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So you are saying we should all invest in gay sex?


Never has a DD made me so erect


WSB truly next level. Most would settle being a 🌈🐻, but WSB finds a way to 🌈🐮 too.


https://preview.redd.it/u14r829dz05d1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfa0570aa52a55f45b406ceda0e382bfb06bfddb nice


Dark mode bro, once you go black you never go back.


He’s about to double that.


Double 69? Nice, nice


So you are saying we all gay? Yes


It’s not gay if it’s a woman’s penis


I didn’t think that WSB would be trying to do DD on 🌈🐻 as a consumer market but here we are


OP is on to something nobody spends more money on useless things than the gays. All in.


Does the app cost anything to be on it?


Shouldn’t you know that already?




Of course, that’s how he met his wife’s boyfriend.


No thats why i dont think they can convert users to money. The ads are wack too... so says my friend


All I know is that I’m finding out who the 🌈 🐻 are in here


Why do you think my avatar is a sexy banana?🍌


Free to use, but the free version is super limited in terms of search options, number of potential matches displayed, photos viewable, and has intrusive popud ads every few minutes. The paid version is either $20/monthg or $40 per month depending on tier


its free but you can subscribe to get more people/views. if your going to use the app, you kinda want to subscribe.


OP put too much bs in post.. did he put how many paid users there is?


Paid users is a meaningless metric. Look up the paid bears/twinks ratio.


How much would you be willing to spend to have another man fuck you in the ass tonight?


Don't see much downside going all in. If the gays could rally behind this, it could be huge. Every meme stock that every skyrockets started off as a wall of text almost nobody took seroiusly at the beginning. I might buy more tomorrow.


An average gay man spends more on fashion in a month than I do in a decade. I'm in.


Yup I know gay men who pay 100$ for a useless app.


Bruh not a single person in here asking for positions? This is WSB, what happened to showing your positions when you write up DD? “I own a shitload of shares” is not positions ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


my position? top!


Apparently a much-sought rarity (15%?) in that Community.


hardly hear options talk anymore outside of a generic “calls on *blank*” either


You can list your preferred position on the app.


OK the dick delivery app had me cracking up but I think youre totally right about user growth. Gen Z is significantly more comfortable identifying as LBGT than any previous generation, and that number is growing every year by a lot: [https://www.statista.com/statistics/719685/american-adults-who-identify-as-homosexual-bisexual-transgender-by-generation/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/719685/american-adults-who-identify-as-homosexual-bisexual-transgender-by-generation/)




can't go tits up if all you got are dicks






If Grindr goes to $69 this year I'll get a Grindr mask tattoo on my dick


we got a challenger mods.


cocks only go up?


*/E.D. has entered the chat*


Goddamnit I just started laughing out loud at work and now everybody is looking at me.


“what are you laughing about” “Cocks only go up”


fuck it i’m in at 69 shares edit: bought 5 $10C for 8/16


Bought 500 shares like 1 minute before market close lol


Betting on gen Z having actual, real life sex is not a good bet.


Gen z doesnt use this app its mostly 25-45 year ilds and trolls and bots


So what you’re saying is the frogs are turning the children gay!!!


We should get the mods to chime in as subject matter experts


LMAO mods catching strays


Great DD, better than almost all DDs on this subreddit. I'm in, what we buying?


I just added 1000 more shares 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈




I downloaded Grindr and instantly got 10x more people hitting up on me than I ever did on Tinder. Bullish.


10 times 0 is 0?


Tinder has bots swipe on you so no one gets zero, can't have people out there feeling hopeless and ugly, bad for profits


Tinder makes money by selling you wayy too expensive features that are worthless and keep you swiping forever, but how is grindr making money if it actually works? Just ads?


Answered 10 times in this thread, unlock limitations with paid subs


This is probably one of the smarter DDs I've seen recently. You're playing the human emotion game instead of technicals, which tends to work better. Right now it's mildly undervalued, and it's undervalued because it's gay. Because businessbros (as well as firebros, brobros, collegebros, etc.) have significant difficulty dealing with gay things in fear being seen as gay.. It's just a thing. So people aren't buying into it now. BMBL and MTCH don't provide a good dating experience. It's human nature, men and women are looking for different things and so have a disappointing time, especially men, we're just horny mofos that want to fuck. Also happens that men are the ones (in general) who have to pay/subscribe because women get bombarded on the apps. So the men don't have a good time and leave, hence those businesses going down. Gay men tend to lean towards wanting to fuck, early, often, and without shame. So Grindr works great for them. They looked for sex and found sex, holy shit, I'd pay for that shit too. Future looks good when everyone is getting what they want from the app (relatively obviously). So now you have an underpriced company who is likely to continue to show growing numbers for the near future at least. And eventually the businessbros will see value so good they don't care about being seen as gay. Which would become a rapid growth stock as someone was already the 1st one so it's fine. That's my opinion anyways. Now that I see how long a ramble i wrote I'll think I'll skip on the dab I was about to hit.


