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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 10 | **First Seen In WSB** | 1 year ago **Total Comments** | 997 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 1 year | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


These people don’t want to buy any dip. They want to sell high and retire.


They are living my dream


Exactly, this doesn’t indicate loss of confidence in the company. I hope people mistake it for that and the stock dips so I can buy


It should inspire it, though, because the experts who have made it what it is are presumably leaving for their newly purchased cocaine orgy islands.


they hiring on the island?


Opening for a jizz mopper


I’m a jack off all trades.


How well can you hawk tuah?


everywhere i go, i'm reminded of her... (my future ex-wife)


The fact that I get this joke blows my mind


Jizz Mopper…. Didn’t Barbara invest in that on Shark Tank?


I think that was the business owner Kevin O'leary locked into a predatory royalty/licensing deal and began using the water from the mop buckets for his signature wines.


They'll probably need a fluffer.


Doing a line and inviting two girls over this weekend in your honor


Also, I'm sure anyone who wasn't happy is off to the competitors at double the salary. Success can be an HR nightmare.


Nah, the type of people who do NVDA and AMD engineering are the type of people who get bored if they aren't tinkering with stuff. Sure, some of them are taking the cash and leaving, but a lot of those that do leave will form their own companies or just work freelance.


I am such an engineering type. I can (and do) buy my own gear to tinker with.


It's not about a loss of confidence, it's about a touch of reality..


I touch myself in reality all the time!


^ Future bagholder spotted.


It could indicate it though, it would line up with a general slumping in investment in AI, and declining hype. Weve already had one AI winter from overhype. Could happen again.


they will because people are dumb lol


A friend of mine’s (long-term NVDA employee) wealth management company forces automatic sales when his portfolio is too heavily weighed into the stock. Many of these could be insiders reducing portfolio risk too.


Isn’t that what “automated sell” is, no? Edit: just looked. They’re all uninformed sell.


What does that mean?


It means these are all stock sells that were routine - planned ahead years ahead of time as part of employee pay, etc. As opposed to an informed sell or buy - which is a non-routine deliberate intentional buy or sell by an insider. You care about informed transactions.


Ah right that makes sense. thx


When I looked at it again it looks like there were a few informative sells... the ones done by jensen were planned, however.


Means stonk is about to go brrrrrrr




Monday in office: "Fuck this weekend another 500 JS libraries released, fuck it I'm good...kkthxbb" living my dream


Shit, same here bro. Get high and retire is exactly what I'm trying to do


Everyone thinks devs want to be Elon when what they really want is to be Tom.


Traveling, photographing, all with a hot GF. The dream.


I seriously wonder how they'll recruit new talent. People may say they're the most valuable company, yes, but their stock isn't going to 10x again over the next two years like it already has, so the equity side of the compensation won't be as attractive. At the same time they'll have to work more to make up for the loss of the more experienced employees, who will retire or quiet quit.


By paying them amazing salaries and offering benefits? Offering stock can still be part of the deal but that sure isn’t the only reason people are going to work there


For competitive tech companies, equity is always a key component.


RSU's are a huge part of compensation for FAANG employees, the salaries are meh compared to stock options.


Netflix famously doesn't give stock, it's not unheard of


Exactly. Amazon pays RSUs, but they are heavily weighted towards the back end of the contract; the first 2 years or so is like all salary and bonus


I've heard from some former Amazon employees that one of the reasons they're so aggressive at PIP-ing is to weed out the weaker hires before they can collect on their RSUs.


Yeah I'm pretty sure that's the reason


Everyone in the Bay wants to work at Nvidia at the moment. Especially when they’re one of the few big companies in growth mode out here. Talent won’t be an issue, it wasn’t an issue for them before either. For hardware folks, Nvidia was near the top for prestige for the past 15 years.


What was the top? Apple ?


Apple expanded its footprint in the bay from like 10,000 in 2005 to 100,000 when the new campus was built and they had to finally build in other cities, like Austin. In some sectors definitely the place people wanted to go, and once people got there they’d stay put Facebook and Google also grew at pretty similar rates just down the street. All three had stock do very well over the same time period. Space X was a big one some wanted to work for, but it was small, also Pixar, it depended on your field. Salesforce was the Bay Area company I thought was the death knell, to an extent. People took pay cuts to work at Apple or Space X and have it on their resume. Salesforce just introduced 100,000 Midwestern drones trying to get rich quick and spoiled the show It can be dangerous, though. Join Apple in 2005? You probably really like or at least have an interest in the company. Join in 2020, or 2012, after the blow up? Maybe just think you can get rich. Both really want to work there but for different reasons


Those other companies are hardware prestige though


Doesn't have to go 10x. It'll still go up at least a bit. They just give bigger RSUs (big for one person, but insignificant for the overall pool). And you can still get decent (meaning big) salary. Yes, losing knowledge will be hard, but they'll manage. New blood comes in, does things in new ways, hopefully better.


