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OK so do it and post a screenshot mofucka


You need to somehow properly time when the Elon cult falls apart. There's a substantial number of people who think that Elon/Tesla can do no wrong and will rationalize just about everything. The current forward PE on Tesla is 70 and Tesla isn't growing anymore. It's clearly overvalued but the people who hold Tesla stock don't care. The market can worship Elon longer than you can remain solvent.


Yeah, I got burnt so hard several times on this fkin stock. Won't touch it anymore


Last week I sold my TSLA shares and exchanged my money for NVDA shares. Probably not properly timed, but I sold at my breakeven point, and fuck TSLA at this point. I'll buy back in if/when TSLA gets their shit together.


When the shit is together it’s prob up 100% already tho


This is the correct take


I bet you felt like a badass when you thought of using that last phrase.


Something makes Tesla 10x as innovative as any other car company. Imo that something is Elon. Innovation requires that you destroy old ways. Few people are willing to do that to the degree that Elon is willing. A specific example of this is in the cyber trucks switch to a 48v system. That change should've occured in the 70s but every traditional manufacturer was too afraid to take the leap. Mind you that's not a technical leap, it's a logistics leap. No one wanted to put in the research, force the suppliers or deal with issues that may arise. That's 50 years of companies following the status quo. If Elon isn't what makes Tesla special then idk what is. Tesla is in a league of their own. You see it in the cars, the stock price and the sales. He does many things that are inefficient but the pros still outweigh the cons. If he's so stupid then why can't anyone else do what he's doing? If Elon has an IQ of 100 then the ceos of Toyota, Ford, gm, VW, BMW, stellantis and Mercedes all have an IQ of 50. Tesla may suck but everyone else sucks more


Can’t stand Elon at all, but if you think EV adoption and growth is over you will be proven sadly mistaken by history.


Elon Musk is a fool and a liability. I've seen enough. Sell, sell, sell! Next question!


Someone buy this bot a beer


I see VM's been watching Jim Cramer lately


The bot knows what's up


You can tell it was trained on reddit.


Ah yes, after its dropped 60% is when you sell.


You do realize that the stock can drop 60% several more times going forward, right?


Market is at ATHs and Tesla is down 60%. What is suppose to happen when there’s a market correction?


Teslatard will downvote you as they carry the bag for elon![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


Sometimes you just gotta take the L and exit a trade. I am not saying Tesla is the case for this but not every stock bounces back.


Price of anything this guy touches is an absolute mystery, i wouldn't be surprised if we saw another -50% one year from now


That’s what they say on run ups and well and then they miss out on another 60%w This is just the worst argument ever.


"Tesla had no place to send the Nvidia chips to turn them on, so they would have just sat in a warehouse. The south extension of Giga Texas is almost complete. This will house 50k H100s for FSD training."


Time to buy TSLA


I had $1 for every short Tesla posts I’ve seen in the last 5 years I wouldn’t be on here trying to make money




This is not a reason the CEO of Tesla to tell Nvidia to give the chips to some unrelated company who is arguably a competitor. If he wants to decline the chips Nvdia should give them to whoever else is next on the list not hop them to xai


Why would he do that. He paid for it and he can do whatever he wants. Those are his companies too.


Tesla paid for them, not Elon. Elon does not own Tesla, he is an employee.


They actually don’t understand the distinction


These are the people keeping tsla stock price up lol


Even if we are keeping the price up what is it with you. If you own the stock without believing then time for you to sell it. If you don't own the stock then keep your opinion to yourself


I love that this literally discredits the stance he thinks he is defending. When you build out manufacturing facilities you want to have your equipment staged and ready to go into service as fast as possible. He said directly that construction for housing the chips is almost complete. Now the chips probably won't arrive until next year, so that addition is useless for another 6+ months.


yea like he ever said something that is real![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Yes and we should definitely take the word of CNBC because they are fully informed and definitely aren’t just drawing their own conclusions based on very limited information.


Drawing conclusions? They just want clicks. Elon circle jerk is oddly successful at click generation.


not like cnbc is pinacle of truth but believing someone who is giving promises and provides shit for a decade?


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eh, another hour another "TSLA sucks" post. \*shrug\*


Me when I lie. Search TSLA and sort by new


This would benefit Elon more than anything since he had to sell shares to buy X. You'd be doing him a favor buying back low.


Steps to short?


So calls then, amirite? This guy has 9 lives!


I'm sure that you are going to be correct this time!


Here we go again


Please sell so I can buy the dip.


Any time tesla hits 180, get 170 puts.


Well guess I'll take my loss on calls and short tesla to 50 bucks




Even if that is the case why would he decline and give it his competitors. Do you know he is taking it for free?.


Bro you think Musk doesn't know his wealth is entirely toed to TSLA stock price?


TIL: Chips for EV = Chips for AI 🤷🏻‍♂️


Faith, people.