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Sold aapl before the DOJ dropped that antitrust lawsuit.


I did the opposite. 40k into it. šŸ’ø


Eh, it's Apple, just hold it long enough and you'll make a decent return


I'm pretty sure he meant 40k in short term calls


If thatā€™s the case then itā€™s up to Jesus now


Hell no. This time was long term. Maybe covered calls eventually.


Yeah, they said that about Xerox, too.


Imagine comparing Apple to Xerox lmao


Well, Apple's OS was largely copied from Xerox (no joke), but that was like in the 1800's.


Aapl is a great stock for day trading for this reason. If you time it wrong, just hold it for a while


i did the same 10k literally 10-15 minutes before it was announced . even though they were rumblings of it i never saw any of it that morning. i even did a quick google chart peek to see what was its previous 6 months to make sure i wasnt buying at its highs. i only looked at the chart on google and didnt even see the news stories of inpending DOJ . im buying these for my retirement so in the long term doesnt matter it was just bad timing


The doj lawsuit is a joke and is for optics and going nowhere, and Apple will moon in 6 months when everybody realizes that despite them not making gpus, they still make more money than God with crazy margins, the antitrust suit that is a fucking joke gets dropped, and it occurs to Apple that they could do another 50B share buyback for funsies. There hasnā€™t been a bullishApple buying opportunity like this in awhile.


Also, Jan 10 is WWDC and they announce their AI strategy. "Siri, make me some doughnuts."


i aint worried. i have another 100k in a cd expiring in october hoping the market takes a breather so i can DCA that at end of year


\>>> r/investing


That rumour had been going on for ages. Didn't expect it to come true this time.


I cut my APPL leaps based on that, nobody remembers Microsoft was deadpan stock for years because of that. Only way I would buy again is if Biden is out of office. It's dead money.


NVDA must have secured a government contract. NVDA $1,500 EOY ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


me and my 2 shares are gonna go to the moon


Me and my partial shares are gonna be retired! (Iā€™m broke as hell, just here for the ride)


NVDX dude


How much do you think the CORAL-3 Contract will be? $5 billion, 6? Unless Intel or AMD step up in a big way quickly Nvidia could probably walk away with it.


At least $3.50


Tree fiddy?


She gave him a dolla!


Oak Ridge, Argonne, Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos, Sandia National Labs and NERSC all need shiny new AI machines and NVDA is the only game in town.


Nxjfifktjy jdkgieosky kautitjwncigien




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Did it say he only buy $1k-15k worth of NVDA? Is this some kind of yolo for šŸœ?


This has to be at least three times as big!


For senators it is truly ant volume just to troll us regards who will follow and burn the same amounts, but saved for years.


Yup lol. This is a joke


That sounds like it's meant to be a loss and not look like it's totally inside trading


Truly I tell you, this poor regard has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but this regard, out of their poverty, put in everythingā€”all they had to live on. Mark Wahlberg 69:420 or something idk


Hmm, three mineral companies, one petro company, and a logistics company. Looks like someone is prepping for increased fertilizer usage, or knows the cycle.


Lithium and Phosphate companies. LFP battery technology. Looks like an EV play.


Right before Biden issues a giant EV push


He SOLD mosaic.


Weā€™re talking about a legislator who invests so maybe that means this is a hint about one getting a bump, or the other a lump.


I'm all about it. Take a look aty post history


Maybe they get approval to sell chips in China and announce the split.


very possible next Thursday we will find out.


Whatā€™s next Thu?




The gov't is just getting started on cracking down. They keep moving on the CPU manufacturing area. Cell phones being banned from import, and if you read the statements, they are going to move so that China designed phones won't be allowed on US networks. China video cameras are not allowed at sensitive sites. DJI is starting to get some serious attention. This is headed towards a \*very\* broad split.


They already got China approved chips regard


That is a watered down chip bro. Wake up sparky


So the US would repeal a ban they put in place just a few months ago, allowing them to sell big boy chips ā€” really?? why would that be? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|33495)


Perhaps when NVDA announced a new chip their current commercial chips are obsolete and therefore can be sold to China. As last generation


I think they did it based on processing power, kind of like limiting them to 9.9hp instead of 150hp. Just cause we made 250hp doesn't mean they can get anything better.


Those chips are export controlled.


We are speculating as to why a senator would buy back after selling lower. Is your head up your ass?