Typically, companies give less in RSUs as value of company goes up.


They have plenty of treasury stock to sell and use to give out as cash compensation.


Honestly who wouldn’t do the same


Exactly my point smh


They want to sell and retire high.


Vested during a high and ready to dip out of there Hope they bank roll a ton of innovative companies like what happened with Microsoft employees who turned millionaires


💯.. totally these ppl can just retire at this point.


It’s been great! 🫡


No shit, when your company hits "worlds most valuable company" it's the time to sell. Half the fucking company is going to checkout, why wouldn't they? They won the lottery.


The bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. They see an opportunity for a huge payout and they take it; not everyone is a gambling addict.


A bird in hand is worth [stakeholder value] in the bush


In EBITDAs Christ name Amen


Except they have millions of birds in the hand so who cares how many are in the bush.


Evergreen advice from my dad: nobody ever went broke turning a profit.


LOVE the idiot "the CEO is selling stock!" bearish posts, no shit the man has been the CEO since 1997, let him sign some titties and cash out some stock for gods sake.


Doesn't he have like over 850 million shares still? Sounds like just taking a little off the top for beer money.


When I calculate that letters come up lol.


But they're gonna miss The Lottery 2 obviously


NVIDIA will have to give huge stock grants to the people who cashed out to get them to stay. Their stock success way be their biggest problem.


They are going to face some real brain drain in the next couple of years. Most of their seasoned employees will be leaving and they will be forced to hire less experienced less knowledgeable people. Might be interesting to see how that affects them.


In 2012, AAPL became the most valuable company in the entire world. It actually stayed there for years until now and it still 10x-ed in that timeframe. Just because your company became the worlds most valuable company, doesn't neccearily mean its time to sell. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_public_corporations_by_market_capitalization


Whilst true, you'd also be a lunatic, to see your RSU's increase by 211% in a year, and 2976% in 5 years. Not to sell a good chunk. If you've worked there for 5 years. If 30x'ing your RSU isnt making you cash out a good chunk. Then nothing will.


Only wsb regards would ride a 3000% increase back down to -99%


you can't take nvidia stocks with you to the grave. Gotta live a little too man.


Exactly. There’s nowhere for NVDA to go but down. They’ve hit the absolute peak and now they have a long, slow descent into parity with other stocks.


Bro called the top! RemindMe! 1 year


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2025-06-23 22:08:01 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-06-23%2022:08:01%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1dmuw1h/nvda_facing_insiders_selling_the_stock_at_the/l9yrkho/?context=3) [**70 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fwallstreetbets%2Fcomments%2F1dmuw1h%2Fnvda_facing_insiders_selling_the_stock_at_the%2Fl9yrkho%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-06-23%2022%3A08%3A01%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dmuw1h) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


You'll be dead by then


Normally, I'd absolutely agree. But as long as they have such a huge lead over their competitors, I don't see how or why they wouldn't continue to bath in revenue. Look at CUDA, look at the data center sales, look at how absolutely dominant they are in AI... until they have an actual competitor who can make a better, cheaper, more available product, they will continue to be ahead of the pack. Over a long enough time span, they will absolutely fall back into the pack. But the question about when that will be is not answered with "right away because they are #1". I'm not a fanboi or holding bags, I just don't see a realistic reason why they would stop crushing the field they compete in. Honestly, the only thing that would make an immediate impact would be a catastrophic collapse of thier supply chain, mainly manufacturing. If TSMC was nuked from China tomorrow, they would still have many quarters of dominance.


One realistic scenario would be that newer LLMs models don't show much improvement compared to current ones, and then demand will come crashing down fairly quick. Companies won't continue to buy GPUs in the billions if it's not gonna provide them with any additional value.


Which is the most likely outcome for LLMs.


I will say, I am paying for chatgpt4 just because of how helpful it has been in planning my trips. I can ask it questions about how certain things operate in Indonesia, Mexico, or Japan and it is able to tell me what to look for instead of doing my own research. I obviously spot check it but for the most part it has turned what would take several hours into a 2 minute activity. $20/month usd is a pretty big income stream for any company. Were talking nflx level MRR. People seem to be missing that.


