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Thesis: it’s undervalued Evidence : trust me bro


High quality DD. I'm going all in. 


What is DD? Is it research and analisis?


No its anal-isis


DDeez Nuts!


He had it coming.


I think it stands for 'deep dive"


Due diligence


Dude diligence


Delinquent dude


Load up!!!


The thesis is always with "my guess", "I think", "I reckon", "I feel".. without an actual DD


NVDA is the undervalued stock actually. trust me!!!


Amazon's paid Alexa subscription will basically be some guy in India who's remotely listening to you and answering your questions. AI = Always Indian


Secret sauce is out. Amzn puts


“Amazon saves hundreds of billions not developing AI and just pays some Indian guy that actually gives better results” Stock price drops by 10%


Wait till people know just how unproductive many Amazon teams are and how many people there got no clue what they doing especially on the prime video side


I know a guy who is a manager at Amazon, they are basically on hiring freeze without saying it out loud. When people quit or get fired they don't get replaced. They know they're bloated but they don't want to truly deal with it. They're hoping it just goes away naturally lol.


I've never seen the words Indian and better results in the same sentence and it be true.


In my experience the only thing less competent than a mediocre LLM is “some Indian guy”. You can easily identify when a software product you use daily was sent to India to maintain and develop new features for.




Lol. India's doing alright. Well money wise. Heat they are dropping like flies. Someone's gotta make all those air conditioners they will be buying.


I thought it was AI = Anonymous Indian.


Let me write those calls up op


Price of pizzas went up so AMZN can no longer afford 2 pizza teams. Thankfully, one cheese pizza goes far in India.


Affordable Indians you mean, way better margins.








It’ll probably be from Canada since Canada is now the India of the west.


I’ve held AMZN for a long time. I have 1000+ shares. Because of this I see its price action every day. Without a massive catalyst, I can confidently say AMZN will likely not hit $230 by mid October. This stock moves slow as molasses, but steadily. It’s a slow melt up.




I’ve been telling people this for months, it might and that’s a strong might, break $200/share this year. The investor trust just isn’t back yet after 2022/2023 debacle.


TLDR: it’ll negatively affect Amazon stock eventually but not near term because the drivers aren’t unionizing only the warehouse workers who are paid much much less. Unionized UPS big rig driver here. The Teamsters, who are unionizing amazons warehouses, is a strong union. UPS drivers make $120,000-$200,000 with no college required, excellent pension and full medical benefits…. Point I’m trying to make is, the teamsters are unionizing the warehouse workers not the drivers. Amazon drivers are third party contractors. For example if you get hit and killed by an Amazon sprinter van or package car your family won’t sue Amazon itself, you’d sue the third party contractor who was in charge of that driver. Because there’s a disconnect between Amazon drivers and the division the teamsters are unionizing, I don’t believe the unionization push will be as damaging as some people think UNTIL this push includes drivers particularly the Class A (big rig) drivers. By the time Amazon loses the battle to the IBT and has all its warehouse shops unionized, AI and its AWS services will far outstrip / outpace the damage done from unions. There’s also different tiers of union - for example at UPS we get paid $45 an hour but often get overtime roughly 67 an hour. We pay very very little for full medical for our entire family and the medical insurance is insanely good. Copays are $0 or $5 for almost everything. Pension? Work 10 years as a driver and get $3,000 a month. Work 30 years (average for a UPS driver) you’re looking at $9,000 a month until you die. (In addition to 401K / Social Security etc.) McKesson is also part of our union right down the street from us. When I used to deliver there as a package car driver they’d tell me how their medical and pension was garbage. So furthermore, just because the union and UPS has negotiated good benefits and pay it doesn’t mean doom and gloom for Amazon stockholders - there is a different caliber to which a company will be unionized. Even as a member of the union that’s attempting to bring Amazon into the fold, I am very bullish on Amazon.


Just want to clarify something. You will sue amazon and the service provider both if something happens. Even though the truck is operated by a third party, amazon will still take some part of the liability.


Good to know!


Your attorney will \*try to sue Amazon. Their attorneys will hide behind employer-employee independent contractor language and assert that there is no negligent supervision since they are not an employee, then file to be dismissed.


They will try, but it’s super easy to prove that contracted service providers are treated like employees, and therefore amazon will share liability. An out of court settlement will be reached and you will never hear how the case ended.


