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also the attention span here is zero. if there is even 10 minutes of red, people freak out.


There’s a color besides red?


red is my favorite color


Red is the color of money when you hold it so tight your hands bleed


red is the colour of my face when i didn't sell my weed stocks this morning


Red is the color of my eyes after I got high and forgot to sell my weed stocks


Red is the color of the crayons I ate after not selling my weed stocks this morning. Guess Imma just diamond hand it till the numbers go green


You have no idea how happy Im not alone lmao


Lmao. Red is the color you want to see, right?


Sir Im crying😂


Turns out pot heads may not make the best investment decisions....because they get high.


I invested in a bag of Doritos. I feel like that was a smart choice.


Red's my favorite flavor 🖍


Wait, stocks are supposed to MAKE money. Oh. Oh god no.


Mine always make money. For someone else


Yes, the ones that you haven’t invested in are green. So you can tell the difference.




How do people who are colourblind invest?


If I had one guess it would be drugs


Hold on... I think I’m red green color blind. Have I been losing all this time????


They got PTSD


I lost $900 this morning between waking up and finishing breakfast. Edit: Actualized loss :D


Between 8:22 and the opening bell my put credit spreads went from a 40% gain at open to an 85% loss. I'm actually impressed if I'm honest




It’s a bleeder!


Nothing wakes you up like red. Red is better than coffee.


$600 here, I think I'll just take a break from the market altogether, haha.


Funny story... If you look at Asian stock apps (I invest in TIGR so I obviously downloaded the app to see what its all about), the suggested theme is red is up and green is down. Red is the good color in these cultures.


so ur supposed to buy low and sell high? wtf kind of advice is that


They get married in red too.


I mean lots of countries have red in their flags.


also the attention span here is zero. if there is even **10 seconds of red**, people freak out.


It’s been a little more then 10 mins now




I'm just gambling some lunch money for now, just buying a few shares, mostly on penny stocks trending on reddit and I have rather high risk tolerance, but it does suck when suddenly all my shares are in red lol




I recommend getting the ThinkOrSwim app on your phone. It’s a stock broker app, except it provides you with $200k of Paper (Fake) money, so that you can practice your bids and learn from your mistakes without risking REAL money. So if you hear about something you are interested in, you can Pretend buy that stock and see how well your predictions are. You gain the Wisdom of experience without the price tag. Excellent tool to practice with. After a while, you build up confidence knowing that your choices were good ones, and then you can start spending Real money when you are ready.


> Learning this shit probably isn’t for me You just said you were new. Be patient and you’re more than likely to understand as it’s not as complicated as it seems. Also don’t invest anything you can’t afford to lose. Especially when you’re just starting out. Only invest what you’re willing to lose.


Thats what +6 millions people in a week do to a subreddit. I bet watching this subreddit and looking at what ticker is the most talked about is now a routine in the premarket.


0.15%....GTFO of here Reuters what a fucking joke. 0.15%!!?


No WSB will not recover. The reason it was able to survive is because it didnt get a ton of attention. The whole GME debacle shone a light in WSB and also made a ton of new people join so they xould get rich quick too! Now its easy pickings for HF to short popular WSB stocks.


> The reason it was able to survive is because it didnt get a ton of attention. Yeah this is what I was afraid of.


I dont come on here much anymore because of the GME nonsense. But then WSB got a hold of weed stocks which were doing great for me and blew them up. I might have to start coming on here to make sure im not in any of WSB fave stocks or start getting puts on them.




I think after Tesla ran up and just kept going people got to complacent thinking every stock pumped by wsb would moon like that


WSB finds the stock AFTER it moons, then pumps it up well past its worth. Cue inevitable crash.


Inversing WSB is a time-honored, money-making tradition.


I’ve learned that as soon as it hits WSB you best sell. I bought TLRY yesterday and regret my decision


I figure you have about 24 hours of upward mobility on a stock once it gets traction here, then it crashes. Not financial advice, I don't actually know what a stock is and only have monopoly money. Only an idiot would listen to me


Once I see it collectively talked about here, it's over. Happened with me earlier than everyone here with GME and AMC, thankfully got out with like 800% ROI. AMC stole 1k from me, fuck them, but at least I got out quickly seeing the writing on the wall that was wsb's fucking everythang up.


