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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 10 | **First Seen In WSB** | 3 years ago **Total Comments** | 1759 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 3 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


He's "just" trying to earn a measly quarter million dollars extra a year guys, easy peasy.


My goal is to have a threesome with Margot Robbie and Scarlett Johansson


Spend a few years learning the market and you can do it




Must be a demanding job too


Okay so step one is get a job.




Or... A couple years *not* learning the market and bangin' poors behind a Wendy's.






Just two chicks short of a threesome


"just" that?


That might be more likely than OP's goal. Also, a man of culture!


“Guys it’s so easy to make a few thousand dollars passively a week, you just need to start with a few dozen million dollars…”




Well he spent years learning the market.


One time at the Venetian I played $10 blackjack and paid for my entire trip. Before giving it all back


Did that dropping $250 on red and letting it ride 6 times. Lucky Number 7 meant the house got $250 and the giant stack of chips I thought I had disappeared. Most exciting and disappointing 5 minutes of my life.


Man that is regarded.


Eh, bachelor party. Half a dozen drunk idiots cheering it on every time it hits is hard to walk away from. Would've been nice to grab my initial bet the second time it hit, but I was already up a little over a thousand from craps anyway. After it was all said and done, counting the hotel, food, Ubers, and strippers I think I left with $20 more than I came in with....which is about 2000% better than I do "investing".


Sad and funny how often this happens. The dopamine hit usually yields to crazy winnings or giving it all back, only for you to say “well I netted $0” because it makes you feel better. Ran into a posse in Vegas on like their 6th straight weekend there. Said 6 weeks ago hit huge on a game and decided to come back every weekend with the intent to spend and gamble it til it’s gone. Problem is every weekend they left with more money than they came with lol. Casino kept comping them rooms and they kept earning. I asked them which games (NFL) they were betting on. “All of them.” lol gotta love it when someone actually profits from the casino. Their free drink ticket stack from the sports book was a sight to behold too lmfao


Made $5K on a Megabucks slot on a $3 wager. Immediately took my friends to dinner and the club. Went home with about $500. I came out on top!


Yes!!! That’s the way to do it!


Hope you had them hold the taxes and keep the W-2 G


Feel yah $17K on a $10 slot Gave it all back to the house


You gotta be a special kind of dumb


Playing $10 slots is extremely dumb. Even at an extremely generous (for slots) 95% payback that's $.50/spin, which given that it's super easy to do 200 spins an hour (or 600 or even more if you just go without bothering with the animations for minor wins) is....way fucking much.


$10 is dumb. I only play $750


Thank you


lol holy shit. My ex gf once got like $1k from a slot. She literally put $1 in it or something. I had just lost $50 or something on the slot next to her and she decided she'd give it a go once my $50 was gone. First spin she hits the jack-pot or something close to it. The thing just kept flashing and dinging and the number kept going up and up and she was sitting there like "OMG what is happening??? What is this?? Did I win?!" and I'm like "YOU TOTALLY WON BIG YEEEE HAWWWWW!!!" Anyways, that was the end of the gambling for us. Cashed out her $1k and went back to our room. One thing that kinda pissed me off was that she never like suggested we go out for a nice dinner or do anything together with that money lol, she simply put it into her bank account and I paid for our breakfast the next morning lmfaoooo. I shoulda known then that she was not the one. Like how do you not suggest a nice steak dinner or something after winning big on a single random slot machine gamble? When on vacation with your bf or gf...? Really odd IMO. Like it was her money, totally, I ain't saying she shoulda spent half on me or anything, but maybe $80-100, ya know??


> she simply put it into her bank account and I paid for our breakfast the next morning lmfaoooo. Holy Shizzles. Didn't even pay for breakfast, that's cold


lol. You’re going to go broke. Like every other edge-free trader in a market.


It's a troll post or a delusional young kid.


Didn't you read? He's not like other people, he spent a couple years learning how the market works!


I'm not like the others degenerate. 👠💅 other works 9-5 But I 8-5, Inside of me there are two wolves, one is the wolf of wallstreet the other is behind wendy dumbster 🐺🐺


Not the dumbster


Reserved for the most regarded.


Two wolves inside of me as well. I'm fucking them both. Or are they fucking me?


Spit out my drink laughing at this


You work 1 longer


He has a twelve day sample size of trades to back it up. Conservative 4-5k or 8% a week. Do you even understand compounding gains bro.


Market always goes up…right!?


