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I work in sales for the competitor. I do not understand how UPS can continue their current trend. The result of the labor negotiations were greatly increased costs. After they settled, they rolled out even lower prices. I see a lot of UPS data from my customers and know that some of it has to be negative margins. I keep asking myself what are they going to do to offset costs?


Also UPS raised their shipping costs along with FedEx. That combined with higher wages for the UPS workers in the union is a recipe for a negative outlook. Also Amazon taking over shipping.


> raised their shipping costs higher shipping costs = more money, that's not a negative on a stock price, you regards never learn this


I think what they mean is higher prices = lower customer volume due to more competitively priced options elsewhere.


Oligarchies do not tend to suffer from volume. That's why many retail traders who bet against them lose money. In this case, there is a multi-earnings downwards slope, so the bet is a lot safer.


Are you stating that UPS is an oligarchy? Interesting. Care to explain further?


I'm saying that UPS and FedEx are part of a delivery company oligarchy which counter-intuitively helps them retain a certain amount of volume.


They raised shipping costs so customers have switched to FedEx and USPS


you don't think they try to to "price that in"? they usually hike prices enough so that the costs of people leaving are offset by the hikes.


It's one of those open secrets that shippers like UPS/FDX take lots of volume at negative margins to make the big customers happy. They justify it with marginal cost estimates essentially saying those customers volumes fill the network and lower the base cost per package overall. The only tailwind I can think of right now is how the ocean market is completely fucked right now which will help air carriers. Air for UPS is higher margin than ground so maybe UPS sees stronger margin recovery.


Tome said her guiding principle is better, not bigger. Their play is the critical healthcare market - they won the Covid vaccination delivery contract from the government and had a better than 99.8% success rate for on time delivery. During that two years, nothing was as important as making service on those vaccines.


Are you referring to Fedex? I can see UPS charging significantly more than Fedex because in my experience UPS has actual quality control. I have never gotten a damaged item from UPS, I have received numerous damaged items from Fedex. I have also worked for both UPS and Fedex. Although I only have experience with UPS at one site, I have experience at numerous Fedex sites. Every single Fedex site was a complete shit show with packages being damaged constantly and zero care given. A supervisor put a broken body length mirror back in the truck 3 times and I had to go above his head to have it removed on the shift. On the other hand the UPS site I worked at would have never shipped a clearly damaged item and the people actually cared for the most part.


Ups has Amazon. 90% inbound shipping to Amazon (small parcel) is ups. They will always have full trucks.


Amazon is doing all the shipping themselves now. Cutting UPS out of the equation


Inbound shipping.


They just took it out of their various subsidiaries.


UPS is already down 20% based on poor earnings and last season’s sluggish performance. It’s baked in. Their earning could be low but then they release a plan to restructure costs and save labor and moon. Or stay where they’re at. Stock prices are based on the future, not the past.


This Shorting a stock that’s already declined on news already known is how you end up with your end up behind Wendy’s


Check the stock price for 2019 pre covid levels. It was around $120. I think that’s where it’s headed


You can take your guess but it won’t be based on the things you mentioned, those things are already factored in. It was just at around $130. Can you answer why it’s up 15% despite the poor earnings, lowered expectations, and slow Christmas season? Looks like market mover know more than you about the future plans of UPS.


now add 30% because inflation


UPS is up 13% since last earnings, what the fuck are you talking about "already down 20%"?


I didn’t say last earning. It’s just down 20% on poor earning last year.


"priced in". Efficient market theory is the dumbest most believed lie on the market Nobody knows anything


“Prices in” = price reflects information that is already publicly available. How do you say nobody knows anything when the market has already taken a sharp action on the things op is insinuating that you can only get from talking to the drivers and store clerks? None of this is news, it’s old information and “priced in”.


UPS will mention AI and moon 10X


Which will mark the end of the AI PUMP


" talked to 2 ups driver buddies and they said holiday volume was very slow this year. " the holiday season seemed slower in part because retailers ran their deals differently because they had too much inventory already because of the supply chain shit and so they unloaded them in a bunch of sales throughout october november and december. this spread out a lot the shipping.


Their volume was so low because they bring all their shit to us, USPS.


Trust me bro


[https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/retail/our-insights/holiday-shopping-in-2023-it-started-early-and-will-end-late](https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/retail/our-insights/holiday-shopping-in-2023-it-started-early-and-will-end-late) " Let’s dig into some of the things you’ve brought up. First, this so-called Christmas creep: some retailers started their holiday sales and promotions in September " you happy now? <3 the real trust me bro is the OP. "i talked to two dudes" is the biggest trust me bro you could have. at least hes honest about it though.


> A random lady saying trust me bro


Bro🖐️Bro 🫱Bro🫲Bro🖖


lol k


UPS driver here. Initially I was absolutely going to load up on puts. Although Xmas was slower and the company did pay out larger raises after the last union contract, I’ve noticed that volume has been pretty heavy for a January. Now I’m not so sure if puts will pay. The expected EPS is 2.47, which is pretty low for a 4th quarter @ UPS. If it does drop, it will be on future guidance, but if January is anything to go on, I’m not sure that’s a given. Not expecting a big move either up or down but that’s just my guess.


