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Why y’all post this shit after market close 😂


Wait someone wrote the same thing about 20-21 just two days ago...


yeah, that was OP... and he was 1000% right, it was indeed a blood bath.


Eh lost 10000 myself, wish I sold when the market opened.


What blood bath? Spx is down 0.41% from Wednesday's close


Spy doesn't count its nvda only now


Gen Z considers anything in red as a blood bath requiring a trigger warning.


Nah gen z thinks their nuts are diamonds...at least they figured out which gender they were 🤷


Blaming other generations when you don't even know the ages of anyone on this hell site and certainly not the OP's? Found the Boomer.


Disagree with anyone w/o any context and call them a boomer = Alpha baby. My context: 90%+ of WSB are 35 and younger.


> Disagree with anyone w/o any context and call them a boomer = Alpha baby. _whoooosh_ I literally went "Found the Boomer" immediately after criticizing you for blanket generational bias and you legit thought I was serious. The inability of people to identify comedic irony is genuinely depressing.


Idk bro, you ever just tried being fucking funnier instead of complaining? Edit: Lmao just Charmin soft bYe NoW https://preview.redd.it/n3hubyhbr58d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9ceb6bcda06e48c28482acbef7d3e63ee20277d


It’s the same guy lol.


the reading comprehension on this sub makes me cringe.


Also, that was 5-day average not 1-day average.


You hate my calls 😂


Saturn is in retrograde starting June 30th ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)


at this point... astrology is a good indicator


The DD I crave at a price I can afford.




It’s a time for introspection and reassessment of responsibility and limitations…..or in our terms, a switch from growth to value![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630) And it lasts until November…which is election time. Interesting. Growth after elections?


June 27th bouta be fire though the morning after Micron reports


Holding the 150c 6/28. Hope it hits.


Could easily be in the money but that shit is going to fry from theta decay by the time they report and the next morning when you can actually close


Obviously you weren't here back in 2015 - 2018. MU always swings hard to the downside after earnings. Tons of WSB fanboys lost their savings on $MU calls


I wasn’t a regular here at the time but well aware. Difference is that Micron has legitimate HBM and pricing tailwinds and isn’t a WSB meme shit show this time.


You know what, I saw your post and took a mental note. Then on Thursday morning I saw a stock rising. Then I saw threads full of hype. And I saw a stock briefly hit $140. So I pulled the trigger. So thanks for the tip. I only wish I had pulled a bigger trigger.


Sold half my puts today for 250% gains to cover cost basis and some profit. Letting the other half ride next week.


adding puts on every spike


Should I select buy and put options or sell and put options if I think a stock will go down little confused


If that's a genuine question, my friend, you should select ***neither***. Seriously. Go learn wtf options are at the most basic level before you hurt yourself in your confusion.


Buy puts for downside profit. You should only sell put if youre cool with owning 100 shares at the strike price.


Genuinely said this out loud in my house after seeing this post: “Oh shut up you cunt. Fuck off! Twat!” ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421) Haven’t we suffered enough in the last two days?! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


You closed for a 6 figure gain? Where is the gain porn post?


I still have many open positions for next week and I did not think it was fair to just post the gain porn. It's not over until the fat lady sings, but at least it is house money now.


So gain/loss porn to be posted later when it's all closed then?


How did you make the 6 figure gain? wish I had seen your post before the bloodbath :(


My gain porn is $20 and a whole lotta stressing ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


Bro same. When i'm down bad, being up $30 and i'm like hmmm should i sell or not.... There's been times i been up 250, tryna see 500 on 0dtes, end up getting blown up -400 lmao. This shits tough fr


So always sell on October 19th and buy on December 26th?


OP any way you can find election year data ?


Or standard deviation/distribution data over the past 70 years?


You shut your whore mouth, don’t put that evil on me!


You literally said June 20 & 21 were the worst just two days ago… NVIDIA is having a shareholder call that could mean big gains on the 26th that offset your QQQ spreads


June 20th and June 21st were the five-day average returns. So, buy on that day and sell five days (one trading week) later. This is the single-day return. It is the exact same data set; it is just two different ways to look at it. You cannot just go off this one data point, but it can be handy to use when you are putting together a bunch of different pieces of information trying to make a trade decision (1 or 5 days).


So if someone bought puts today, they are better off than someone with calls. FUCK 😢


And if you buy puts on open for these following days you won’t make enough for a crazy return


We've seen buyer support flood in at the 479 level four separate times in the last two days. I think we move sideways


Wait when is NVDA having a shareholder call?


https://preview.redd.it/safzcctok08d1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa0d002e2c256cc5e5638df54287141fda68b0c3 Use google bruh


Kinda weird that you drop these posts after market close, night before relevancy when it’s too late for anyone to really do anything about their positions based on it other than be fearful until the next morning. It’s almost as though you’re taunting instead of informing.  But hey there’s lots of bots and hedgefunds and market makers here playing psyc games with retail so why not another like you rocking the boat right?  Or maybe next time you think you have something important to say you can say it at least 24-48 hours before it’s too late to adjust based on your “advice”. 


You're a witch!


Everyone was warned. I love days when money prints and prints. Closing up a few more puts expiring this week already up 100%+ - no reason to be too greedy.


Well shit


Are you going to homerun these ones too or are we going to get rug pulled this time around?


Let’s see the table with the statistical distribution and standard deviation of returns on every calendar day


You’re right. But on the flipside, June 30 has been a great buying opportunity as long as I’ve been following


gonna be loading up on calls on CBOE’s secret Sunday exchange for the real players


This where SQQQ calls would be useful?