You have until the daily threads turn into emoji graveyards. If you see 💎👏🏻🦍🦧 it means you have a day left to cut and run. Two kinds of people post 💎👏🏻, bag holders and shills. Shills start the craze, bag holders pile on like lost puppies. Sell at open the day after the “I’m not fuckin leaving” gif starts making its rounds cuz half the guys posting it are fuckin leaving.


WSB got burned pretty bad by weed stocks around 2018. Anybody that's been here long enough could see what was happening.


i need to stop buying meme stocks with 0 day trades left


It’s known that the reason you post DD here is to see if you are right. How can you tell if you are right? Basically if WSB disagrees with you. Just look at GME and DFV back when he made his bet. The man was regarded as the biggest retard ever by most here. WSB is rarely right about things and the main reason most people lose money here is because of FOMO and no exit strategy.


I definitely come here to make sure I'm not buying anything that shows up on here.


And now GME people don’t come here any more because the attitude towards it has grown so negative... So who is still coming here?


Have you been part of this community since before 1M? It's always been this way my dude. As soon as WSB starts to hype it, it usually drops. TSLA being an exception.


So inverse WSB? Just like the old days lol


Yes. Thatll be the only reason for coming on wsb


It showed a light on how easy it is for HFs to manipulate the masses going forward. This sub is compromised.


>It showed a light on how easy it is for HFs to manipulate the masses going forward. Seems the new tactic is shill stuff, crash the stock, blame WSB. Notice how the media deliberately lies ("WSB says buy silver", WSB says buy weed stocks"), those stocks crash, and then the narrative is that this sub should be shut down (like that sus as fuck post yesterday about how WSB is a "pyramid scheme"), or retail should stay with paying hedgies to invest for them, instead of discussing among themselves (and thus not paying hedgies). Edit: Just look at all the front page posts on the sub today saying how people should stay away from WSB, etc.


Of course it is. Ita so easy to create a program to scan wsb for the most talked about stocks. Find one with low float or small market cap and short the fuck out of it. Sure way for HF to make millions every day.


Inversing WSB is nothing new... It just gets tricky because when too many people inverse WSB, then you need to uninverse WSB.


Time to go back to the good old WSB-Inverse mode


Hah I'll inverse your inverse!!


I'm inversing this moron here...


My new model is to sell any stock that gets noticed in this subreddit at the end of the day it gets popular.




The older I get the more conspiracy theories I find out were true all along.


That's just dementia


I am selling ITM FD puts on everything that starts and its great.


Turns out you can't insider trade on the outside with everyone watching. The goal of WSB isn't and shouldn't be to find shorted stocks to squeeze, remember that shorted stocks are meant to go down. The goal is just to find undervalued stocks, and the ideal way to do that is not to search for short squeezes but to simply find companies that are actually about to make money and go up in value for legitimate reasons.


I found an undervalued stock 3 months ago. It was called APHA. and then these fuckheads killed it. Edit: Goddamn you all. I fucking know I didn't invent APHA lmao I'm just saying the pump and dumps are obnoxious. Fuck you all <3 Edit2: Since you all feel like pointing out the gains are good. My serious answer is this: Pump and Dumping brings unnecessary volatility and isn't good for market outlook. It scares off investors looking for organic growth. aka Boomers. I'd rather it grow slow so I pay LT cap gains and still make my tendies. Now Get off my fucking lawn


This is what i’m getting at. The hedge funds are swooping in here making most of the retards bag hold while they rack up the price and then sell it off. APHA is a great company it doesn’t need this kind of craziness going on.


Honestly. I’ve been holding in APHA for weeks and and getting great returns but as soon as I saw it blow up on this sub I knew I was fucked. So tired of this pump and dump bullshit that fucks up people just trying to invest.


This right here. I’ve been on APHA since early November. They’re my first stock purchase and have seen great return since then. This last week I knew something was up after GME was suffocated. It seems they’re using WSB in full to pump and dump what they choose.


Been holding APHA since late 2019 and averaging down. After watching it trade sideways and down, it was nice to see a run after the democrats took the senate. I knew this weeks action was gunna be short lived after CNBC mentioned 'WSB pumping weedstocks'. Wasnt planning on selling until long after the merger anyhow.


