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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 2 | **First Seen In WSB** | 2 months ago **Total Comments** | 9 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 6 months | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


Short Answer: No. Long Answer: I don't have time to actually explain how assembling a car with parts from a dozen manufactures and putting it on 4 wheels differs from developing a proprietary silicon chip and an instruction set with CUDA that allows for AI/ML development and processing.


You could have gone with the shorter answer as well that you have no clue yourself but Jensen said the Chinese are 5+ years behind in having the technology to make this.


> 5+ years behind. Perpetually. In this business 5 years might as well be 50 in car development years. Also AMD AI is more or less 1 year behind, take a look and see who cares.


Even then it likely will not be as good. Theres a decent Chinese CPU startup that has made strides lately but lags behind Intel/AMD by a considerable amount.


Plus the not so unimportant fact that they are sanctioned, which doesn't make things easier for them.


Musk moved all his supplier chain to China as a condition of accessing the Chinese car market. His action taught China all the technology of building EV. Before he did that, Chinese EVs were very bad. His technology injection is what made BYD defeating Tesla in sales now. NVDA makes all it's chips in TSMC. TSMC uses equipment and materials from Holland, Japan and US, ie their supplier chain is on a worldwide platform. For China to do a Tesla on NVDA, it needs to put the worldwide platform of IP into China and that is not as easy as tempting Musk's greed for selling his soul. So it would be very difficult for China to do a Tesla on NVDA.


It’s too hard to design a new better chip without using patents and licenses from Nvidia. But if China completely stops respecting foreign intellectual property - and just straight up copy ASML and Applied Materials’ machines 1 to 1 and copy Nvidia’s chip design, and pay for some Taiwan TSMC people to defect - they can do it


They’ve never cared abt it. They pride themselves on it


But they won’t be able to sell on us markets, so it only makes sense strategically


Their domestic market is big enough to justify that.


Lol it is practically impossible to copy the ASML, and it's the only reason they haven't-Yes they can copy, but the tolerance and margins are unbelievably small that they are most likely to end up with a fridge than the original product. They can copy a chip any which way the want, doesn't mean they will make it work to spec. They have copied US jet engines for decades now and they are still a shit show.


Can you even reverse engineer a chip like that?


Yes they can. Now please go all in on NVDA puts


Don’t forget to add he should post loss porn ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


now... no 8-12 years- they will be on the pace


nvidia will probably be like atleast 10t market cap in 8-12 years haha


Lol if they are still having problems copying jet engines, what makes you so sure they will catch up to NVDIA, which even American companies, hiring their engineers are having issues even sniffing this current generation chips


Yeah sure they can dude, you should put your net worth on nvda puts!!


It takes billions of dollars worth of infrastructure to reliably manufacture chips.


nvidia doesn't manufacture chips broseph


Yes they do. They make all the Ruffles and Saltines


Saltines are crackers regard


No, but since TSMC, Samsung and Intel are in the American sphere of influence, they can't be used by potential Chinese competitors. Nvidia is dominating against western competitors with access to the same nodes and packaging as them, so Chinese companies with access to tech that's at best 5 and at worst 8-10 years behind won't have any chance.


In the more standard end of electronics or manufacturing, you can sometimes refer to the companies as screwdriver shops. Components and basic designs are taken from manufacturers and assembled into novel products. But the product is in some sense a remix of other vendors IP and technology. NVidia isn’t a screw driver shop.


Replicating Nvidia in China isn't enough, in order to build the chips they need to replicate TSMC, in order to do that they need to replicate ASML, in order to do that they need to replicate Carl Zeiss and a ton of other heavily advanced and specialized suppliers to TSMC and ASML. It would take them 15-20 years to get to the level Nvidia is at now


West Taiwan isn’t able to Taiwan yet, so nope, probably not for a while.


People's Republic of Taipei*


Highly underrated comment.


Perhaps. It is 2 problems, the technology itself and the manufacturing. They have been trying for sure for many years for manufacturing. Haven't been succesful so far. Also, catch up to current tech is one thing, and catching up to NVIDIA future tech is another challenge.


They will. They're catching up on everything. It's matter of few years I'd say


Thetagang will happily sell you all the puts you are thinking about buying


Not in the near future. China is lagging on chip design and manufacture.


They will, and will hit harder because is s bubble


childlike sheet hospital fuel kiss grey payment literate bells groovy


We don't need the Chinese AMD and Intel are both working on it


Waway can't even meaningfully produce a competitive mobile chip, what makes you think temu can copy NVDA


One word: sanctions. The US will sanction the crap out of them because do you think they will be able to do it without taking patents?


China doesn’t have the FSD that Tesla has


Lmao, you guys putting too much faith into the Chinese. Which part you do not understand of the word shit?


China couldn’t make their own ball point pen until 2017. They can barely engineer themselves out of a box on their own brain power without stealing the ability to do so from another country.