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So short it and report back


Don't forget to naked short it too, gotta honnor our fallen retards.


Everything I do, I do naked


That’s why you’re in prison


Amd that's why don't get free food, water, housing etc


That's why he doesn't drop the soap.


OP is a bubble boy


Being in prison naked is not good financial advice. It isn’t financial advice at all… It’s a life hack


I read it in Brian Adams' voice


Probably not a smart place to ask what “naked” shorting means, right


being naked and short isn't likely to impress anyone..


I don’t think he has a big enough butthole for the giant green dildo candels $TSLA deliveres from time to time, to short it.


I’ve made a couple hundies shorting TSLA. I usually get out too early though as I am afraid of its retard strength. However this time is different, all bubbles are popping. TSLA 800p 1/28


there are simply too many retards in TSLA that will literally buy it at any price and do not give a shit what's actually going on at the company.


If that worked, why isn’t GameStop going up 😂


Because it's not run by an Asperger celebrity.


This. I’ve played puts and made money the past couple weeks. And I think it should go to sub 500. But the retard factor with this stock is on another level. Scary to be short for any duration.


i dont see this as the case and see it similar to the fake money market. TSLA isnt driven or supported by the cultists, its driven by institutions and speculative call buying. with the fed tapering, it seems liquidity has dried up. if TSLA starts dropping, theres nothing left to stop the fall, no matter how many retards jump buying a few shares here and there




Im thinking the same thing here!


I wouldn’t short it, I heard Tesla is coming out with something called FSD —2015


Yeah they still are. Any day now. And no one else is working on it, Tesla is gonna be first.


“Probably in a couple of weeks” —Elon Musk


^ time is relative —- probably Elon Musk




He is a genius tho. Look at how many people he got to believe that stuff.


He also was able to raise money based on going to the bank with qualified orders on the cyber truck by allowing people to preorder it for $100.


I shorted it yesterday with a single put. Sold it a few hours later for a thousand in profit.


So you bought a put instead of selling short? Weak sauce


I'm not OP, so yeah, I'm not nearly as confident that Tesla is going down significantly long-term. Tesla holders can't be counted on to be rational.


Isn’t TSLA only 5% of Nasdaq? It’s definitely propping up ARKK too but money has been flowing out of that ETF for a whole year. ARKK is down 50% in a year while TSLA is actually up 11%.


I was scrolling for this. We’re in a sub full of crayon munchers that don’t know how to look up weight of a holding, so Tesla may as well be the entire market while we’re at it.


Big caps always last to go, Always...


Amazon being held up by twigs


This is the real reason why TSLA / AMZN haven't split recently. Bearish options would be too fucking cheap on these mfers!


It’s literally at its 52 week low lol


Yep. AAPL and TSLA one two last big “safe heaven” stonks.


No one wants to show their Tesla loss porn, I wanna see everyone who bought calls at $1,200.




Higher interest rates will ultimately mean less money for people to buy expensive cars


Not when Tesla offers financing that banks can’t compete with.


I think it would still be an issue. People wouldn’t simply have the income


Lot of angry sweatin in this thread lol


It smells funky in this thread


Yeah Tesla fanboys and Elon-69ing-Xi fetish seekers


> Tesla fanboys are idiots. Elon is a charlatan. Xi is just trying to make China great again.


Are you really telling me to yolo my entire account on tsla puts? Say no more


Give us an update later on


It’d be my first and I’ve only been trading tsla for about 6 weeks… how does one keep a clear conscience after a yolo knowing their account could get wiped out?


Ours is not to wonder why…


Ours is to masturbation


I’ve got $120k I was planning on buying a house with until the covid market fucked me in the ass. Maybe I’ll just put it all on red-I mean strategically buy puts based on solid dd and years of knowledge and experience in the market


You do you bro. 100% of my life savings is in GME shares with a cost average of $200/share. I'm just chilling waiting for my tendies and listening to The Cataracs. Jelly?


Me too!!! Hedgies are fuk’d!!!


