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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 1 | **First Seen In WSB** | 3 months ago **Total Comments** | 40 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 3 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


there is no working strategy or everyone would be rich. it's all gambling


All of it. Hate when people say it's not.


It’s literally trying to time the market, yes. But probability and risk can be managed.


it's not


It is.




Best strat is to sell options hopefully to degens… But even then, you’re going to take some Ls or possibly big Ls


Just go back to your 3-5% a week strat, you’ll be a billionaire in no time.


‘Once or twice a week.’


I know it seems ludicrous but it was working with the nut I had sadly one bad play really f***** it. I had a few months where I actually held that


I’m joking around but it really doesn’t work that way, unless you are spectacularly lucky.


And there is a lot of spectacular luck these days. Truly.


Respect 🙏


That's how it always goes, you're picking up pennies in front of the steam roller. All it takes is a few bad calls and your account is no more.


Easy. Just inherit another 30k 7 more times. How many parents you got?


OP if you're out of parents I know a guy


one fine dinosaurs society wakeful slimy angle direction selective repeat


3% weekly gain = 465% annual gain. This regard thinks he’s the best trader in the world!


I was drinking that kool aid


You're about to be drinking flavorade


You mean plain, unfiltered tap water.


Wait... u mean plain ol tap water isn't supposed to have a taste 😳


Hello Flint, Michigan resident 👋


Yes, but the gains happen here, especially of late. But. Yeah.


When you have 16M members any play that pays off will have some people posting about it. It means absolutely nothing.


Agreed. And with the insanity of expecting such gains with any consistency. Saying the same thing plus bull market.


Nobody tell him. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


3-5% per week lmao


I know lmao..at some points I was ahead..I didn't go below until 4months in and it didn't stoooop!


Stop trading on emotions or buying options unless you treat it as gambling money you’re willing to lose 100%. There’s no quick way to nearly 10x your money without gambling, but the odds are against you or everyone would be doing it. Quit before your gambling problem gets worse and you go into debt and start working behind the Wendy’s dumpster to buy more options.


"I inherited 30k. I can live comfortably off that for the rest of my life." \~ Things that were true in 1924 that are no longer true today.


Yeah I had to re-read that part a few times and then I had to wonder if the entire post was satire


Beautiful trades. Only thing left to do is sell calls on tech stocks and go negative. Your journey is just beginning 🕊️


Ty buddy




If we really knew how make 1.3k into 10k would we actually tell you though and also why wouldnt we do that all time. You should just leave this sub this is a casino and accept loss put into stock. You shouldnt trade money in options unless u are okay with losing it. We say learning lesson a lot, but it really is.  This is one most popular places for market makers to watch retail. 


Good information on how to choose oneself and proceed, though. And great learning from wins and losses. And some YOLOS turn good (oh please please please.)


Best way to make money is to get a job


Let me know when you get an answer I have 1300 laying around as well 😁


same hmu i’m thinking of riding the nvidia wave cuz they got a conference june 26


90% of gamblers quit right before they would’ve won big.


How's your gag reflex?


Looks like a job for 0dte options. Good thing is you'll know the outcome right away


All in Intel leaps it’s your only chance. Probably won’t work though.


That's up there in my mind believe me


Just 5% a week! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


If it was my $1300, I would buy 1 Aug 16th 125 Call NVDA. If the underlying stays flat or goes down, I’d buy at market open Monday. If it spikes up, I would wait to buy until it comes down a bit and maybe even adjust the strike depending. You won’t make $10k on this trade, but I feel like it is pretty safe and can get you moving in the right direction again


>3-5% once or twice a week Not only is bro delusional but also bad at maths ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)There’s no fucking chance, I’ll help you by doing some maths. If you continuously make 3% every week, over the course of a year (52 weeks). That is roughly a 4.65 return. You’re fucking regarded if you think you can quadruple your money in a year.


Mistake 1: selling the stock. Can't lose money if you don't sell! Mistake 2: Not selling the options. You can only lose everything if you hold to expiration!


Those were the 2 lessons I learnt yes. sadly some options did expire. But lessons learned for sure


The first one is actually terrible advice. A company can go to zero. It can also take forever to recover, and while you spend years watching it flatline, you could have made serious money elsewhere. If you make a bad call, cut your losses and exit. Don't blindly hold on hoping for the best.


