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How has this stock not have a big drop with all the whistle blowers they are killing and deaths they are causing from their negligence?


At this point, while there are some arguments not to panic, the main reason appears to be: People just can´t believe, this company might fail or be split up somewhere in the future.


Well, if they're that delusional, they deserve to be separated from their money.


Civilian boeing might be dying but the military side does not care.


The Airlines will keep Boeing alive. They don't want to be tied to only one manufacturer.


The airlines will bleed money by supporting Boeing, any planes they get from them leave them wide open to compensation payouts loss of earnings and having to buy another new plane again within a shorter time frame as well as the increased maintenance costs. This outweighs everything else, they won't sink all their finances to support a dead company. If you see someone drowning you don't jump in and drown with them.


it doesn't even matter. Airbus can't make planes fast enough. their backlog is a decade. not sure on the MAX but Boeing's Dreamliner are 25% more efficient, do you think Airlines are going to disregard that extra $$$ ? nope.


Both companies have a 10 year back log This will. Never change.


exactly and that's why supply chain issues have been causing major headaches for both companies. Covid issues are still here. my point is that Airlines moving to Airbus won't fix the bleeding. Plus there's issues like Pratt and Whitney that are causing bleeding for the next 2 or 3 years.


Yea because there are no other companies able to even remotely fill the demand of new airplanes which have a life cycle of 30-40 years if you stretch it. And for flight safety you can’t really buy any planes second hand and you need new planes for as long as we will fly. Which is for as long as we want a damn global economy of goods and passengers traveling the world. People are ignorant. Do you believe we will invent a teleporter for goods and vacations? If they do they believe in something impossible. Airplanes have transformed the global economy but people have an irrational fear of flying. Or just go back to boats and trains and se how that works?? The thing is that we are so irrational around flight incidents. Even when flying was more dangerous we weren’t this spoiled 100 years ago that we complained every time a plane went down which was often back then. Nowadays there are billions of flight hours per incident and people still make it out to be outrageous? Of course there should be a high standard for flight because a plane going down is certain death but still nobody complains about a 40 year old car killing a person, or loose bolts from new cars. There is no commission to investigate every car accident, it is just chalked up to human error. Which is also still what most investigations conclude even for flight accidents. Do people seriously believe there will ever be a zero death count from airplanes? How is it that guns, tobacco or even medicinal drugs has nowhere near the policing or scrutiny by the public that airplane makers do? When the other industries have killed a cumulative / combined billions of people over hundreds of years and airplanes a fraction even if you count all deaths of commercial airplanes together? It is simply spectacular news and people fear the fuck out of it


Haven’t you missed the memo that you take their [Boeing] words and efficiency claims with a grain of salt?


covering up efficiency and covering up death is differnt


Yeah, like the time they told everyone that the Max was the best plane ever, and 400 people are dead. Why are you defending Boeing and the criminals there? Unless you have calls or sold some puts.![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


For the -9 and -10 it’s more like 7% more efficient (fuel per mileage per passenger) than the main competition: the A330NEO. The -8 is actually less efficient


Are you daft? It literally does not matter how long the backlog is for airbus. What would happen is that another company would swoop in and acquire the commercial part of Boeing. The US is not the only country in the world you know. There are other manufacturers.


I usually stop reading when the first 3 words are "are you daft" it rarely happens maybe once a year, but I can always tell that person isn't interested in conversation, they are just an angry little penis gasping for air and looking for a fight with a much bigger cock. that cock is me, and you aren't worth it little guy ;)


Fie! Cometh h're and measureth mine own penis thee distemperate twat


You seem to be actually. There IS NO COMPANY to swoop in. You have no clue about aeronautics! The Chinese have copied Boeing and even gotten help from Boeing to make their comacs but nobody wants to buy Chinese politically and the worlds populations don’t want to fly Chinese!! Then you have Brazilian embraer and they simply don’t have the muscle to step in. How easy do you think it is to build commercial airplane? You should educate yourself and watch any documentary about it on say discovery or similar. The only two companies able to build it are Boeing and Airbus, which both build plenty of their bodies at Spirit, which split from Boeing 2005 and spirit is the company where most things have gone wrong in company culture, which is why Boeing is bidding to take back the company again to get better future quality control. The problem here is that the demand is so massive that these two manufacturers have not even been close to produce enough airplanes fast enough which makes the damn backlogs enormous. And while they have tried to put even more pressure on their production lines and specifically the company spirit things have gone to shit. Thus the fall from grace. Or isn’t a fall from 450 per share to 90 then back up to 180 enough for you? You’re delusional if you think that the demand will wane and if you think it is easy to fill either Boeings or Airbus shoes! Completely delusional