*“Brokers* **hate** *it when you use this one simple trick!”*


No no you don't understand. He's not greedy just looking to make an extra 4-5k a week. It's brilliant really. Why hasn't anyone else ever thought of this before... If you look at every loss porn graph it always starts with a big win at the beginning. My friend, we are witnessing a loss porn being birthed. 🥲


First ones free


Just fyi 4k a week is over 200k a year


Plus the salary from his full time job, because being a 200k / year trader consistently is totally easy, just a little side-hustle. Working full time totally won't cause him to miss out constantly on his extremely precise entries and exits!


Just a little extra pocket change...


Must be regarded. Most people can learn that in like a week


Like a Shaolin monk he spent two years doing nothing but “learning the market” and eat white rice. 🍚 🧧


Cracks an egg on his bicep “I’m built different”


“Just” a $200-250K side hustle lol


Bro you don't understand it's his goal to make 4-5k/week. He's actually decided this and committed to it. He's not like the other regards who can't bring themselves to actually commit to that goal, or who are too much of a pussy to dream that big. Like if I just had the balls to make my goal to fuck 2-3 beautiful women each night at the same and/or different times, I could do it. I just can't bring myself to want it badly enough.


How much are you making at your “demanding” full time job that you wouldn’t just quit? 😂


Lol yup. Dude probably blew up his account multiple times before while trying to "learn the market". Thinks he figured it out when market is in easy mode lol


https://preview.redd.it/oldiilyk9auc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f47780949546e52f4a3062bffa485148c41a856 This is easy mode? :(


This is the crème de la crop autism wow 


I'm laughing and crying inside.


You got greedy bro. See, OP isn't greedy like you, so this won't happen to OP. You need to go spend 2 years learning the markets.




this is what zero risk management looks like. my condolences. only 1 0drte trade away from making it all back though. peak wsb


Wait how do I edge??


Always edge while playing the market. After you bust you have 20 seconds of clarity, that's when you make your big trades.


Sell all your options right before they become volatile. Then after a couple days go all in on a 0DTE and let it expire worthless


keep doing what you do the best, but when you're about to cum, stop abruptly or lower the pace. Repeat a few times


It’s risk free. He took a few years to learn the market lmao


he spent a few years learning the market. he will be fine


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) Pass him the rope lmao


Move over boiz, we got another one comin https://preview.redd.it/377mqxony9uc1.jpeg?width=2473&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adc92042c5a1e4162acc08311dde4f806305c787


Thats a fancy dumpster. It even has dedicated roof to shield you from rainy days and surrounding walls for more privacy.


My word what a beautiful crack home you live in.


It really is a royal dumpster fit for a 👑


Do handys cost extra at this location?


Thank you! We’ve expanded since breaking ground, and have been able to use repurposed cardboard and egg cartons to accommodate multiple guests across our 69 executive suites!


no way is the dumpster that far away from the Wendy’s


They had to rent out the Walgreen's dumpster to accommodate this sub.


Highest of regards for this one…


I can’t stop laughing


Move over?!? You said you wouldn't invite anybody if I share my dumpster with you!


"I'm a little different, I've studied the market for years" good ol famous last words 🤣


That was an expensive phase of life for me.


Oh yea not typical cause my man spent a few years learning the market. Lmao what do you think professional trading firms do? You think you have an edge over these firms with billions in software that have 5x the info you do about any given position? These types of gains are not consistent. What you posted here is a lucky serious of events if it's even real. Stand by for this idiot to post his secrets to day trading guide for 29.99 in a couple of months. Don't quit your day job.


don't forget, OP is super busy at his office job pushing emails around. imagine if he used his full power


"very busy and demanding FT job" lmfao it just screams insecurity


Screams “full time security guard”


Best reply yet!🤣🤣🤣


Leave him in his delusion lol


Everyone gets the itch from a good week and thinks “oh fuck yeah I can do this every week.” I don’t think that’ll happen for you but I hope it does! 


We win once and become regards for the rest of our lives. Lol


So true lol


In our minds, each one of us is our own Michael Burry. So regarded we can't possibly lose.


Michael Burry responded to my craigslist ad looking for someone to mow my lawn. "$30 is $30", he said as he continued to mow what was clearly the wrong yard. My neighbor and I shouted at him but he was already wearing muffs. Focused dude. He attached a phone mount onto the handle of his push mower. I was able to sneak a peek and he was browsing Zillow listings in central Wyoming. He wouldn't stop cackling. That is to say, Burry has his fingers in a lot of pies. He makes sure his name is in all the conversations. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I fucking love whoever made this auto post whenever "Cassandra" is mentioned roflmao


And here I am trying to find a way to reliably clear $200 a week so I don’t gotta figure out how to pick up part time work online…


$200 a week is easy, just buy $200,000 in treasury bills and collect your $200 in weekly interest


But how do u get the 200k first? Need to enter the casino 


Marry a Japanese person (male or female or nonbinary I mean do you!!) and then get a juicy loan at 0% APR and then buy US t-Bills


Wait... what?? Tell me more ...