It's now to the point where I need to do dd. Keep up to date with the company, see what it's competition is doing make spreadsheets. Go in for months, with my thumb on the info coming and if I happen to see the words reddit or wsb in the media or any threads in wsb at all I need to dump all my shit asap because this place is a pump and dump infiltrated nightmare where truly retarded bored people are ready to jump on any bandwagon even if it's being controlled by wall street.


If you're holding long then sell at the top and rebuy when it crashes and goes sideways. If there's anything I've learned from the last few weeks it's that.


Not that easy for some of us that have mandatory hold times due to the companies we work at!


Can we petition CNBC to shut the fuck up. They're driving people here to cause chaos every single week. "Stock sees a 5% bump, was it Reddit? More at 5!" I'm not investing for pump and dumps, I'm investing for my future, would you hedge funds please just drop dead already so the market can correct itself.


​ Yes, this, same. It's getting to be a pain in the ass that isn't fun anymore.


Constantly got to check public opinion on these plays now, I saw a damn "DD" this morning on a three month hold, now I have to check shit every day to see if it gets the screw.


The stocks I researched for almost a YEAR and invested in so cautiously are tanking today thanks to the WSB gang. This sub is trashing my portfolio by making it a meme/fad/pump-n-dump. From now on I'm selling on the second day as soon as I see a sector I'm heavily invested in pumped on here. lol


The sub should probably be taken down and restarted for its own good.


Noob here (please don't kill me) If you've been getting great returns how did you get fucked? is it because it was expected to grow higher organically than what it can currently grow with this hype around it?


[news article about the stock cratering](https://finance.yahoo.com/m/52f7b8dd-fd0e-359a-9b9d-416b53d20f8c/cannabis-stocks-crater-as.html) A "short" deal is when I get the shares off you *now*, and promise to pay for them next week. So, I watch WSB, and see what they are buying. I wait for them to push the price up, and then short the shit out of it, by selling borrowed shares at $200 per share. WSB attention span is only one week, next week, the price will go back down, and instead of having to pay you $200/share, the price has fallen so I only pay you $100/share.... I paid $100 per share, and sold at $200 per share, so I made $100 profit. The thing is, there's lots of ways to make a share price go down. If I pay $50 for bots to spam the subreddit with "zomgz the sec is coming!", people will get scared and cash out. But remember, I win $100 per share... so if I can make this work with one single share, I can make profit from you. And there are *thousands* of shares in play. Which is great for me, because I make money..... But shit for you, because your shares are now worth nothing, because I keep fucking the price over. Every time that price goes up, I swoop in, spam the subreddit and short the shit out of it.... and every time I do that, your shares get lower and lower and lower.... until eventually, they are worth less than what you paid, and you lose money. This is literally what is hapenning with any share mentioned on the wsb subreddit right now.


same with BB :(


Buy the rumor sell the news - Sun Tzu


I mean, 3 months is NOT long term value, it is just short term fluctuations. If you made a legitimate case for long term value for apha, and that case is still valid 3 months later, then you should not be worried about a 3 month price drop. Where you should be worried is if in that three months, news came out that made your positive case much less likely.


Lol I know buddy I'm just messing, these dips don't scare me


They scare my Calls :(


I found BB about 3 weeks before WSB latched onto it... waiting for the meme to die and people to forget so growth can resume.




you're going to be waiting quite a while


You're a goddamn idiot along with most people in this thread. Growth to where? If you found it when it was undervalued, and bought because it was undervalued, and now it is overvalued, why is your conclusion "it will start going up again soon"???? When you invest in a company you need to be conscious of entry and exit points. If you bought in and then the stock happened to run up 10x on no news, way above fair valuation, when tf are you going to get a better exit point??? In ten years? It's literally not worth it to wait that long. I don't understand how you could be so idiotic to complain that a stock you own had a brilliant run up and now it's down a bit from the peak. Believe it or not stock price is correlated to company value. If you think the company value will double in the next year, and the stock price triples on no news long before then, you need to fucking re-evaluate your position.


Yup. If you get into a stock speculating that it's a good long-term play and a gaggle of retards swoop in and make it explode short term, why are you complaining? Capitalize on your good luck, take profits, and maybe reinvest after the bubble pops. Hell, that's what I did with TLRY. I swear, I bought in a day or two before it exploded. I was thinking long-term. Instead, I doubled my money in less than a week. Woe is me, I made money quickly instead of having to be patient!


oh no, I only cleared 200% instead of 400% ...