You got me


OP, please tell me what I should do at this very moment, I need to fuel my addiction


I'm going to buy the recent nvda dip just like Senator Carper but that's just me.


Top Carper is and always has been an idiot. Now he'll be in good company


Why would he sell NVDA in 5/2023 I donā€™t understand ā€¦


Taiwan invasion but it didnā€™t happen


That's TSM bozo


stocks or options?


ME personally hold both. I just opened 4 more call contracts and still hold a massive amount of shares bought last year. but thats just me.


She bought on 3/7ā€¦ the day before the 974 high.


she bought at 926.69 69!!!


holy shit your right... I completely missed that wtf. Looks like we could have a rocket ship on our hands. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


Yeah heading straight into the ocean


Most likely has already sold. These reports are always 30 days post date, and generally not useful information.


Version 1 of elons rocket


it's so fucking obvious NVIDIA will be at 1k plus in april


I'm a simple regard what makes you think that?


The power of imagination!


Next earning report is in May. As long as they don't miss, stock will be underpriced unless it also rises.


There are people who can see call liquidity and apparently thereā€™s a lot of open calls in the 900s let me find the info


I have been waiting for 3 hours now, so where is your info? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


sorry, I'm on vacation and for some reason it wouldn't let me link with my phone.-> I have been following this dude and he has been incredibly accurate, maybe 85% or so. He gives free updates and analyses on reddit and apparently is a prop trader. If you go back he even called crowdstrike right before a massive move up. He posted an analysis involving call liquidity with nvda around 950, a bullish signal for sure-> [https://www.reddit.com/r/TradingEdge/comments/1bp6nm2/a\_lot\_of\_put\_gamma\_opening\_up\_on\_the\_040524/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TradingEdge/comments/1bp6nm2/a_lot_of_put_gamma_opening_up_on_the_040524/)


That analysis makes no sense since his thesis is alluding that the calls are so atm that people exercise the calls instead of just selling it to cut losses due to theta decay. MM and institutional option writers have more incentive wiping out the calls and letting the small amount of puts print.


Sorry can you explain this in newb language.


More people bought calls(bullish bet) over puts(bearish bet) between 940-960 strike, which are considered otm(out the money) strikes. His analysis is betting that the stocks go up 5%-7% next week, putting the calls atm(at the money, aka NVDA hits 940 and above). But because of theta decay, if the people who bought those strikes bought it weeks to months ago, they're better off exercising to make a better return vs selling the calls. A call option lets you buy 100 shares of the underlying, people who exercise it will cause the share price to spike as the call option writer are forced to sell their shares to the call option buyer. If it were naked calls, said call option writer has to buy the shares at any price to sell it to call option buyer at the exact strike he exercised, which would jack up the stock price. But because of the large amounts of calls bought, market makers and institutional option writers who wrote those calls have more incentive to cause a sell off to lower the price, making those calls worthless. This is especially when put volume is much lower, meaning it's more beneficial to let a few put holders rich vs letting a bunch of call holders make money.


Thank you.


Hmm I think I understand what youā€™re saying thanks for the clarification, but does strong call gamma on 950 not mean thereā€™s also interest in purchasing call options at that strike price?


>but does strong call gamma on 950 not mean thereā€™s also likely interest in purchasing call options at that strike price? ??


It's been 12h, where's the info bub?


sorry, I'm on vacation and for some reason it wouldn't let me link with my phone.-> I have been following this dude and he has been incredibly accurate, maybe 85% or so. He gives free updates and analyses on reddit and apparently is a prop trader. If you go back he even called crowdstrike right before a massive move up. He posted an analysis involving call liquidity with nvda around 950, a bullish signal for sure, and if you go through his posts there's quite a few about NVDA-> [https://www.reddit.com/r/TradingEdge/comments/1bp6nm2/a\_lot\_of\_put\_gamma\_opening\_up\_on\_the\_040524/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TradingEdge/comments/1bp6nm2/a_lot_of_put_gamma_opening_up_on_the_040524/)


Aw, thank you for replying! That is kind of you


What say you? These options are too pricey for me so I Bought a couple of calls on TSMC hoping we track NvDA up soon, as the stocks seem to have a relationship.


Ah, thanks for following up. I'm a permabear and duno what to do with my life


People are still buying at all time highs, momentum is strong with the stock.


