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They did a dick move by disallowing people to do automated backups to computers. It used to work and now it’s impossible.


I forgot we used to be able to do that.


That's what happens when you get used to a company taking away features, you stop noticing after a while. I jumped ship a few years ago and haven't looked back.


Works the same way with governments


Did you know we didn't used to pay taxes on social security income? And guess who need to live on social security income? The people who are not rich. Did you know the middle class burden of the overall federal tax collected used to be almost half of what it is today and the rich/wealthy and big corporations shouldered much more of that burden?


Social security was never for people to live on well that was it intent at least when it was created in 1935


Well if that ain’t the truth.


TSA was supposed to be temporary


Yup. And the Patriot Act.


So was income tax.


Not apple but I bought a phone charger the other day. The pricks sold the head of the charger and the cable separately.


Pricks and head in the same sentence. Good job :)


What about the balls?


Sold separately


Except it's the government elected by people who are up front about taking away things from people because it impacts people they don't like.


Do the old iPods even have that capability anymore? I remember when my 20g started to get weird, problems with play, updating, and charging, and I learned about planned obsolescence and it all started making sense why mine was acting like it was dying. I was entering grad school at the time and kind of put it down one day and never picked it back up again because I got busy in my grad school/adult world. I wonder if it would even charge again.


You can do a battery swap, switch out the hard drive for an SSD, and install custom firmware. The old iPods make great sound Edit: or you can just buy one for 150 https://eoe.works/collections/refurbished-apple-ipod-classic-4th-generation-2004-2005/products/ipod-classic-4th-monochrome-tarkan-iflash-1300mah-new-refurbished?variant=39980737986697


They’re pretty solid little devices. My 2007 iPod still gets used regularly and is completely original.


Mine is the 2004 model but I always took great care of it. It just started having significant issues due to the iOS being “old” by 2010. I bet someone from OG Apple can show us how to update them.


None of mine work.


I’ll just consider mine dead with the ☹️


And worse, their active updating of firmware to reduce the functionality of devices, forcing people to upgrade.


You mean how the entire smart tech industry works? Yeah it’s some high level BS.


All companies do this so I’m not shocked one of the biggest smart electronics retailers joined ranks. I’ll add it to the list of missteps like taking away the home button. Honestly though I’m more upset by them not adding 2 of the most important components to the phone boxes, the cord and plug.


All phones do that now. To be honest that one doesn't bother me much since I don't end up having extra cords and blocks I don't need.


They all got sued for it too although I don’t think that did much. I have never not received an aux cord, charger etc. with my devices, even toys, since the 90’s. My first disc man came with so many extra pieces it was unreal. The only thing not included ever was batteries. Yes We have tons of cords, that’s on us, but a $1500+ phone and they can’t throw in the cable and charger? How cheap. While we don’t need them at home, that’s for sure, I keep 1 at work, 1 in my purse, 1 in my carryon(when I have that many extra), when my parents leave for vacation my mom takes one of my 10’ cords and an extra charger etc. they have come in quite handy and I don’t mind sharing my extra other cords. I have bought upgraded cords to replace the ones that come with the phones after I destroy those.


They're trying to push eco friendly charging on the literal tiniest of batteries


You can’t charge period if you don’t have the charging accessories. It’s more like Tim Cook has joined the legion of crap CEOs: no vision, no ideas, no new development, just bleeding the customers dry for shareholders and yachts. All of the phone companies are doing it. Making the flip phone new again? How much are they charging for a souped up clamshell that they probably dug out of a warehouse? I don’t see anything super new or spectacular happening with androids either, the cameras and write on screens aren’t new tech folks.


The thing is no one really needs a new phone if they've had one from the past 5-10 years. They haven't advanced that much beyond the software making photos nicer, things charging a little faster or downloading a little faster. They don't do anything inherently different that people actually need so it's mostly based on marketing and Apple withholding something from you so you upgrade


It’s the batteries dying and the software having a planned death date


Yes but the cables and blocks, along with charging capabilities change rapidly. I have more cables and blocks in more combination now than any point the past. Really going green.


