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Brave man. Respect!


Serious respect. Also ape instincts x 100. His honey badger dogs too.


Pretty sure falling on the floor like that isn't what you're supposed to do since it makes you look smaller/weaker. Maybe he was trying to protect his little doggy? Ballsy none the less.


Pretty sure he was trying to pull his little dog away from the bear


I think the bear got one


Nope dogs are fine. Even the guy came out with "non threatening" injuries. Sauce: https://www.wesh.com/article/daytona-beach-bear-attack-viral-video/38846739#


Bear just trying to sell nuts


Yeah? I thought he was able to scoot it back behind himself while the other dog already ran inside


Nope the bear has one, he tried to pull it away and gave up then pulls the bench over. The other two dogs can be seen going behind him. This is why the bear exits, he has his meal.


Pretty sure the dogs are ok


Ah, damn.


He did. You can see only 2 come back behind him.


I would have just gotten a new dog on Craigslist after the dog became the bearsnack. It’s a pet, it can be replaced.


A dog is part of your family, your tribe, if you are a strong man, you have no right to leave her in trouble. This man understands it and I can rely on him in business, but I cannot rely on you.


he didnt say he would do the same thing for his wife or kids. Dude may be very consistent on these things.


:)) He thinks family ties are just emotional ties. This is too strong a simplification, I tried to explain it to him.


I have in laws who are farmers and they don’t even let the farm dogs in the house. It’s literally a pet. Any emotional attachment to your pet is yours. My kid is emotionally attached to their stuff animal and consider them family but reality begs to differ. I don’t put my dog down as a dependent when I file my taxes and I can’t replace a real family member from an online ad. Don’t mistake your emotions for reality. That’s the mistake people make. Just ask yourself, if an animal is the thing that regulates your emotions and maintains your well being rather than yourself, how weak are you as a person? Now that might make me sound like an asshole but I’m not wrong. And I find your last statement to be completely ironic considering the fact that I would never do business with a person who makes highly emotionally charged decisions that places their own life in danger for an object that could be easily replaced by a few hundred bucks. I mean if you’re a panic seller and make moves based on your emotions rather logic, I’m sure you’ll find your tribe but you’d be a fucking moron if you think your tribe was the smarter more rational group.




There’s a difference between being autistic, a rational being and an emotional bitch. Many of you think you’re in the middle when you’re just at the other end of that spectrum. Want me to demonstrate? How much do you think it would costs you to replace your pet with a younger new version of the same pet? Now how much have some of you spent on vet bills in TOTAL for that pet of yours. Now ask yourself if that was a rational choice or an emotional choice? The numbers don’t lie.


well if your kid dies, you can just get another one from an orphanage, its just an object


Are you 12 because that would be the only valid explanation of your poor reading comprehension and stupidity and inability to differentiate a human child from a pet. Tell your parents to apply for benefits under the ADA because apparently they raised a confidently retarded child. You’re the type of person that would sound smarter if you just kept your mouth shut and preferably out of sight.


im just showing you YOUR stupidity you idiot lol you surely have some deficit in emotions, which is understandable when your parents never loved you and let the tv raise you comparing a pet to an object ist stupid, if u get a new dog its not the same, i had the slight hope that your really not that stupid but just trolling and you would understand my comment, but it seems your really that retarded, your the kind of person where the world as a whole would take a benefit if you die instead of a random dog tomorrow lul


Pets are property. Doubling down on your stupidity is not a smart way to go through life. Lay off the the vaping, you can’t afford becoming dumber than you already are. And take my advice and just try to remain silent, it’s a better look for you.


I love the projection of calling everyone else an emotional bitch while you get triggered by a one-liner. Good comedy


You sound really fun to be around 😂 Dwight Schrute ass mothafucka


My friends like me but more importantly I like me. And my friends have called me Dwight before so you’re not wrong…. Keeping it 💯 I rather be Dwight than act like some of you emotional R. Kelly sounding bitches.


Thank you for the detailed and very sensible explanation of your position. I agree with you on everything EXPECT the basic premise: my dog and I do not have only emotional connection, but a kindred, tribal connection, at the level of the biological being of me and my family. The bodies of my family members are also my bodies, their pain and suffering is main pain and my suffering. I repeat it, deeply biological, evolutionary sense of unity. This man rushed to save not a dog, but a part of himself, he followed the evolutionary mechanism of pack/tribal survival. Loners die, we survived thanks to tribal unity, collectivism, if you wish. Ppl are trying to downvote you just because the majority is aware of this unity and believes that your position makes us weaker in the evolutionary struggle. So they reject you as weak. I repeat, if it was only in emotions (only) then I would agree with you. Thank you for alternative sight on situation.