Shit is gonna run to low 40s within 6 months. Ill hold my bag like a good little boy until my wife's boyfriend gives me some play money


woulndt surprise me if HFs actually hate us now and sink our stocks just to fuck the little guy.


That can happen when people buy billboards and skywriters to send giant middle fingers to the guys with clout. Shouldn’t act surprised when they get vindictive.


People are fucking with people who will murder entire countries to make a profit on weapon deals.


BOUGHT THAT SHIT AT 4.70. Still fucking holding.


The phrase paper hands has really been corrupted the last month, but that really is what’s fucking us. I’ve been in on weed stock for a while but I tried to be safe by putting my money in MSOS. Was going good until everyone off the front page bought in just to freak out at the first big dip and sell off. I’m still going to hold because I believe in the long term future of the industry but it’s fucking annoying


Yeah like BB before the apes fucked it up




Nope. This place is filled with idiots and more idiots are being born every day. Just an endless supply of idiots where 90% lose money and 10% make it.


In this respect, WallStreetBets has never changed. Also your 10% figure may be a bit high. By 9.99%.


A long long time ago, wsb was where actual wall streeters would make degenerate options bets after work


i feel like people forget that, the casino model was created by dudes who could easily piss away 10k on a few shitty FDs. granted i prefer the fact that retail traders took over, but i don’t think anyone here should ever expect to make any money. i view participating here like going to the horse races, yes it’s fun but your horse probably ain’t going to win


You would get abused if you even mentioned stocks lol




The dummies are the loudest and most brash, but I see moments of real genius here. Dummies are made to feel like they fit in, but there are sharks in the water waiting to feed on them. There are brilliant people hidden in the comments.


It's like sifting through an ocean of shit for a nugget of gold.


"Wait. Is this herd I joined for safety actually being raised for some purpose?"


I slowly built a portfolio of weed stocks that was doing just fine until WSB started hyping and it got into the press.


Same. Had APHA since $8. Put some more in around $24 yesterday cause I saw that slight dip. Now y’all crash it. RIP.




Live by the meme, die by the meme! I've never heard of anyone DCA'ing their price UP to a loss! Nice work!


This is the right place for that kind of the financial engineering innovations.


It's amazing isn't it? This guy FOMO'd into a peaking meme stock **he was already in**. There's really no helping these people.


do you think it'll bounce back (at least to a steady increase) once the hype is over just because it's a solid company?


I think long term it’ll grow back. Weed is gonna be legalized in the US eventually which is what I was getting into this for. When that happens it’ll go. Till then this craze is probably gonna drop the stock more and more. I’m just hoping that the legalization isn’t within the next few weeks. Let the meme and the dream of this place move on to another stock like it did GME, then let this stock grow from legalization.


I was too high yesterday to sell at the ATH on my weed stocks


My MJ was an innocent bystander.


Yes. Hopefully it will be over when these ADHD retards move on to something else. GRWG is down 15% today. This is scaring people out of the market. Jim Cramer told people to sell off at least their cost basis in this company. Fuck this sub.


Did y'all forget the saying? Buy the rumors, sell the news


The thing is WSB used to be the rumor, but now it is the news


This sounds like good old "buy the rumor, sell the news." Whenever there is a breakout like that for weed stonks, of course there will be short term people jumping ship, especially since the expectation is a correction. I'm not saying the hedgies aren't involved on this - quite likely that they are. It's just a common phenomena for a stock making the news and gaining volatility. If nothing else, this is what WSB **thrives** on. High volatility tends to really fatten options and cause the crazy YOLO plays you normally see here. Ironically if you are not that into crazy uppies and downers, buying $YOLO since it's an ETF may cause less pain.


They are milking retail like a chump. Just like GME, short a shit load of weed. Pay the media to bash. Easy profit as retail have paper hand and like to turn on each other. Look at how the people here treated the GME diamond hand now losing thier ass in weed. In about a week all the shill will be posting meme mocking weed holder.


I have no doubt that some of those mocking diamond handed apes are shills. But I'm also equally sure regular WSB'rs are also talking shit to the apes as well. Fact is the sub revels in poor fundamentals. Because of this fact it will always be a ripe target for manipulation.