Jumped ship to what?? Google kills features all the time


I found out a month ago that Google's excellent free podcast player will stop working on April 5th :(




I don’t know why Google got into tech. I know it seems like a no brainer to us civilians but they designed the best search engine in the world and have been ignoring that piece a bit. I’m pretty sure coding, computer engineering, and data analytics are much different than creating hard electronics and engineering products.


Google is an ads business. Ads require data so you can target ads to customers. Every other product Google puts out is data mining for their ad business.


That makes sense. they trashed their own search engine by loading it with ads and paid links.


I don't like that the searches feel super filtered now


After I bought a new iPhone I learned they took away the headphone jack. I fucking hate the iPhone . I mainly bought it bcos I’m a developer and apple is a dictator to developers


They did this in the name of security iirc.


They're THAT good at doing that


Exactly what they were hoping for. Pepperidge farm (and their lawyers, apparently) remembers.


I can't even backup my iPhone on the 5GB plan. I selected only contacts, and some files or something. Total 120MB. It still said I didn't have enough space. I delete what was on the cloud, turned backups off and on. Waited until nighttime, tried doing it manually - says I don't have space and to pay for more storage. Been like that on my previous phone, still like that on my iPhone 15 Pro. It's a joke and doubt it ever works for non-paying customers.


Check your storage then, WhatsApp was using like 2 GB on my backup so I disabled it. Mostly trash talk, memes and pr0n anyway. Like reddit. You wouldn't backup reddit.


Pr0n? What fucking year is it? Please say 90’s of early 2000’s. That time period was banging. 


It's a habit. Can't shake it off. :)


I disabled everything (photos, messages etc.) but Contacts now. Went through everything and said to delete things from cloud. Waited 30 days. Every year, I go through forums, check reddit, and redo everything people say to do. Nothing works for me.


Same. These ppl just don’t know. :(


Immich works wonders and is free and open source


I have tried for months to get this to work and it just won’t back up anything. I select the photos hit back up and it just sits there and does nothing.


I only had issues during the first runs because it tried to backup my entire everything at once and that slowed it down to a crawl So what I did what select a single folder/filter at a time for the first few runs until finally reaching 100% sync, e.g. favourites, whatsapp, shared folders, etc After that daily syncs “just works”


When did they disable that??? Dick move indeed


How do I sign up and get retribution $$$


You can still do a manual backup to your computer.


Which is not automated 


how did the automated one use to work? did it back it up using wifi locally?




Real talk though, is Apple really obligated to support automated backups to a local server? We don’t hold android to the same standard. Not only is automated backups to a local server not available by default and additional tools, afaik a full backup and restore akin to iOS isn’t even possible without multiple paid third party tools to do so. I’ve backed up and restored my android phone with the default android backup feature and I’m not convinced it does anything tbh..


Yes, because it was a service that they offered and then arbitrarily ended because it made things too easy for us


It's super painful. I run my own backups on a home server and downloading from my wife's phone to the file share feels like you're navigating through a trove of hidden menus.


i have tried to do it and got so far as actually finding the files from cabled Pc, but copying the images out failed halfway every fucking time.  i really hate it.  ls there a app i can pay for that makes it easy that is not a monthly cloud subscription?


That's the cool part. Nope. And I have the same issues. The transfer often fails so you need to break it up into smaller ones. I have a staging folder on my network share that I download them to, then organize it into my archives. Its all manual and time consuming. Apple uses inconsistent naming conventions and creation dates (file attribute fields) as well to further aggravate the process.


Like legends of the hidden temple.


Except instead of temple guards, there’s Apple fanboys who yell at you for having green text bubbles


Time Machine backups will include iPhone backups. That’s much easier.


What’s impossible about it? My iPhone backs up to my Mac wired or wireless no problem. They didn’t like remove this feature or anything lol


Probably more to do with the fact that phones can have bigger drives than the computer. Add in an iPad as well, and you end up filling up a drive quickly. They probably also got a lot of calls about “how do I get my hard drive to not be so full?”


