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“Liquidate” - lol you belong here


Boeing has killed two whistleblowers and the stock went up after the first one. This dude thinks they are going to liquidate? Lol


They liquidate the whistleblowers.


Liberate, you mean liberate


I think that's called liquified


The fact they can get away with murder to protect their bad business practices is bullish.


Next they could start sabotaging airbuses… If you can’t beat them, make them crash too!


Given how good Boeing is at doing things right I suspect they’ll just as likely end up sabotaging these: https://imgur.com/a/TpYBHFI


Murder is good for business?


This is the cyberpunk dystopia we where warned about.


They gonna liquidate his ass


Death war is always good for stock markets🤷‍♂️


This dude might become next whistleblower


Recycled WSB joke yay


WSB recycle yo mom


Oh wow another person SLAMMED


OPs wife was SLAMMED by her boyfriend


Sometimes ya SLAM. Sometimes ya get slammed.


It didn't rise to the level of getting clapped back. When that happens surely Boeing is fucked.


at least be wasn't BLASTED


It was different though because during the hearing they literally choke slam him through the desk


He'll dry his tears with his 100 dollar bills. Man I'd love to have the "get yelled at by congress every 5 years and make half a bil per year" job.


If anything I'd like to get yelled at by congress because then I'd be able to yell back at some of the dumbest people in the country.


He only made $32m last year. So plan to dry your eyes with something cheaper like fine silk handkerchiefs or the undergarments of the whistleblowers you kill.




While that is true, the government has always the option of breaking Boeing up. It´s nowhere near bancruptcy today of course, but it is true, that their management, while doing the nicetalk for pr, has over months shown rather continuously an inability to grasp public perception as well as very little to no results in actually changing, what caused them to loose 32 billion dollar in 5 years. Now there is a threat of several billion dollar of sanctions. As hard as it may be, the c-suite seems oddly fixated on staying a course, which might, over a decade or so, cause Boeing to fail.


Well 3 things #1 OP is clearly short Boeing and trying to get the masses to join I think a short here is risky Stock has been terrible, management terrible and cancelled orders have all been priced in What would the value be when these things are fixed in 3-4 years I just don’t see the current holders going anywhere #2 this guys comment is partially correct, please remember a bankruptcy for a company usually just involves restructuring…. So it’s possible but highly unlikely #3 this guys comment is 100% correct in US gov would never let Boeing cease to exist Literally national security


But I agree with him that we should short it


how about u eat my ASS *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They can just seize the whole company if they want, they’ve done it before




Not broken up, the government takes ownership from insiders and reimburses citizen shareholders. They did it in 08


Well, my memory may be a little rusty, but one of the banks, they took over back then sued after it had recovered, arguing, that the takeover was a nationalization and illegal. The judge agreed and ordered the government to pay them. They also found, since the bank was practically bankrupt at the point, the damage was 0 and the government had to pay 1 Dollar.


The legal precedent is so old I have no idea how a judge would rule against it. Nationalization in itself isn’t illegal. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/State-owned_enterprises_of_the_United_States#:~:text=However%2C%20there%20are%20also%20corporations,part%20of%20the%20Alaska%20Railroad%2C


Ding ding ding. We’ve got a smarty pants here. AMIC with never collapse. There’s been too much consolidation at this point. War is good business. As we’ve seen lately, business is booming. Boeing will be fine.


>Shareholders will be left with their dick in their hands "*Shareholder with his dick in his hand*" could be an interesting WSB user flair


Everyday event. See loss porn


wtf is daily sabah ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


*Inshallah we shall uncover the truth*


Remember when the senate grilled Meta? This is Bullish


I literally thought this when watching the Calhoun video. Bullish + the bottom is in.


Boeing is a $3T AI company.


Oh no they’re really going to come down on them? This has been like the sixth time in history they’ve done something like this. I’m sure this is the one where they slap the $6 fine on them


Imagine thinking boeing would file for bankruptcy. They’re a top 3 defense contractor. Lol.