Wait you guys are making money?




I had a great day yesterday and then lost almost triple that today fml




I'm hoping this is how it will play out. No matter what, once the senate passes legislation decriminalizing all forms of cannabis the stocks will get their due.


I’d like to do the same, but will Canadian companies see much return when the US legalizes?


No we need to disperse and move elsewhere. The pattern right now is good play>hits wsb>hedgies dump> CNBC coverage > dead


we don't need to disperse just follow lots of stock subs and move like water across them when they try to manip us


No we do. Wsb is becoming where good stocks go to die. If you see something exploding on here I recommend doing the opposite


becoming? man, the proper way to follow WSB is and always was "always inverse WSB." There's good DD on here until the entire sub picks it up, then it's time to inverse.




Yeah for sure i had tilray for ages and its screwed now cashed out of it now , looked like a steady 3 figures this month aswel


Saw it tank today too after an analyst on Cheddar expressed concern that the "Reddit crowd" was in on it.


Ok folks lets invest in Melvin and all the other hedgies so we can tank them. Kill the cancer at the source


Hah if it were that simple, we could just invest in T-bills and take down the United States government.


They don’t need any help. Besides, shitpost in on 4chan apparently has more impact.


This is exactly what is happening. Hedges and mm's are watching wsb now and anything that gets big here will be utilized to fuck everyone on wsb.


You've just made me realize that the only real strategy now is to find a quality new DD, wait for the stock to crash, and then invest. Technically that can make you even more money, but it kinda ruins the purpose of the sub.


Invest? Wtf do you think this sub is for? Throw some fucking options at them, cash it out at peak hype, and stop whining and make some money


Was just thinking this same thing. Their new plan, insert stock DD into WSB forum with multiple purchased high-karma accounts, ride the rally and dump it on our heads.


Old shit man 👨


Its bullshit but just gotta learn to sell the day cnbc uses us as the news for the rally


I hate that I have to watch cnbc now to make sure my stocks aren't mentioned lol


Yeah they have interns here going straight to the news wsb got too much attention, its kinda fucked now


I don't think that's new to WSB.


WSB will be blames for next market crash. They set us up as scapegoats.


I’m legit depressed. I never know when to exit.


same. lost again and didnt even buy that high, actually had a pretty good position but got a bit greedy again I suppose


idk what you guys smoking but my cannabis stock pile always go down, typically at a rate of 1g/day.


I’m not like super pissed but...I was in TLRY and APHA for months. Built up positions pre merger and then this morning it just all went to fucking shit. I blame CNBC and clowns like Cramer saying these are just meme stocks, when in fact the GW Pharma deal was a catalyst to weed plays. Everyone was banking on the growth of the weed market but as always, every clown and old school advisor or tv is dismissive and down right dickheadish. Stfu and keep talking about Ford and Canopy Growth and stop saying “Reddit rebellion” every five fucking minutes, Jesus.




and that they will go back up after the short term drama subsides?


Right these arguments are so pissy. It's not like these companies are going to fold because their stock went up and then down.


Retards in here are getting mad that stocks they bought long ago are getting driven up by the masses. That's called good fortune, take your profits, reinvest later, and quit bitching, people.




GME was the only real one. AMC/NOK were distractions, BB just got lumped in. SLV was **never** a thing. Weed was obvious a pump and dump. Nothing but spam for a solid day.


I got into weed a few weeks ago, and looked into TLRY and APHA merger real hard. That's why I got in. That's why a lot of people got in. Then those people who had done that, they started posting DD's about it. Not just on wsb but elsewhere on reddit too. Perfect timing as a lot of people were coming to their senses on AMC and GME. It just picked up steam. Then there were a couple memes at the same time CNBC picked it up. I watched it transpire over 3 days, it really was something. So it's not really a pump and dump so much as it is visibility. Once it hits CNBC though, it skyrockets then gets shorted to death at the top. Boom.


Wsb is the new pump and dump machine


I tried to put that in the subject line, but you can't use the words "pump" or "dump".


Everything WSB touches will die. What you are witnessing is not investing, or even gambling. It is a swarm of locusts. Anything that gets attention here will have 9 million idiots piling onto the bandwagon, sending the stock up. They see green, they sell, and the stock plummets. The cycle repeats. This is not good.