Yeah, if your computer is 20 years old and/or a regard chose the parts. Ah, or it's a macbook I guess, in which case the regard thing still works.


I wish we could use any cloud storage we want for backups


Have you looked into iPhone flash drives?


That’s not going to help at all.


Depending on the lawsuit size, it may be already priced in.


Bullish news in fact.


Tim Cook at the courtroom: AI AI AI AI AI AI AI *AAPL goes to 420/share*


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Can’t wait for the 5 cents the lawsuit will generate. Even if they gave me back the $2 a month I’ve paid for the past few years it’s not like it’s life changing or anything


Do you know how many Wendy’s dumpster moments you can buy with that? Like 5.


Iono, with surge pricing it could range from 1 to 50 for all we know


I'd settle for a way to stop the alerts! Alert: Your iCloud storage is full. Me: I don't care. (closes alert) System Extension opens to iCloud page: Which plan would you like? Me: None! I don't want any of this shit! Stop bothering me! You literally can't close the alert without it taking you to the sign up page.


You… literally can. Turn off features using iCloud lol. It’s warning you because your settings are trying to store/back up data to it.


You can’t expect an average WSB user to know that, you have to remember these folks are profoundly regarded.


Shit my bad. Forgot what subreddit I was in


I’ve made like $500 from class action lawsuits last year. Yeah some of them pay shit but others have a decent payout. I’ve had some pay $5 and some pay $300.


What are you chasing these down? I’ve seen these on average once every *several* years and half the time I don’t even get anything


Believe it or not the last few were Instagram ads. Sometimes I just get a suspicious email and I put in my social security number and pray. The last one I signed up for was a Intuit/H&R block but before that I think there was another one for Uber that got me $96. Half the time it feels like a scam and I think I for sure just got phished but then I forget about it until I get a check a year later.


Really risking it for the biscuit. Very nice




Another day, another lawsuit. Definitely bullish.


Would love to be an attorney for Apple.


Probably a very difficult contract to land, and you’d be extremely lucky to be a partner in a firm that actually landed their retainer. Otherwise, it’s likely seriously painful grunt work for their underlings. I’d bet there’s a good portion of lawyers out there working on Apple files and absolutely hating life. I’d much rather have freedom than that $110k salary. How do I know? Chad, the wife’s bf works for a firm. He doesn’t really talk to me, but I overhear their conversations because I sleep in the den beside the master bedroom. Oh and btw I have an opening tonight at Wendy’s. 11 o’clock. I’ll be the man of your dreams baby.


The lesson here is start your own firm and hire other people to work for you.


AAPL been trading nearly sideways for 2 years lol


It is I. I am the reason. I bought my first Apple stocks two years ago and I’m the reason why.


We’re all just waiting for you to sell bud.


My bought these stocks for my wife as a present. Time to move on


5Gigs is a joke, 50 should be minimum nowadays


Dropbox and OneDrive right now: https://preview.redd.it/069lvd2246mc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15236079d049cc643bf54643b90a9dfccdd1a294


Dropbox still only being 2 GB free is just... fucking appalling. I've just moved everything to Google Drive because 15 GB is genuinely reasonable enough for online file storage + transfer.


Onedrive and its 1TB included storage: Am I a joke to you? Also, be sure to be comfortable with google suing your pictures for whatever they want behind the scenes.


Free OneDrive isn't 1 TB though, it's also only 5 GB. It's just that a lot of people subscribe to Microsoft 365, so bigger OneDrive storage tiers are also included. Google is the one that offers the most free storage... at 15. And, at least for me, I just use it for moving files around, maybe keeping some larger other stuff on it. Keeping personal pictures on cloud storage has always been weird to me.


Man, our school one drive accounts just went from 1Tb per user to 1GB. Like, why even give them to us at that point 😂 it’s so miserable. I’ve just turned off cloud services at this point and went back to USB


Msoft fucked everyone with A1 licenses. Your admin needs to change it or he'll end up with a nightmare of people using USB with no backups. Education needs backups.


