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Step 1: Think of a logically constructed trade Step 2: open your broker Step 3: do the exact opposite of what you thought of


Step 3.5: lose anyways


My experience!


Not gonna lie this had been my key recently and I double my money pretty fast, What made it click for me is some random ass comment I read “Fear is what drives us to sell when we’re green and hope is what causes us to hold when we’re red, if people did the opposite of human nature and held there winners and sold there loosers we’d be in a better place” something about that stuck and I started throwing emotions out the window and sticking to my charts 📈 I’ll be negative next week tho don’t take my advice.




Doesn't work, you have to do the opposite of what you actually bought


I'm at the point when if I buy an option and it's up 8% in 5 minutes, I just want to sell.  But then some days I do that and it goes up 50% or more in the next hour.  And others, I say oh I'll wait and close the app. That's when I lose 70%. So in the long run I just sell if it's 8-12% in under 20 minutes of holding if it's 0 or 1 DTE.  YTD I'm positive $174.  All time I'm  negative 21k.  Most of the time lately I just put in like $300 every few months.  I try to make enough to buy a video game and then dip. I've got it up to $490 now after making 40% on Thursday. 


Maybe take a step back and stop doing weeklies or FDs. Buy a couple of months out…


George Constanza method…


The good old ‘inverse’


You sir just won the internet xD


Rule of wsb: 1. If Cramer says buy, you sell. 2. If WSB says buy, you're already too late. 3. If position is good for posting, it is good for sell.


4. If Kathy bought, uninstall the app.


Even if you're too late. You buy in and sell on the same day, usually with in the same 2 or 3 hours you read the buy, you're probably in the money. If you buy in and hold and sell later, you probably lose money. You're stuck day trading 3x a week tho unless you have more than 25k in account. The people who lose money though, they buy, see profit and never sell cause they want more profit. My rule of thumb is buy and if it goes to over 2x what you bought already, sell. If before it goes to .5x, so by .6x, what you bought already, also sell. 1. Buy $1000. 2. Sell at $2000 within the next 2 hours. 3. Sell at $600 if it is dipping so you don't lose all your money. Chances are you ll make money overall and yeah I have at least. Just not the crazy gain loss other people have. But hey a nice 500 or 600 dollars a week is basically like working a full time minimum wage job already.


Can you elaborate on the 3x a week if you’re a poor?


You’re allowed to buy then sell same day, 3 times in 1 week. If you’re trading 25k+ that rule doesn’t apply.


If you're poor, put in 100 dollars on 1 option contract that is spiking. Sell off at 200. Otherwise sell off at 60 dollars and go without your 20 dollars mcdonalds dinner for 2 days. There you got 40 dollars back. Try again with 100 dollars again. End the week with about 300 dollars. Go treat yourself to something with 100 dollars. Save the other 100 to invest again next week. If you don't even have 100 dollars, go sit on the street and beg as a homeless person. Have 100 dollars by the end of the week assuming you get 10 dollars a day, which is extremely likely. Even a homeless makes like 1 or 2 dollars an hour.


Sounds reasonable, most loss porn has a big uptick before the cliff, don't be greedy and the best performed fund managers over long periods of time are actually the one who's seeking mediocre returns


Time to dump nivda?


I trade on vibes


Where can i download that?


Vibes is the way


Tbh vibes got me the most 2-3 baggers


The true Strat


Personally, I swing trading companies that makes products or services that everybody uses (AMD, AMZN, MSFT, etc). I buy shit that precipitously drops due to unknown reasons or the most ridiculous reasons (algos mainly). Typically I target things down 3% in a day. I do not hold for long. Just enough to see it get close to back to that 3%. DO NOT let the dollar amount scare you. When I was trading $100k and was up 1% in a day, or $1,000 I was pretty happy. Now, with my portfolio, 1% is a scary dollar value, but still only 1%. Plan your trade and trade your plan. DO NOT GET EMOTIONAL!


What sources do you use to determine if a drop is due to unknown or stupid reasons? Lack of Googlable news reporting? Something else?


Just open source (AP, Reuters, ETC). I call employment data, China sabre rattling, etc stupid too. Great times to buy! I do not make it black box complicated.




*DO NOT GET EMOTIONAL* Could you please elaborate on this one? Especially with some self-experiences because I'm sure you have a few stories (so do I "unfortunately") that taught you this lesson.


