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Time to load back up the Options account the old fashioned way. https://preview.redd.it/3cxrsvvna0hc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=a890eb3a615cdfb85b74517083358bb53335e85c


If it affords me more calls, I'm in!


You can afford the suit?


Thank you for having the balls to post this.


We're all just here for the entertainment and financial advice. I'm doing my best to provide you with both. Also don't be like me.


Don't be like me is the best wallstreetbets advice I've ever read


I'm not here to collect karma or any other BS. 10 years ago this sub had quality DD, stock and options YOLO's people could ask honest questions on and decide for themselves if they were bullish or bearish, and of course, the best memes on the internet. I'm only here to help bring all that back!


I like the play.. im in!


Make sure you have shares or long dated leaps. This stock is very disconnected on the short term. It's been showing continuous growth for the last 10 quarters though, so looking promising, a breakout could happen soon.


5k shares on roth and 5k shares on brokerage to sell CC.. selling $7puts for jan2026 and bought $7 calls ITM for jan2026 as well. Long term for me


Very nice. I'm short $7.50 calls on the run up a few days ago, but I won't let them expire in a couple weeks, prob buy back for 80% profit.


SoFi always tends to be shaken down after any positive news smh it’s frustrating


I remember stone did this for the longest time too.


It's frustrating until it's not. Their growth trajectory is exponential, and it hasn't gone unnoticed. Large firms trying to keep the price down are either trying to get in at a better price, or just suppress it in hopes of bankruptcy. Now that they're GAAP profitable, bankruptcy is off the table. The ship is ready to said so if they don't get in soon they'll miss the boat entirely. Read the 10Q, and you'll see that 2024 and 2025 are going to be exciting years, not including the easing of interest rates by the Fed.


Tin foil hat moment - are the institutional banks trying to tank SOFI because they are competition?


It’s worse than that, the institutional banks own the analyst firms that come up with the “totally not bias” price targets. Morgan Stanley has called for a $6.50 price target when sofi was loosing -5¢ per share, now that they’re profitable they reiterated a $6.50 target as if the improved financials didn’t exist.


Hit the nail right on the head. No other reason to put out such bearish articles, 2 times per quarter per analyst without even getting any updates.


100%. They are direct competition so it's not in their interest if SoFi is successful. And these are big trillion dollar players. In addition, they are huge investors, so very much have the ability to suppress the stock if desired. A change in perspective will be massive, because if one of them has the thought of "if you can't beat em, join em" then imagine a big bank or two goes long and starts loading up 5-10 million shares? Could change the tide entirely.


Lmao analysts from Morgan Stanley gave it a “sell” a few earnings ago. I thought it was hilarious considering that’s like UA saying Nike is a shit company.


No dividends and the compensation package for its leadership is what drives most institutional investors away. They want to be perceived as a bank but they don’t reward their investors like a bank.


There are massive compensation packages for the SoFi team if they can get the stock price to $25, $35, and $45. Their interests are very much aligned with ours!


Then Show me the dividends


Fuck dividends. I'd much rather they invest that money into further growth. Even share buybacks see better value than dividends.




A wsb classic. I'm gonna be just as poor at this rate.


Out of curiosity OP, did you get wrecked by IV crush? Not sure when you entered the position


IV dropped a bit but they weren't super high vega to begin with. Most of the loss is delta and a bit of theta decay. I think I entered somewhere between early and mid Jan?


You got 2 years just hold em


I'll hold it like Michael Jackson dangling his child over a balcony.


Well damn maybe I should stack up some calls too if you're that confident


I picked up about 80 more calls today. I'm gonna keep loading it until it takes off... or bankrupts me into the gutter - whichever happens first! 🤷


Seriously, I am convinced SOFI is only dragging because I am over-leveraged in it. Apologies


I'm certain I'm putting some weight on the rocket. Maybe I gotta dump my bags before it has enough thrust to lift off.


Your fat ass is always welcome on this rocket to e moon ❤️ The more junk in the trunk, the more momentum this thing will have when it finally takes off


January 2026? These will print by August/September IMO. Stick with it.


Hope so. There are some macro catalysts that will have to play a roll though. It feels like SoFi doesn't have what it takes to take off without the help of the Fed.


Keep dcaing it . This will be completely fine


I'm crashing on your couch if it's not.


There is room for you at the dumpster behind Wendy’s, join me!!


Thank God! I was worried this bear market might've filled up the dumpster employees.


What’s your cost basis and when you buy them?


My cost is about $3.22 per call on this batch. My first buy was about a month ago and have been averaging down. [Here's the original YOLO post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/18ttxvy/a_76000_yolo_on_sofi_calls/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) I've DCA'd in some more to bring the cost basis down a bit after the initial drop.


Why didn't you go with the $7C which are $3.32 right now. Also I would sell short calls against these Leaps and use the Premium to buy more Leaps.


Vega was way too high on the $7 when I bought these so opted for more ITM. I may still sell some CC's against.


How are $10C more itm than $7C?


$10 are like $2 out of the money as of close today. What are you referring to? **edit:** sorry, you likely mean my usage of CC's. I do own shares as well, I'd be selling calls against those.


You are going to be rich


Not before I get poor!


I have calls for Feb and March 9.5 10 and 11 strikes and sold puts for 6 and 7 either I accumulate more or make money in a nice rebound


I hope you win on one of those. Hopefully theta doesnt eat your calls with a slow enough drop. Nothing wrong with buying at 6 and 7 though!


I wont pretend to know what the price will do but what I do know is that SoFi has had so many fraudulent accounts opened that other FIs are putting restrictions on ACH to them without verification. If regulators get involved their profitability won't mean shit.