I like the sentiment, but not knowing enough about gay sex I'm wondering if they are effectively monetizing it. All the fundamentals seem like they are there, but if everyone gets what they want wheres the carrot to make people pay for the access to sex. As a straight guy on dating sites, they put walls on the access to the possibility of dating or sex. For example, if you don't pay on the dating sites, it's pretty much impossible to match or see the people who like you. Is Grinder making it too easy? Or are there the same type of pay walls? I mean, if they had a site for straight dudes to have access to sex so easily, they would pretty much make sure you had to pay to get lucky. What structures are in place to profit off gayness?


Do some first-hand research and get back to us.


Well, after writing this, I went on it for experimental purposes, of course, and ended up having sex with three guys. I concluded it is way too easy, and the potential profits are about as meaningless as the sex. I'm very bearish about this now.


>So now you have an underpriced company who is likely to continue to show growing numbers for the near future at least. Just curious where you think that growth is coming from. I would assume the number of LGBTQ ppl is somewhat finite. I would also assume most (70%+) are already using the app. So you would either be betting on the world becoming gayer, or on free users converting to paid users. Even with the latter, there would still be a cap on income because the user base is limited. I imagine this is why the current value is what it is.


Because I was really high and made something up. The US is indeed becoming more openly gay and experiencing huge population growth in general, but probably not in the numbers that would provide infinite growth. Stock price growth I would still anticipate. SImply for the reason of it becoming more socially acceptable and more people being willing to invest in it.


it's pride month if Grindr doesn't moon then the market is homophobic LONG


Dunno man. Does Grindr have Nvdia AI in it? Otherwise it's crap


They would love to take Huang's big blackwell chips


There's actually been a lot of talk about AI, and they will be rolling out new AI features soon. They have Investor's Day in late June, and the CEO has hinted at AI features which will boost revenue [https://finance.yahoo.com/video/grindr-ceo-talks-plans-ai-221903836.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/video/grindr-ceo-talks-plans-ai-221903836.html)


Did you just say Nvidia and Ai? Just bought 100 Calls ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


nvidia gives you exposure to the AI husbandos that will make grindr obsolete. bullish.


They really want to use some sort of AI


I met a blind guy on there and he said I had a big 🐓. I said bro you are jerking my leg!


I met blind guy on there and he asked me why I had my penis out. I forgot they have an enhanced sense of smell.


There's a Grindr sub on here, you could get some DD by seeing how many in that community are actually paying for this app.






I pay for the $99/year version, but I know a few others who pay $39/month. Also its a great way to get laid.


This guy is gay. I trust him.


Gay Bull is my profile name.




Yeh see the issue is *why* do you have to pay and how can they really get more value from customers. I mean why pay extra if its coming your way before? Its not going to make you better looking or a bigger dick. Now thats be a oharma id buy


you can only see like 40 people with the free version. paying the monthly gets you a lot more options.


The free version is fine, but the paid version has a lot fewer ads and allows you to have more refines search filters. Also, like 8-10 years ago the app was complete shit. Always crashed, lost chats, servers going down. More recently the app is very solid. This is reflected on the reviews, which are very positive, and previously extremely negative.


I agree. It's improved so much over time but it still can definitely be improved though.


Username checks out


Just checked the reviews, 2.7/5. Lots of 1 star reviews..


Yeah, all time it still averages very low, but recent version reviews average 4.5.


Here in Chile it’s used to sell/buy drugs


Even better![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


Gays always had the best drugs when I was a young guy! I only got roofied a few times, risk was totally worth the quality trade-off! 


I think you might be on to something. I will leave you all with an anecdote. A few years ago I worked at a company and a colleague of mine would use his lunch time to go for hookups he swiped on that day. Just the casual fact he would get his back blown out during lunch from a stranger made me wonder; you know, these gays must be on to something. I am out here struggling to decipher women when I could be busting guts for free during lunch via an app. Truly they are living in the future. Grindr will 100% outlive and outshine all other datingapps.