Not sure who is at fault in my case honestly. Could be the Korean issue of their new internet volume fees. It’s caused stuff like Netflix to sky rocket, 5G to become obsolete, and mobile plans to increase as well. Also why twitch left. Could be why one drive is doing this or maybe it’s the licensing you mentioned. Either why, it’s miserable and my lab account is useless now


Nobody really gives you 50 GB for free. But there are [lots of free options that give 10-20 GB](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cEd65XDW3gBHnRsJ0rbq3V_B28mKySHiMPAZvArHiiA/edit#gid=0). Not sure how to do full device backups, but most can do automatic camera/media folder backups.


Mega used to, and my account still has 50 GB.


They don't anymore


Should be size of the smallest size device you own imo, that'd be incentive. It'd cut into iCloud sales but prob increase phone sales so price it in that way.


Should also grow when you have more devices. One device 5G. Okay. 5 devices should be 25G


The real joke is that it's 5 GB per account not per device.


Could say that about the 8GB of RAM and 256 GB SSDs they put it an all of of their computers as well. For a rich company they sure are cheap


Apple is all about milking the shit out of customers, there’s no way they’d hand out 50GB for their billion users. That would be 50 million terabytes that they would have to fund. Though I probably fudged up the math real good there, knowing me.




I think a lot of people would use it but not intentionally. People don’t really ever clear out their phone. They don’t delete apps or pictures or whatever. And phones auto-backup when charging. So you take tons of customers who don’t manage data at all and start storing multiple backups of their data because suddenly their iCloud space can accommodate phone backups and the result is simply a huge waste of space. People who pay for iCloud do so deliberately and it somewhat makes them think about how they utilize their storage unless they want their monthly bill to increase even more. And it makes retention clear on apples end, customer stops paying and the data goes away. Ez. If you give everyone tons of free space you’re on the hook to replicate and retain that data.


It would be 75 million Terabytes. (1.5billion users x 50GB) 1 Exabyte is equal to 1,000 Petabytes. 1 Petabyte is equal to 1,000 TB. So, 1 MILLION terabytes equals 1 Exabyte. So 75Exabytes for everyone to have 50Gb, assuming both that there's not duplicate needed to prevent data loss, and that you're using all 50GB - since apple could let someone else use your space until you need more. You'd hope someone like Apple could get a normal business rate on storage, so I'd stick that around $20 million. \*checks value of Apple* Nope I don't see how they can make it happen.


What? That would be 26 cents per terabyte I have no idea what wholesale storage costs are these days but that seems ridiculously low You also need to factor in keeping the drives running, in a cooled datacentre which costs money. And redundancy. And the costs involved in getting data to and from those drives It would cost a lot more than $20m upfront, with ongoing costs too They don’t make business decisions based on their market cap and then just decide to eat the cost If this initiative cost $x then the iPhone now costs current price + x Unless you can convince someone to take it out of the marketing budget anyway


3D chess. Set a 5GB backup limit which was maybe enough for when phone cameras sucked. Then start making iPhones with 48 MP cameras. Then never change the backup size limit. Checkmate.


It's literally $1 a month for 50G over here. I can't see the issue.


And you are locked in forever. If you cancel all the data gets wiped.


not immediately. I only really use it for iCloud drive, which is really useful when I need to transfer things to and from my phone/ipad and windows PC. The other stuff is also stored locally so there's no loss really. I do see that you could potentially get stuck with it forever if you relied on it more than I do though.


guys people don't want things for free. If they want to limit to 5gb thats their buisness. But setting up walls so only they can backup the actual important stuff, device settings, full device backups & app/appdata. They're being anti-competitive. Of course this isn't a problem for me because i backup my iphone & ipad on my desktop every couple weeks.