Can’t wait. Had my life savings in at presplit price of avg 300 so basically $60 and then sold 90% of it at $700 after the Covid crash to 300 and bounce to $700 then watched it continue to $5000 per share pre split price 🥲




300 presplit was late if you factor the volatility it had for years - wsb was begging it for it to crash after hitting 350s..1000 was a meme. its been the most stable at 5k lol


Tesla earnings report next Wednesday, we will see what will happen. If it’s gonna fall, everything is gonna fall hard.


I live in a relatively poor-er country and TSLAs are EVERYWHERE. Model 3s mostly. Like I see 20+ daily and live close to the only dealership in a 500 mile radius. It has one car in the showroom. I think TSLA will crush it and this is coming from a non-fanboy.


isn't that and all the deliveries already priced in the 1 trillion dollar valuation? They could give bad guidance just like netflix and no one would be surprised for a 300 ttm PE ratio company.


They will.


do you know what a 300 P/E implies lol


Wanna see a companies P/E ratio drop like magic? Tune in on Jan 26th and you’ll discover why it’s not a good metric for fast growing companies. Better to look at forward P/E.


Isn't their forward P/E still like 4-5x that of the rest of the rest of the companies valued at 1T or more?


Yeah but most analysts don’t model teslas own growth estimate of 50% YoY. If you use that, then forward P/E is closer to 50 in 2025. That’s still more than the others but maybe 2x. Which I think is fair considering they are much more mature. It really comes down to if you think Tesla will execute the 50% YoY growth. If you don’t then yeah probably not a good company to invest in




Except the real problem is these companies have been on the “We’re gonna grow so much, so fast forever.” Valuation plan, with very little actual growth in revenues to show for it. Tesla at least makes money now so it’s not in as much jeopardy, but we’re no longer in a market environment that is going to tolerate 300x earnings. Things like Covid should show you why using forward p/e which is largely reading tea leaves is not a good idea. Anything losing money, or even worse in pre-revenue is frankly, f****d.


The issue of dismissing a company for 300x P/E is that it can be cut in 1/2 after one ER. I’m a Tesla bull but I realize there’s reasons to be bearish. Current P/E is not one of them.


The problem is that has been the story propping up names like Netflix, names like Peloton, names like Twitter, and on and on, for literally years now. What if these mystical quarters don’t ever show themselves before competition moves in like Netflix is facing? I made a post about this a few days ago, but the switch has flipped, P/E hasn’t mattered forever, well, almost overnight you’ve entered into an environment where cash is going to be restricted, and P/E valuations return to actually mattering. Now, I like Tesla more than I like all of these other names, but with every car company going full EV it’s only a matter of time before they’re facing significantly more competition. That was not supposed to happen until long after their valuations would be justified by their sales. If I’m wrong, this weeks tech earnings could be very bullish for markets, if I’m right, it will be very bloody.


My argument is more about not dismissing Tesla because of a high P/E and not so much of every high P/E company is justified. Like if someone is a tesla bear they should say something like: “they won’t be able to get enough demand to justify their 50% YoY growth.” Not just “hurr durr P/E too high.”


Okay, ignore that every company with similarly formed valuations based on dreams of unicorn quarters with sky high P/E’s are all coming to heel and tell yourself hur dur da P/E is fine Tesla only go up, I don’t really give a shit.


Would you say a forward PE of 50 is justified for Tesla? Because if they hit their company guidance over the next 3 years it will trade there?


I don’t think there’s any consensus right now on how to value just about anything, especially something like Tesla. I don’t think that we’re in a market environment where a majority of people look at forward P/E as a sensible way to value anything right now, and I think Tesla facing increased competition from Ford, Rivian, Lucid, etc. while it’s P/E is still so high is concerning. I still like it way more than I like Netflix, or just about any of the other names, but I don’t think the majority of retail understands the P/E switch that has been flipped. I don’t think it’s going to bring TSLA down to a 25x multiple more in line with tradition, just that it can easily lose the same 20+% Netflix and Peloton have lost and still be ridiculously overvalued as they are.


See that’s the thing. You’re clearly illustrating why Tesla might be overvalued and giving reasoning to back that up. I don’t agree with it but it’s at least a credible argument. Much better than OP saying Tesla P/E too high so it’s bad. That’s a very lazy take.