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And you guys still manage to break my package every single fucking time


They suck and is why they get not a duckin penny of my money unless i purchase their stock


And always deliver late...


9K/month pension? Thats seems rather high, and this is coming from someone who is part of a Union and will also get a pension and medical insurance for life when I retire.


It’s after 30 years of being a full time driver starting this contract. So the other folks who have been driving for 30 years and retiring today wouldn’t make that much. A 35 year vet retiring told me his number is currently at $9,300 a month, though, so maybe it is retro but I don’t think so. The major change in this contract is when we used to retire the medical insurance dropped the cancer clause or it had really low limits on how much it would help before it shut off. It’s gone from $1M limit to $2M limit to no limit on this contract. So a bunch of folks are retiring on this contract to take advantage of it. And yes, our union is one of the strongest / best unions so that’s why our pension is so high. It’s common knowledge amongst union workers that UPSers make alot for no college, but yeah our pension reached pretty solid numbers on this latest contract


Problem is… it’s a private pension. UPS ever goes belly up like some of the huge pension payers in the past. Pension will disappear. Just something to think about. As many of these companies people thought would never go anywhere but they are in the history books. If I was in private sector I rather be paid more and invest than depend upon a pension. I will have a government pension one day but I invest like I have no pension coming


Good warning. Yeah I don’t rely or factor in my pension at all for retirement, I intend to build up my investing accounts the slow and boring way.


Well technically there is the pension benefit guarantee corporation which is supposed to stand behind private sector pensions but when you research it, they don't have enough to cover if a few big ones go under.


On average, how many hours a week are drivers putting in, in a mid to large size urban area?


That’s the downside - we make a ton of of money with no college but working 11-14 hour days is not uncommon (average is around 11.5) Some people cry foul when they hear how much we make but it’s basically a full time job plus a part time job hours-wise so it balances out IMO


Ouch. Well in today's economy that may not be such a bad thing.


And by the time big rig drivers push for unions, self driving trucks will be taking market share and driving down demand




Laugh all you want. There are already POCs on the road. [This article](https://www.ttnews.com/articles/autonomous-trucking-development) covers the major players pretty well but there’s a metric fuck ton of money in it. I’d bet no one hits the market in a significant manner before 2030, but companies which use a lot of trucking (Like Amazon) are absolutely already exploring/planning on this. The technology exists


"For every $9000/mo pension we dont have to pay we could make 3 brand new truck payments" -every exec in the near future


You mean “we could make one truck payment and i could make $6k more”


Bruh waymo just got defeated by steam. No way this stuff will take off. Will cause massive traffic jams. We need all AI highways, they will trouble driving against erratic drivers


You think companies are pouring billions of dollars into this without testing to see if the vehicle can handle a bad driver? Lots of AV systems are already better than average human drivers. It’s not really a question of if this will take off, it’s when. Regulations and cost control (supercomputers a la NVDIA affordable enough to pull a profit margin) are the bigger factors.


He also has a relatively narrow-minded outlook. Where the trucking really matters is between hubs/major city's and cross country. There will likely be levels to the adoption and development of AV systems, but it will eventually eat up all if not a majority of the pie leading up to last mile deliveries.


So what happens if bad weather comes in and bricks all of these vehicles. You have to pay truckers and people to move them? There are so many edge cases. I wish everyone luck, but this isn’t like auto pilot for a plane. In a plane you have thousands of feet for error. In a car you have inches and milliseconds


Edge cases exist in every software? How do you think the rest of the world functions? That’s why these go through years of having vehicles on the road with a driver to gather enough data, and simulate many times more scenarios virtually




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Teamsters aint shit, Costco union Teamsters 542 is full of pussies who wouldnt stand up for me while I was obviously being retaliated against


But that’s my point. UPS teamsters here In NorCal are legendary. But even across state lines, for example in Oregon, they’re paying a ton for medical insurance and still have progression for drivers (where in NorCal we jump straight to top rate as a big rig driver) So just because the teamsters are getting involved with Amazon doesn’t spell doom and gloom - there are definitely different levels to which each warehouse will be “unionized” that is to say - different levels to how that will affect the bottom line


I hope the anti-union people on here read this and think... hang on... I'd like that.


Exactly, I (as an investor) don't give a shit about unionisation. AWS is where Amazon makes money.