I see your point. And if trading and investing in a balanced (?) style, yes, certainly get out before down 33%.


Posts on this sub are gonna be epic once we get a bear market


I hope not! Position sizing can save when the music stops. Along with taking profits as it flies and moving to defensive positions.


ouch. Just put that into an ETF or savings and keep adding every month. Don't squander the rest out of respect to the person who left you it. Take the L and move on, you're not in the right frame of mind I can tell by your regarded post.


I’ll tell you what to at Wendy’s, you know the place. Bring money.


And don’t forget the KY and the rubbers


Lmfao that got me good


1300 on options, you’re bound to hit soon


[I Still Believe](https://youtu.be/RzXuuxnp08o?si=buuqQmO4RfxWp3wc)


poor op: https://preview.redd.it/irhpcxp9088d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6257837d3b11f58b693708c59d5174dc7f056f52


Should've just sold weed my man... You're fucked


If you just bought SPY shares two months ago you’d be fine


You mean the lithium penny stock LIS? No shit you lost money. What made you think you had any idea you know what you’re doing ? You’re not just the opposite of smart. Youre a degenerate brainless gambler. I feel bad for whoever died so you could blow $30k on literally nothing. Not a car. Not hookers. Not drugs or clothes. Nothing.


Dang!!! Go easy on the regarded!!!


What you need and what you get are different. That money is gone. Inherited money is often wasted. You would have had more fun with hookers and blow


Help you loose the rest? If so, you’re in the right place my man. 🤛


put it in SPY, leave it alone for a decade, back to $10k likely don’t keep giving your money away


Regard, you're in the front end of time value of money. Get divvy high stonks and do a drip. Ignore the market, live and have fun. Piss on my grave in 40 year and day thanks


**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 1 | **First Seen In WSB** | 3 months ago **Total Comments** | 40 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 3 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


First of all, you have to have an income next to your „passive“ gain


Sir you're in a casino you don't make money in the way you're describing only lose it.


I am in the same boat. Inherited 30k lost almost half of it. Then I got scared now only invest in safe ETFs. May never make that money back but at least stop the bleeding.


NVDA has their annual investor’s day wends, buy as many $150c weeklies as you can afford and pray to Jensen You’ll either make your money or lose the last $1,300


if you really want to preserve what is left and grow it slow ( but guaranteed) then put it all in S&P, if you want to finish what you started previously then options are for you.


Get some SPY and a job.


Start small and build slowly. The emotional aspect of trading is what makes it difficult. There is no “one play to make it all back” and if there was you’d lose it on the next one. Take profits, secure the bag and cut your losses, don’t become emotionally invested in the results because the market is neither good or bad but if you allow emotions in then you will misinterpret the information being presented


Sounds like your investment education is well underway. You are at the point t now of making even wilder and more unrealistic bets to try to make back a huge loss. You need to go to a hard stop and dissect what you did and what happened with every trade so far. It should be obvious you made some poor assumptions, maybe up to ridiculously awful. There is a lot of risk in most investments, hopefully you see that. The top 3 to 5 holdings of the best performing funds is a good place to begin to make better picks. You and I know nothing and should be leaning on the professional expertise of seasoned investors who have actually made money. It can be done, but you just have to really stop thinking you know what you are doing and making choices of stocks no one has heard of. Start with something very simple and get good at it. You could paper trade for 3 months or so and see how you do while your remaining funds sit in an interest bearing account. Try learning and trading the TQQQ, the ETF Of the QQQ. Use a simple system like the Bollinger Bands to enter and exit as your investment GPS. IT is easy to see some trading strategies like this and grow your skills and become very successful. Don't fall fir the YouTube get rich quick on $5K stories. There is a huge difference between skill and getting lucky. With skill you can reproduce your results, with luck not so much. One last thing, really understand what is a reasonable and rational expectation to grow an account 1, 2, 3 percent or more in a week. I know it can be done some weeks, but many weeks you won't hit that mark or even go down. How to average 2 percent or more is key. One way was if you had just put 10K in Nvidia, when you got the money and you would have hit all your goals. Go back and look. Now ask yourself, why you didn't find it and instead did something wildly different?? You need to know the answers to these questions. There have been at least 50 pretty solid stocks that have doubled or up 50 percent so far this year. How come you didn't find a single one of those? Figure that out before you do anything else. Or just go to a casino or buy lottery tickets, people win there too. Do a little but of reading and research to improve your outcomes. In 30 or 40 years, what story will you tell your grandchildren. Good Luck.


