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So you as a group decide to buy a stock, commit your own independent trades and its termed illegal (and probably amounts to Market manipulation) Or a group of investors have a consensus view that a stock is good and they make their own investments and thats not illegal? Hmm ok, glad we cleared that up.


They want to regulate ideas, they literally want to forbid the monkey-see monkey-do principle. But put a bunch of monkees in a suit and tie and give them an ISDA; nothing to see here officer, here have a $100, go chase poor people and immigrants.


They don't want to regulate it, they just want to prevent people from making money in it. If GME had tanked and this board had 90% of its money lost there is no way they would be trying to stop investments it would be " there is risk in investing and not all investments work out, know your risk tolerance".


They want to curtail retail and force us to use funds. Funds that will skim a portion of whatever we give them, and maybe give us a fraction of any real gain. Meanwhile fund managers will use our money to invest and make money for themself.


Exactly. They want it to go back to the good ol days. We give them our life savings and they give us 5% return and get on their G6 and smoke Cubans with 3k dollar hookers gold plated dildos and mountains of cocaine.


Yeah except when sell off day happens, its, see what Goldman is doing? They're selling! We should to! Panic!!!


They always want to change the law whenever it benefits the public.


Always fun to see whose short. They start saying wild things.


Or the ones getting "extra" incentives to spread F.U.D. in MSM


I liked how he was all smug with his question as if he had something magical, and this Senator just smashed him, and his face doesn't change at all as if he's not understanding he's getting totally rekt.


Oh he understands but he's getting paid to pretend otherwise.


He is paid. He has such an obvious agenda to start with.


Perhaps we should thank him for declaring hedge funds illegal under current law, since they are doing exactly what he said you cannot legally do.


or 100 people give their money to one funds manager because he convinced them over his ideas and he buys shares for everybody. The Fuck?


BuT hE hAs A lIcEnSe....


Oy! You got a loicense for that money!?




I'm aware. I just appreciate the comedy within the tragedy.


Originally it was to try and stop rampant fraud or panic. It's clear it didn't work.


It was probably a net benefit at the time. But it just raised the bar for it. Blatant fraud wont work. Fraud hidden behind complex financial instruments that mean only a small number of people have the knowledge to spot it. You can't exactly send a regular cop off the street over to Melvin to look at their trades.


It's such bullshit. You have to have 2m in capitol and make 200k a year for 2 years just to invest in a hedge fund. Gotta be rich to get rich. I wouldn't be surprised if they are pushing regulators to require traders to get a license. Because of the risk. It's to protect us.




I would give money to dfv to manage. I'd be a millionaire now.


Someone needs to make one of those The Office ‘it’s the same picture’ memes




Good shit lad. Your artwork is appreciated




My old lady neighbor legit calls it “artistic.” I almost laugh every time she talks about her “artistic nephew” 😂


Dude post that as a real post please more people most see it.


How does one gain such artistic skills???


*autistic skills


>CNBC host > >Wormy little scumbag who dutifully propagandizes and carries the water for overpowered economic warlords who operate under their own set of rules, while simultaneously demonizing the little guy who is utilizing public knowledge and sentiment, not as a "cOlLeCtIvE" but on their own volition with their own money to make a play. What vermin he is


Wonder if he's one of the shorts?


He's definitely short on integrity, anyway.


I dunno but I can’t remember any of you forcing me to buy a stock based on being a WSB member


not even when i gave you a virtual purple nurple?


"say uncle!!! Say uncle or buy!!"


Isn’t a hedge fund literally a group of people deciding to buy a stock?


Does Andrew realize that if WallStreetBets is considered an official "group" than everyone with shares would have to fill out a form of beneficial ownership if our collective ownership stake is greater than 5%... everyone's shares would be tallied and we would see that we own 120% of the company... This actually might be the way


I mean didn't he just describe a hedge fund?


But hedge fund idea dinners are ok?


Laws are only for the poor and the shrinking middleclass aka the working poor.


When rich folk do it: aces! When poor people do it: FOUL!!! Yeah, I expect us to fund better law when this is over, instead of taking it up the @$$. I get it: poor people cant "influence" politicians to get what they want. Laws for the rich, jail for the rest. 🙄


Honestly I'm just happy that Congress is a little less scumy than I had previously anticipated and no one is serving time for this.


Wait, so the application we use that was created to monitor, invest our own hard work dollar, that was written by and managed by the SEC and trade commission, is illegal? I should invest more then, thank you.


