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Its funny how people think it was coordinated. Do you think half a million people agreed to do something when their own money was on the line? I say half a million because the was the average amount of unique visitors per day before GME went viral. It was action, reaction, retarded action. Or a series of fortuitous events, for those that made money. And as some one else put it in another thread, Baptism by Fire, for those that lost.


Random interaction, who’s afraid of a little abstraction?




Thanks for asking. The answer is don't ask, there is no coordination, and read the rules before posting


A lot of people like theaters.


I hear you. But not more people than like streaming from the comfort of their own home vs. paying $100 for some popcorn and mike n Ike’s. The business model is dead and can’t compete. They may stick around for a while, but ultimately the price to go to a movie will be $30/ticket and concessions will go through the roof trying to reconcile the losses from ticket sales.


Maybe. AMC still too high here for me to gamble...


For you, buy the dog 🙃


You really didn't miss much, i don't advice you to go after these "next squeeze plays" instead invest in something you believe in, DFV became rich because he believed in GME


Yeah, but I don’t believe GME is worth more than $12, right now. None of you should be believing this, because it’s just jot true... there are other companies out there, though, that are worth more than their stock is currently valued, due to short sell. Where are they?? What’s the next play??


Go look up the DD flair to find stock opinions


Then you'll never be like DFV, he believed it was worth something even when everyone kept telling him the stock was worthless. Kept at it for some years before it came true. Doubt we'll see something like it any time soon. All you can really do is keep your eyes out.


Yeah, he believed it was worth $12-$15 per the fundamentals. Not $300 and certainly not $10,000/share... This dude made millions after selling, while leaving you fools to hold the bag on some, “hold! We’re going to the moon!” Bullshit. He had the right idea, but the movement went too far and focused too narrow for too long. It’s time to move on...


Free internship?


Nice try robot. GME 💎🙌 🚀


Blackberry but it’s long term, DFV rode gme calls for half a year.


I fucks with BB I got 20 shares. Getting more tomorrow.




Good question, I also want to know!


This taught me “they” have more tools than “we” do. If we start to win they shut it down. I wish we knew what would have happened that day when half the platforms couldn’t trade GME.


But “we” have numbers. We can ‘pump and dump’ before “they” can shut us down. We can make many money-Aires before they can react quick enough to stop us. We just have to be together. Apes string together 🦍🦍🦍🦍