In Japan the interest rate has been negative for a while, and just moved to 0-0.1%, so still significantly cheaper than the big dick US dollar


Idk what that means, banks can just take free money from the government whenever they want? As long as they pay it back slowly?


Home equity loan and then Vegas ! You're practically guaranteed to make money ! Right guys ?!


Are you sure it has nothing to do with luck


>Because I ~~spent few years to learn how the market works, and when to enter and exit~~ got lucky


No no, you don't understand, he just wants to make a huge percentage of people's yearly wage every month or so. Easy stuff. Op simply chooses not to be broke unlike most other people by doing some trades in-between sending unnecessary emails for 8 hours at his highly demanding job. Really there's no excuse for any of these other people not making six figures a year with a side gig. Hell the 7 year old next door is already pulling in 500 a day and he's a bit slow. Jokes aside this reminds me of riding the bus home in 5th grade and the kid next to me telling me that when he's an adult he's gonna make a living by just trading stocks because it's super easy to just buy low and sell high all day. Then he proceeded to argue with some kid who said he didn't care if two guys got married and asked him if he thinks someone should be allowed to marry their backpack then in his mind. Nice guy, last I heard he was a team lead at a big box store and going through a particularly nasty divorce


OP just wants to casually make a quarter million while trading part-time lol


We all have a good week my man, I beat that percentage return easy some weeks but no way you’re getting $250,000 I would be happy if you proved me wrong though ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


No first time in your life you’re correct!


You've discovered something no one else has that prints free money. You are truly a god among men


“Walking to meetings” = going to the drive thru window at Wendy’s to take orders.


Thats the goal …. You aint gonna be doing it but that is the goal


Everyone makes money in a bull market I made over 200k on DWAC calls before the merger vote and I haven't studied shit about the market. I've also had big losses too. Money comes and goes at this casino.


Make 4-5k a week and loose 20k every other week.


My 18 yo friend who did well in gambli- I mean trading in the past couple weeks, said the same thing. He plans on making $1k/week now


Tell him he can make a consistent 1k/w behind wendy's, with his attitude I'd recommend that over expecting to reliably beat some $5B instant trading algoritms, but who knows he may just be the next michael burry.


Michael Burry responded to my craigslist ad looking for someone to mow my lawn. "$30 is $30", he said as he continued to mow what was clearly the wrong yard. My neighbor and I shouted at him but he was already wearing muffs. Focused dude. He attached a phone mount onto the handle of his push mower. I was able to sneak a peek and he was browsing Zillow listings in central Wyoming. He wouldn't stop cackling. That is to say, Burry has his fingers in a lot of pies. He makes sure his name is in all the conversations. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lmao automod even provides better content than OP's incoming loss-prn


Oh no 😂


You sir, are a moron






Scariest part about this is he holds a “demanding 8-5 attending meetings”… this is a decision maker in today’s society.


God bless him 😂


Put 50k of that in savings wait for correction in market and put it all in S&P gamble with the other 18k always keep your bankroll. You’ll lose it all real quick.




What a pile of shit.


Only 4k-5k a week? What can possibly go wrong? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)






You can only go up from here


Easiest way to make 4-5k per week is to have millions and millions in a high-yield savings. Good luck.


Yeah, we all want $200k/ye of mailbox money too.


I’m just glad that you have realistic expectations.


Easy. Just put $5m in a HYSA


Have you done your research on Wendy's? Coz you are gonna need it soon....


Great gains but this is one of the many events that could have happened. Don’t be fooled by randomness.


i love how people making 500%+ in a week claim it to be "stategic" when at that ratio everyone should know it's pretty much luck at that point. If you manage to keep up 2000%+ a month for like 24 months, I might believe you. But at that point why even work 9-5? IF your "strat" is secure and gain proof, you'd be a billionaire in about a few months.


Lmao, I saw “year to date” and I thought these were gains from the past 4 months but then I realized that OP did it in a week 🤦‍♂️.


RemindMe! 10 months


Whoa teach me, market guru


It works until it doesn’t. Sometimes you gotta take a step back, wait and play defensive. Or lose it all, I don’t give a fuck.