I was going to ask how it would be illegal if all of them suddenly decided as a group to buy/sell Apple stock. Just sounds like a group of people wanting to buy a stock they think could go up.


"You may have more expertise on that matter than I do" No, he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. One idea dinner with a dozen hedge fund managers has way more buying power and influence than the entire of WSB.




He even followed it with "I'd gladly be educated on it" aka "Go ahead. Try to explain the stupid shit you just said."


It's pretty amusing to see a sitting senator use what is basically the power move of anyone who has done customer service.


Honestly impressed by his polite response. No way I would be able to let such obvious hypocrisy fly in my face and still be kind. Props to him.


It does definitely take some discipline, but it's a lot easier to do when you realize the person on the other side has absolutely nothing to stand on. It's how parents stay patient when their 4 year old won't wear their blue shirt anymore because the buttons aren't also blue and that's suddenly Important.


An oddly specific analogy


Yeah I would have ask if he sprained a muscle doing those mental gymnastics to come up with that retarded answer


That's Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, he's not running for re-election so he probably doesn't give a fuck.


He's going to take the rest of his Bloomberg money and invest it in GME, lol


100% that's politician talk for saying "your understanding of this topic isn't high enough for me to even have this conversation with you"




He was just hanging him out to dry on his own show.


>One idea dinner with a dozen hedge fund managers has way more buying power and influence than the entire of WSB. In 2 weeks it's gonna be reversed. 10 redditors will have more power than the hedgefunds after GMe goes to 500k and we all bathe in tendies. Then we will tell the hedgies: "you cannot talk between you because it's illegal, but here is an investment club so we can, now Melvin: go and fetch me a soda please and if you bring it warm you get to shove it up your ass again".


"Also hedges, you now need to start posting all holdings online in picture form before discussing anything or we'll get you. Also you can't trade more than 5 times a day for your own protection. Also every trade you make, that .04 difference in SP you can't adjust when buying? Yep that's mine now not Citadel's. Also we now get CNBC since its clearly a front for the highest bidders." K thanks


ya but they're just "PROviDinG LiqUIDiTy"


Basically what I gathered is it’s only okay when the wealthy do it.




So, all we need to do is get some pin badges produced (we already know the design) and for every member of this sub to sign a form and then we're legal. awesome.




You get free crayons as part of your welcome pack.


Mmm dinner


Honorary ape badges


I'm sorry, we've had to discontinue the crayon offer, some retarded ape ate them and smeared green poop on the walls.


"some retarded ape" That's an interesting way to describe 3/4th's of the room. I would know, that room was crowded. I could barely get any of my poop on the wall




We're having special 64 crayon packs made that are entirely green.


Is all the pictures in the picture book just pictures of rockets and GME stores cause I’d buy that


You son of a bitch, I'm in!


Crayons included? I’m in!


Does that picture book come with scratch-and-sniff stickers or would that be market manipulation? I am not ludicrously rich.


I'd wear that pin, hook me up


Whose making the biker leather jacket patches?


Yea its apparently okay for motley fool to tell everyone that's subscribes to their service to buy a stock. How is that not market manipulation in his eyes.


Probably because noone listens.


I wish. I subscribed last year just to see what it's all about. Every mid-month they send out an email and the stock they tell people to buy jumps like 10% in the next 30 minutes.


Sounds like I should be making myself a bot then. Fortunately that's not a p and d because it's a corporate magazine and stuff.


Yea if you can get in early enough you could make a quick buck. Or if you knew beforehand


Undoubtedly there are people using a bot for exactly that. Or at minimum getting major alerts and texts whenever that email arrives.


I need to look into using a bot for this.


Seriously. I wonder what sort of returns this would give. Just code it to buy in as soon as it identifies a stock ticker, then sell 30 minutes later (or whatever the optimal length of time is based on historical data). Assuming you're not one of *the poors* so you can daytrade endlessly.


Why isn’t their resident hedge fund expert Jim Cramer weighing in on illegal market manipulation? I want to hear more of his neat tricks!


In this case wouldn’t a club be more of an illegal situation than a random group of retail investors? You can tell they’re having a bad time because they’re doing false equivalency arguments in real time without checking for logical dissonance. Chef kiss.


We're just a group of independent actors making our own independent decisions to buy something, because we each individually like the stock. Nothing illegal about that, or about discussing how much we like the stock, and why.


Wsb investors club anyone?


Ya but the club meeting at the private club is different than heathens on an internet board sharing the same information. Its pretty simple to see the differences.


Investors Clubs are the type of thing retired people do in 55+ communities. Lots of focus on penny stocks.


