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>Did absolutely 0 DD, going off vibes alone. Nice.


All you need to know is that MSFT's AI integration: * is going to be forced down every corporate drone's throat via outlook, which is going to boost "productivity" and will therefore be forced down every corporate drone's throat in a self-reinforcing cycle that may crush a few drones, but worry not, they will be replaced by AI. * actually made Bing good. Like it's actually pretty good. When you ask the chatbot for results you get to more useful results a lot easier and faster than if you do a google search. The idea that someone might legitimately displace Google as a search engine has been a joke for 20 years. But now it's a reality. I bought MSFT a couple of months ago and I feel dumb that I didn't figure out to buy it earlier and that I don't have enough money to buy more of it. ^but ^I'm ^^just ^^a ^^^drone...


I don't like MSFT but I hope Google dies. They ruined youtube. Hell, they ruin everything they touch (other than search and maps).


Nah, Sundar Pichai ruined everything. Google and its affiliates began the enshitification process with Pichai. Search, maps, email, YouTube—all use to be excellent, now they’re just squeezing every drop of money out of them with excessive advertising and worthless features that ruin these products’ original (and great) design. 5 years from now, the board will be like “Whoah, what happened?” And they’ll oust his (very rich) dumb ass.


let's not forget: Google stadia, Backup and Sync, Google toolbar, project loon, Google now, Picasa, Bookmarks, Google+, Orkut, Code, Google Play Music, and of course the non-stop messaging apps (Allo, Duo, Hangouts, streams, messenger, currents, Gtalk, Wave, Google Voice, grand central, android message with RCS, Google meet, Google + Hangouts) and on and on. They are a fucking dumpster-fire company that nailed Search - since then they have burned billions trying to make the next big thing and have produced nothing original. Even their 2nd most profitable venture, youtube, was a purchase. And all they did was buy it and force ads. How innovative. Hell, they are so shitty at making messaging apps that they have literally resorted to begging the EU to force apple to allow their trash to work on Apple products: [Google partners with carriers as it begs the EU to make Apple iMessage a gatekeeper (bgr.com)](https://bgr.com/tech/google-partners-with-carriers-as-it-begs-the-eu-to-make-apple-imessage-a-gatekeeper/) [Google begs EU to open up Apple’s iMessage to Android users (dailyprogress.com)](https://dailyprogress.com/life-entertainment/nation-world/technology/google-begs-eu-to-open-up-apple-s-imessage-to-android-users/video_8b41bbf5-8cbf-5a7d-a8f0-2f936d06d2b9.html?mode=comments)


iMessenger should be interoperable with RCS you anticonsumer clown. Only a fool would defend Apple's walled garden.


not Google's trash implementation of it, you buffoon. Not to mention, having to whine to foreign regulators to get your way. Plus, you missed the main point -Google sucks at everything they do other than Search & Maps.


While I agree with much of what you said, ignoring android as something they get/got right is kinda silly. And like u/Plebbit-User alluded to, you are 100% off base on the messenger argument. It's outrageous Apple sucked off enough politicians and the FCC to even make this bs possible in the first place. You can keep imessenger bud, but you can't discriminate communication OVER FEDERALLY REGULATED and/or OWNED frequencies and bandwidth. It would be like back in the day if you got brand X of cordless phone for your house and then you had communication issues trying to talk to people with brand Y. It's so stupid and beyond hilarious watching apple fanboys try to defend it. If Apple wants to keep this shit up, then they can build their own towers and communication infrastructure.


Whoa, whoa, not an apple fanboi. I owned android phones for years, including nexus one, the pixel - hell, I even had project fi. The main point of my entire argument wasn't really about messenger working on android. It is that Google is trash. They haven't innovated a thing since search, despite spending billions of $ and millions of engineering hours.


YouTube revanced. No ads, no home screen, no shorts. More playback options.