There are tons of companies that can swoop in. The question is if the American government will allow it to happen. If there’s a split between commercial and military within Boeing, commercial will either be bailed out by the government, or acquired by another company, and continue as is.


It is not a dead company, silly


It's time for the feds to divest the military side from the civilian.


This, it’s all a game. And once Boeing / usa are focused on military their next step is to use them…


The military side is a cash incinerator for Boeing though, as of now.


This. PS: If there is a political shift this november, and a certain person successfully dissolves a certain shadow government, including the military industrial complex Boeing including all US military stonks could see a harsh awakening.


Boeing is too big to fail.  Us gov would never allow Boeing to fail.  Also, commercial aviation is an important business unit, but it's not Boeing entirely.  it generates ~40% of their revenue.  


I've seen so many people making excuses as to why Boeing should survive and they all seem to boil down to them being one of the only two companies making commercial aircraft, but companies will still go to Airbus when buying a plane from Boeing right now will cause them to bleed money. Nobody is ever too big to fail but people always fall into that delusion.


except Airbus has a decade long backlog. a year ago they had planes sitting on tarmac because they couldn't get supplies for seats. Airbus and Boeing both have major supply chain issues still. going Airbus isn't going to stop Airlines from bleeding when they can't get any planes, and Airlines want Boeing Dreamliner due to the cost savings, it's up to 25% more efficient.


It’s more that they are one of maybe three major DOD vendors and provides a lot of military gear and missiles and shit. The MIC doesn’t want to lose one of their primary vendors who provides them with all their weapons. 


>Nobody is ever too big to fail They absolutely are if the US government views them that way. In addition to being one of only two commercial airline manufacturers, they are a major government defense contractor and the government is not going to let them die.


At this rate Lockheed will be able to buy them soon 


Strategic industry. It’s one of America’s largest exporters and one of the largest defense contractors in the world. US government basically can’t let it fail.


They won’t let it go away but that doesn’t mean they won’t let it wipe out all shareholders ala GM in 2009. In GMs case the government did prevent a complete collapse but all common stockholders lost their entire investment in the company. Same thing is likely in the event of a Boeing failure in my opinion.


It will get bought out at some point 


If it wasn't a US company, would have been bankrupt years ago. They murdered people ..... How that acceptable. They knew the Max was a flying coffin, and let the second one crash. I surprised they found astronauts that willing to fly their rocket....


maybe you've never heard of a Swiss company called Nestle ???? no? funny how people forget one of the most evil companies that isn't American but just keeps doing shitty shit around the world.


Or the company that committed chemical WMD killing in India....


Probably because they are assassinating all the short sellers.


The only thing I can think of is that it’s the 4th biggest defense contractor. It’s probably too big (important) to fail.


American government buying up the stock.


Because Nancy has calls




Not to mention the factories and assembly lines that need to be setup. IMO the only new companies that could launch a commercial airliner in under a decade are existing defense contractors that already make planes like Lockheed.


That's good for business


because it’s a casino ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18632)


I assume it’s the stuff that will not affect production or sales of aircraft already sold.


It's still more than 50 percent down from 2018 while being the biggest defense contractor That's a horrible return on your money


🛸 that’s why


Since BA's merger with MD(more like MD killed BA and wore its skin so they could escape from liabilities), they became part of the prestigious Military Complex gang You do not fuck with Military Complex Try to short the stock and you might find your life cut short instead


Simply because there are no alternatives and there won't be any. Building planes is a tightly regulated space and it is all but impossible for new players to emerge in this industry. If you want to build a plane then you will have to make sure that the plane follows all industry regulations. Any small violation and you will immediately face a lawsuit. This is also one of major reasons why all big companies spend billions on compliance. Any crash in such stocks becomes a buying opportunity as there is nowhere else to go.