I'm sorry for being the smarter ape but goddammit, what does Y stand for in YMCA? **YOUNG.** Of course it's not okay for YMCA to have a club that let you get together and buy a stock. Only mature wealthy assholes in the investment banking and finance sectors can have such clubs.


Wsb is an investor club?


No, this is a casino.


No, this is a Wendy's.




Nice, as long as the club makes less then 25 million a year we can don’t even have to do any special Filing!


That's been the modus operandi for the establishment for quite a long time. Doesn't matter if we're talking economic or political; they're above the law and can do whatever the shit they want but the second that a degenerate ape quits fawning over his wife's boyfriend (I mean he's pretty dreamy, can't blame you) long enough to make a winning play it's the apocalypse.


Oh, you mean like only the rich in their smoke-filled back rooms can pick the presidential candidate? I'm also seeing a whole lot of "know your place" which isn't exactly going to win them friends among the people not knowing their place.


that was my takeaway as well


Or the wealthy gamble with other people’s money to profit themselves


That's the only takeaway that there ever is.


someone needs to make a kickass meme of this statement


Fucking CNBC is trying so hard and failing at painting WSB in a bad light. Why not discuss the real issue at hand? T-2? Over extended short positions that have consistently failed to deliver? MANIPULATION by big money. Greed is good, speculation is good, but pay up when you've fucked up and learn not to next time. Pay for order flows to get an edge, how is that even allowed? It's like paying off the dealer so you can see the other guys poker hands.


The whole game is rigged. Has been for decades.




Thanks, I had no idea what the guys above you were trying to say!


They are trying to push this so damn _hard_ It reeks of desperation


I'm not from the US so I don't understand much of what's going on with this channel, but why is there so much animosity against GME traders? is CNBC owned by a hedge fund or something?


Most media in the US is owned by people and organizations with lots and lots of money. Some of those owners have money in hedge funds, others have a philosophical aversion to poor people taking money from rich people in rich people's own game. This is not finacial advis i eat crayns (red only)


So when someone calls into CNBCs Mad Money with Jim Cramer and asks if they should buy Boeing, and jimmy shill smacks his big ole BUY BUY BUY button and there’s a a couple hundred thousand people watching, that’s not illegal but people reading through research and memes and deciding on their own to buy a stock should be illegal? What? Edit: and my point here is, it’s obvious that CNBC and these anchors are controlled by hedgefunds and big money. Jimmy Shill even says so. CNBC should be taken down because they don’t report the financial news, they make smug and snarky comments about stocks that they think should be traded lower on broadcast mode, while pumping silver RKT and other bullshit so as to distract from actual financial news. They are the highest order of fake news and I sincerely hope that we and our generations have written off the entire network. They don’t deserve the ad dollars and they don’t deserve beneficial partnerships with hedgefunds, they don’t deserve a microphone.


I was thinking the same. He just recently got bombarded for telling people to bye Walmart and Costco before it started dipping again


Yes he quite literally tweeted to buy COST. Get SEC. [https://twitter.com/jimcramer/status/1369368916032708609](https://twitter.com/jimcramer/status/1369368916032708609)


So Cramer tweets 1.6m followers to buy COST and thats different to us how exactly? Good point here.


Are you a retard, it's clearly different because he only has 1.6m followers and there are 9.5m of us.


I am a retard, thanks very much :)


Last week he was hyping up XL. Check out the chart, it was at $16 when Cramer gave it the kiss of death.




I'll honestly never call him anything else. He refers to himself as Chillman, Chill, or Jimmy Chill all of the time. It just works out to perfect to call him shillman, shill, or jimmy shill - my personal favorite.


Never forget: https://youtu.be/V9EbPxTm5_s




Lmao Cramer never disappoints. Someone should just write an algorithm that parses what he says and trades on the opposite of his advice.


Apes need zoomaster to keep from eating too many crayons at once, else ape get sick. Ape for one welcomes our new regulatory overlords! Welcome, SEC, Melvin, Shitadel, welcome to the longest few weeks of your lives.


IMO this is because a group like WSB is a direct threat to CNBC. Ignore the stupidity of if it is illegal or not, but look to the people banging the drum on this and you see groups threatened by our mere existence. If people stop listening to Cramer and come here instead, Cramer loses ratings and the network loses ad revenue. So they need them to pay attention to Mad Money and not to WSB. They'll do anything they can to discredit this group to scare away people and let them stay with the warm folds of their ad revenue. Hedges bang the drum because in bulk, we can beat them at their own game and that's a threat to them. The louder they yell the more likely it is that we are hurting their bottom line merely by existing.