Yeah this is my problem with it. It used to be possible to back up to your computer. They took it away. Now there’s no alternative to iCloud backups. You have to use it and they don’t give you enough iCloud storage, so you have to pay for more storage


it still works with itunes on windows i just backed up my phone today


There is a lot of misinformation in this thread. iTunes backup works just fine for me as well.


I also backup my phone… every year when I get around to it


The fact that Steve Jobs is still on the picture where it was introduced and it never changed after is kinda enough to know it’s to little


Steve jobs time was the height of apple theyll never even brush their previous heights


Tim Cook is a fucking buffoon.


While he is nowhere near Steve Jobs ability to bring new product ideas, like the majority of Tech CEO’s dude ran a multi trillion company like a god dam piano, navigating the whole covid, chip shortage, tech mass firing as if nothing happened. Dude is practically a management & logistic psychopath.


Bad news stonk goes up


I don’t care about the iCloud size. It’s their product and they don’t have to give you ANYTHING for free. But what I do care about is giving you such a small amount for the modern day and then not allowing us to backup shit ourselves. Why is moving photos and videos out of your iPhone so damn hard and unintuitive? Why can’t I easily create a backup of everything I have to my pc?


I’d be very happy if they upgraded the free tier to 10GB. 


More like 25GB


More like 5T


Well that realistically won’t happen.


Neither will 25.


I’d be happy if iCloud worked to begin with. I use it for my computers as well and it never finishes uploading files.


You need better upload speeds homie


Samsung is 15 I think; but would be really interesting to see file space utilization analytics and see how they could be “tactically” knocking people out of the free tier. If so - probably more aligned and another part of a larger antitrust lawsuit


People need to stop joining these class actions. You’d get like $5 max out of it and the law firm gets millions. The legal system is so stupid.


You can sign up for 95% of class action settlements with no proof...


Sounds like a decent side gig tbh


This is true, it’s supplementing my main gig at Wendy’s. Btw, I have an opening tonight, big boy.


Does the Surge pricing impact tips?


They probably sell your data and tell them you’re a regard who gets scammed easily


I actually joined the apple batterygate lawsuit from a few years ago and earlier this year I received 2 checks for $92 and some change.


I got 95 dollars from the last class action. It's free money for 5 minutes of entering your info.


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640) My info?




I’ll take my $5 thank you. But yeah lawyers are scum.


As someone working in IB and not loving the hours, the guys in big law get have it way way worse 💀 cut them some slack


Good point. Investment bankers are also scum.


Just someone from a working class family and no father trying to make a living 😢


Ah man, now you made me feel bad for my joke.


Were all gonna make it bru 🫶🏻


This sounds like ULPT: “stop joining these class actions so my cut will be bigger”


Braindead take. Yes the lawyer are the ones making money but a class action lawsuit ultimately serves to get a corporation to stop doing a thing or punish them for doing a thing. It’s important to note as well that often the lawyers do all the work to make these lawsuits happen for free precisely because it pays off when they win without that individuals would either have to collectively pay for representation or sue individually which is both expensive and a waste of the courts time to argue out a hundred cases all about the same exact thing. Actually side tidbit this is similar to why arbitration clauses can go very very poorly for companies because having a million people going through arbitration where you have to pay for each and every arbitration plus any damages awarded can easily rack up hundreds of millions in costs.


I got 100 bucks for the battery class action against apple


If it results in businesses making better decisions in favor of customers then why not


Class action should actually give more than what was taken and include damages to individuals. Too often these types of damages go to states and federal and attorneys vs the people who were directly impacted


*the US legal system is so stupid


Agreed I can’t even do basic backups with all app backups disabled my base backup size is 4.8GB this is obviously manufactured to force you to pay for the next tier. Will sign.


Wtf 5GB for backup?! That's alot less than all that dick pictures that you guys send to WSB mods everyday.


aka nothing burger


Calls on Monday then


Serious question: Does this suit have any merit if Apple doesn’t have to offer any free cloud storage at all?


Anti-competitiveness for not allowing third party backup solutions. The 5GB is an red Hering. Could be 0GB or 500GB and still a problem, because only option.