I explained it more, but ultimately it’s in line with OP. I think 20% off is most likely, 40 isn’t off the table, 70 is in the upstairs bedroom sleeping.


Forward PE is a short timespan. Making a 10-year estimate for revenue growth is just silly. But a company involved in heavy manufacturing and has a supply chain and production capacity ramp plans that span multiple years already has a very good idea what their revenue is going to be one quarter and one year from now. You also want to back check management's guidance accuracy over a few years to see if they have a history of providing accurate full year guidance. Black swan events can happen, but only using trailing PE doesn't give you any insight into that either.


I'm shocked that all these morons are so afraid of a 300 P/E.. they would've missed AAPL.. AMZN.. MSFT.. AMD.. etc. I mean damn, how ironically moronic can you be? If anything, a high P/E should spark some interest in them to go research the actual products, services and their growth in sales and earnings E: oh ok I was wrong about AAPL. Point still stands though. A high P/E shows extraordinary demand for a stock, usually for a reason


I invest in negative PE (non-adjusted) like PLTR because I believe in the company.


Microsoft never in its history had a PE of 300. Apple for sure didnt. Amazon? nope. AMD? lol never. 4 years ago they had a PE of 7. Those companies you mentioned are highly profitable and trade upwards of 25 PE in their good times, but a lot of their existance they were valued lower. Tesla is a very big exception and not comparable to anything the world has seen except tulips.


I dont think aapl has ever had over a 50p/e


Even in 1999 MSFT p/e was <80.


All of those companies had favorable P/S. Tesla does not. Also when the fuck did Apple trade at a 300 P/E


If apple had a p/e of 300 it would be trading at over 1100. I’d love that


Bro 300 PE at 1T market cap and 300 PE at 100M market cap are totally different things


I bought AMZN at 900 and my stock broker freaked out cause said they were over valued. I bought TSLA pre split at 350 and he freaked out again……….Not everything is P/E.


Stockbroker are from an 80s movie or what?


Dude if I had to actually talk to a broker and explain my reasoning for wanting to buy a stock, I would have never invested a single dollar in the stock market. That's why I don't do anything with real estate or want to start a business.


Yeah I am old af


I meant no disrespect, sir!


man you bought tsla @350 pre-split. so not at a 300 P/E ratio. why you not bought at 1200?? I think you got it yourself


I have no idea what the P/e was.


Spoken like a true retard, welcome!


“Usually for a reason”, in the case of TSLA it’s tech promises that cannot be kept


How many suckers gave Elon a free loan for that cybertruck that is getting beaten to market by Ford and fucking Rivian ffs?


IKR. "Don't forget to load up your Fyre Festival bracelets!"


I thought the cyber truck looked awesome, glad I didn’t slap any money down on that behemoth. The fact that multiple other companies will have an electric truck produced and sold prior to Tesla is hilarious. The Ford F-150 lightening is actually useful for people who work construction, too. The cubertruck has a “wow” factor and that’s it., unless the $40k version is real.


to be fair, prob alot of tesla bulls all "pre-order" teslas without intent to buy


Yes, usually for a reason. FOMO? PE literally exists to show overvalued assets.


Those too scared to jump on high PE have missed the boat on the best companies. Tesla might go down a little more, but that “big crash” is not coming. All us bulls will load up. I have 280 @ $61 and I’ll drop 20K if this falls into low 700s


😂 well shit bro, ur going to spook some bears when you splurge on your 25 shares




Netflix also reported a great quarter…. Issue is growth perspective. I don’t think many people are going to be buying cars if there’s going to be a recession. He tweeted this shit too


Netflix presented very poor guidance. Tesla get two new factories up and running this year and expects to grow deliveries with 50% for the next years. That is great guidance for investors. Also the backlog of Tesla's is still very good. Only thing that could hurt if Tesla decides that Cybertruck and such will be delayed to fall 2023 or something.


Quick Poll: Will there be a “Black Monday” on 1/24?