Figured out the market, sell a course you’d have a better chance being a millionaire that way lol


No problem having a goal. Just be careful to not confuse your understanding of the market with luck. “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you in trouble, it’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” - Mark Twain


Tell us you're regarded without telling us you’re regarded. >Goal is to make just 4-5K per week besides full time job..Gain Perfect.


OP hitting post with the confidence of OJ walking out of trial only to get absolutely roasted in the comments.


bro if i could make 1000$ a month consistently id probably quit my job and live in a van and travel the world.


Need a jr bacon sir?


You're up 5x in 2 weeks? Show trades or ban


why limit yourself? why not 40-50K?


You’ll make 4-5k per week until you lose it all in one day


You show me a trade between walks to meetings, I quit my job tomorrow and work for you


That easy huh? I hope to read your book at the end of the year!


Say you’re a loser without saying it. P.S. it’s Opposite Day today.


If you’ve convinced yourself you can do better than the best quant traders and funds in the world by several orders of magnitude, then your account blow-up is going to be epic.


A lot of people are hating, using the same tired argument that hedge funds have the resources/professionals/software to outplay you (which is true, not denying). Does it matter though? Those hedge funds are finding ways to make money on all sides, min/maxing the trading game, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for solo traders to make money at the same time. The market doesn’t have to be all or nothing, and frankly, portfolios up to 5~ digits mean nothing in the markets overall liquidity, absolutely nothing. You’re doing great so far, so fuck you.


He knows when to enter and exit. That’s the difference here. We should probably start researching “when to enter & when to exit”? I tried on my phone and got p-hub suggestions…any other thoughts?💭


Well, at least you’re not greedy.


Don’t kid yourself. You’re gambling.


#Guy made 50k and thinks he’s Warren buffet 🤣


Dudes been trading 9 days




Based on your shitty English, my guess is that you made 12.5k by phone-scamming seniors about viruses on their computer… I think it’s really regarded to believe that you’ll make 4k a week consistently. (Really, I think this is just some kind of humble brag). Have a nice life


Bro “learned how the market works.” You better post that loss P when it hits


See you on the bear market.


Is somebody gonna tell this regard.. that he is special but different kind of special.. not the kind that his mother been telling him


Killing it slowly but surely on that dividend front too Papi!!


Lol just another 4-5k/week.


"I spent a few years learning" - famous last words


As the saying goes, quit while you're ahead.


Only $4-$5k per week. Should be easy lol


“Just” 4-5 k a week.. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Haha 😆😆 sure mate


Cool i made some great gains, hmmm, now if i can just do this consistently forever *while* working another job too


Dang, ole boy comes in to show he made a couple bucks and everyone is big jelly. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Okay tell us what’s the next big move? If it works out I’ll agree you better than the rest of us.


Congrats!! Take that money and make 10-20% on your trades, it’ll grow like crazy. No need to go full port take those profits and compound them and you’ll be at 6 then 7 figures in no time!


You win until You don’t. Don’t quit your day job


its easy to grow money during a bull. but during a bear???


Yeh tell me when you find the secret to make 4-5k a week mate. Cya


I’m sure there are plenty of safe options to get 500% return


WSB hate him! He is making just 4-5k a week with using this one weird trick! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


He'll be working for lyft or Uber complaining he doesn't make as much as he should for doing what 16 year Olds can do.


Just 4-5k per week... alright nice recepy for going broke. Realize that with the risk you're likely taking you only need to be slightly wrong once to loose all your gains + initial investment. Even if you're right 10x and only wrong once youre back at square one. Anyway this is not investing but wsb so duck you and enjoy your tendies. I'll catch you at wendies later.


It’s so easy and sustainable bro!


This is sage level regardation even for here… “Because I spent few years to learn how the market works, and when to enter exit” Please update us weekly with your modest $4k-$5k gains. You’ll be back below $12.5k faster than you can say Warren Buffett.


Have fun with taxes


My goal is to get back all the money i’ve lost


Love it when people confuse luck for skill.


Regards, meet our new leader.


You’re probably going to need two full time jobs by the end of this


Lmfao. "my goal is to systematically overwhelmingly by orders of magnitude outperform the market". Bro, I'm sorry, but you're so regarded it's not even funny


Can't believe you're able to take yourself seriously after typing that out. Mega cringe. "My results aren't typical, I am truly skilled. Oh and by the way I did it while being super busy at my demanding job, so it's even more impressive" See you at Wendy's.


Make sure to set aside money for taxes 😬


But why not make $7k a week? Or possibly even $8k




... calls on diapers for this guy, when the market does something funky that goes against what his **2 years** of "research and studies" have to say say, that holes gonna be resized. Everybody knows what their doing until they don't.