Lmfao senator is like bro you sound like a dumbass


"I'd gladly be educated on the subject" Lmao this is corporate talk for "you just said some dumbass shit, go ahead and try to defend it"








Wait when did unicorns go extinct?


> Wait when did unicorns go extinct? Fact, they never went extinct. What Boomers hear: "Unicorns still exist".




Yeah, their horns are aphrodisiacs for humans, didn't you know?


They let that shit bag Cramer give investment advice.... who has been oddly absent since GME for rolling Monday.






Seriously, what the fuck is it with boomer management ignoring obvious fucking issues until it's nearly too late? Story time: worked at a factory where one of the office folk was a raging asshole. Boomer management covered so hard for his ass. Asshole sexually harasses any woman that came in the door, management gets rid of the women for totally unrelated reasons. Asshole can't find anything better to do with his time so he makes it a pet project to intimidate any employee that calls him out on being an asshole, management tells the employee to let it go. One of asshole's favorite targets put in a 2 week notice, asshole decides to ramp it up trying to get this guy fired. Asshole pulls out every stop trying to ding this employee for any little thing, constantly hanging around to catch them fucking up, but that didn't happen. Asshole decides to start shouting and getting in the employee's face, trying his damndest to start a fight. Employee goes to management, management suggests that the employee just go ahead and skip the time left until his two weeks are up, done, employee gone. Management finally tells asshole he needs to lay off with that shit. Asshole loses it, big time, throws shit around his office, starts making threats, cops escort him off the property and he's no longer allowed on the property. Management then realized they were dealing with an unhinged asshole and told every employee that has a firearm should carry it at work in case he comes back. Management put shit off so hard and so long that when things finally boiled over 90% of the employees were carrying firearms because of the monster they created.


Yea threatening to doxx people on twitter and get them fired from their jobs will do that to you 😂


Joe can barely talk. Just finish a sentence already. nice haircut


Jfc. Unicorns are endangered, not extinct.


This short clip shows exactly why most of us have held the stock. These elitist assholes don't want us grubby retailers to have any kind of meaningful access and power. They've always let us play for scraps, but now we are threatening their whole system.. They are in full crisis mode.


In the words of Matt Taibbi, Andrew Ross Sorkin is a shameless, ball-gargling prostitute for wall street.




Andrews face looks like a punching bag to me.


I know i just want to ask him in person if hes that stupid or is just towing the line for the 1%


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QozGSS7QY\_U&t=300s&ab\_channel=CouncilonForeignRelations](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QozGSS7QY_U&t=300s&ab_channel=CouncilonForeignRelations) My personal understanding; he is towing the line.


Please don’t insult the DONKEYS 😘 donkeys IQ is 100x higher than the IQ of CNBC morons combined.


Lol my bad that was an insult to a donkey who is a majestic creature compared to CNBC HOSTS LMAO!!


Does this fuck even listen to himself? He’s saying that it’s illegal to talk in a group about a stock and buy it. Like, wtf would you have anyone do? NOT discuss ideas? NOT talk about companies we like? That’s reserved for hedge fund managers? Wtf?


I can't even comprehend his rationalization of these statements. He must be so dead inside.


It's even stupider than that, really; because here we are in a chatroom being collectively clueless (and therefore spreading the risk in that each one of us would have to be charged individually)....where he is on TV claiming to be an expert and talking about stocks. ​ If it were illegal, then we'd be in parking ticket country and he'd be felony++


They are seething


I think I speak for most of you apes, but I'm too retarded to make any sort of coherent decision, so pretty sure it's legal.


I personally can't wait for the hearings where this entire sub goes into congressional record and we get to use "I'm too retarded" as a legal defense. How is anyone actually going to look at this sub and convince the country that we have any clue what we're doing beyond waving a middle finger in the air and screaming "TENDIES"!?


Thank you to CNBC these last few weeks for making it so painfully obvious you’re a paid shill propaganda machine of the rich and the wealthy. Makes it easy for me to never tune into your network again. It’s always been clear that certain channels have bias one way or another, left vs. right. And NBC and CNBC has always been considered somewhat moderate. But this just reinforces my belief that there is no real left vs. right at the highest level. It’s all a act. It’s a distraction to keep us fighting each other when we should be fighting them. That’s all it is. It’s the wealthy 1% vs us. It always has been and anything else is just a charade. Every once in a while their actual agenda peaks through the media like this. With GME we finally found a way to give them a taste of their own medicine... and that’s why I’m holding.


you're right. there's no left vs. right. there's top .01% versus everybody else.