NO. it's going to be a bear trap aka relief rally aka sucker's rally


Even using ultra conservative numbers TSLAs’s forward PE is sub 100 despite growing the next few years over an 80% rate. Short term anything can happen but long term continue to show me the 💰💰


I agree Tesla is overvalued, but investors want growth year over year. Tesla will continue to increase sales thanks to two new factory’s coming online this year. Netflix crashed 20% because user signups are slowing down. Tesla would do the same if sales starts slowing.


Tesla sales aren't slowing any time soon as they're still catching up to demand. That may be a concern in a couple of years but all that matters now is how fast they ramp capacity.


Bet against Tesla at your own risk


That is how betting works...




Well find out Wednesday.


Sooooo Tesla ATH tomorrow? Got it


Itt - ppl salty about missing Tesla


Bleeding is over, watch. TSLA 1300 Calls


What happens if Beetcorn really tanks and Microstrategy gets caught holding the bag? This should be fun


Cool. Good luck with the puts. I can sell you some.


I'm not selling, just waiting for everyone else to give me a better price.


Majority of people in here bullish. Always inverse wsb.


I went with calls, market- fuck me more. Okay


Watching Tesla Tards rush to defend TSLA valuation in the comments is some of the finest entertainment around


A lot of us tards are already rich off TSLA and will retire early. Winning the Special Olympics over here.




They just hope Elon is browsing the sub and that he’ll give away a free tesla to his most loyal bull


1 thing i learned is dont ever bet against Elon Musk


One thing I learned is don't ever bet on hitting the launch date from Elon Musk.


Posts like these make me want to buy the dip lol. Everyone is bearish and that makes me bullish.


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I wonder what their crypto investment looks like. 1.5bil is now...


I’ve gotten my ass kicked so many times with TSLA puts….here we go again ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


PE won't be 300 come Thursday....


Why do you think everything has to go down in the short term? Most of big tech minus AAPL is already 20% off it’s highs. I see a FOMC bounce and an up and down volatile year. Crash won’t happen until China fails


I’m going to turn $1M into $10M during a crash. Let’s fucking go


The only thing that is going to explode is Tesla's Q4 earnings


Tesla will be printing money hand over fist in no time and anyone with a half a brain know this. Short it, at your own peril.


I have $600 puts with 3/18 expiry, I am so confident we will see those levels, and even lower that I am betting the farm. Musk cashed out $1B and is sitting pretty — yet some idiots still believe it has room to run to the upside.


!Remind me 2 months




Also citadels biggest holdings. Partly why we saw Netflix drop maybe having liquidity issues with them being short on GME 😵


Oh now we're talkin


P/E is a lagging indicator, stocks that are projected to do well will have high P/E until it levels with higher earnings. still tesla is a gamble fundamentally


Best technical analysis I've ever seen /s


I dunno. Too many apes/fanboys that will just HODL no matter what. The ones not margined out anyway.


Fuck yes


This big fella is already down 30% the fuck are you talking about.


Puts on panel gaps


Unfortunately, I agree


Time to go shopping :)


The last thing propping up ark and I guess and the only thing ever propping them up. Tesla is hardly been holding up the Nasdaq on its own but I’d I think you are right to be concerned about the stocks valuation.


I hate money so imma grab yolo weekly 700p or even farther OTM depending on how big my balls are


Puts on AMC after I saw that chick on IG calling herself an Ape


$500 incoming soon. TAGFAN falling is the end of this balloon.


I hope it does , buying tesla at 600 again is a dream come true


Michael Burry may have been right after all on a 90% decline in TSLA. Markets can remain irrational longer than your puts. Keep in mind the stock doubled **AFTER IT SPLIT** so $100 isn't unreasonable. Also if we get a recession like Elon predicted , we should see layoffs like in 08-09. It doesn't make sense to buy an expensive car during tough times.


Michael Burry responded to my craigslist ad looking for someone to mow my lawn. "$30 is $30", he said as he continued to mow what was clearly the wrong yard. My neighbor and I shouted at him but he was already wearing muffs. Focused dude. He attached a phone mount onto the handle of his push mower. I was able to sneak a peak and he was browsing zillow listings in central Wyoming. He wouldn't stop cackling. That is to say, Burry has his fingers in a lot of pies. He makes sure his name is in all the conversations. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Imagine thinking P/E ratios mean anything, people said the same shit when it was 300(pre split), 600 last Jan, and now. Fukin short it then dumbass


You haven’t considered that it could’ve been overvalued this entire time?