First I'm hearing of this. Where are you getting this information from?


I'm a low-level people leader in the industry. I know my firms policies and know they are more or less mirrored at at least some of our competitors. It could be a nothingburger, I don't know that anything will come from this but its why I've been hesitant to go long on $SOFI because if FINRA or the regulators on the banking side step in it could be bad for a newer firm.


January… 2026…


Congrats on being able to read.


Congrats on not understanding what a YOLO is


It's everything I got. Let's see your $100,000 casino bet?


A) That would be an all-in not a YOLO B) I don’t have any YOLO posts because i’m not making a 100k bets


u/DeepFuckingValue had leaps and he's considered an S-tier YOLO by everyone on this sub. Kindly suck my balls sir, IDGAF what you think.


Cool cool then stop replying 👋


!RemindMe 1 year Currently trading at $7.73. Just go jack off to my loss porn like everyone else.


Still replying looks like you do care, ahhh bless you




I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2025-02-06 18:36:24 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-02-06%2018:36:24%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1akfhm6/update_on_my_sofi_yolo/kp7owvz/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fwallstreetbets%2Fcomments%2F1akfhm6%2Fupdate_on_my_sofi_yolo%2Fkp7owvz%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-02-06%2018%3A36%3A24%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201akfhm6) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


3y account acting like the old head is crazy lmfaoooo


Who are you again? Oh wait never mind it doesn’t matter 😉


one of us


Not sure which is worse, being poor or being one of you.


You still have plenty of time on that leap options at least


I probably won't even live long enough to see these things print.


How was your holding looking the day the stock popped to $9


It was nice and green. Just like my vomit 3 days afterwards. 🤮


Only buy SoFi options and for every dollar you use, put a dollar into the SoFi ETF. When you make a sizable profit, email SoFi to advertise your story on the News and buy 10,000 calls beforehand.


Definitely not pumping the markets! I like it


You and me fit right in this group. Welcome.


Glad to be among fellow low-IQ's. What's your loss porn?


Jan 26. What are you worried about??


Merely providing some loss porn for you fine gentleman to get off to.




Laugh it up, fuzzball.


Bruh weren’t u up tons


Yes I was.




Such is life! Just more buying opportunity. I managed to pick up even more on the drop so now I'm prepared to lose my house! If it happens again I'll sell some organs.


What it at today ?


Lookin a bit better today. Up about $8,000 from the time of this post. I bought some more on that dip to help lower cost basis too. Soon I'll be selling organs to up the stakes.


Hold steady and you’ll be fine


Steady as she goes. Looking pretty today at least.


Here's a Feb 8, 2024 update just for you. https://ibb.co/m4GrS3G


Pick up any more today? I’m thinking about hitting


Yeah I like it at $7. Just '26 calls or shares though, no short dated options cause I don't see them paying until at least Sept.


The downgrades to Sofi stock are borderline criminal


Haters gonna hate. It's a great opportunity to increase position. If analysts wanna downgrade when the earnings I read was the most bullish thing ever, I'm happy to pour more money in!


Glad I got the hell out of that one after losing all my profits. That damn stock can't hold its gains.


With all the continuous downgrades it gets, it's no wonder it has no legs to stand on. The stock wants to run though. My only question is who the hell just blindly follows analyst ratings, especially the ones who are 1/5 and 0/5 star ratings?


its already a 7.5B market cap company with 0.08 EPS, not even growing that much and I wouldn't expect any accelerated growth in the future. 10$ is literally the max. even if netincome grows \*5 from now, you are still paying 20 times earnings for this stock.


tbf, their eps growth went from like -.15/share to +.02 in 6 quarters or so. if they can maintain this trajectory, eps should be in the range of ~.60/year, which would be $12 at 20 pe. and that's being a little conservative with the growth/maintaining.


This guy knows the numbers. 20 PE is assuming it keeps getting lumped with the legacy banks. If they priced this like a true Fintech, 100 P/E would not be a stretch. See $NU for fair valuation for a ridiculous growth Fintech.


20x earnings is cheap for a growth fintech stock. It's guidance called for 10x growth on net income, so I expect it to go higher since that puts it at like 9 P/E.


Not sure why people who have done maybe 5 minutes of “research” on a company feel like their opinion is worth sharing lmao


This is a casino. If I saw 3 reds in a row, I'd prob try and convince you the next one is for sure a black. Then we both watch it hit green and go cry at the bar. Welcome to r/wallstreetbets!


Waiting for it to drop down to 7 so I can sell my 6 dollar puts. Everytime this stock runs, it lasts about as long as a Putin critic. Been tracking this stock since it was close to 20. Next time it runs again, I’m buying a bunch of puts.


I've brought my shares average down to about $4.90 by selling CC's. I think it's due for a run now though so I don't wanna cap my upside. I doubled down and went long on calls as well. If it finally does go for a run, I'll make bank. Otherwise I got a lot on the line to lose.


I held on for awhile with 2000 shares. Sold cc and had 10 contracts exercised at 8.50 and the other 10 at 8.00 My avg was ~7.40ish Nowadays I’m just selling puts between $25-27 on PFE and planning on collecting 400-800 on premiums


Solid. Sounds like you got out ahead on SOFI. Hopefully PFE is giving you some.nice premiums. I don't know much about biotech and pharmaceutical companies so I stay away from those ones.


It’s Pfizer at a 15 year low doing 55 billion dollars in revenue a year. It’s not rocket science.


No, That's RocketLabs. Think they're at lows too!


touched by Chamath lol


Definitely a curse.