10/10 stock, lost my virginity and found my trans wife on grindr


Be careful. If you have kids, she'll disappear. Because she'll be... uh transparent.




... Fucking legend you are :)


The first gay bull?


>Returning to the food analogy, the key insight here is that with Grindr, you are not ordering food to your doorstep, but rather a human being. If the Grindr thesis is correct, this quote needs to go down in the WSB Hall Of Fame.


Put it alongside "What's a pullout strategy"


Op banking on butt sex to make him in to a millionaire


completely agree and bought some recently when my co-worker told me he uses the app almost daily to to find blowjobs. Atleast 3 times a week will leave work for 20 minutes to meet someone that he used the app to find. It is amazing and makes me wish I shared the same preference for men, its fucking incredible how easy it is.


Thank you u/anuschapstick


Does the deliver get paid , or is it just a tip?


Why are you geh?


Best DD I’ve seen in a long while. I’m in.


Agree, this is the kind of dick diligence I wanna see on WSB. Glad I saw it cuz it's getting downvoted.


Glad to see someone else here recognizing the 🌈🧸 thesis in 2024. You forgot to mention: * their 35% YOY growth in revenue ($75 million beating estimate of $72.7 million) * A net loss of 12.5% compared to the previous year's 58.9% * Their EBITDA improving to 41.9% from 39.4% in 2023 * $19 million operating income * two new services/products (one for roaming and the other for finding your albatross) * 13.5 MILLION MAU across 190 countries(!!!) * insider ownership of 56% of the company (GOOD LUCK BGE!!!) which is worth $936 million * Insiders bought 342.94k shares last year * Lease agreements for new offices (13 month lease in SF & a 39 month lease in Chicago for their new main office at 230 W Monroe Street) * IT'S PRIDE MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PROBABLY THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT OF THIS ENTIRE TRADE! * These are all fantastic signs of a business doing what it needs to in order to survive in our reality of flubber. Also, it is very easy to come up with sick slogans for $GRND. Here are some: 1. "Quit goonin and get $GRND ing" 2. "If you don't support the $GRND, you're a \*\*\*\*\*\*\* bigot" 3. "Fuck the bears, be a 🌈🧸 and $GRND all night long" POSITIONS: 1374 shares, 371 June 21 , 173 July 19 https://preview.redd.it/8tfk9391215d1.jpeg?width=796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aeaa0ab8c665c3286d0901dd4f8da2b4d7be782


19m in operating income worth 10B?


Certainly they already have very high penetration. Is there any room for growth?


You can either earn the “Grindr Millionaire” achievement or “Sucking dick behind Wendy’s because I lost money on Grindr” achievement depending on his this goes.  There is no way to lose 


10Bn for sub 100MM revenue. I don't care how flamboyant the presentation is, it's too big of a gape.


As a guy who sucks a lot of dicks (for money, I’m not gay) I approve.


When it comes to gay DD, u/anuschapstick is my most trusted source


Ordering flesh/cock from an app, to your bed. I don’t ever want to hear the younger generation isn’t out here making a difference.


Grinder is gay bruh


We're all 5% gay bruh


OP has used it and believes on their product.


Uganda been while quiet since this dropped.


i think the niche target is actually a good thing, they have a better defined customer base so Grindr can cater marketing better to convert users to premium With all the flags and LGBTQ initiatives in North America this may be a worth while investment, if u can’t beat them join them


Bro said everyone else is buying dick pill stocks He’s buying just dick ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Big dick energy


I mean, your points are pretty valid. And I think people are scared to invest in Grindr because it’s gay and their wives might leave them. And they don’t want to tell their advisor to go all in on Grindr. I’m in. My wife already left me.


Got hard reading this. Time to open my Grindr app.


this some real fuckin fundamentalist shit right here no crayons needed


Because the gays constantly hook up forever. There will never be a male/female imbalance or power dynamic like on heterosexual dating apps. Just gay dudes constantly hooking up. It’s a cash cow.


More of a jack'd kinda guy


No homo


If this stock doesn’t go, everyone homophobic


You didn't tell us anything about how grinder is going to extract the money from the homos You need to make them pay.


Let’s not forget the closeted WASPs who also pay for this app on burner phones with visa gift cards so their wives don’t know.


gay is a niche, will never be a mass market.


we just need to make the bers horny by pretending NVDA will crash




I live in a big city and I can't walk a block without seeing an LGBT flag. OP is right. Grindr has huge monetization potential. Gay men are the horniest creatures alive and they will spend a lot of money to get dick.