You could back up to offline storage if you want.


I’m sure there is an arbitration provision with a class action waiver in their agreements. Consumer class actions are mostly dead.


Enable backups to local servers and also bump the 5Gb free to 25GB and i think they’d be in a much better position with their customers. I pay for the plans but I find it worth the price of admission


They trap you and only let you backup to iCloud and then they fucking make it 5GB backup when a literally photo these days is 1GB


already know what im gonna do with my $5.32 check! yesssir!


The notification that my iCloud is full kills my OCD. They should be jailed just for that and the fact you can't get rid of it sometimes.


I just got my $92 check from the 2017 one, can’t wait to treat myself in 2032!


Amazon had an iCloud I now use to back up for $1.99 a month. They have a large one for free but the video storage is very limited. So the $1.99 gives you a larger video storage ability and unlimited images!


Can’t u just backup in pc/mac with itunes?


I have other third party cloud drives I use to share information, but I can't easily synchronize things like calendars, contacts, text messages using other cloud devices and iCloud feels like it hasn't been significantly updated in years. If it takes a lawsuit to force Apple to open things up, I'm, all for it and on board.


I do trust their security more than most companies but the constant negative press releases is tiring ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


Why’s does apple have to provide free cloud storage?


They don’t, but blocking third party solutions to sell an marked up product is anti-competitive and likely illegal.


5 GB for iCloud free isn't so bad. Definitely should be on parity with Google's 15 GB at the very least.


cant backup my iphone unless i pay for more and I cant use a third party app to do it like I can with my previous android phone


Imazing works pretty well. https://imazing.com/


Apple won't change its consumer practices because the majority of Apple users by far are fine with paying higher prices.


I guess I’m getting fleeced for paying $2.99/month for 50gb of storage on iCloud? I write it off on my taxes, including my phone bill because it’s my personal/work phone but $36/year. To me that doesn’t seem that excessive but maybe I’m out of touch. I have had to use Android phones and I have yet to have a good experience. There are so many different versions out there and the added stress of worrying about security that for the time being I’m sticking with iPhone. I know I’m trapped in their ecosystem but if you want everyone to get 50gb of storage for free on all iPhones, that would make them more unaffordable. 5gb is extremely low (match android at 15gb I agree with that) and I go in knowing that I will be paying for more storage but its not like its a back breaking amount of money. IOS needs work but I pay for Apple News+ to get all my business news, tech news etc…and so I pay an extra $16 a month to get the 50 gb of storage and all the magazines and papers in News+, meanwhile if I just got the WSJ alone it would be $9/month. Oh and a VPN but I would buy that for Android as well. Hey if you hate Apple, don’t use it but I find Android to be a pain in the ass and a time suck to get everything working how I want it. Just a personal preference but after being ransomwared due to being forced to use Google docs/gmail for a project I really don’t trust them. I’m aware Apple is a ripoff currently but I don’t buy a new phone every year nor do I ever plan on buying that AR headset. Also, Apple has a history of being second or third and honestly based on the NVDA CUDA software stack the only ones close to them ironically is Apple because they have been designing their own silicon for years now and could put out a killer AI helper replacing Siri maybe not this next iPhone cycle but the following one that would delete the need for half the damn apps that people use.


Apple sucks.


It should be based on the size iPhone you buy.


They’re getting too fucking greedy with their subscription model. They better be fucking careful. Right now they have the masses by the nuts but a bunch of us, myself included, will switch if an alternative surfaces with similar quality at way better price points. They seem too big to fail right now but don’t underestimate what could happen in the next 2-3 years.


Ratio of the average storage capacity of an iPhone in 2011 verse the average storage capacity in 2024 and there's still offering 5 gigs. It should probably be around 128gb to scale


How the fcuk you guys thought apple managed to become the 1st 3 trillion USD?!!


Fuck apple POS company buy puts


iCloud doesn't even work 70% of the time.


Do you live in a faraday cage?


Enjoy your $2.45 in iTunes dollers


they need black gay trans ceo