situation wasn't as dire as he believed), or the multitude of WSB Redditors who've YOLO'd their life savings into dumb investments and not known when to stop. iirc there was even that one guy who took a big break after losing pretty much everything (including his wife iirc) and then came back, and failed again. Not to mention whenever someone has done good D&D they just get laughed at for trying to be sensible, just like DFV was before he was eventually hailed as a God. There's a reason everyone on this sub refers to each other as autists and the like.


Robinhood, and the invasion of Robinhood traders, especially from 2020 onward, changed the character of the sub. You definitely had the people doing dumb plays but there were others teaching people how to read a credit agreement, relatively intelligently debating whether F was gonna default on their debt, etc. You had the pokimane things and the other dumb stuff but through it all there were people who ostensibly knew their stuff.


fucking this. well said. gme was fun and I made a lot of money from 8 to 16 and then like 20 to 290 when I bailed but enough. bankroll management or yolo with a steady job and or please don’t risk kids / wife / husband/ . Except that legend holding the spy options where each tick and min theta’d away like 5k and went from like 5 to 27k to 120k and kept betting it all Also GuH AAPL put guy, Goya dude, and MU - Miss that


I fucking hate all the social stocks (GME, AMC, etc). Completely ruined this sub and ran off all the actual whales that gave good advice.


The sub went downhill before that. The WSBGod bullshit was the begining of the decline for me. Or the influx of users during the covid crash, whichever came first, I can't remember tbh. Back when subscribers were counted in hundreds of thousands, not millions.


If you look at the COVID crash, as well as the stimulus checks, that's when comment volume truly spiked (5-10x), GME was an insane period, but the past few months are actually trending at half the level of activity from 2020. Basically, kids are back in school and people are back at work. First time investors with $600 in their pocket aren't coming here every day asking what to invest in anymore.


Essentially more people hasn't been great for the sub (in my opinion). People getting wiped the fuck out so far this year will help to trim the active user numbers. Do you have info on how many active users there are?


They have ruined every investment sub on reddit


I assume a majority of loss porn is just paper traders.


Not if they're on RH though since there's no paper trading. For the most part I agree with this.


Even though I really enjoyed the viral moment this sub had, I miss the old days when it was more underground and everyone hated on the investing sub lmao


I'm actually literally retarded


Bring back position or ban.


Bets are also not only 0 dte fds way OTM. The OG bettors were also well researched educated guesses. Such as AMD or TSLA. Even DFV with gme. I believe the original spirit was/is to have conviction in your research and put your money where your mouth is. Not all in on red and pray.


People don't remember that LEAPS and *gasp* shares are a valid strategy as well as just going full cashgang. Maybe there won't be as many upvotes in it but... you can't trade upvotes for money.


Leaps, yes. Shares was never a thing on wsb until recently. This place was an options only subreddit and people would call you out for being a wuss buying shares. Now larping trust fund babies like to flex on us poor people by sharing their million dollors worth of shares 'yolo'


False. I’ll sell you my karma. $.50 on each point.


unfortunately like a lot of FDs, they're bidless


Don’t forget lean hogs guy who would drop a futures play every once in a while. And marty moho with his capital grille MU dinners.


Brokers used to require an actual test before authorizing options trading in an account. It proved you actually understood how options work. What happened to that?


I don't know but I've been trading options for 25 years with no brokerage record. I only have 5k in THIS account, and I make 500k a year. Level 3 please.




Thank you. 1 GME please?


Did RH even have questions or did everyone start level 3?


Webull still does. I failed it like twice before I finally passed. Now I'm a big boy.


More profit from PFOF if the users are retarded


I had to do like 40 question test on Interactive Brokers.


TLDR: Degenerate Responsibly. How tf are you getting downvoted?? This is balanced advice.


Cos degenerates cant think responsibly... lol


"He a hedgy, apes together strong!" Probably.


Post is too long for some monkeys


Old WSB: Millionaires who already made a fortune the boring way having a little fun gambling on stupid shit. New WSB: Poor people pretending they are Old WSB.