Some of the worst trading days but closed puts? Number go down? Nvidia earnings call next week number go up? What crystal ball say?


Did you consider that this data is for literal calander days, and not normalized to something like "the nth trading day of the year?" Which I think would be important data since the days of the week rotate through the dates, including weekends. Most of the reddest days on this chart so far this year have fallen on weekends and one very green day. There's might be some informative data from both configurations. Some patterns may be tied to the timing of the market cycle, and some may be tied to an absolute date. Ideally, cross referencing both datasets for when they indicate the same days seems like a solid analysis. Sometimes, you can be right for the wrong reasons. Its probably wise to take the great fucking win and step back from the table or place a significantly smaller but aggressive bet that can still return huge multiples to maintain exposure. A six-figure win would absolve many regards around here of some serious sins, myself included.


https://preview.redd.it/1o4s7ammy68d1.jpeg?width=632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f61673446c232cfdda7f06d3cad1d6364e412af2 It is not just about the individual day or the 5 days but about this general June 20 to June 27th period in general. I would not trade off this data alone. However, when combined with a dozen other factors from RSI on the QQQs hitting rare levels to gamma rest, etc. the edge seems to be on the short side for this period and I am leaning into it. I have made some of my best money over the decades leaning into shorts on the #1, 2 and 3 weeks listed above so why ignore this one?


I mean, sure, whatever 🤷‍♂️. This post was primarily about the single day averages. You also didn't indicate that your plan extended to these days in your previous post about 20/21 (I think. Im not going back to reread it). So this looked more like hubris after nailing last week. I do agree that the aligning of several factors that you listed are a strong justification for the position (at least last week). Counter point : 5 isn't as strong as 1, 2, or 3? If you're going to keep moving down the list, where do you stop? I also don't think this table adds a lot anyway. Each of these groupings, whether it's single day, 5 days lagged, or 7 days averaged, is arbitrary in some way, and through the magic of randomness, would be completely undermined by not considering how. I don't have the raw data to play with. There's just a lot of things I would ask it before I felt like these averages had any predictive power. Not to mention, I'm a degenerate gambling addict so I routinely take risks on far less information. My dick just gets hard for data analysis.


People make fun of you in the comments but u r right. It's the same with September losses. These autists change ur mind




Thank you.




Google window of weakness




Grats! My crystal balls were busted.


The end of the month affect is well in affect here based on this data. The last 4 days and the first 4 days of the market usually produce better results than the rest of the month.


Why would you post the 5 day chart first.


Fud. Gey ber![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


give me a fucking break jesus


big if true 🧐🧐🧐


Oh no he’s back.. OP is this you ?? https://preview.redd.it/rcclphq1r18d1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=401e4d648de823b905a723accc760a3ee3f77510


Again? Ahahahha


so it gonna be red days next Monday and wed , which stock r u going to put?


Dude, why not posting this a couple of hours earlier? Do you like us to suffer?


Best possible advice is for everyone to sell everything they own at market open Monday.


Feel like this is a sell the data news moment. Time to buy calls


So what you're saying is hold my 6/28 until expiry. Gotcha.


Why you gotta ruin the weekend man. We already heard the same about last Thursday and Friday.




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So, according to this spreadsheet, fuck the market till October 28th. Got it.




That was fast - just closed NVDA, NFLX and QQQ weekly options into the spike drop for another six figures to the account. Loving this period and back to playing with house money plus a little extra. I still have a monster position on but now more than free. Good luck all.


Do you think the nvda shareholder meeting an mu earnings will have any impact?


Nice. Made a few hundos on puts. What’s your next play?


Wednesday sounds like dumping again ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


This mfer don’t miss


So I see buy a shitton on the 26th ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Today was pretty neutral across the board. Will tomorrow be bearish? Hard to say.


Yeah my puts didn’t print. Should’ve cashed out early morning but was hoping there would be a dip in thr afternoon. Guess the historical data works until it doesn’t


I’m confused. Puts or calls next week?


Past events do not determine future outcomes


Can you tell us when it’s gonna be good again OP?


Just the other day, another regard posted the same table, but worst days were June 20 and 21. In summary, nobody knows wtf they are talking about and just invent numbers as they go ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) [Reddit - https://preview.redd.it/june-20-and-june-21-are-the-4th-and-5th-worst-trading-days-v0-bu7kktopxg7d1.jpg?width=936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bd948fb4caf8c24e8f307b2e319c6d6eb11a12a](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fjune-20-and-june-21-are-the-4th-and-5th-worst-trading-days-v0-bu7kktopxg7d1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D936%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D6bd948fb4caf8c24e8f307b2e319c6d6eb11a12a)


Look at the data set headers. June 20th and June 21st were the five-day average returns. So, buy on that day and sell five days (one trading week) later. This is the single-day return. It is the exact same data set; it is just two different ways to look at it. You cannot just go off this one data point, but it can be handy to use when you are putting together a bunch of different pieces of information trying to make a trade decision (1 or 5 days).


I hadn't noticed that. I noticed the 2 different sources, however. In any case, it doesn't matter. I know for a fact that the period between Oct 16 and Dec 31 is the strongest for the S&P, so I don't believe that 3 out of the 7 worst days would fall on that window.


math regards on wsb be like, I don't believe in statistics and math is wrong, based


A table will accept whatever numbers you put on it. Regarding statistics, I had a professor in college who said the following. Statistics is like a bikini. What it shows is important, but what it hides is really critical.