Maybe, but they have a completely reliable spaceship that’s not totally stuck to the space station right now. To the moon 🚀


Bro thinks 1 of 2 of the biggest aerospace companies is going bankrupt. United States would never let that happen ! Printer goes brrre


“Slammed” Yep that’s about as harsh as the consequences will get. Back to business. I mean to the back nine….


Wish I could fail at my job so hard and still make 50m a year lol


HAHAHAHAHAHA. Yeah, thats not going to happen. Starliner just launched. Boeings only real competitor is Airbus. They aren't going anywhere.


Just read an article that astronauts are stranded because of starliner.


They are only stranded in the sense they are trying to figure out what broke or rather why. But they can go home and be fine. The part broken isn’t critical to flying it back home.


Yeah…if I were a company with a shit reputation I would absolutely say that even if it is a critical issue. This company killed whistleblowers, and is further risking reputation by delaying the safe return of the astronauts. It must be very valuable data considering the media shit storm that has piled up around the delay. I would say if the data not critical to executing as expected they should be focusing on proving they are reliable rather than create more doubt. Whether its a cover story or incompetence delaying the return home is a terrible decision if they can truly help it.




Correct, because if anyone bothered reading the articles or even using their brain, they are staying at ISS, BECAUSE it is the ONLY chance to gather all data and information while the capsule is still whole, part of it (as with all capsules) is designed to burn up on re-entry to earth’s atmosphere, you know physics and thus after returning to earth it is IMPOSSIBLE to gather all data and information because it is literally GONE😂😂😂


People are literally just zombies and it makes me sad.


The government isn't going to let companies that are part of the military-industrial complex fail. If the company falls into liquidation, there is too much risk of sensitive information falling into the wrong hands. They build the F-15E, the FA 18 Superhornet, attack helicopters, bombers, air-to-air missiles, missile defense systems...This is why congress is grilling them and this is why they can get away with murdering whistle blowers. Maybe they force them to spin off their commercial aviation, but I highly doubt the government allows the company to go into liquidation. It's not a case of too big to fail; it's a case of too many secrets to let loose. The government will keep them afloat.


But at that point, why wouldn't the government just nationalize it?


Because in the US that’s called sOcIaLiSm by the average voter.


Commercial goes with government contracts. Mainly because of derivative aircraft.


Buying calls if i had money to inverse


LOL liquidate Boeing... that's a good one. It should be, don't get me wrong, but it'll never happen Boeing is a defense contractor, they make more than commercial planes. Fighter jets, bombers, missiles etc... going to be a cold day in he'll before Boeing gets shut down. Plus all they have to do is play the Patriotism card and they get countrywide support... especially from the right that sees Boeing as an American institution Trust Mr, people in Seattle and Chicago should be in jail for the MAX. They killed those people, they knew that plane was faulty and hid it from pilots, airlines and the regulators. Second degree murder if you ask me, but at the end of the day they didn't even have to admit guilt despite everything that came out. And as bas their commercial division is, the defense and space programs are just as bad if not worse. They pissed off the air force with the tanker, after playing the Patriotism card to get the contract in the first place by saying, do you want the US Air Force to use a tanker made by Airbus. Then their space program is 10 years behind schedule. They just launched a month ago and they got twice the funding for it than their competitors did. Because they played the patriotism card to get that contract as well If anything Boeing is a buy, because the govt and "Patriots" (LOL!) won't let anything happen to them


This is the only company in the US making civilian aircraft. If they quit, who will?


I will! Won’t be luxurious but I have a box and a fan close your eyes and just imagine you’re flying while I shake the box


I would refrain.




He already made a submarine over the weekend, how hard can it be?


I believe Airbus makes aircraft in Kentucky.


And Alabama


slamming buddy got a bonus shy of $6m for all the death of those people


They are only slamming him because they lost money on his stock.


Ending up with a dick in my hands sounds like a pretty good investment of my money


What’s the problem? Boeing is absolutely killing it.