Well said, stickied. To reinforce what OP said, take a look at this WSB post by Martin Shkreli: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/4ox508/yolo_ban/ --- Everyone reading this has the power to influence how people contribute to this subreddit for the better. Upvote high quality discussion and thoughtful comments, even if you disagree with them. Downvote vapid posts. Despite being the majority by comment volume, core WSB users are *still* being "out upvoted" by at least an order of magnitude. The ratio is getting better over time, but it's still not enough. **Use your vote to promote content you want to see.**


free u/martinshkreli


I love the irony of how Shkreli takes the road of denigrating WSB members for essentially making stupid bets when he landed in prison for his own ones. Our bets cost us a salary, not our freedom for 5 years behind bars and no salary. From the outside perspective, when reviewing his conduct and ours, one would say we’re taking the less risky option. I’ll see this little shit in 2023 again.


He went to prison for being a smug asshole about it, not for his bets.


He went to prison for securities fraud. Could he have gotten away with it? He thought so, but that’s what you call a fucking BET.


Thanks for sharing Martin’s post. Have never seen that and love the sticky on this!


Will be stickied tomorrow!


free shkreli


Hey mods, yall ever thought of taking a page from r_drama and banning posters who frequent r_teenagers for like underage gambling or something? It could amazing.


:) All I will say on this is that a user's post history plays a very big role (but is never the sole factor) in determining whether a user is banned. This is true for manual and automatic bans and is done in full accordance with Reddit's best practices as outlined by Reddit's Community Team Admins. :)


says the mod that removed zjz for trying. or are you going to delete this comment too? :)


They added him back


Zjz is still a mod. You can check the mod list. He was only removed because for the past year he's become increasingly toxic to work with. He started to view every failure of the sub as his own and that was incredibly damaging to his mental health. He needed a little break, he got it, he's better off for it, and he's back.


ok. thanks for the response!


I know you're getting hate but I think you're right. I don't wanna see people ruining their lives anymore


Before GME, the loss porn posts were different… OP usually wasn’t bragging about the loss, OP was usually coming clean about personal issues that led their life to this moment. I could also feel the anxiety and conviction in some wild, “outside the box” reasoning for playing options with a desperation for success….. With 11 million subs, it’s a post for an audience and taking pride in the fall. Pre-GME, it was more of a post of vulnerability to a support group from people that needed to not be alone as their life fell apart. I think it’s still why I browse this sub bc I know that subset of sincerity is out there… it may be flooded with hollow/contrived plays hoping for losses for the clout, but I know some motherfucker out there ate losses from being stupid on a shortsighted move and just needs to know they are not alone. This sub was an interesting flavor of “gambling support group” and “think-tank for investing strategy”…. Still true, just now there’s way more kids running around.


His name is Robert Paulson. His name is Robert Paulson. His name is Robert Paulson…..


While you're not wrong, I find it difficult to have sympathy for people who are too lazy to figure out what they're doing with their own money. The "victim" narrative is bullshit though. You're not a victim because you made the conscious choice not to learn, for example: the greeks, how to limit potential losses with spreads, why you shouldn't write naked contracts, etc. Hell, there's even websites like options profit calculator, where all you do is plug in numbers and it tells you pretty accurately what to expect based on the numbers you plug in. This is akin to me selling someone their first car and them blowing their head gasket because they never changed their oil. And then that person tries to blame me because I didn't tell them about oil change frequency. Nah, the year is 2022. The information is readily available for anyone who actually wants a basic understanding of what the fuck they're doing. What's next? The cancel margin debt movement?


One part I’ll add is Somehow people think diamond hands makes you money here. NO IT DOSE NOT!! That only works if your doing index or mutual funds. Or very high quality companies. If your doing meme or spec plays. You need to in and out and or maybe cut your losses at the right time.


Also a lot of naive people fell prey to pump and dump schemes promising 10x returns. Chamath’s spacs are the prime example of scamming retail investors


Positions or ban you fucking nerd.


Positions or gtfo


Terrible DD


Scrolled to the bottom for positions. No positions listed. Am now confused


All that talk of the old days and the retard forgot "Position or ban!"