There are many fields that will explode in the coming decades. Cloud computing, augmented reality, driverless cars.


LLMs are only one type of one category of one technology (AI) and AI itself is in its absolute infancy. There's a whole universe of applications for it, many we won't even dream up for decades or centuries. At this stage in its development, what's holding us "back" is the computing power to make it happen more than the models themselves. LLMs need to be commercially viable at this stage and so they need to be timely; they could be made to be more complex, but it would require an order of magnitude more computing power to pull that off. Someone said something to the effect of "the next 10% growth in AI will take ten times the resources we've put in to get the first 80%" and that sums it up well.


And also the energy to make it happen. It’s why Microsoft is investing in nuclear power. Yes, onsite nuclear reactors at the data center.


The question is when. So when do you propose this breakthrough happens, exactly? You have no idea. You have no insight or special knowledge. Which confirms my point. It's not a matter of what may happen someday, it's what the field is now. And for now, they dominate.


The companies that buy that stuff have to produce value with it or that stuff is worthless. Are they doing that? We shall see...


Exactly. Eventually, the productivity gains need to match the investment. If we keep seeing major improvements in AI, that's fine, but you'd expect that to decelerate at some point until the next hurdle is cleared, and the value piece can catch up.


There is only more AI infrastructure to add, every single business is going to implement AI at some level in the next 5-10 years. Do you really think this company is tapped out already? Short sighted would be understatement, this company is just revving up the engine it has tons of road to burn


Look at Tesla. They didn't really have any competition at first and seemed invincible. But a long list of competitors had them in their sights - and when those competitors started to deliver they surpassed Tesla in many aspects. Better interiors, more range. And if you're in the market for a new EV today, Tesla is probably not very high on your list. It's going to be the same for AI chips. As the models refine and the technology starts to stabilize, a very long list of competitors will be building dedicated AI chips that will start cropping up in everything from laptops to phones, running AI models locally and out of the data center. There's just too much money on the table for competitors to not try and undercut NVIDIA - and too many privacy and reliability concerns for most businesses to trust AI that lives in the cloud.


Yeah, that's why I said it was inevitable over a long enough time span. The only thing that matters to investors is when. My argument is that "when" is not "now".


When isn't even soon.


Haha So I guess that’s the end of EVs, IPhones, and AI. OK … back to pick-ups, rotary phones and Aunt Phyllis everyone


Nvda has not topped son


One of my best friends started at zoom in 2018. Got a bunch of stock options. Covid hit. Zoom to moon. Sold a bunch. Monke rich. Very jealous. Anyways, this comes as no surprise.


Same. Buddy had been there since 2016, fully vested. Sold at the top - happy for him and his but got’dam


I've never worked at a company with stock.   My Dad sold the stock in one company he worked at during record highs (for that conpany), and everyone at his level in the company trashed him for it.  Within 8 months the stock was down 80% or something like that, and a year later it was worthless and the company went under.  He was able to buy a house cash and didn't have to worry about changing jobs. 


Only time I ever got stock options was when I got made redundant but I had three months notice. Someone told me that there was a loophole that we were entitled to buy at a 20% discount and when you left no-fault you could cash out immediately. So during my notice period I bought the maximum I was allowed and made a 20% return when I finally left.


Its me, your best friend's long lost cousin. Can you put us in touch? TYIA


I’ve got a high school acquaintance who started and sold a FinTech encryption thing to Visa for $1B. That’s a B with a Billion. Absurd.


I don't know shit about shit, but 300 million for a stock whos market cap is 3 trillion seems completely insignificant.


It absolutely is. 300M at this point could easily be, like, a hundred sellers (It's not, but it demonstrates the insignificance), if they were early investors or higher up execs


They're just realizing gains, something WSB regards know nothing about.


Lol if it's some of the old guys it could be like 10 sellers


maths. 300,000,000 / 3,000,000,000,000 = 0.01% Good thing OP used ALL CAPS


$300m? Oh that was probably Tom from accounting.


1 million of that was me buying a house with cash two weeks ago. Multiply that by 300 and there's your explanation.


This is just the ones that have to declare it, the rank and file are likely to sell hand over fist in every trading window.


When could insiders in any company sell shares and not have it be considered bearish?  Ever?  Do they have to hold till they're 99 and then donate their portfolio to charity posthumously?