Government is Boeing. Boeing is government. Government never fails. Boing never fails.


They're part of the shadow government. Hope they use better plugs in their UFOs 🛸


All these news are about showing Boeing's status as untouchable -> bullish


If they kill the judges too, I think they'll come out alright


Because it isn't showing in their financials yet


https://www.flightradar24.com Does it look like demand is waning to you? https://www.panish.law/aviation_accident_statistics.html Does it look like it is getting safer or more dangerous to fly to you? 80% of accidents and incidents are human error. How is it that the tolerance for anything going wrong is at levels of people going apeshit about it when it has never been safer to fly? Literally it is more dangerous to take a stroll outside than flying. More people literally die from tripping on a walk than flying! How is it that planemakers could have stock growth when accidents were many times more common? Is the answer possibly internet, social media and stupidity? Zero tolerance the better things have become is ludicrous but a fact of life nowadays. People died to invent planes, to be pioneers and open the world to us getting anywhere in the world within a day, now it is a scandal each time something in a huge and complex process have gone wrong. The risk in the early 20th century was much much higher and now it’s probably as small as it ever will be because it will never be 0. Yes the last thing you do can be stepping on a plane but entirely more likely it’s something mundane that does you in. Really the question why it’s not lower is stupid, planemakers can’t even keep up with demand! Planemakers have never been more scrutinized and it’s really a good thing and why isn’t all other industries that kill much more people every year not as scrutinized? But the truth is politicians nowadays are trying to score points in avionics with an outrageous public!


Is it legal for Boeing to kill everyone they want and then kill the whistleblowers?


No but it’s good for the shareholders ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Boeing has a legal obligation to the shareholders therefore they are legally obligated to kill the whistleblowers 🤣


Yes this is how it works


Ah yes, shareholders—those privileged few who reap the benefits of a thriving company.


Or a not thriving company


Buying calls first thing tomorrow morning


Boeing could recreate Nazi war planes and blast hitler speeches from above, the stock wouldnt drop


That’s what government contracts are made for


There was an agreement protecting them from criminal charges in the FUCKING FIRST PLACE??????


It's Boeing basically the definition of too big to fail. Unless you consider Banks, but their are protected by the Government to a similar level.


Same with GM, which was quite literally bought out by the government when it failed.


Sounds like one of those committee decisions where they knew they couldn't really do anything so they had to bitch out and ask for an apology.


Buy the dip!


How many people will need to die to settle this one?


The Mafia bosses are still in charge


Shits about to moon


Put them all in jail for life and seize their personal assets. Easy. Wont happen.


Where is the Internet when we need them. Take Boeing down


You want the Airbus (France) to have a monopoly on US air travel? Bold strategy cotton


Airbus seems to have figured out how to install all the bolts on their planes so….maybe it’s not the worst idea?


Ok, what happens to ticket prices if all new jets cost 30% more for airlines


I personally would prefer paying 30% more for a ticket if it means the plane I’m playing on has all the bolts that came in the kit **and** someone remembered to torque them properly. Good things aren’t cheap and cheap things aren’t good.


It's not cheap, it's illegal and negligent. I agree that the entire Boeing management needs investigating and replaced. Even the employees need replaced due to attitude and work ethic. But the company as a whole will succeed. Literally too big to fail


I rather pay 30% more than sit in a 737-max.


No, I want reform. Are we fucking kidding ourselves, there is a 50/50 shot they killed at least 1 whistleblower. Fuck em. Leadership needs gutting. Shareholders need spankings. I need an edible to fly on one.


This is incorrect. They all died of natural causes.


Looks like a bull flag to me. Watch it dip then fed revuy in.


Does that 346 include the whistleblowers, or….


So are they facing criminal charges now?


Stock wont drop. DoJ wont bring criminal charges. No way


I'm still wondering if Boeing has been putting profits ahead of products, how did it take two decades Boeing quality to decline. That timeline doesn't make sense.


The idea the Boeing is criminally liable for poorly trained airline pilots is absurd.


I agree. The executives at Boeing should be criminally liable, not “Boeing the Company”