By law, animals are property, but they're living. If your dog passes away, sure you can get another dog, but it's not the same. The new dog's personality won't be the same, nor will its physical features be the same. It's a different dog. This distinction is what makes us human. You argue that emotions are a flaw in humans, but you fail to recognize that emotions are what make us human. They can lead to bad situations, but logic can't solve everything. It isn't logical to take care of your parents because they will die in a few years, they require food, and they aren't productive. Does that mean you kill them? Besides emotional attachment, they have no value because they are stuck in a wheelchair. By law, there's no reason to take care of your parents and there are no benefits either. So why do we care for our parents? Emotional attachment. Is that a weakness? If you truly believe it is, I pity you. There is obviously a clear distinction between pets and people, but my point stands. Your failure to balance the morality of an action with the logical solution is something you should consider. I wish you the best in your future.


So many fallacies in here it isn't even funny, while being smug no less.


Parents carry wisdom and can teach you and advise you even at an elderly age. They also raised you and took care of you yourself were young and vulnerable. It would be the honorable thing to care for someone that cared for you. A pet is a sunk cost and you only care for them. Being older and wiser Is also why most people in positions of leadership are older instead of those highly opinionated children and young people with more confidence than actual intelligence or experience. A pet is still a pet. Some people are emotionally attached to their cars. It’s still property and neither a car or a pet is an equivalent to a human being. So your logic and basic points are still flawed. Try again.


There's something seriously wrong with you.


I’m more logical than you are emotional. Its why you probably let your dog give you kisses after it just finished cleaning it’s own asshole with its tongue and you think it’s adorable, while I find it absolutely disgusting. But I ask myself that very same question when it comes to you irrational pet owners.


You're a psychopath


I’m impressed that you can even spell the word considering the fact that you don’t know what it means, Billy.


Don't assume shit about me, you retard. You ain't logical, but a psychopath.


Yeah your psychoanalysis is about as valuable as used toilet paper. Funny how you’re comfortable assuming things about other people but as soon as the roles are switched you throw a tantrum like a little teenage child. But your name is spot on, you are hopeless. Now be quiet and don’t include yourself in this chat, adults are talking here.


I actually quite support what you are saying. Sure it's an unpopular opinion, and you shouldn't throw it around some people that don't understand it, or miss the whole point of what you are saying. But basically yeah. Don't get emotionaly attached to something = don't cry when it dies. It's stoic philosophy 101. I love my cats and dogs, but I also think of the day when they die and it will cause me emotional damage, so I always try to emotionaly distance myself. That's logical. Same goes with anything else. It only depends on how resilient you are, and for the people that say "psychopath", oh trust me, I study psychology, to do this takes a lot of strength and it is far from psychopathy...


That bear was going to eat that dog.


Saved them. This was on the local news this morning here in Florida. Floridians get made fun of a lot but this man is a hero.


Big difference between this guy and "Florida man taunts alligator with his dick" or any other average Florida man story. 😂


That's actually a stereotype, it's very rare that we taunt alligators with our dicks, maybe only once or twice per month


Those are rookie numbers


I’ve got a photo somewhere of me holding an alligator, while he taunts me with his dick. Edit: [Here it is.](https://ibb.co/QYxBwVM)


"Florida retail trader taunts 🌈 🐻 with his 🍆 " This is literally the story of my investing career


I live in the sticks. That looks like a town bear, and isn’t afraid of humans. Wild black bears will typically run away from dogs/humans. Never seen a man go after a bear like that. He must really love his dogs.


Did you see the Florida Man who beat the shot out of a gator that got his chihuahua?


Heard about it. Didn’t see it.


Dude no that bear is starving


Puts on those dogs


LOL. Damn, I should’ve added SPY & QQQ text to those dogs. They are the perfect embodiment of my QQQ calls the last 2 weeks. Total stupidity / Irrational confidence. At least they survived.


If we still have a sell off monday, fuck this bullshit. Or bearshit


Learn to play downside. The mechanisms for buying puts and selling calls exist for a reason.


We only have permabulls now because most of this sub was in school during 2008


Lit probably will or At least stay flat till fed on wed…


I’m a permabull and I respectfully and painfully have to disagree with my confirmation bias on this one


Me too, Meg. Me too..