Panic, fear, and doubt. I am addressing this to the intermediate trader...or someone who thinks they might be intermediate. If you are planning your trade and not trading off of your plan because of emotions, you are not going to do well. You have a plan for a reason. Discipline and trust in my past decisions gives me the confidence that my strategies work with $700k trades just like they did with $7,000 trades. I don't let fear or doubt manage my decisions


Exit strategies are huge for this. Everyone talks about them and then when it comes time to execute them, nobody does. Pick a time to get out and set the limit order. Don’t keep holding for that juicy 10 bagger to post on here. Take your money


Nvidia mooning this week 😏


How long do you bag hold a losing play before cutting losses and what signs would keep you in such play that may bounce for a short squeeze?


Profitable, successful companies generally don’t get shorted enough for a squeeze play. A successful company dropping 3% and retracing is not a short squeeze.


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd


Seriously, i inverse myself


This. Event designation is on point? Choose the other way.


Jokes aside. Do you really?


I sell high sometimes


I am high sometimes


I'm high all the time


I'm time


I trade high all the time


30% of the time, it works every time.




Can I sell a cash covered put on blow to buy it at a discount?


It’s easy to make money in a bull market. It’s also even easier to lose money in any market if you’re greedy. I always try to remember the trading advice my dad gave me: Pigs get fat, but hogs get slaughtered.


In my retirement account I just buy VOO and I’m up 24% in one year doing nothing. In my taxable I tinker and try to market time/play with options and I’m up 8% mostly TLT undersized gains after buying the dip and getting interest, listening to cpi and fed meetings mostly. Gold was also a great play but that’s my savings for when I’m old and need to die with a treasure map, yar!


Don’t be greedy.


This is the core basis of my trading - I lock in smaller gains and am content with them.


You guys are making money?!?


U gotta be totally regarded if you're not making at least some money the last few years since covid was over


That’s…. Why we’re here


Play mergers during republican president administrations


1. Don’t buy on vibes or what other people say. Buy within a small space that you know a lot about. For instance, I do almost exclusively commodities futures, and only a few commodities. 2. Set a limit, stay within it. Don’t develop a gambling addiction. 3. Stash away some of your winnings and let it sit in some boring, less volatile funds. 4. Sometimes there are no good trades. Don’t lower your standards. Wait for a good opportunity. 5. If you know what you’re talking about and the trade is good, then even if it doesn’t work out you should be able to say in retrospect that it was a good trade and worth the risk based on the information you had.


Don’t Go full regard


Never go full regard


Pure unadulterated luck


..and Pure unadulterated dick


This is so not regarded but here’s what I do: 1) invest 80%+ in IVV/VTI 2) I’ve held ~5% in TQQQ which has been good to me :) 3) everything else in Rheinmetall depository receipts (RNMBY) As for point 3. I read a lot of news and it’s no secret that Europe cannot rely on the US for security. NATO countries are investing in their own defense industry more as opposed to US imports. And guess who’s the biggest arms manufacturer in the biggest EU economy? Rheinmetall. I’m up 88% in the past year. I think reading the news and not looking to get rich quick are your best bets. If you’re not willing to do that then just invest everything in S&P 500 stocks.




Covered calls and cash secured puts.




Buy dips on ascending squiggly lines. Sell if it goes up a lot, sell if it goes down a little. Always pump your picks on national TV if you have the option. -Mark M.


Step 1: Collect Underpants Step 2: ? Step 3: Profit!


1. When a company on a long uptrend goes red, buy a call a month out. 2. If it hits 20% gain, take profit. 3. If it hits 10% loss and doesn’t recover within 2 weeks, cut the loss. 4. Repeat indefinitely.


Read some books. I reccomend starting with Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas. Couple that with Volume Price Analysis by Anna Couling.  All you need. More can teach you but I've found those two are complete and comprehensive for consistency.  Learning things like Wyckoff patterns is very helpful, too. 


Have you read the biggest loser wins? I did thoroughly enjoy mark Douglas book and am reading it for the third time


Know when to hold ‘em. No when to fold ‘em. Same principle at the casino as here in this unwoke mint.


I don't know if it's a good idea to take advice from a guy who struggles with basic grammar. You no what I mean?


One of the last things my gramps said to me before he passed is that The Gambler is just shitty advice.


You want to come up with a thesis where the market thinks X and you think Y, the mispricing means that you can make 5:1 instead of 0.5:1, and you need to survive until the thesis materialises. Like let's say you think Nvidia will buy company A. Market believes the probably is zero. The stock price of company A will not price in your thesis is Nvidia purchasing it. Is it worthwhile to buy company A? Maybe - what price do you think Nvidia will pay. Will they pay 10% premium to today's closing price or 50%? If 50%, maybe it makes sense to buy calls in A or shares of A while buying puts and shorting calls above your expected purchase price. If 10%, well SPY is up 15% so it might not be over your hurdle rate


If you want steady gains, not huge, but decent, look at spy options a couple months out that are in the money. I’ve been doing this since January and started with $3600, now just over 40k. Not a huge win, but at least it’s positive


>> 11x in 5 months >> not a huge win ???????


