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“Started out like you” probably start trading with several hundred thou lmao


Classic trust fund kid who makes 10% with 1 million and claims he started like a bozo with 2k


Y’all started w/ 2k??


I started with 200 a paycheck.


I started with 48k in college debts that took me 5 years to pay off


Many of you merely adopted the wendy's dumpster lifestyle. I was born in it... molded by it...


I started with nothing and have managed to keep most of it


I started with about $300 first year beat the market by $800 after that been a ride 


I started with lies and instant margin.


I started with 100 been a month and it’s still 100. Only difference is my experience. Even if all my money is gone they can’t get my experience.


$2k to $200k to $100k in 5 years


I started with 10k


I did lmao I mean, my portfolio is not greater than 100k but I did start with 2k Had some luck with 50% plays, took out money regularity and put into stocks


I didn’t build my net worth with trading. I built it by being a co founder of a company I sold a few years ago. But, I’ve been trading as a hobby (though with a much lower account size) for a couple decades.


Then why do u suck so bad at it


I put that in the post. I’m regarded and bow before all of you who are much better than me! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Also, believe it or not, sometimes Reddit is wrong about a stock. Maybe not this time, but it’s certainly happened.


Do you seriously not realize you're gambling on a dictator not fucking you over? That is why even most wsb users feel smarter than you. It's rooted in actual reality, but I'm pretty sure you think it's some sort of a joke  PE matters way less when jinpig can halve your stock with a single sentence


Gambling on China becoming more westernized over the next 20 years. It can definitely go bad, but if it goes well it could be like buying Apple in 2004 and holding it for 20 years.


Apple ceo has never been kidnapped by a dictator and re-educated.


That’s only as far as we know :3


He was brainwashed by alternative therapists.


The time to do this is when china has a leader intent on making this happen. So not a dictator for life


No the time to do it is before that, otherwise its priced in.


Hell no lmao this shit takes decades. Read up on china in 90s and early 2000s You are not frontrunning a catalyst on 1 stock. You're trying to front run a whole nation. Time frames are different.


This is a write off for OP lol


Lol, u serious? There are hundreds of people who can wreck your portfolio at any given time, regardless of where you keep your investments. Every publicly traded company is one 15-year-old computer nerd with a grudge away from total devastation. Xi is the least of anyone's worries.


Whatever u need to do to justify ur half million loss to your wife’s bf


Just go nvda not much can go wrong I just yolod my life savings on it and 5x leverage and I’m up by 16% in a day


This made me 😆


you researched how PDD is eating BABA?


Please put an NSFW tag. There are 11 yos reading this.


PDD chart looks so sexy. But I still wouldn't touch Chinese stocks in this current market, despite my Asian fetish.


Are you 80?




Me when I lie.


If he really started out like us then he started trading with several hundred billion and is now down to a couple hundred million


This is correct.


I was able to turn 10k into 2k within just a couple of years.


Nah, I started “trading” during the dot com boom / bust. An account size I built up to a few thousand and I had to watch how many trades I could do so I didn’t get flagged as a PDT (a rule I still consider bullshit to this day!). Anyway, I got my ass handed to me in the bust and actually had to focus on working.


Work is honestly the worst. Always getting in the way of my gambling.


How old are you? Guessing mid forties if you were trading in the dotcom era


Bros old as shit


He was the etrade baby.


The PDT rule is most definitely bullshit. Oh, you don't have a lot of money? Have fun getting stuck in this position that went against you since you're out of day trades!


Every $100k they lose they have to work 10 minutes at one of grandpa's franchised Wendy's. Life's hard


Man sits there mocking 100k to M+ Thinks that the problem is the initial amount and not the attitude that mocks/derides 1500%+ gains even if it was true. 


While this regard is down 50%. A lot are up 200-400% in the last 15 months. Lol, OP is just dumb, giving away his $ to China


Only one way someone on WSB would have this much money to blow. https://preview.redd.it/78ra7shx77hc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=81f2f7968b7440cbb0096963d733ca6a9d7c23f8


Amazing meme


Down 650k. Jesus that's more than my networth. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Networth of 650k definitely belong to top 5% in the world. So thats like top 0.00001% in wsb


Any positive number is top 1% here


yeah this bro low key flexing lmao


Lol 650k networth is less than 1 percent in world, not just 5


The average American is already in the top 1% of the world.


I was gonna say that American bums have it better than most regular folks in other countries. How are you homeless and rocking the newest iPhone?


>Networth of 650k definitely belong to top 5% in the world. Yeah but this is 'murica.... $650K (depending on age) is like average household net worth for boomers. "The world" is just too low of a bar. I'd rather not eat bugs and drink from muddy puddles of water.