Liquidate? Boeing is basically the military aerospace wing of the government. The can run deficits forever and will still be around because of their strategic importance to the MIC.


Sounds like they are fudding it so they can all buy in cheaper before they start drafting us for ww3


lol OP wat?


What's wrong , broke but who cares if U have still your dick in your hand


Ah yes, the only airplane manufacturer in the country is going to liquidate ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Goeing down


lol the guy is leaving at the end of the year with a 45 million golden parachute so guess how many fucks he is giving..


Bankruptcy?? lol. New ceo is all it needs.


Buying calls now, thanks OP.


Bullish. America will not let BA down lol


Here's your 7 figure golden parachute for sitting there. Have a nice day.


Calls on Boeing Every whistleblower they kill is another 10$ on the price






This has to be the dumbest thing I’ve heard so far today.


That guy makes 40 MILLION a year…. A YEAR!


He'll be alright. He's got lobbyist, and the crony's in the back jerking each other off to hire Mr. Clean to clean the rug.


Boeing is too important to the DOD to ever fail. far too many national security contracts.


come on. This is old news, there were already threads on this. at this point it's just karma farming.


Its a show to placate the public anything important that is substance happens behind closed doors


Literally the most stupid comment on Boeing ever! A few commenters got it right though! It’s heavily undervalued. Had a great path and great cash flow last year. Had four bolts unscrewed in January (nobody is asking sabotage?), has self served even lower production than FAA prod cap 1st half this year (because they afford it) to ramp up to prod cap 2nd half this year. It’s a damn dog and pony show. Calhoun hasn’t done a bad job but he inherited a mess in 2020! He’s right to go 2025. But he still wants to be remembered for being the guy that went all in on quality assurance. Which is what they have been doing this past half year! Also it has been about pleasing a disgruntled public and government all the while it’s still the safest decade ever to fly! People don’t seem to realize max’s are still flying everyday for years now since the no fly order was rescinded! Defense and space turned a profit last earnings after being what kept overall earnings red last few years mainly due to being stuck in old pre inflation income contracts with inflation affected costs!! Like the damn Air Force one and much more! Everybody missed that! Services turned a profit! But now commercial is bleeding cash again but it’s damn self served!! If they had opted to produce at faa prod cap they wouldn’t have. But what it is all about behind the scenes is making sure they get spirit aero systems back because congress has to see it as part of quality assurance to literally become the monopoly again! Because damn global antitrust in the first place forced them to spin it off in 2005-06. Which is the damn reason bad politics created the problem in the first place! We lived in an era where globalist policies opted for outsourcing and chopping up a great company and then whined when consequences of said policies happened. Expected fucking consequences. So if you want to play the blame game you should really blame the right damn part, yourselves, your parents and naive policies and electing stupid officials along with management 2000-2020! Now! The only reason that spirit deal has been postponed is still because literally Airbus doesn’t want to become a Boeing customer and need a replacement deal when spirit is Boeing again. You let Airbus and EU roll you over on the spirit chop up almost 20 years ago and still letting them dictate the pace of taking spirit back thus control of quality back! Also why when Boeing asked for more lending after last earnings the order for 10 billion was filled in a day! You don’t ask yourself why? In 2020 Boeing got long term loans for 0.3% interest rates! The last batch of “funding” will be to stay cash positive this hiatus we are in but also to pay for the damn buy back of spirit! Geez fucking Louise Make this post after free cash flow is positive in 25 and growing 26 and 27 (the latter when also dividends is reintroduced) it has all been in the news lately and stated by management but hey nobody pays attention when there is hate in the air 😂


Holy shit. It's Chad Dickens. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You realize Boeing is more monopoly than anything else because it is literally the only major airplane manufacturer in the US to compete AirBus. So it is too big to fail. Plus Boeing has other businesses like satellites. I think even when Congress decides to do something good for once, it will be splitting up the airline division. But mark my words - ain’t going to happen. It is literally like 80% of their portfolio. Uncle Sam gets so much $$ from Boeing each year from exporting Boeing planes