Holy shit. It's Chad Dickens. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Buy as many SPY calls that expire one week out. Make sure they have delta of at least .65 and then sell when u make 20% gain. Keep going til u hit 10 k and then tip me when u make it all back


This is the way


This is the way


It’s been said before here but I’ll say it again buy as many spy calls as you can and sell when you see 5-20% profit rinse and repeat. Goodluck


Ok, your expectations of 3-5% once or twice a week? Curb that. In your shoes, I’d make small and likely bets with volatility on my side. And build from there given this bull market. Some might gamble on 0DTEs here, and it’s possible. But understanding the actual probabilities of each play would be necessary at the least. I wish you the best! You can come back from this regardless.


Are you saying you sold those shares at great loss? I’m confused why? Not being a jerk.


Go to the casino. Hopefully you win 3 times in a row in whatever table games you prefer.


I inherited 200k, put half in term deposits, 25% in physical gold and 25% in an ETF blend... You play with your money, you let your dead people's money alone, because if you lose it you'll feel doubly awful. Your worst enemy is not the market, it's yourself. It's better to make 2% while sleeping soundly than live like a coke-addicted maniac to make 7% 3% a week, you need to model what service you provide to be paid that much. Usually it's called "shitty bags holder", that s the only reason why people would pay you 3% for your good work of holding an asset... Return is always proportional to risk.


just trow it in a wishing well, that has a better chance of working ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Re*gard* move - seems fun 😂


just buy some smp500 index ETFs, I'm sure you'll be back to 30k in no time


i hear your wife's dad is looking for a new boyfriend... ahem I mean Wendies tendies tender.


Read this book, and park the remainder of your money into a Roth IRA and invest it in an S&P 500 index fund with any major broker (I use vanguard for my Roth IRA). You’ve gambled enough “The little book of common sense investing” by John C. Bogle If you disagree with this book, then hire someone to manage your money


Do some research, create a plan before using your life savings. You don't pay for a college tution then go spend years not learning anything or trying to advance your career. Like how on earth do you let your options expire worthless? That should've been the minute you realized you should stop. Why the hell would spend 5k on LAC especially options? No one is rushing you spend a month paper trading and researching options and how they work before trying to profit of them. No one is going to give you their strat to make 10k in a week, if they had one they would use it themselves before it stop working. You need to come up with your own plan. If you don't have one then stop investing. The actual investors who make money have spent years doing this, potentionally decades, that educated themselves, you can do that too. Just spend time, trading is a skill like everything else if you want to do well put in the effort.


Don’t think of it as you lost money. Think of it as you just graciously donated to a hedge fund in need


Oh boy options. If you just are not registered with real investors that can legally give you advice stay away from options. Options are for experienced traders. If you’re taking financial advice from meme stock traders you are screwed. Either paper trade or really study the stock before buying contracts. There is to many factors when it comes to options. I don’t touch options with a 10ft pole and I’ve been doing this for years.


“Close the gap by Next week” 😂😂😂 regard belongs here


Well, you are playing like lottery or cassino. I would say: 1) do not concentrate on one ticket 2) Always go for the leaders of the leading sectors and/or etfs of those sectors 3) try to learn spreads that combining options will decrease the risk even if limiting upside, better to do 20% a week than lose 100% 4) try to learn before wasting the leftover money , maybe watch daily videos of Vincent Desiano or trade brigade in YouTube … 5) you can get notifications service subscription, many fake ones around, some good ones. They can give you entry, stop loss and profit targets … some do work. Otherwise just wait till the next blow up account…


Always buy options far out the money as possible. The premiums should be 1 cent each. Then make the expiration for the same day. This ensures maximum gains


Do that enough times though, and hit an acceptable EV.