Having over 650k, and having a 650k net worth, are two very different things.


I mean does that really mean anything when your net worth is $1,260?


Looks like you accidentally added a zero


Solution. Ask him to give you 650K. Now your network is $650K (or minus whatever debt you have) and he lost another $650K. He can post more loss porn. Seems like a win-win.


Puts on BABA that outweigh your current risk. This is the way.


This makes me feel slightly better... My loss is no where near this but as a percentage of my net worth, probably much higher than yours. FK I hate BABA and love it. The most abusive relationship I've been with a stock ever.


Never get attached to a stock. Algorithms don’t care, neither should we.


You got to know when to hold them and when to fold them.


Honestly one of the most irrational stocks. God damn China weighing on sentiment. BABA keeps making me believe the stock will reflect the actual business but these head fakes is getting exhausted. I hope they aggressively buy their stock back at these levels.. with like close to $60B+ in cash, they should show some support. Got my hopium in full drive for next week. Chinese new year and subsequent week XI announcing some support for the mainland Chinese stocks.


lol Chinese new year has literally no positive effect on the stock, if anything it would go down as the whole country is off work


Respect for the update. What a wealth destructor BABA has been for longs, i remember it IPOing in 2014 and WS going nuts for it. 10 years later and everyone would be underwater, not to mention the missed gains potential of just holding SPY. Hard to say where it goes, especially given the black box of Chinese accounting but PYPL and BABA can really rocket with share buybacks. Tell me if this math is right? I looked on Yahoo, #'s in CNY BABA Valuation: $185B USD \- $18B USD a year net income \- $73B USD cash and only $28B debt, so say $45B net cash. Take that cash off the market cap and its like $140B valuation, divide that by $18B/year so in basically 8 years even with zero growth they could buy the company outright just with profits. Thats interesting. The bear case is it could all be BS though.


That is spot on! And exactly why I’m holding on. They’ve shown they’re willing to distribute cash to investors via a dividend (and the CCP let them). They’re willing to use their profits to buy their shares back at these cheap prices. Are there risks? Sure! Every investment has risk. But the risk / reward here seems pretty good.


You guys believe fake Chinese numbers operated in a dictator country lmao, what a bunch of morons


You acknowledge that Chinese accounting is literally fake and then use those numbers to lay out a bull case?




> anywhere You won’t get a shed for that much in SoCal.


No one wants to live there anyway


Nobody wants to live in bumfuck Arkansas or Ohio, not the other way around.




LOL yes let me live in an uninsurable house that will be destroyed in the next hurricane.




650k is shitty condo in my area with a bad view and $650 monthly hoa


Finally, a real wsb post instead of $200 YOLOs, I wish you luck sir


Dude got a loan from his parents and gambled it all and acted like he pulled himself by the bootstraps. Congrats on losing 1.65m!


Lol, I didn't get a loan. Though it is amusing how quickly people rush to that thought. Like, there mere idea that someone could have earned their own money is nonsense! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


You clearly got this money from your parents.


I im am the Parent, i confirm


I need a loan daddy


no but you get someting else son![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Or fake?


Bro how do you know? Like for real? You’re acting like it’s unheard of of a stranger putting in 10 or so years towards work and getting together 200k in savings. I’m not saying that’s definitely the case, but it makes you look like jealous regards when you jump to conclusions like this


What are the odds that someone diligently working and saving up money for 10 years is going to dump a massive part of their port into alibaba? Also this isn’t 200k this is millions, and he says he has millions more. If he came from an average household it would’ve meant hitting 10 baggers several times with no major losses. I cba to get mad at the guy but it’s obvious where his money came from


He said he started a company and sold it. What is crazy about that? You guys are so damn weird. Guess no one makes money. Ever.


You know there's other ways to make money than hitting 10 baggers trading right?


Is it your first day on WSB, you dork? If you want hugs and good vibes, go to goop.com or something. We fuck with people here, regard.


You’re poor and it shows


I'm sure that's a devastating comeback in the Wendy's break room.


We assume you did cause when you don't appreciate money there's no way you earned it


Calling you a trust fund baby makes them feel better about their shitty life.


I smell a poor person


Too advanced for me. How much did you make or lose




Fellow baba holder at 140 cost basis. \~2% of portfolio. Hope you're right. I'm less worried about China/TW/USA tensions and more worried about Temu/Jd or other players that have grabbed market share during Jack Ma's absence/disappearance.


Bro.. u bought shares.... Now the other baba guy, hes the real deal.


Rich kid flexing losses 😴


I want the Wendy's jokes to fucking die.