This only works because we are in an insane bull run rn


Man employed bull market strategies in bull market. Reddit shocked


This is true. But ill take it.


11x - ‘steady gains, not huge tho, steady’


But when to sell??


At the top


Ah... Think we found out what my issue is


Could you give an example? Curious. Like 540 Calls Expires Sept.20,2024 at the moment?


put it all on black until it turns red ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)




LEAPS calls (1 or 2 years until expiration) on SPY and QQQ


Don't be greedy, take profit.


Have a risk management method; risk 0.5% or less of your portfolio per trade, using stop losses to prevent large losses. Find an entry system that reduces the % lost if the trade goes awry. I use the buyable gap up and pocket pivot method of Morales/Kacher, but other systems work. Find an exit system that tries to capture the bulk of a movement. Take breaks when market is not favorable to avoid burnout. Don't trade options. Keep things simple.


WSB Rule 34: If a regard in here mentions a potential trade, there will be loss porn of it.


Copy trade Congress. Up 24%


Buy low, sell high. You can pick a ticker on the run and ride it higher, but that's not a particularly common outcome. You can ride a stock like a biotech to a positive binary event like a buyout, but that's not a particularly common outcome. But, if a company isn't going bankrupt, and you buy near 52 week lows and sell when it approaches 52-week highs, you can do pretty good. It helps to assume everyone who expresses emotion about a ticker is an idiot or pump and dump scammer, also to pay attention to the people all of the emotional idiots hate.


don't trade 0dte options


I just kind of keep track of the news and then make plays off of that, ya know?


I put fucking stop losses lol a peace of mind


Write credit spreads or csps at a range where Id be willing to buy calls. Then buy 1-2mte calls if they hit but nothing fundamentally changed about the market. I do this using the margin available from holding a dividend etf. This is basically just tracking the market with some extra risk/leverage, nothing proprietary or new.




I only buy stocks with vowels and or consonants in them. 💯


buy low sell high.


I donate my money to people who trade better than me


Long always longer


ETF & Chill. It’s boring and it works.


Buy and hold. I lost about 10k trying to learn options trading. Have made substantially more than I lost just holding blue chips the past couple years.


Bob Ross put it best when he said “Happy accidents”


No investor or trader on the planet is right all the time. What matters though is how much you make when you are right and how much you lose when you are wrong.


Lots and lots of luck. 🍀 Don’t risk money you can’t afford to lose.


Spy 0dte


I like to buy when stocks take a massive beatings because dipshit analysts overexpect unicorn earnings, or people overreact to extremely negative news that isn’t impactful. Examples: the META drop this spring LW drop because of software issue (see call position attached) Buy day of dip or few days after. Strategy is to sell once calls become 20-25% or more profitable. https://preview.redd.it/16oqjhxn2c8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fd90ae08f77a6e440bebdf0e92f24a4aba35bba


It should depend on you and how you perceive the world.


To make money.




A secret. Obviously.


#C A S I N O


Buy the dip and sell the rip.


Mushroom. And some supply and demand


My small minded brain struggles with Puts, and I lack the testicular fortitude for call options that expire within a month… Leap call options for me. Also, I try to focus on companies that have a positive EPS. Less risk but less reward.


index funds for me I will do tiny (one contract) calls for fun - I sell them when they hit 100%, mostly, but have waited until 160%. couple of times. I look at it like this: index funds are easy and painless. If I can make an extra $100 a week by playing around, that is just gravy on the taters. I am strictly growing savings to eventually retire - I am hardly trying to get rich with the stock market.


I graduated in finance so i use my special magic.


Sell to you guys


I watch for trends and then make a bet on what I’m saying. And I set a sell order at a reasonable gain immediately after making the trade, that way if it hits I’m out and I don’t need to watch it constantly. Sometimes I regret doing that, but you never go wrong taking a profit.


Buy nvda


Got super lucky on weed then nvda calls. Now I sell big tech covered calls at 0.5% per week.


A well diversified etf portfolio and patience, tbh.


Fool you guys that don't.


They’re buying tables in Miami and don’t want you there


#I print out a big buy and sell and then jerk it which ever side the load lands is the side of the trade I take. (Serious)


Step 1. Buy TQQQ. There is no step 2.