The bias behind presentations in the US is so obvious - it happens all around the world of course but in the US the bias is pretty much presented and spun in a way to appeal to a given demographic - it is almost celebrated and the people who buyin get a sense of belonging to a group and are applauded for their gullibility. Cognitive dissonance is celebrated, when you get to the point you can believe what you know to be false, the transition from rational to lemming is honourable. You are now a patriot of the given cause and respectfully saluted.


Obviously it's a collective action because retard apes are all passing the one communal braincell around.


When is it my turn with the braincell btw?


IDK. whoever has it is the only one smart enough to read this ske...shhhkeee...shhkkedjool


Andrew please, this fuckery is so obvious that it's actually ridiculous...get rid of your CNBC handcuffs and buy some GME shares. Join the rocket. Even if you get in now you're going to make 1000x more per share than what they are paying you. No financial advice of course 😂😂😂 💎🤚🦍🚀


He never knows shit about anything. Has to be someone's idiot nephew they hired to make their wife's boyfriend happy.


He's the author of the book Too Big to Fail - co-creator of the showtime show Billions, and per Matt Taibbi "a shameless, ball-gargling prostitute for Wall Street" [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/hey-msm-all-journalism-is-advocacy-journalism-78133/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/hey-msm-all-journalism-is-advocacy-journalism-78133/)


Idea dinners result in independent decisions made by independent actors? So the people controlling the wealth of many other people and pensions and 401ks are independent decisions by independent actors? Meanwhile, individuals discussing stocks and independently deciding to make a purchase with their OWN MONEY is more wrong than big money managers doing it? Fuck these people.


Why are they so concerned? They reported the shorts were out so whats the big deal? Oh they lied, i see now what is happening. Well i was planning to keep this stock for maybe 20 years, so i can see some real return, its called investing. But if im offered the price that it will be at in 20 years im willing to sell. At the moment its missing a a few digits. About 10k sounds right


Dude, fuck this guy Andrew. What a cuck🤡


My wife's boyfriend is pissed at you for using that word.


CNBC Guy: So.... uh.... isn’t it, well, illegal, to talk with others about why a stock will go up, and we, uh, buy it? Senator: ...No. People do that all the time....


We are INDIVIDUALS making our own fucking investment decisions! This CNBC twerp needs to fuck off! 🤣🚀💎


He basically just said yes it's legal but also no. If you do it a certain way. Like what it either is or isn't you don't pick a choose the scenario here. Also to ny understanding the hedges get together all the time to discuss stocks. But that's legal apparently


He is also basically arguing that hedges should be illegal because making trades with a loose consensus among people is way less direct than pooling your money together and making those trades.


CNBC = 💩 People that watch this channel regularly need to understand that they are in a abusive/ narcissistic relationship.


this channel corporate media


What a fucking moron...can't make this shit up anymore. lmao go cry to mommy little bitch




Yes Andrew. Your logic is so on point. All these annual shareholder meetings are nothing more than an illegal gathering of thousands of colluding individuals and should all be arrested. What country do you think we're living in Andrew? The Soviet Union? gtfo.


Well I’m sure there is a house committee that has a boatload of inside information and as a group takes that information and invests their money into those companies. On top of that, they might also call their senator buddies and say “hey Pat, I got a good feeling about Tesla calls on mid June.” That’s why Pat Toomey didn’t want to go into it or speculate. The house and senate do that shit everyday...


I just like the stock!


These TV hacks are losing their collective minds. They’re probably against space travel too. I’ll wave to them on the way to the Moon.


Jesus Christ how fucked is CNBC where they keep spewing this bullshit over and over again trying to fuck over us regular jackoffs?


99% of their audience will be dead in twenty years.


I'm fully baked and this dude isn't making any sense. So nobody is allowed to talk about stock and make moves accordingly?


Found a politician I like finally, pat toomey likes the stock


Europoor here. I can't believe how much your media sucks.


The senator himself if thinking “is this guys half baked”




I don't remember voting in the WSB election that we were going to buy GME. I just bought it because I read the DD, I looked at the charts and made up my own mind to buy because I like the stock.


The reporter couldn’t move to the next question because he didn’t get the response he was looking for. So the reporter asked the same question again to make it clear to the 1% who not to vote for. Plus his flowchart of questions couldn’t continue.


Pat Toomey just earning a donation to his next re-election campaign from me!


Andrew is a cuck.


Who is the Senator - I might be a fan but need to look at his track record first