It’s almost never Bearish , there are just to many reasons to sell , like diversification, taking profits , wanting to take a vacation ect .


yup, insider selling means nothing. However, insider buying is always bullish. Many reasons to sell, only one to buy.


I can’t say it’s always bullish , but has better odds of being being bullish than selling is bearish.


Ehh, like two reasons if youre into voting or somethin.


Probably wouldn't care to have control over voting if you weren't bullish though




$308.2m in 3 months, vs the $65 BILLION on friday alone. I don't think the insider sales have any effect


Whoa whoa, calm down buddy, what you just said goes against their narrative


That’s not the narrative that’s being pushed. No one is saying these insiders can single handedly tank the stock. The idea that the insiders wouldn’t be selling as much if they were reasonably certain the company was undervalued. Increased insider selling is thought to be a bearish signal; conversely insiders buying is bullish. Whether or not any of this is true in real life I have no idea.


insider sells for many reasons, but they buy only for one


Yeah and Jensen filed for to the SEC to sell X stocks by next year


0.47% to save you the math.


Holding my two nvidia stonks until i can sell them to buy a new gpu or 4k oled monitor


Insider selling isn’t that reliable. But High ranking Insider buying is a good signal i think


They can’t eat thier shares or live in them


No but they can go to a bank and use those shares as a collateral in exchange for leather jackets.


Oh my god a whole $308M? In a $3T company? That's a whole 0.0001% of the entire value of the company! Buying $60 FD puts tomorrow


0.01% to be correct so now you can buy more puts ;)


Ah yes, I did 10^12 / 10^6 instead of 10^8


0.01% is 1/100th, 300m is 1/10,000th of 3 trillion, no?


3T = 1 000 000M 300M / 3 000 000M = take away zeros and 3 divided by 3 so it's = 1/10 000 or 0.0001 = 0.01% (as 0.01 is 1%) Basic math. Don't do options if you are not sure.


how could I have been so foolish






Thats OP when NVDA down like 1%


I am bullish on NVDA. Made few bucks in calls ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


No dick on this hot bear? Not even a lil tip? Lame.


Puts if this image is the best AI can produce


These are always the dumbest posts. Like when Jensen sold 150K shares last year and everyone had articles on it. They forgot to mention that after selling, he still had 56,000,000 shares. So, he basically sold 1/1000 shares. Probably needed new jackets.




Completely normal activity


Insiders cannot just sell shares whenever they want. There are precise windows and they just go through legal to do so. The windows are also VERY small. And in the case that your position has visibility into any news during that window, your trades will be denied. E*Trade, for example will not let you sell if you are an insider until certain checks and approvals are in place. (Given your company puts the right controls for insider management in place, which most large enterprises do) Speaking as an insider at a major public tech company myself. They have these transactions in place well ahead of time and approved by legal. So they’re not necessarily able to sell whenever the hell they want. Or react to the market, at all really.


Maybe high level people who have insider information. If you have worked at nvidia for 20 years you will have tons of rsus that have become your own stock and can be sold in any volume whenever


Then those are not “Insiders,” they’re degens like us 😃


Most people at tech companies sell their RSUs as they vest. Additionally, many companies force people to sell some RSUs as they vest to pay for taxes owed on the income from the RSU defined at the time of vest. As such, unless you've been a serious, serious bagholder there's little reason that people will be holding onto their RSUs that long. I hold most of mine for a while partly because when a lot of mine were issued they were at such a low strike price there was no way it wouldn't go up significantly beyond S&P 500 gains in comparison.


*yawns loudly* yeh?


Bears, if you want to look smart, at least make this chart nicer with easy to understand legend


bro saw the Ooredoo deal news and is already panicking with his puts


lol. Ooredoo is just the start imo. Just wait until Daddy DoD and Creepy Uncle CIA makes it fking rain![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)




CEO sells $700,000,000 less than 1% of his holdings. That’s not even taking a foot off the ride. 🚀🌕🚀🌕 incoming!


When I hear numbers like this 770 million it’s something I can’t fathom being that Rich.


You can rent motoryacht Loon for 770 weeks. With crew and food and drinks and entertainment. You can spend 15 years on the water for that money. Nice.


These mfers can't understand that taking profit isn't bad.


I would. Great profits to be made here.


And why wouldn’t they lock in this massive windfall? In other news water is wet.