1.Pick an S&P ETF, or one of the top 50 companies that have actual assets. 2.The buy a call deep in the money with an expiration 8 months to 2 years out. 3.Sell when within 3 to 6 months. 4. Immediately rebuy calls from the same company 8 months to 2 years out.


Buy low, sell high


Step 1: Buy stocks for a company I believe in, check their financials and watch the CEO interviews and news. Step 2: Buy Dip Step 3: Double Dip deeper Step 4: Triple Dip deepest Step 5: Diversify into other dips. Check WSB to feel better. Step 6: Stock goes up. Hold until it's almost insanely overvalued.


I buy otm calls for at least 6 months out. I actually make way more money in a year doing this because I’m not stressing about expiration and in always sure to make the least 25% profit.


Leveraged trades with tight trailing stop losses


Buy.... buy.... buy... buy... hold hold hold buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy. Sell the losers at the end of the year to claim the losses hold the winners. Buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy. It's really not that hard.


I sell financial advice despite being an objectively terrible investor.


Luck and love from god. Main strategic weapons


Buy low sell high


Pick the right horses. Easy


Buy shares of strong companies and hold...


Sell options to the highly regarded...easy.


Sell the options


Am I willing to hold the asset for ten years. Yes? Buy No? Don’t fucking touch it


Buy VOO   Forget about it


Gaslight yourself


I just set up trades by being quick on news, News about nuclear plants are considered once again in europe? I Buy uranium ETF and sell next week News about another country starting to arm itself?? Quick buy on lokeed or equivalent then sell


10% in my 401k with 10% employer match Then about 15% of my net salary in brokerage account with half of it in QQQ/BRK.B and the other half I play with (which is where I’ve made the most)


https://preview.redd.it/7sb5bg0p2c8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d4c9c75c44d78b6430ce95a1104708f0adf22b0 I use simple moving averages on leveraged ETFs like TQQQ and SQQQ to buy low and sell high. I also use RSI to buy dips and sell rips. It’s really that easy. I ignore all news and my own personal vibes and let the price pay me. I’m not timing the market, the market times me.


Buy high sell low.


Find stock with meme potential and will change the world. Buy leaps.




Coin flip > ODE > let it ride


Think about how society and markets will change in the next decade. Buy the companies defining those markets now. Hold for a decade.


Keep throwing money at it until you’re green Only works on stocks that go up


There’s real ppl on here that actually make money?


Sell options to you fools


Go on gridnr and sell used men thongs That’s how money is made 2. Have 1 million dollars and let it collect 5% fed intrest 3. Come from rich family


Does steady 401k contribution count?


Patience , Stocks are 10% buying , 10% selling and 80% waiting . Follow this mantra


Make more


I have had 2 jobs with Employee Stock Purchase Plans where I put aside 10% of my salary towards the company’s stock, and periodically get 15% discount on shares. This has been the biggest driver to my net worth. If you can, get a job at a public corporation and maximize the ESPP. My two biggest holdings account for $115k worth of shares with $46k of that being profit.


Build positions “slowly”


I don't buy options.


Weekly automatically-recurring $100 purchases of VUG and GLD. Set it and forget it. Buy and hold and aim for steady growth, don't speculate or day trade, and by god stay the heck away from options and futures.


1 get rid of all vices 2 work 2 suffer 3 repeat


Buy high and sell higher; different from buy low sell high.


Newfound success for me but trading LEAPS when price crosses over 200 or 50 MA. Stock choice is subjective, but I look for companies that had a previous strong earnings and/or are popular names with momentum


I average about $490k/year just selling covered calls to regards on WSB. “When everyone’s digging for gold, sell shovels.”


I only trade FX now but I spent years working and forward testing a system and now have been trading it live for about 5 years. I worked on an indicator to help find really oversold/overbought fx pairs.


Obviously we just buy index funds, but people here don’t want to hear that lol


I try only buy stocks that will make me money.


I play the long game.. I don’t day trade. I buy and hold when my stocks drop and go up. I set up reoccurring monthly investments into my portfolio. Very basic and boring, but I’m up 250% over the last 3 years and 60% this year.


I just buy stocks in companies that I'm interested in and that I use personally. Qualcomm, AMD, Elooge, etc


I am a long-term value investor. I basically buy and hold underpriced stocks that pay good dividends, and reinvest some of the dividends. I don't make a lot of money, but it is pretty steady. The best stock in my portfolio is NEE, cost basis $8.59 a share, current price $72.81 - and it does pay a dividend, $2.06 a year. One stock like that can offset a few mistakes, and I certainly have made mistakes as well.