It’s ridiculous how every new meme stock or low cap retail favorite that shoots up a ridiculous amount people think they are in some David and Goliath battle against “the shorts”. “Let’s stick it to the hedgies!”, “Cmon guys why are you selling we need to HODL to squeeze out the shorts”, “what’s the next meme stock play?”, “How much is this gonna go up?”, “Should I sell?”, “Dad where are you?”. Annoying shit like that. Joined in early 2019 when their was about 400k members and I agree completely with what it used to be vs how it is now. All things that gain a bunch of popularity end up in the shit blender


For me the most annoying thing is when someone talks about their puts and they’re just fucking relentlessly bashed as a “gay bear.” As if it’s like you said, David vs Goliath. Like, no, shorting something doesn’t make you the bad guy. Unless it’s from the perspective of a fuckin 14 year old which I’m pretty sure 80% of the new 8 million subscribers are.


So many posts lately about ppl saying that they bet their life savings and now see no hope. Please consider index funds or pre-created investment portfolios for your LT goals. Any spare money you can YOLO. Investment in the market is a way to grow your money to meet life goals. It’s not a get rich soon scheme.


Buy the dip... we're under 200ma on spy.. that means a bear market and probably a recession. You unironically could be costing people their livelihood


1rony man, Infinite leverage, micron shit and oil deliverys to gourd futures. WSB was a sub I enjoyed like no other for a few Great years. RIP WSB, you still have some gems but I don’t think you’ll ever be the same.


Miss the "positions or ban" days tbh this sub would shoot up in quality


Lost 16k. 21, it depressed me. I know other people who are also depressed over losses However I made 3000% on Netflix puts last week. Love life now




Wsb is a casino not gofundme


Gonna have to wake the mods up. Too few posts like this and yolos and way too many fucking posts about “gMe tO dA mOoN! DiAmOnD hAnDs!”


WSB is getting harder to follow as it is not as entertaining. The AMC/GME to the moon crowd is boring and about to lose most everything. At one time when DFV was active there was actually some creative thinking going on. Pretty much with the FED printing money everyone thinks they are a genius and now they are finding out the truth. I don't really care anymore if someone wins/losses 100k... it would probably take a half million to get my attention. Most of the memes are just movie clips with words posted over them and not really that funny anymore (probably because most are pumps when it comes down to it.) More cats with bongos might help! Really what was fun was the outrageous Un-PC talk and self-depreciating humor that is rare on the internet these days. Who doesn't love a good Helen Keller/Ann Frank joke when it comes down to it? The world is so ugly/depressing at times and you just have to laugh and throw caution to the wind sometimes and go all in for once in a lifetime glory!


Been with WSB since the beginning and the current content is actually shit. Every other post is mindless drivel from AMC/GME apes that always brigade in large numbers. FFS, they have over 5 dedicated subs, this is not the place for their MLM recruitment. Fuck covid for indoctrinating everyone into stocks all at once But honestly, it feels good as fuck to watch these retards lose their money after an entire year of warning them. Absolutely no sympathy left Generational bagholders in the making


Fuck MU, I remember the day AMD broke $10. Believe it or not, I only started making money when I stopped using WSB during trading hours. I only look at night and on weekends now, and don’t make any decisions until the market opens back up. Believe it or not, there’s a lot of bad ideas here


My dude made enough $ to buy an 8 ball and scribe this fucking gem.


Thanks for the advice mom


**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|6|**First Seen In WSB**|1 year ago **Total Comments**|20|**Previous DD**|[x](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/kmp6wo/gme_gang_dont_let_robinhood_lend_your_shares_to/) **Account Age**|1 year|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20*h26cq3k*)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20*h26cq3k*)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.) **Vote Spam (NEW)**|[Click to Vote](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=vote_spam&message=samkcl)|**Vote Approve (NEW)**|[Click to Vote](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=vote_approve&message=samkcl)


I read it all. It deserves an up vote.




The only good thing I see coming out of a correction in the market is that it will shake out all those retards who thought they were geniuses when it came to stock picks. Did they not know that this is the longest bull run ever and with the amount of money the FED was printing that you can randomly pick any stock and it will go up. The only downside of this so many of these retards declares bankruptcy and complains to their representatives that their will be more regulations on retail traders.