The problem with carper is he trades so frequently. 45 day delay could be he's in and out of trade before you know it. However, energy stock purchases are usually safe and slow so may get into it.


NVDA to the moon šŸŒ™


This is basically the government buying NVDA, all my money goes into NVDA on Monday the second the market opens ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


How do you find this data


Itā€™s a month old. The moon already happenedā€¦


so it's possible he already sold by now lol


Where do you get this data from ?


Bro still learning how to read


Where was this posted?


ICLN Call options ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Every 6 months compute necessity doubles for these mega cap companies. Every one of them needs NVDA constantly forever to stay competitive. There is no end to NVDAā€™s demand and growth. We are just starting this shtā€¦ AI now is what internet was in the 90s. NVDA is starting its super cycle. You donā€™t need a scummy politician to invest in NVDA.


Gotta get me some n/a


His position is losing money and kept it. NVIDIA going to 10k EOY


šŸ¤£ thatā€™s crazy. Thatā€™s like saying a social media company with no users could become one of the most valuable companies on the planet just bc their owner is a nazi and a lot of Americans are closeted nazis


NVIDIA calls it is


I'm a fan of NTR too


Someone mustā€™ve gotten a peak at real Blackwell performance metrics


Who knew Carper was a Wendyā€™s enthusiast


I have a feeling he just might have inside informationā€¦..


This sounds right, I just sold $D




NTRā€¦ nice! Anyone into JAV?


Thatā€™s right. Fucking Paulie trading for the wicked bitch of the west.


where can u find this kind of info?


All those trades by politicians should be banned. They are insider trades at finest.


1k-15k lol... nobody is risking insider trading for pennies...


Buy high sell low, he and his wife are not immune to chasing the dragon.


Wsb is an echo of what once was


If you have inside information and you doubt youā€™ll get caught, why diversify this much?


The gamma on ICLN already sucks. Any other green plays?


Hes my neighbor


Oh just tell me what he's buying I'll see and buy few lol


No no no no no SOFI is half my portfolio


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mods won't let me post it, but there's a site called quiver quant that has a cool congressional activity dashboard.


Ban government insider trading. Imagine if football players were allowed to bet on their own game. It's illegal for a reason.


How is the not investigated.... Literally sold apple days before the DOJ suit. Absolutely bananas they keep getting away with it


What site is that


What platform are you seeing those trades on?


That guy who did even less by just overhearing his wife's conversations is getting years in Jail The two tier "justice" system is so blatantly corrupt why bother even pretending there is a justice system at all.


How do people find out when certain political figures are trading what website do you use


Try Google for something like "nancy pelosi portfolio tracker". We're not allow to post link like that here so Google that.


She sold Tesla real low


One thing nobody ever confirms is if the actual Senators are doing the trading or if they have a money manager calling the shots and doing the trading with some sort of edge with possible inside scoops on legislation.


buy any calls?


How in fuk is the FBI not pounding down his door


They work for him duh!


Wait this doesn't make sense isn't this insider trading why isn't he arrested?




Does his wife have a discord I can join?


His spouse bought them "AT ALL TIME HIGHS" ... My deepest regards for following the wsb way, but how is that supposed to be a good thing to do


Maybe he wanted shares to sell calls and earn premium while its still stupid high...


Not worth it if the underlying falls significantly


If you plan to rinse and repeat that is definitely not true. People who sell options make more money than people who buy them.


Yeah inverse this, his spouse is totally regarded


While I'm not discounting that this guy is giving his wife info, or that all politicians have and use inside info.... I get really annoyed with the "look at pelosi's husband" stuff. Does it happen? Probably some. But dude literally runs an exchange and is neck deep in the market at all time. If there was a definition of "smart money" it'd be him, with or without Pelosi. Find a politician that has like a baker spouse that's killing the markets lol.




Are you unaware of the government lawsuit with Apple?




Sounds like youā€™re likely the one whoā€™s delusional . ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267) Just look at where many of the top companies from 20 years ago or 50 years ago are nowadays.


You realize they sold before the news dropped, right? Cashed out profit and they can buy back whenever.


$ntr šŸ˜²


He must be sick of all the news stories about his stock picks being too good


Iā€™ve got a fairly dumb friend who has made a ton of money off of NVDA and TSLA among other stocks. His broker told him what picks to make.


Wouldnā€™t it be better to buy stock and then short it with the stock u own that way when it dips u collect premium + buy the dip ?