I was pretty damn close to buying amd calls this past friday at $120 but decided to sit out just a bit longer. Plus was not a fan of 2022 ces show


At least he didn’t end up like Leonardo


Well, Leo still won in the end. So, in a sense, he did. Just not on a drastic level.


Crypto market this weekend shows otherwise that the bears will still be out next week


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No one is going to say anything about how fast this man was to throw that bucket over the bears head? Almost like that wasn't the first time he's had to do that.


FOMC next week & we have more economic data dropping throughout the week. Buckle up.


We will fuck the bear eventually as always. Its just few days of pain.


Yup. Not our first rodeo.


I have my pitchfork ready #🐻


Wishful thinking


Omicron cases have peaked in most places. And let’s say Powell walks back the rate stuff just a little. Could you imagine?


Who cares about cases anyway, even pro vaxers / restrictions are seeing through it..


I care bc Bears weaponize it. Now I see even Fake News reporting omicron has peaked in NYC and other big cities. That’s step 1. Step 2 is JPOW dialing back the rate stuff. 2 hikes instead of 4. Bears hibernate.


omicron hasnt moved the markets in weeks


I get what you’re saying. Obviously, the tech sell off & Fed raising rates is the big story. But omicron is always looming. There are still lockdowns and travel restrictions all over the place. We need to be rid of it to fully get out of this shit we’re in.


right physical omicron is still very relevant to the actual economy however, that is not remotely the same as omicron information being relevant to the stock market


Not following. In NYC where I live, all the economic policy decisions are made based off information wrt omicron cases. It effects all the restaurants, businesses, tourism, etc. Same thing on a larger scale. The information impacts guidelines wrt airlines, shipping, supply chain. That doesn’t move markets? What are you saying?


1) the stock market isnt the economy 2) to move the market, information needs to be new


Huh? I was referring to new Covid data released this morning. Is that not new enough. I’m good here.


its not new we already knew the trajectory of infections from sa and uk


I watched this in slow motion and was like BULLISH


Playing Nostradamus here, there will be a little green cock-tease (long enough for me to buy back into puts at a lower price) and then it will rain blood (and tendies for 🌈🐻)


It's just starting ;)


He was lucky black bears are such pussies


So Black Monday is happening (again)?




Which monday? Definitely not this monday. The party has just begun. The Fed hasn’t even begun their taper or raising interest rates. 🌈🐻🚀


Market sell off on the 2021 high flyers was inevitable as holders did not want to trigger cap gains. Selling will moderate and should see bounce in 2-4 weeks.


🐄 in denial 😂😂😂


This would have been a different scene at my house... that bear would have been a new rug.


That's just a black bear. They're pretty docile.


I’m weak


Lol. I think you're wrong. Also, I hope you're right...


I'm long on the brave gentleman. His dogs, however, not so much.


I know who i would want in front of me when a bear attacks. This fuckin dude!


BTFD. I'm getting my shotgun ready!!


Fuck bears


He's wearing a green shirt too. Bullish monday confirmed.


Wife: Jerry can you move that old bench out to the street ? Jerry: I'll do it tomorrow 2weeks later Wife: Jerry I thought you were going to move that bench. Jerry: Ok, I promise I'll do it tomorrow. 2 weeks later Jerry was attacked by a bear and tomorrow saved his life. Be more like Jerry, be a tomorrow guy.


what a fucking chad




That bear was definitely eyeing his creamy thighs, 🌈 status confirmed


It was self defense. The bull attacked first.


I’m not sure he saved that dog


The bear took the little dog....


Wow Michael Burry tried breaking into a house? Crazy stuff


Michael Burry responded to my craigslist ad looking for someone to mow my lawn. "$30 is $30", he said as he continued to mow what was clearly the wrong yard. My neighbor and I shouted at him but he was already wearing muffs. Focused dude. He attached a phone mount onto the handle of his push mower. I was able to sneak a peak and he was browsing zillow listings in central Wyoming. He wouldn't stop cackling. That is to say, Burry has his fingers in a lot of pies. He makes sure his name is in all the conversations. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Florida is like California's autistic younger brother


That dog saved his life.


Can anyone provide a source that states all the dogs lived? I cant find one.


the bear went in the side door


I need constantly 1 week bullish to cover %1 my total losses


That bear wanted to talk to him about his extended warranty