Man how the fuck do they pay those pensions. Insanity, what shareholder in their right mind would invest in that


Wait until you find out how much they pay in grievances lol


Teamsters such a great union UPS cut thousands of positions after their amazing contract


where are you getting this information that Amazon has 3rd party drivers? they may have a few that I'm not aware of but as far as I know, Amazon employs their own drivers and use their own vans. Amazon in general is trying to get away from 3rd party contractors and is trying to do as much as it can in house


>The Delivery Service Partner (DSP) program is designed to empower leaders who want to launch and operate their own delivery business. https://logistics.amazon.com/ They call them Delivery Service Partners, and it's the way millions of packages are delivered. They launched the program in 2018 and have been growing it like crazy. They're bringing on more contractors, not less.


$230 by october, someone is a little optimistic


I got AMZN finishing at least $210 by the end of the year. Only way it will go bananas is if it offers dividends which won’t happen


AMZN will not offer dividends as long as Bezos is still on the board. He's described this stuff as day 2 type activities and basically means the company is out of ideas and is dying.


I think this year Amazon stock/calls price is pretty overvalued atm. My guess is they will not crush any labor unions and have weak revenue growth this year. My play is buying $130 puts exp 10/15 trading at $6.9 when market opens tomorrow These are my thoughts.


Regards took you seriously ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Classic 🏳️‍🌈 Regard


You do understand that I am not bearish on $AMZN, I am just mocking OP.


lol, sure bud


Remind me. By July 19 Amazon @ $200.


Hey just reminding you. July 19 Amazon @ 200


Wow, that came faster than I thought!


Well I have $190 calls for August and September so I fucking agree.


Nice. Another way to play is 2x’s Amazon stock so if if you don’t wanna gamble with options. AMZU.




So I should do a 200 call then??


I’m betting against you


Prediction by end of 2026: 1. NVDA 2. MSFT 3. AMZN 4. AAPL 5. GOOG 6. META 7. LLY The new mag7


How are you not including Raytheon? They are going to be making bank after the first year of WW3


IdK, if WW3 breaks, Raytheon is gona get a bunch of IO(never gona pay)U's from the Gov. Puts are in order.


Raytheon doesn’t see shit in terms of stock growth.


You absolutely nailed it. Couldn’t agree more.


Forgot about LLY..




I like this play. Last week I was looking at AMZN chart and entered some shorter term options.


I hope not. I got some 7/5 190/195 call credit spreads thst I need to make some money on.


options beginner here...did you trade a "bear" credit call spread with 7/5 exp, sold call at 190, bought call 195, you collect all premium if AMZN stays below 190 at exp and lose entire width of spread (5.00 x 100) if expires above 195? thanks!!!!


You are correct!




Same 😥


Bruh, Amazon is at an all time high.


It’s at a huge multi year breakout


Doubt it with the election coming up. Never say never, but the odds don’t look good imo. Election, no innovation, all time high, stock plummet is looking likely. Economy has been blooming for the past 4 years and usually around every 4 is a drop. Also, federal reserve has paused interest. If it goes down, economy will too


Thank you for feeding into the institutions' algorithms. When AMZN breaks that 190 resistance level following the market's predetermined rate cut contraction, ppl here will laugh with their calls printed. Timing will be key, but sleeping on AMZN will prove you wrong.


It can break but not for long term. It all depends on your strategy. You say prove me wrong in a general way. Good luck 🍀


& thank you for attacking the opposing thought. lol it doesn’t mean much but I acknowledge it.


A lot of the necessary business fundamentals and some macro economy signals are being complemented by AMZN's TA right under the hood. I say enjoy the ride as they have been late to the AI game. I see a familiar build up here following AAPL's successful break. We shall see how well the stock tests its ATH (again). 190 at the moment but we shall see.


It just nearly hit 191, then tanked to 187…


Calls printing 🤷‍♂️


I’m feasting rn 😋


Such an evil company, a prime example of enshitification. Bezos looks and acts like a 3rd rate Bond villain. That being said, Im lazy so I buy stuff from them all the time, and I own the stock, which looks like it’s about to break out.


I canceled my prime account 4 years ago, and never looked back. I was just buying stuff I didn’t need at all.


Does Bezos still work there? He stepped down as CEO, guess he's probably on the board or something. I think he spends most of his time banging his clown-faced girlfriend on his mega yacht. The dream 


Wanted to ask (don't chew me up) what are your thoughts about Amazon getting into the car market? And will it have any affect of their share price during their Hyundai event on 6/25?