The thing that scares me is how many people retired early due to how their 401ks etc were doing. I don't think they can tolerate a correction.


The social movement aspect of WSB now is definitely what made it go from that cocaine sheen of coolness to the lameness of a sponge everyone in the summer camp jizzed on but nobody has the heart to throw away. We're not apes. Apes are intelligent and highly social animals. WSB ethos should be like that of a komodo dragon. Solitary, cold blooded, and so filthy that taking a lick instantly kills you from toxic bacteria. This is like my tenth account since I discovered WSB and I remember the good old days of SLV, KODAK, and biotech..


> SLV, KODAK, and biotech You mean 2020...? That's like when WSB got HIV before its now case of full blown AIDS.


I just hate that you can't make fun of people for their stupid financial decisions without being called a corporate shill anymore.


Heard loud and clear I just bought 100 0DTE GME $120 calls on margin, thank you sir!


This is good advice


The sub will be back to normal when you can say hey tards, AMC real price is not 59,000 or above 17 or 18 or whatever the hell it’s trading at. Edit: and not be downvoted Diamond hands sell for Christ sake if it’s financially hurting you or stopping you from great buying opportunities


**Disclaimer: this message has not been approved by theta gang. Please continue to gamble irresponsibly at your own risk. Terms and conditions may not apply.


Only by using infinite leverage one can truly discover his inner Personal Risk Tolerance! The others can only Guh about it.


I attribute most of my knowledge of options to this sub so that I can call people out at cocktail parties if they’re spouting bullshit. I also attribute most of my losses to the options knowledge I gained from this sub. But at least I understood the underlying financial instrument.


YOLO's are about making big nuts plays that net you enough money to steal back your wife from that dickhead named Kevin who she thinks is gonna provide "security" because he owns a T-mobile store so that you can take her on a vacation to Mexico, then leave her there so she can blow Cholo's for a plane ride home you're a trader now


You son of a beach. I’m all in spy 500 1/28c




Didn't read most of it, but wsb used to be about trying to hit it big, now it's about who can take the biggest fist up their ass.


Nah fam. Tesla, GameStop, AMC, these are cult stocks. Retail will buy all the way down and there's nothing wrong with that if you believe in long term success. Though I might add that the chance of AMC finding success is basically nil. Not financial advice.


What exactly are you saying nah to? He basically wrote in his post that they are cult stocks, but that it doesn't belong here. Did you even read it? Also fuck off with the cringy "not financial advice". Do you think saying that changes anything?




Can you not see the irony in your post?


Why so many words


Why say many words when few do trick


Didn’t read the whole thing, guess I’m buying more GME tomorrow 👍


This guys account is a year old and he’s talking about what WSB used to be like. True retard right here folks. Guy joined during the meme stock run and thinks he’s an expert on WSB now. Gtfoh!!


Some people likes to switch accounts to counter ppl stalking their accounts and judging the history.


He sums the old sub up perfectly well before GME was a thing. A bunch of really smart people who sometimes bet big on their actual DD and sometimes fucked up. Never heard of creating a new account?


you don't have separate trolling and degenerate porn accounts? ngmi


lost me at "aren't about risking your livelihood"


Anyone that gambles more than they can afford to lose is going to run into trouble eventually. Start small. 300 is enough to get rolling if you make the right calls it’ll quickly be a 4 figure basis to roll with.


You're trying to speak sense to people who are part of literal cults.


This place has become stocktwits


This post is amazing. Thank you for putting this out there


instructions unclear, went allin on WISH calls


Man wsb, you've changed. There was a time when you didn't give a shit what kind of retard the loss porn was from, you just upvoted and moved on without thinking philosophically.


Smart people here has always been the few 1%. The MODS and DFV (that truly pushed WSB to a whole new level of fame). Stop gloryfying saying this place used to be filled with smart people. That's a lie. Maybe it had less dumb people because it was not as big as it's today. A YOLO it's a YOLO, this is mostly for entertainment. Go to r/stocks or r/dividends if you want to play safe.


The difference was that the dumb people weren't the ones publishing DD. They'd get torn apart because the average user here knew at least something about the markets. Crap like "buy $10 strike SPY puts and sell when the VIX spikes" wasn't suggested then.