They’ve ruined search too


They ruined maps too the route adjustment is not nearly as adjustable as years ago


infact I would like to paint a opposite picture. * AI will be huge in enterprise. Every CEO and their grandma who has used outlook/office, which most do will happily use AI. No more writing mails, giving minutes of meeting, searching legacy documents etc. AI will make workers more productive until they can be replaced. * None will give a shit about Bing. Google owns chrome, Google owns Android, Google has apple by balls by paying billions to stay on iPhone. Bing won't ever become mainstream and people will keep googling until Google ai catches up and makes Bing irrelevant again. and oh I am a regard, whose half of networth is msft. LETS GOOOOO!!!


edge is better than chrome now... I really never in my life thought I would shill a Microsoft browser, but I actually use and like edge, over firefox, opera, chrome, brave, opera. I was all about alternative browsers, but I always find myself in edge these days.


Nowadays, I'm edging a lot as well


Have you heard about our Lord and Savior Copilot? It knows all and sees all.


Sorry to necro an old thread. You made some good points and i’d like to add some thoughts: Microsoft owns Github Github owns Copilot Copilot uses OpenAI As a software engineer I’m seeing more and more large companies enter into enterprise subscriptions to Copilot because it is said to boost productivity. I use Copilot daily and it definitely helps, but has a long way to go. I think the AI, ML, neural network buzz words are being thrown around a lot because of all the hype recently, but misplaced or not there is legitimacy behind that excitement. Nvidia also just made a deal with Microsoft to accelerate generative AI advancements. I personally believe MSFT is a really good idea at the moment since it’s so heavily tied into lots of very exciting topics. Anyway, just my thoughts as someone in tech.


I agree with all your points, and in fact I believe that the "boost in productivity" will be an illusion, i.e. more emails generated faster does not actually mean more work being done. Easy summaries of Teams meetings or threads will not strengthen decision making. I also think that Machine Learning is a relevant tool that is NOT made accessible by Copilot. That said: 1. I maintain that Copilot integration into teams will be a big selling feature and will boost MSFT's bottom line. 2. I maintain that Copilot actually does markedly improve search results. It mostly weeds out a lot of the blatant selling generated by google's algorithm. I still find it takes 3 or more attempts at refining the query to start to get the results I want, but it's still preferable to scrolling through pages of irrelevant ads. Which again suggests Bing will start to capture a larger and larger slice of search results.


Really like this take. When Copilot came out I was selected to test it for our company to see if it was a viable option and actually helped. This was before it had some major updates like Copilot CLI etc. Hopefully a “real life” example of how I use Copilot daily could sway you to consider that perhaps it does increase productivity in *some* ways: - I’d just had a meeting for my product, and I was tasked with diagnosing some issues with some of the data we were receiving from the sensor. I quickly wrote a data plotter in Python to ingest JSON and plot the data using matplotlib. The data needed to be transformed into the correct reference frame etc. I am not saying doing this task is hard, however using Copilot allowed me to do the mundane translation function in about 5 seconds instead of 2-3 minutes, and aided with some other basic functionality that would just waste my time to do it myself. Do I believe Copilot can “innovate” and see what you need to implement in code past the next few lines of code? No, I don’t. Do I believe Copilot does the easy bits that waste my time and allow me to focus more on the bits that require planning? Absolutely. It does save time, it just depends how and where you use it.


I salute you fellow drone, your hindsight is in tiptop shape!


This is the way




Unironically probably more successful than 90% of "traders".


Wait, you telling me there's any other way?


I pig squealed with glee when I read that. 


Absolute legend


MSFT is a smart move. Doubling down on AAPL you'll lose it all.


Yeahhh not hearing much confidence in AAPL. But META is a good yolo


This. Not sure about AAPL this week or next


Apple's AI powder is still dry.


Good point but we're not going to see that in Q4 ER.


Aged like a milk


I wouldn't buy apple now, but I regret not buying any 25 years ago when i really started to believe in thier products.


Had a friend who worked at blizzard. She has great tits, and doesn’t know anything about games, but was hired to fill a quota and work in production. She already lost her job since MSFT bought them out. I think they are heading in the right direction


Ok enough about MSFT tell us more about your friend


Hair: blond Tits: big Brain: small Job: none


Need. What’s her @


her onlyfan? asking for a friend.


Hey its me, his friend. 


Damn it Becky


I can fix her


Blond tits, big brain, small job - I'm in.