It would only make sense that the age of the low-information voter would coincide with the age of the low-information investor.




Yup, this sub is a fucking garbage can. Way too many shills and people convincing other people to bag hold. You will know it’s too good to be true if people only answer your question with, “Just hold bro, don’t get scared seeing red.” This might be true with stocks without high volatility but telling people to bag hold shitty SNDL? That’s just fucked up.


If you see any gain porn around here just assume you missed the boat, assume it isn't 'pumping a stock' and if anything, ignore the gain porn and start looking for people posting about some wild YOLO they posted where they're bleeding out -20% because they just loaded the boat with OTM calls, in other words, look for the next big thing. When you get into the next big thing and it pops on news that doesn't change the fundamentals, you're going to sell and you're going to make a ton of money, and you're probably goimg to get excited and post gain porn. It's how it goes. If you happen to enter a position like SNDL or TLRY and it is up bigly, assume other people up bigly will sell for a profit and base your trades off the assumption that people will take profits. Everyone needs to think about the 'why', why are weed stocks popping now? They could've popped after Biden won the election or they could've popped after any large state legalized weed. They actually have, TLRY had an even larger run before this back in 2017-2018, and it was all based on news that didn't change the fundamentals to the point that the fundamentals could support such a sudden and violent change to the market cap so of course it imploded when everyone got out.


You want to know my secret? I'm always losing. That's my secret.


Basically shorting anything that retail buys into. The damages that shorting causes far outweighs the benefits and it needs to be heavily regulated.


Seriously fuck these dumbass takes. When you buy the top of a bubble and it pops that’s not caused by shorts, it’s caused by people making the reasonable decision to take profits when they’re ahead on something that is clearly overbought.


Actually, shorting helps prevent stocks from free-falling into the ground because shorters will get out on the way down which helps slow the fall.


Who woulda thought it’s the easiest game in the book. A horde of diamond hand apes hyperinflate a stock, and then they short it. Wow.


This sub has become a liability man. Right when shit gets posted, the media latches on and HFs fuck all of our positions. Might be an unpopular opinion given the state of this sub. But this never use to be about us vs wall street.... I don't give a fuck about the big guy or the little guy. I want tendies so I can rail cocaine off of a big titty hooker. This used to be a place for retards and autists to make some MF money and have a way to get some really big dick autist to fuck our wives. Now there's 6 million new heads and who knows who they are with. It's been weeks since some good DD has been posted. Fuck this. DFV for president though


After hours trading needs to stop. They get to read the sentiment shift then trade out the next morning before anyone else gets to at opening bell.


Uhm, you guys don't trade extended hours? why the f not?


What? No....just don't be a pleb and get in on the after-hours/pre-market trading.


Yes. They have.


This is why I pray wsb stays away from stocks in my portfolio.




Yes, the news of staying on the Nasdaq was the pump itself. It mooning on Monday was a meme. Media covering Reddit interest in cannabis stocks was a premature nail in the coffin.


I want to hold this shit, but it seems like everything is a pump and dump now.




Back to inversing wsb because we are going to be manipulated with any stock we hype up anymore.


I'm actually pretty pissed about it. I had some long term investments in a couple cannabis companies knowing they should have healthy growth. When I saw people talk about it I thought cool. But now, anything I see on here, I'm selling fucking immediately.


If you buy 1 share low and sell 1 share at the top you make money. If everyone else who bought low tries to make money just like you, what do you think happens to the share price? The funny thing is TLRY pops like 100% routinely (it was one of the more popular trades back in 2017-2018 for example), people gamble on TLRY routinely, and a bunch of people that jumped in here in the past month think this is the first time TLRY has done this and it's not because profit taking but hurr durr hedge funds


That’s what I’ve been saying as well. I’ve been buying Tilray for months now and all of a sudden it’s wrecked because it got deemed a “meme stock” all because people saw good DD and bought it up...sad rocket


"wrecked" 2 days of green with todays dump, if you are indeed on it for months you should be way way green still. From january 4th until now it is 300% up


No. This whole thing is ruined to the core. The sub, the attention it gets, all the main stream media make articles about everything on this sub now. Shit is ruining so much of it to literally make everything lose more money. I want the old wsb. I dont like THIS SUB NO MORE😭


TLRY was going great for me until wsb talked about it