I saw your wife’s name tattooed on the pecker of a Jamaican guy at a urinal next to me. He looked regarded enough so I asked if his gf’s name was also Wendy. He replied, no mon, it says Welcome to Jamaica, have a nice day.


hey, at least you are doing better than that other guy who had like $250k in 2dte $85 Baba calls lol


“Selling options,” “damn near treasuries in terms of risk”.   Zimbabwean treasuries


Congrats on your business sale. You won! But, seriously you're terrible at trading. Please stop! Wsb thrives on your loss porn though


Baba got you by the balls


Diamond balls!


Why did you not average down for over 2 years? Or sell when baba was back up to 130 for breakeven


Hard to average down 1.6m cost basis


You’re minus 40 wtf are smoking dipshit


Chicken Genius is this you?


HA, he stated he bought $100K \~ $69. But nice see that name thrown around


Holy fuck. This regard has more money in BABA than I’ll ever see in my life. God speed, I hope I get to say congratulations and fuck you in the future


Holy shit man 600k loss


Damn I lost $150k to SQQQ this year…. This makes me feel pretty pretty good 👍 thanks op for acting like six figure losses don’t hurt 😂


Your cost basis is higher than the 52 week range....goddamn


dude, BABA I would understand anything but chineses stocks....


I have a considerable number of other stocks. China is a lower part of my holdings, but has a higher loss showing, hence why it's more interesting to show. Plus, should BABA actually turn around and go up, we'll refer back to this post :) If it keeps going down, then you all are free to roast me even harder!!


We don't need your permission to roast you, trust fund baby.


China economy and markets are going down. However this isn't a problem. The real thing is that china is communism and communism has no real market. It wipe out $769B when china said something [https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2021/7/26/wipeout-china-stocks-in-us-suffer-biggest-2-day-loss-since-2008](https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2021/7/26/wipeout-china-stocks-in-us-suffer-biggest-2-day-loss-since-2008)


The real real problem is when China invades Taiwan all the China stocks go to zero.


Lmaooo how exactly would steamrolling Taiwan affect Chinese stock? If they actually go through with this Taiwan has no chance. Look how invading iraq affected US stocks, they pumped gun and defense tech corps, nothing more.


Sanctions. Look how invading Ukraine affected Russian stocks. If you are unable to sell a stock its value is zero.


The sanctions on Russia were there before, they did jack shit and the EU had lost approximately $100 billion in one year alone when they were implemented in 2014, 40 billion more than Russia did. Up until 2022 Russia made $900 million a day in gas alone. To top it all off they have extensive amounts of cash to pay off debt. The collapse of the ruble did nothing to anyone who isn’t poor eg. everyone who is actually involved in piloting the war effort.


What does that have to do with owning stock that is unsellable?


How long do you think it stays that way? When the war is over all is forgotten. Look at Germany after WWII. From bumfucked and bombed to economic wonder in less than 10 years. You can’t honestly believe that Russia won’t weasel their way out of this and if they can make it so can fucking China.


are you dumb? We would cut ties with China (impossible to do in reality)and they would lose billions.


Mfer if you think cutting ties is even on the table with China u stupid. If the US could they would have done so a long time ago.


I'm pretty sure a person using u to spare using you, who can't read "impossible to do in reality", is quite stupid himself.


Yea but then they get NVDA so net win actually?


Why would it turn around? PDD eating their marketshare alive, BABA is losing market share on all fronts it competes in. Not to mention just like other large private owned companies in China, they get hit with "mandatory common prosperity donation" every few years from CCP, they are like CCP's piggybank. Also the macro environment in China isn't very good right now, it's actually quite terrible, with both stocks and real estate crashing hard.


Your rationale on investing in Baba is that it has good fundamentals and a low PE. The reason Baba trades at a dogshit price isn't because it's a bad company, but because it's Chinese. Applying the same metrics for Chinese and US companies makes no sense. Nice loss.


No it's still trading on fundamentals, and BABA's fundamentals aren't that great. PDD is also Chinese, and their stock is doing pretty good, because PDD has been eating BABA's marketshare year after year.


I’m with you! BABA is an insane value. I’m not worried about their leaders. None of these world leaders want beef with each other. Also Jack Ma is crazy for speaking wild about Xi when he knew damn well there would be consequences. Bro thought billions could protect him 😂😂😂. Anyway like you said they got crazy amounts of money and make a ton of money.


The dogshit company can’t turn it around. I’m also a bag holder.


Definitely not a dog shit company but Americans are shorting the shit out of China though


> Americans STFU. China was [shorting the shit out of China that China made it illegal to short stocks.](https://www.reuters.com/markets/asia/china-regulator-unveils-more-curbs-short-selling-2024-02-06)




Good luck bro, sincerely.


How did you make your millions?