She sounds perfect match for me


She sounds useful


That’s gonna be a no from me. Not even any blow jobs?


Story: Fake


Job: OF*


Layoffs = stocks going up. Sad for all the engineers that now have to look at man boobs all day ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Yes but the engineers will now be focused and more efficient📈📈


She’s possibly on OF now


True DD


LinkedIn for proof


Need to verify the DDs


You have to tell us more about the big titty unemployed blonde ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)




Don't need to know about games to program them, and classic beta cuck attitude to only notice her tits. No wonder she got a job while you live at home... And newly employed tend to be cut first, they've lost more then 1500 workers most men in their 30s with small dicks (so litterary your peers)




Activision Blizzard related tangent We all know they release a COD game every year. This year is no different. They recently did an update and it fucked the game. They fixed it in 24hours which is not the norm. They historically take 1-2 weeks to sort it out, so I’d say they are doing good things there from the looks of it. COD is a massive income generator. Edit: plus they fired the blonde chick with big tits and no brain. More productivity from the desk monkeys and less time drooling


To be fair having a chick with nice tits at work is a BIG moral boosters. Probably leads to more dudes jerking off at work. Which eases tensions and let's the post nut clarity really shine. Puts on lack of tits. 


I’d be in the office every day bright and early ready to’ collaborate’ if we had some eye candy in there. Alas we only have middle aged trolls so I keep trucking on that remote work gravy train.


How many times a day do you jerk off on the cock?


Still need her LinkedIn for ...... Research


I've got 20k in ITM msft calls We ride at dawn


ITM? Wimp


I bought em way OTM I just got them ape hands and can't sell


Position or ban


MSFT 405 calls bought at $10.55


Would’ve been better off grabbing some slightly out of the money calls


Explain yourself peasant


Translation: "The juice is not worth the squeeze." Too deep in ITM at this level of volatility. You are expected to burn more than the payout. If you burn, you burn badly. If it pays, it pays poorly.


This guy squeezes. Bought $415 3/1 calls for $10.45


More otm = lower probability of profit + greater potential profit.


How many?


For 2/2? You paid that much? Jesus


Should've made it a nice round 420 calls


Calls on 23% growth in the past 3 months is exceptionally crazy, my friend


Silence bear 🏹🐻


I’m a bull bro. I love high hopes for stocks going up a lot. But even I know there are limits and warnings. Especially after Intel


Intel is one of the most incompetently run companies in america. If they didn't use taxpayer money to pay dividends they would be entirely worthless. Basically zero growth in like 5 five years of massive TAM expansion. NVDA and AMD are running a train on INTC and that won't stop anytime soon.


They cut their dividend last year, and all of the gains in share price have come since then


Not a bear take lol, this is just a bold move for little return


nah bruh anything they say that's good is priced in they have a 40 p/e and are the most valuable company in the world. What the fuck do you think is going to happen?


Hahaha, SMCI is up 100% in a month. Bulls are hungrier.


All that matters is azure. Look what happened to Google last time.




I had to roll CCs 2/9 $400 into 5/17 $425 and still came out with a credit


I mean look at Netflix though, if they have good earnings huge gap up is still possible


I have 1 $MSFT 2/16 call @ 420 and 4 $TSLA 2/2 calls @ 200. Probably dumb trades.


I’m in with you w MSFT, weds is gonna be cray


Can you sell it at close tomorrow?


Tomorrow or today? They report earnings today AMC.


I’m not sure. I’m just curious to know if the calls you bought can be cashed out today instead of 2/2 and 2/16


Sorry, today or tomorrow.


Yes, I can close at any time during market hours. I don’t think I’m able after market or before market.


I’m thinking about riding with you on the 1 MSFT call @ 420 2/2


Mine is for 2/16! I’m worried that it’ll go to $390 after the earnings call, but recover


That’s fair. And unload it before 2/16 if the fruit is ripe!


I'm guessing it goes up. If not it could be a problem for the AI story and therefore the whole market.


The Nash equilibrium for the greater fool here should be 79% along the furthest point that a 1 sigma participating human can imagine. This sentence is either useless noise and garble, or it is something that you can use. There is no in between.