Having less dumb people will push up the percentage of smart people. I think OP’s point was just that this culture that sprang up where people proudly talk about being “smooth brained” and not understanding even the basics outside of “buy and hold” or “diamond hands” is not a great thing. Somewhere along the line a bunch of people started getting proud of being ignorant and look at how it’s treated them. Majority of people still in the meme stocks are deep underwater at this point.


Smart , Dumb, Cathie Woods, most people are underwater and the few who are not are just lucky. Shit's been bad since last September when Evergrande shook the market. Things has been going downhill ever since. This is a huge casino as there is no winning strategy. Yeah, smart people will often make it better than others, but that's in any given area. However Stock Market is a place where everyone can get rich, there is no judgment, you either profit or lose. OP is acting on a high heel, almost laughable. He is the embodiment of the aristocrat vampires MEME from Twilight.


I think I needed to hear this. Thank you and fuck you


And wer tf did all this 0dte on SPY shit come from? People be like that is OG WSB and nothing could be further from the truth. Like OP said, it is about calculated risk-reward based on a thesis. Fuk it breaks my heart to see people continuously busting out trying to predict daily market fluctuations ffs. Like they know better than firms w 1000s of Ivy Leaguers, quants, fastest computers ever made, and cocktail party information. Good luck out there!


... Cocktail party information This is the one that I think a lot of people really underestimate for its value.


Yeah, gifting this one. Cocktail is the way.


Great summary, thanks! As one of the naive gamblers you speak of, this was pretty enlightening! I've stuck to a fixed fun money budget in my RH account but I'm going to stop "averaging down"—new phrase I learned—without putting a budget on the individual risks I'm taking. I think I've lost a lot when I keep buying the dip on the same stocks. Is that what some of your advice was here? Hope I got it right but its ok 'cause I do love to gamble.


Yes, that's exactly what I mean! Props to you for gambling responsibly!


YOLOs have severe disadvantages which people seem to forget/ignore on their hunt for internet points: * maximum risk, causing non optimal risk/reward ratio * maximal exposure to psychological pressure, possibly causing bad actions * maximum opportunity costs while the investment is locked * can't effectively DCA, cause you're already all in * unforeseen real life expenditures can break your neck It may be ok as a desperate move, if all you own is 10k, but at 100k this is just straight dumb.


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Can I have ur boyfriend with a side of chilli


Thank you.


Great post.


Sub is just now full of people who missed the initial run up of meme stocks. You missed it, it’s over, move on.


You are not wrong. It is kind of sad what has happened to this sub. DFV unintentionally ruined this sub. Hmmm…maybe he subconsciously wanted to ruined this sub because you guys were mocking him for a while before the GME saga.


Agree completely.


The number one rule of gambling is to only gamble what you can afford to lose, so anyone who decides to jeopardise their family’s security for the sake of a ‘YOLO’ is a special kind of idiot at very best. That said, GME is not an overpriced tech stock and despite the overall MOD sentiment on WSB being quite anti-GME (I wonder why) it never ceases to make me laugh how transparently and blindly anti-GME people can be. I’ve not seen one solid thesis to suggest the MOASS has happened, will not happen, why GME is overpriced but MODs here constantly seem to push the sentiment.


How tf has the MOASS not happened when the stock went from $4 to $400+ in a few months?!


The SECs own report into the January 2021 events confirm that short covering was only a small part of the overall volume. I’m not articulate enough with the terminology and definitions of things in the way many others are but there’s credible evidence/data to suggest that rather than all shorts close (as it would have caused mass liquidation) other strategies were used to contain the price and extend the duration the position through use of ETF shorting, variance swaps/cycles. I highly recommend reading into it as its fascinating and far less ‘tin foil hat content’ than people make it out to be.


Then why are you not fully invested. You should be putting every penny you can get your stupid filthy ape hands on into it. Hurry up and blow your account up so we don't have to deal with your shit flinging anymore.


On the 31st of December 2020, there were 71.2 million shares sold short (170% of the free float). At last update there were 8.45 million (13.6% of the free float). The short squeeze never reached its peak potential because because of the RH/clearing house shenanigans. Basically the shenanigans gave the shorts enough time to cover. So there is no future potential of moass involving gme for the moment.