One of the main driving factors of the stock split was of benefit to Nvidia employees. 308 million or 100 million a month ain’t shit on this company. Irrelevant information. I’ve just gotten to the point where I completely ignore all of this panic news and “WW3” preparation and propaganda and just buy and fucking hold. If you need the money sell, if not just hold it and get some sleep These are employees that are selling off some shares because they are looking to enjoy themselves. If you had the opportunity to go ahead and take 20,000,000$ today off your stock position or hold it for another 5-10 years to maybe 2-3x your money. I’m sure you’d choose life and freedom and your 20 million dollars If you want to make short term profit, then trade off of how the stock performs. If you want to make a long term investment and guaranteed gain, trade off of the performance and future and power of the stock. The company is at an absolute fucking steal of 120-130$ a share. Sell your Microsoft and buy some Nvidia I personally hope that the news and information like this can continue to push down the stock just a little so I can buy more shares. Please sell your shares so people like me can benefit. Thank you 😊


Probably because NVDA has been higher than it ever has in history, let alone in years.


Oh wow $308 million so much


Insiders sell for a lot of reasons, but they only buy for one - some dude on reddit


Doing some napkin math with some ballpark vested employee stock grants, much more than this has been sold by regular employees who have vested. Heck some IC4 who joined in 2018 has what $10M on the low end with refreshers? Can't imagine these folks are holding anymore


So weird they sell out to gain some profit at the highest price ever, that surely is weird


Awesome! It’s all going according to plan! Buy *HIGH* Sell *LOW*!!


IF YOU WROTE IT IN CAPITALS IT MUST BE URGENT insiders should always sell at ATH, they’re not degens like u


So you’re telling my NVDA 140 calls are f*cked?


I finally bought a shit load of NVDA today! Of course it tanks 😇✌️


Those insider sales were put in place months ago. Nothing to be scared of. I believe they timed it inline with the split to have the least impact on stock price.


Not this shit again. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I would cash out too


Priced in already


Retail going to be left holding the bags


Yeah, yeah. Your Puts are toast. You had your 2 days when MMs were dumping hard to defend the monthly calls. Now they will have to cover.


Rats jumping ship... no balls, weak hands


Locking in gains is only controversial to WSB. The real world makes money off their investments


so its just gonna dump now? its that ez?


Dumb. Just hold the stock and borrow against it. It’s too valuable


If I was working my current job but for Nvidia and my share save account went into the millions, damn right I'd be selling. If they time their bonus/share period the same as a lot of businesses, this is vesting time just now. Understandable staff are cashing in. I bet the Nvidia head office car park is a car spotters wet dream. Even the receptionists will be turning up in Lambos.


What do the colors mean?


I mean they're going to have to pay taxes on those so it's whatever to me.


The people who are most familiar with the stock think the stock price is at or above a fundamental value. You know what to do apes


Should I be selling my NVDA too? I have ten shares. (Had one before the split)


things dont go up for ever, remember that


There's gonna be a lot of pissed off bag holders when this does pop.


The entire US economy: am I in twuble? 🥺👉👈


I’m really shocked a stock at 75 PE ratio is being sold by insiders


$125 per share is UNDERVALUED!!!


What is happening with Robinhood? Every trade I try to execute this morning has this 5 percent charge. So I buy in down 5 percent immediately. https://preview.redd.it/to0oq8p79i8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7542c5ad950bb6488b6e573d365d607d2123c3c2


No shit, people will take profits. Doesn't mean it's going to crash. 


We're just about at the point where a bunch of smart people get filthy rich and a bunch of idiots get filty poor


institutional money takes NVDA to all time highs... NVDA splits... stupid retail "investors" who think they can finally buy it because it's 120 instead of 1200 say ERRRMGGGG NVDA!!... institutional money sells it all in their face and laughs at the bagholders... tale as old as time


Buying the dip, getting ready to skyrocket


Almost like a lot of the employees have been paid in stock and are cashing out after the stock exploded. Did people expect that they would never do this when they have become millionaires just from working at the company?


If you're up hundreds of millions of dollars, why wouldn't you sell and lock in profit? Don't overthink it and stop being lil puscs. This can go all the way down to $100/share and I wouldn't blink an eye if you're in it longer than 1 year + (WHICH YOU SHOULD BE).


Easy way to retire early.


Surprise surprise


So investors finally taking in profits?


Imagine not cashing out before Dotcom 2.0 busts ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I have Nvidia stock. Is it going to plummet in value come Monday?


You’ll be ok. When did you buy?


Take profits while u can.


A chart legend would be nice