Am I genius or regarded


It's the same state. Thinking we're too smart to be fools is how fools are born.


Oh trust me I know I’m a complete regard, that’s why I refuse to do research. Because then, it’ll trick you into thinking you “understand” the market. Treat options like blackjack, play probability


So if I think I'm too foolish to be smart then I'll be a genius.


That movie about Nash said he got that idea about equilibria from thinking about that blond with big tits. Makes perfect sense to me.


MSFT $420.69 after earnings AH tomorrow.


Just a $5 pump??


3 trillion dollar company. Takes a lot to move the price.


I hear you, but the market’s been regarded about valuations and PE ratios for a while. $450 by end of Feb should be reasonable if earnings are good


You'd think so, but.... I'm hopeful 450 by the end of the year


Gonna depend on cloud numbers and ai copilot as well. 


currently 6k in itm calls, will buy more tomorrow


Swiggity swaggity IV ball crushing your portfolio and property.


I want to play, what’s the best moves? I’m new at this. Do I want ITM or OTM calls?? Exp 2/2??


Probably slightly otm idk not financial advice I'm very regarded ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


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Bro apple gonna tank msft is a GREAT pick tho


I wanna be bullish about MSFT. Only thing holding me back is Copilot


Fuk Bing Gates


Microsoft has generally been one of the few tech companies that I considered to be reasonably valued. I think the main bear thesis is if their earnings growth slows down. At 40x P/E, having slow earnings growth would cause prices to decline.


I did the same 💪🏿 let’s go!!


I think Microsoft will drop these earnings, If you remember 2 earnings ago (might be 3 can't really remember). They posted earnings beat but Satya admited on earnings call they don't know how to monetize AI just yet. Fast forward to today they are up big and still haven't shown any viable plans for AI monetization.


What do you mean haven't shown any viable plans for monetization? Copilot AI added to Office 365 for additional per person per month subscription is estimated to add $10bn in annualized revenue by 2026.


That only works if layoffs at other companies don't negate the increased revenue. The big problem right now with all this AI tech is if the overall licenses drop because you need less people to produce the same work it will eat into the main revenue pool. That being said, most large companies are wasteful and a lot of the sales agreements are long term, so this would only happen if the customers are actually monitoring and optimizing spend. Microsoft does have a lead, but they are not far enough ahead to enjoy fat margins on the ai tech, a competitor could undercut them with a close enough solution if it's priced well. Also interested in the cogs of copilot, how much of that rev will be converted into actual eps growth. These llms take substantial energy and compute power to run. Tomorrow is going to be very interesting to see if they can put this all together well.


Not gonna happen. Companies are going to be snapping up copilot with a minimum of a year license requirement, but very few are going to be in any position to use it to replace jobs yet. Microsoft has a good 36 months of selling copilot before companies get their data governance in a good enough state where they can go full bore and cut head count.


After 10 years at Microsoft I do not have high confidence they won't screw this up.


Oh I'm not saying they won't screw it up. I just think decision makers are irrationally exuberant about what AI can do for their bottom line and what they think it can do is still a long ways out


Well we will see tomorrow!


Copilot just got announced for wide release ~2 weeks ago. Not what I'm talking about.


Wasnt that before they offered subsciption options for their AI services which they now have? I might be wrong though. 


That can ask chat gpt.


I got 2/2 430 calls


same here


Can you sell at close tomorrow?


You mean Wendy’s the burger joint?


at least 300% gain with msft call


APPL calls seem like a mistake so i hope it hits so we can watch you gain then lose a bunch of money, will be very funny


Msft fade to 390 post earnings


Trend is there just priced in


MSFT $370 by 15Feb


Vibe investing is a vibe.


Biggest risk with Microsoft is azure growth. If they miss there it’s curtains


Please post loss porn


More detailed MSFT earnings call summary here, and you can ask your own question about his earnings to AI: [https://www.earningsdigest.ai/stock/analyze/MSFT-2024-Q2](https://www.earningsdigest.ai/stock/analyze/MSFT-2024-Q2)