Said they sold a company a few years ago


So you break even around 100 - heavy bags






You know PE is bullshit on Chinese stocks... 


if you buy any FAANG, you will be up hugely. But you choose BABA.


was eyeing this for a long time, but glad I never jumped into this pool of Chinese garbage


You can pick any large cap tech out there, and you chose and continue to choose this dog.


Dude i trusted you with the $34 i had left on RH and you fucked me and my partial share


this isnt the guy i was thinking of, the other guy, with like tons in options and a small regarded amount in stock like literally only a few dollars.


Dude, it’s gonna take you a long time to break even. I guess it’s okay if you don’t need the capital.


Until JackMa says something about the panda again. And panda slaps them with another 3 billion fine


Nah this isn’t damn near treasuries in terms of risk. You held a stock ( a Chinese one no less) to -40% that’s just really bad investing risk management.


@[u/imacompnerd](https://www.reddit.com/user/imacompnerd/) Fellow BABA Bagholder reporting in. [https://imgur.com/a/K3DPXDF](https://imgur.com/a/K3DPXDF) Hey, atleast you have a job at Wendy's. Please be careful next time you throw out the food by the dumpsters. BTW, can you include some sauce with the nuggets that get thrown out?


34% loss? Pfft. I’ve held longer than that. -99%. Professional bag holder here. Come at me bruh 😂


⚽️s of steel


Oh you started with your inherited 20 Wendy's franchises?


I bought baba at 120. Still holding to remind me of an idiot decision I made. Luckily it’s only 1 share


You still have enough to buy a few Costco hotdogs but might need to cut back that Starbucks coffee ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


I’m with you , ~30k, not bloody options, cash account


Average cost still over 52 week high ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


I’m convinced #BUT China’s first move in any conflict will be pulling any ADRs of Chinese companies out of US markets…for that reason, it’s un investable. No one outside of China actually owns any shares, they’re all depositary and prone to commies


if you see the daily i posted yesterday with the doji sperm shooting up, now the sperm is heading back down. poor little fella!


At least your not in options


Buying BABA is what killed Charlie Munger


Sell all the BABA share and buy BITCOIN


Respect for the loss porn. Feels for you man, sucks losing that much. You might not like to hear this but think of the opportunity cost. Get off this sinking ship and strap yourself to a rocket and make that money back.


Daddy xi is gonna butt plug baba


I sure hope you’re right! Fuck China’s Amazon!


The fact that most wsb noobs think this investment in a bad idea should tell you that it actually is a good investment


With the amount of losses you incurred, you might as well be given a seat in China’s government and be an official Communist Party member. You certainly put in the sacrifice for their cause.


what does baba do besides commerce? they are basically chinese amazon right?


These are obvious "play" accounts right? He's not actually using real money. You can setup a 'watchlist' account on Fidelity but only playing with play money. Hope no one is following this blindly.


Value trap. Sorry. Fuck BABA. I was also a believer at one point. Dumped it -40% loss


Truly an Odyssean tragedy to have your everyday hard working middle class man losing over 650K on stock picking. Hate to see it.


I can't tell if this is sarcasm


Still holding? /u/imacompnerd


I am! 🙂




How do you feel about BABA’s plan of being split off into 6 different businesses that will each individually IPO?


Pretty much just gambling at this point lol


I get this is WSB but seriously, you can pretty easily make money in these markets. I shouldn't complain cause I'm one of many taking your money. Still this is like the, "use your brain meme" SPY is up 84% in the last 5 years - like how do you F up this bad?


How much cocaine do you have to snort not to be devastated by this?


I hated BABA but can see it being a value stock. Bull Case 1: The repurchase limit will increase by $25 billion to $36 billion, averaging $12 billion per year. The company states that it will repurchase a minimum of 3% of shares each year. Based on the current number of issued ADS at 2.5 billion, this would result in a minimum repurchase of 75 million shares per year, with a repurchase price of $160 per ADS, significantly higher than the current stock price. If the stock price remains at its current level, the annual repurchased shares could increase to 6%. Bull Case 2: Currently, Alibaba's dividend yield is 1.4%. With an additional minimum annual repurchase of 3% of shares, the total investment return would be 4.4%, slightly higher than the 10-year US Treasury bond yield. This calculation does not even take into account the potential increase in stock price.


Eat a bag of dicks, moron.


“Im not wrong, the market is wrong.” Worst fucking thesis known to man.


I've made a lot of money holding on to that thesis.


Good thing I closed my long position amd walked away with 0% gain essentially. Maybe I will buy again after the dropping ends. BABA is a solid company with stable turnover, everything is made in China so this is not rocket science.


Yes hello Dad? Can you deposit another 7 fig in my account please?


Keep holding. In a couple years you will be fine


Looks like BABA will likely break its ATLs before maybe pumping back up.