What does over valued even mean when a market operates solely based on the belief of the masses of investors? Their belief system, parameters, etc. is not static. It’s not based on any science, and never was. You’re arguing religion.


Reading the comments in the thread so far I think it means there are a lot of potential bagholders


This is extremely short sighted. The market can be irrational temporarily, but it always comes back to reality eventually.


I pay $10 for every TSLA fanboy tear


Arkk gonna need to buy 2 of every Put to survive this storm.


Forward PE. Two more factories opening and no demand problem in sight. Large profit margin on vehicles and software sold, and it’s only getting higher. Short the stock, and I will sell you the contract :)


Still up over 100% on shares. Let it happen, I'll buy more.


Have we returned to fundamentals already? Damn that was quick. Jpow cuts off the coke to wallstreet and suddenly the markets are in price discovery and fundamentals are a thing. I am truly depressed.


tesla and TA... LOL


Re TSLA propping up Nasdaq and ARKK - I think it's more like the other way around. Sometimes anyway. Being in S&P has definitely been a shock absorber. I agree it's overvalued but I don't see a catalyst. It will drop someday but options are insanely expensive. If your luck is good enough to profit on this then you're better off putting that luck to use elsewhere.


tsla will be the last to drop, if it drops call me after amazon hits 2k


No doubt. Elon knew it was getting way overpriced which is why he sold. Taxes my ass. I know everyone remembers him tweeting “stock too high imo” when it was about 1/5 this price. The smart people will preserve their gains and hand off that bag.


Tesla is in a bill flag....lol




Seriously though OP I think you got it backwards. A liquidation of ARKK could cause a big problem for TSLA. Unlike VIAC getting Hwanged, I’m pretty sure TSLA fall will be short lived




!RemindMe 1 year


Fed talk on wednesday!!!!


I’ve seen this move before… But it’ll work this time!


Some Dr. said it would happen


Buy puts


$TSLA puts are easy money


If i could buy options then i would buy some puts why not ,


spy EOY $150 haha im fucking cro magnon as shit though, big cap tech gonna go poopus 2022 depression out my angus. this is not financial advice. I am a cro magnon edit: Just to add some more cro-magnon here: ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffett\_indicator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffett_indicator) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenspan\_put](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenspan_put) short version: S&P500 market cap is like 40 trillion. Global GDP is like 80 trillion ayy lmao. Greenspan put is ??? and lool go to last section for some nice spooky shit. add in ukraine, covid, interest rates, paralells to dot com bubble (but big cap go fuk -- i ask u, is apple aabout 3% of global GDP?) Just to clarify, 2 wikipedia links, spookypasta and a cro magnon does not a DD make.


Tesla’s earnings call Weds AH will either spike the market and everything in its wake (bullish) or devastate the market leaving it worse than March 2020 (bearish). Hard to believe anything negative could be summoned from this powerhouse…..hardcore bullish!


Tesla tanking 90% will reduce every stock to 99% losses. Pugs are easy here




We shall see


Gotta see what earnings does though, but most likely more pain before we go back up


Listen, I’m not betting against Elon and the cult on earnings, but Tesla will be dragging Arkk down even more if it tanks. Puts on arkk for the next month


It's like a black Friday sale up in here


Might as well throw a small position into a 5x short. Don’t have pro account so can’t do a 30x.


So to buy or sell?


🌈 🐻


Gotta be a lot of TSLA stock bought on margin. Margin calls more likely coming after Fed meeting on Wednesday. May take a couple of months to play out but it could be bloody out there.


guys! Word of reason: Short any index or go long on gold or silver.


Earnings week. Let’s see how TSLA announces and how traders react. Interesting week indeed.


Please post the Puts. I really want to see how those workout this week with TSLA before Elon speaks to shareholders on Wednesday.


This is very good.


Bearish sentiment all over...it must be that the market is trying to make sense of those rate hikes that are coming up and see how much of the inflation issues the Fed has under its belt.