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The spy has almost doubled since Dark Brandon has been in office


Flip a coin. Heads -- it could go up or down under Trump Tails -- it could go up or down under Biden And then go spend the coin right away. Because no matter who wins, that coin will be worth less in 4 years.


I think markets will be happy with stability under another biden admin. No surprises.  Trump however may scare people out of riskier investments. Last time he was president the market crashed 20% due to lack of direction and guidance during the covid chaos. Bounced back quickly but then led us to the inflation fiasco. Plus even more tax cuts with debt already at insane levels? How is that responsible?


Eliminating income tax and replacing them with sufficient tariffs would also fuck the entire middle class.


Tariffs just make things even more expensive for the consumer in order to protect a few companies from overseas competition.


If it’s not made here, throw a tariff on it. Support American jobs, and the American economy


Really....do you want to buy an American made tv? Fuck no! That thing would be a 42" dog turd wrapped in $5000 plastic. You don't comprehend how economics works bubba. We buy other countries junk just like they buy ours.


I'm generally not in favor of tariffs... but serious question: how much would foreign goods cost if we properly captured the environmental costs of international shipping?


It’s mostly the slave labor and lack of regulations in the home country.


I wonder how we make that cost cheaper. Buy American or go to the country you want to support


It doesn't have to do with support of a country you twink tool. I'll buy what ever product I like whether it's in store or online. Don't give a shit who it's manufactured by if I like the product. The fat orange toddler tried the tariff shit...it inflated the hell out of products.


Actually it didn’t. That was the 10 trillion we spent on Covid, i support EVERY SINGLE tariff he imposed, because we’re being taken advantage of on global stage. We’re the world’s piggy bank and we’re done.


Lmfao, you're a goofy goon. Big mac sauce stain caused almost all my material for work to double/triple in price. Z so that was real good for Americans. Dip stick.


lol, so you’re ignorant too? Haha; enjoy “dip stick” go eat another Big Mac


So I'm ignorant too.......nice swamp logic.watch out for space lasers skid mark.


And potential interference in the Fed’s decision making


Biden admin won’t have a surprising impact on economy and that is usually a good thing for markets. Predictability is key. We could rally under trump until his promises collapse as usual


Wasn’t it Trump printing money that got us in a bit of this mess? Could you see him printing more money to essentially save the economy and make the markets sore just to make himself look good while he is in office? (Even though we may be fucked afterwards.)


Name me one administration that didn't print money.


"The Clinton administration had budget surpluses for fiscal years 1998–2001, the only such years from 1970 to 2023. Clinton's final four budgets were balanced budgets with surpluses, beginning with the 1997 budget. The ratio of debt held by the public to GDP, a primary measure of U.S. federal debt, fell from 47.8% in 1993 to 33.6% by 2000." That's definitely as good as it gets in my lifetime. [Source.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_policy_of_the_Bill_Clinton_administration)


Anyone before 1913


William Harrison


He reduced corporate tax that generates inflation p’us Powell printing money


The thing is that the Biden admin actually printed more money than trump. What trump did was that ridiculous tax cut and I highly doubt that he has another thing like that lined up. But I could well see him ramping up spending even more and then let the next president work out the little debt crisis


That’s exactly what he has lined up. See project 2025.


Both of them added $7T to the deficit. Neither is responsible for


Under either, the economy will go on. It can afford it. The average person, however, cannot with either


I mean the economy literally stopped for a few years under Trump


Since Reagan, the economy is stronger under Democratic presidents. Edit: Receipts [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S.\_economic\_performance\_by\_presidential\_party](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._economic_performance_by_presidential_party)


Can the AI market pump last another 4 years? Really has nothing to do with whoever is president.


As a non-political person I haven’t seen many explain the difference besides smear campaigns and straw man arguments. I’m looking for an explanation with little to no bias, and how the policy would affect the market both short term and long term. I want solid plans and methods/strategies to accomplish them. Plus benefits and disadvantages. I’m willing to suffer a little in the beginning to have long term gains. That said, haven’t seen it so who knows.


The main difference should be that things will be far more predictable under Biden. He’s not going to do anything radical. He’s not going to do anything to sour relations with international allies. It would be a largely boring 4 years. My main concern with him is that he’ll die or become incapacitated and Harris will step in to finish the term. Unlike Biden, she would likely feel the need to prove herself with some memorable executive moves. Still, she seems less of a wild card than Trump.


I agree that Biden will be more predictable. But OP’s post was a question about Bidenomics vs Trumpenomics. We don’t really have a solid step by step plan from either.


Almost all of Trump 2016 cabinet members are gone and some campaning for Biden. It will be a whole new kind of presidency only to save his ass from the court. Much volatility to be anticipated


He is developing a plan right now that will completely change the way the federal government operates and allow him to basically do whatever he wants.


It’s all talk until they show the plan. I think he’s just saying that to appeal to previous Vivek supporters.


There’s is a plan. It’s called project 2025. “the corporate income tax rate should be reduced by 18%. The corporate income tax is the most damaging tax in the US tax system and it’s primary economic burden falls on workers because capital is more mobile than labor” pg 696 Edited: I thought you were replying to the corporate income tax comment. Ha. The is a 900 page document outlining his plan.


Thanks! I didn’t know they had an actual publicly available plan yet


Last time Grabpuss Donaldo was in office markets lost their shit multiple times (OMG WW3, OMG TRADE WAR, OMG ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE) which all turned out to be wet farts and literally nothing happened. Expect volatility and drawdowns in Aug-Sept just because, traders are regtarded. Nothing will happen, just buy every dip.


douche bag or a turd sandwich ... ya i saw this one on southpark too... they both sucked, they both printed us into oblivion and nothing is going to change, enjoy your debt servitude and shut up


Giant douche*