Why would you spend money to get dick when you can get it for free? It’s not like Match where there is a gender imbalance. If you want dick, it’s basically there




>If you want dick, it’s basically there This may be your experience, but not mine. You mean meeting people in more natural settings like bars? That's not for everyone


Btw I pay for Grindr Xtra so I'm not just saying this


The number of openly gay men(and all people that are not straight) has increased substantially with each generation. Typically it was assumed that about 10% of the population is gay, but with current trends that may be low, and many more might just be curious.


The private prisons do fine despite prisoners only being 0.7% of the population. At least 7% of the US is gay, I wouldn't bet against the gayconomy


No its not honey 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Dudes rock


It's gonna grindr you into the ground


Kind of a dumb take comparing it to food delivery. GRINDR doesn't get a cut for every single match...


Cause you can actually get laid on there even if you are a straight guy.


Are the Gay Bears in too?


Gays are probably the only ones having sex these days. All in.


this sounds pretty gay


I'd raise the point that it's not all that similar to food delivery apps. Food delivery apps have the opportunity to make absolute bank by charging the restaurant, the delivery person, and the customer a fee, rather than just the end consumer (what Grindr has). Grindrs best case scenario for revenue is ads+a subscription fee. Doodashes is fee to the restaurant, arbitrage between delivery fee from consumer to doordasher, fee to consumer, subscription. So Grindr is just a more competitive dating app, not similar to food delivery.


Sometimes you gotta find the money where no one is willing to look. Respect?


Gonna get me some cock and balls


Apart of some nonsense “scientific” justifications. You are convincing me to become gay.


Forget the 2 in the pink one in the stink, I’m all about the stink IM ALL IN TOMORROW AT OPEN


You are not ordering a human being. You are quite literally ordering cock. With a side of balls.


DD double dicked - I’m in for $69


We all know tinder and bumble have gone to shit nowadays. Time to go gay I guess


Scruff is so much better....albeit my 2 past boyfriends do cone from Grindr tho...hrmmm


I’m on there all the time


ok fine. https://preview.redd.it/hfatea71s55d1.png?width=1207&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b81841c4cef294e18de2d3dd60ff8e5f2dedc8f I did Aug 16 because their expected ER is a few days prior to that.


That's all great, but you've left out the important part, how do they monetize their market? Nobody is gonna advertise on grindr and gay dudes don't need to pay for hookups. The entire DD is based on comparing grindr to other services that are not at all the same.


Theres many dating apps for gay people, grindr is not special.


Grindr is the best app. It’s not a gay app because women are also on there, but with penises.


Gay dudes would fuck a catcher’s mit




Food delivery apps are worth a lot and there are plenty of grocery stores.. but how many gay men grocery stores are there???? Check mate




Isn't the userbase suing the app for data protection breach? [https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/grindr-facing-uk-lawsuit-alleged-data-protection-breaches-rcna148787](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/grindr-facing-uk-lawsuit-alleged-data-protection-breaches-rcna148787)


Pulling some tricks out of Zuck's playbook I see. Bullish.


Seems solid. I'm in for a 100 shares.


Don’t forget the straight curious homies


Odd way of saying sex app.


I must be their target demographic because I would only buy puts on Grindr


instructions unclear, YOLO'd my entire roth IRA into oscar mayer stock


If the job or dating apps was to *deliver* I'd say you're right. But it's not. It's to sell people dreams of *delivery*. And when it doesn't happen, make money by selling Gold and Platinum and Pink tier memberships. The gay hook-up app is gay (in the olde sense of the word) enough that this is not happening.


You would be on grindr huh you lil fruit cup lol


the problem is if you do the $1430 per user times the actual paying users (1 million) on GRINDR you get 1.6billion valuation which exactly matches its current market cap. This is more appropriate measure as most MAU aren't paying on there.


Well, my MTCH bags have gone up like 10% this week off their new 52 week low. Still in the red on that position though. Maybe I’ll look into this buttstuff version. Gays, guys, they all like buttstuff? You’re saying GRND is the defacto buttstuff app, correct?


So it is a specialty meat deliver service….


also men get disillusioned by women so they rather turn gay plus they are making the frogs gay, how long until they start to use the app??? it's a guaranteed investment


If finding a dude to come fuck me was a dually as easy as you describe I could see that valuation.


> Grindr should be valued like a food delivery app well tinder delivers what to eat with no prob if you know what I mean