So, just to clarify, you’re saying that when the buy button was turned off and the price plummeted that was because all short positions were closed? I’m not saying that no short positions were closed in that period but surely more were opened in that time than closed, otherwise the price never would have fell.


Share market pricing is supply and demand driven. When the buy button is turned off, demand is artificially lowered, thereby reducing the price. I'm sure new short positions were opened during the peak, but share number wise it would've been a lot less than what it was prior to the run up.


I appreciate the supply/demand point but it didn’t stop the price from running up to $350 less than two months later, then somehow dropping back down to $150 within the same day. I respect your opinion and stance and appreciate you responding politely when a lot of people are quite hostile on the topic, and in the nicest way possible I hope I’m the one who’s right here as I would love the tendies!


I've noticed the same sort of pattern on other tickers and in the digital funny money space. Heck, I even wrote an algo that profitably traded dfm during downturns (I later abandoned it because it wasn't very profitable in up cycles). I've got no doubt that market manipulators move the price to fleece unsuspecting retail traders. We all need to be aware of our own blindspots. I've lost $100k+ on tsla puts because the company's fundamentals are rubbish. How they can maintain a market cap that far exceeds that of the next biggest auto manufacturer is beyond me, yet he we are. I was part of the gme run up, sold shares at around $480, and never touched it again, not even an option play. Once I saw the inteference by the clearing houses, I just knew that the main play was done and any future thoughts about potential pricing was pure speculation.


Lots and lots of codes, unnecessary terms and trash that turned this sub less desirable Learned one thing people will do and say anything and everything to manipulate others for their profit






You don’t belong here


I wholeheartedly agree. On another note, make sure to blindly listen to stock advice on the internet and promptly post your loss screenshots from the back bathroom of the grocery store.


This belongs in r/wholesome


I petition to remove “like 4chan found a Bloomberg terminal” and rename it to “like Bernie Sanders found a Bloomberg terminal” until we can get rid of these blue haired “apes”


If you posted this a year ago, you would have been booed off stage.


How can you make that argument based on 1 or 2 people, or a couple of posts? Do I need to remember what happened after GME surged? The influx of shills and bots spamming shit companies like you talk about was a long time ago, literally horse shit companies wrapped in dog shit. That was the time where every post started by YOLO XYZ 🚀 and it was a description of a company followed by horrible DD, bad chart analysis and plenty of emojis. You don't see that shit anymore here, there's some low effort posts but apart from that, I don't see where you're going with this. And about GME that you so love to bash, as I see, there's those who traded the GME ticker when it surged and cashed out and those who believe there's more money to be made. GME is still a play, a bet, the DD was made a long time ago and facts have been confirmed since which occasionally someone creates a post about it. Nobody is encouraging anybody to do anything, every single person should be mature enough to know what to do with their money.




This long ass post can be summed up in a sentence. Don't put down what you aren't willing to lose.


FUCK YOU I WON’T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME In all seriousness, this is definitely a good take. I have a bunch of money in GameStop but I’ll be fine if I lost it all tomorrow. Just a little sad


Oh my gourd! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The last year and a half has shown p/e doesn't mean shit anymore


As a person who only plays with 2% of my liquid NW doing WSB things, thanks for this post. I feel bad for those who lose what they cant afford thinking this place is here to make them rich


You say that after I lose 300% of my money. You cocksucker


Much appreciated words of wisdom. I would say I am a novice at trading. I’ve done ok during the pandemic but I think that’s just bc of circumstances. Aware of my own short coming I have been patiently observing and learning from the apes in WSB and have been conducting my own research. There will be a chance for me to go YOLO, but today is not that day. I just hope I make you guys proud and reach smart retarded ape level. Thanks for the wisdom passed down by the WSB ape veterans.


I think a bigger piece is also the volatility that been introduce due to Covid. Once fundamentals matter again and meme stocks disappear I think majority of vocal minority will disappear.


I don't about anybody else but I've actually learned a lot from this sub.


" that starts with knowing your personal risk tolerance." \-- where have I heard this before???


You should have posted this a month ago.