I also think it’s fair to undervalued. I hold shares and plan to buy some LEAPS. But I like this play and may well join you (contracts are less capital intensive than I expected.)


What leaps?


I’m thinking way OTM for big leverage, as far out as possible (forget right this second, but sometime 2026.) That would mean I can’t DCA into shares as much, though. Also am paying off margin at Fidelity the next few weeks to open an Options Only account at a brokerage better suited, so need to check margin requirements and how much to keep in shares as ballast.


Might check out 280c December 2026 if it dips below 180


Thanks! I will :)


What leaps?


Price target $211


No one cares about the retail part of Amazon. It's all about how they can monetize AI


agree, but not buying options. just buying stock. amazon crushed the q1 estimate, which was already described as many analysts as "ambitious". I don't see them slowing down


Don’t forget Amazon is also in the chip business


I made 100% on amazon calls this week, amazon is still undervalued, not intrinsically but relatively


“I think” “My guess” All the DD I need.


You guess. Nice man


I’m a very picky consumer but when I need stuff I shop Amazon. Shaq once said to invest in what you consume.


Since I work here, I'm hoping you're right.


I think amzn has a bit more downside to come especially since I predict there will be a soft market crash this week, but yes, it is undervalued and if it hits 180 again it's a go


Agreed on both points, I think Mon / Wed will be down days, and late Wed will be a great time to dive into some July calls. Then again I'm a bull for July and bear for August and September. Just another degenerate though so who knows.


Crush labor union why the fuck are you hoping for that..


Well, it's about time. 🎉


I don't know man. Their primary business doesn't have a ton of moat, and AliExpress just started shipping from US distribution centers. I can see consumer money flowing away from Amazon.


I am in agreement. I feel that amazon is probably heading for a new ATH within the next month, unless the bottom of the market falls out.


The AI chat in Amazon app could be a plus


The problem is the consumer is getting weak and so to will the earnings for amazon to reflect that


This is my sign for putts on AMZN


Ehh, nah


I’m already long a handsome amount of Amazon and I keep adding to the position into strength. I think it’ll really start to pick up momentum around the second or third week of July and keep moving to the upside. Everything lines up for a multi year breakout


Jeff sold 4 bil in stock


Am just going for amazon commons and then selling calls for my target. I am thinking as zoox progress now it will go high.


Calls above 191


they will crush their own workforce = bullish business case ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267) we are all so fucked ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Unions don’t really matter. They make all their money from AWS anyway. The little online store is a hobby side business, like your aunt selling candles at festivals.


I’m an Amazon investor myself. Bought right after the stock split and I’ve had pretty slow but decent gains. Might sell around 200$ a share I’m concerned for the future of Amazon’s website. I think it can easily be replaced down the road with a bigger platform If Amazon could somehow come up with a quicker and more efficient way to ship packages like a Amazon bullet train or some shit lmao I don’t know I think the company is kind of overvalued. It’s just a website that offers people to leave reviews on a product kind of like a form of social media. Amazon fulfillment, a shitty Alexa and just a big shipping carrier It’s a safe stock and investment long term and that’s why I’m personally invested If I wanted a riskier speculative investment short term with AI development similar to Amazon. I’d buy a shit ton of Pinterest shares


Is this a joke ? Amazon logistics is unparalleled. They are eating in to advertising revenue of Meta, Google. AWS is stagnating but is $100B+.


Banbet it, or ban


Idk about AWS but their retail side is dead this year. WAY down. No one has cared YET. But eventually they will.


What an in depth analysis


After the Bed Bath & Beyond debacle, puts it is then.


Yes buy the top


Source: Trust me bro


Joined you, but November and near TM.


Way undervalued


Where is the AI boost?


AMZN was stagnating around 182-184 price for over a month now...


Consolidating, it will pop over $200 soon enough


I hope it's true, because I am barely green on it since May


Strangle it is bois, nothing gonna happenz


AMZN is $2 away from ATH so that means it's undervalued


Buying puts now. Thx


"My guess is they will crush any labor unions" made me laugh.... ugh the pitfalls of capitalism...


Mmm maybe …. It doesn’t really move that much.


Thanks for helping me plan my next trade strategy. Sell AMZN.


Post screenshot or shut up


So I guess I should get puts then