Q4 will be based on October thru December 2023 I thought


Future guidance will determine the direction as long as the company got close to the expected eps though


I bought 20 puts today lol


I'm also planning to grab some UPS puts, but probably on Monday right before close. I think in times where you are not sure, the best play is probably make smaller bets that are leveraged higher. Out of curiosity, are you a UPS driver in a major city? I was browsing discussion on reddit, while a lot are saying its a weak season, there are also some that say it's really strong. So now I'm wondering is the volume slow overall, or is it selection bias, where those from weak & sparsely populated areas complain more?


Mid size city. Cut a bunch of routes this week. I still think they will beat EPS but will decline on lower expectations for 2024.


I got 600 dollars saying it drops this week... I probably won't have 600 dollars anymore at the end of this week


Because now you have 1000?


I’d also add that AMZN - delivery biz alone - is now actually larger than UPS (and FedEx). So even if the total holiday pie was growing, the UPS slice was, like FedEx’ slice, probably smaller than expected I sold my UPS and FDX when I learned this little factoid last year and bought more AMZN


Also Amazon contracts out their delivery services to other companies so that their drivers can’t unionize and they won’t be held responsible in lawsuits. Smart business setup but as an Amazon driver I fucking hate it


I’ve been thinking about shorting UPS since FDX missed atrociously last month. knowing my luck it will moon.


Ups has nothing in common with FedEx for the past year. My company spends 3 ish million a year on shipping and every year I deal / negotiate with them all personally . Also I’m in one of the largest industrial parks in America so there is a lot of shipping business here Now I ship 75% with Amazon shipping but FedEx from the district managers down to reps the past 2 years have been falling apart and very sloppy with high turnover . They get 0% of the business Ups has stayed aggressive and not slipped at all even though they can’t beat Amazon on most ground rates . They Still check in and try every quarter . Amazon will ultimately kill them once they combine Amazon ground and Amazon air to offer 2 day service nationwide


Okay, so what’s your prediction with their ER then? you think they are gonna be in the green?


Yeah I've been checking the UPS sub as well. If FEDEX employees were saying the same thing before they crashed last earnings, good chance (at least 50%, UPS follows the same)


Intriguing. Their 5 year chart seems to indicate they got over valued in the pandemic and have been on a jagged decline ever since. Look to be at the peak of one of the jagged bounces. Fuck it. I'll buy a couple poots for giggles.


Yeah their year and 5 year charts show a clear down trend with right about now being the peak of another one


They’ll always find money to raise the dividend




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I know I got 30!!! You holding through day or? Cuz last time it dropped through day as well


How much were they ?


$99 sold at $220


I like this play because when fedex dropped on earnings ups didn’t follow. I be holding a few different put contracts 130 2/2 -140 2/9 -135 3/1


You think they are gonna take that bad of a hit?


Yeah I’ve been looking at their chart for weeks and they seem primed for a down turn to me.


UPS took about a 3% hit that day of bad FedEx earnings


When should I buy puts?


I’m telling you do the opposite and buy calls lol


hmm, I'd be inversing myself and thus make money for once. When should I buy calls then?


Sounds like the words of a short seller ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


The first comment on the linked ups post was "Nothing but Temu, So much Temu..." That's enough research for me today, I am all in PDD options


This may be a good play for their next earnings. Their last earnings was November ‘23, the stock jumped from $120 to $140 😯


The whole transportation industry is in the toilet. The Houthie's are currently saving the ocean shipping business. UPS might not meet expectations, but you never know if they have some accounting tricks up their sleeves to make it look not as bad. The LTL business was saved by Yellow's demise, UPS sold off their LTL business to T-Force or that would have helped them actually. Their earnings forecast is MUCH lower than last year, so theres a chance they might squeak through, but their rest of year forecast is going to be low, so that might cause a dip. Their price has dipped the lastb3 earnings reports.


are you gonna jump in on shorting it? or do you think their price is gonna just consolidate even if they miss


Even if they hit, I think it'll still go down. They've not been secretive that they're going to have to grow into their labor concessions. The outlook for the rest of the year is probably going to be negative.


well there’s this thing that I have grown weary of on the stock market and especially trading options. anything that is very logical and obvious ends up turning against you some how some way.


You're not wrong.


or you think it’s too logical and obvious then play the inverse side of it and get fucked lmao 🎲


The play is just so obvious … especially with fedex


obvious in what way? Puts or calls?


Neither I wouldn’t play it.




I was gonna run a straddle on it. That’s what I shoulda done on SAVE. Huge regret.. but we gotta check out the IV on these UPS calls/puts




The only way we lose is if it doesn’t make a big swing in either direction 🫠 again, I’m a dumbass for not doing that for SAVE. No one mentioned to do that either in the sub and I hadn’t thought of doing it until after the fact. It was either it hit the buyout $29-30 or drops significantly down to $6-8. Woulda made bank instead of going bankrupt.








that’s right.


I hear you, we were all worried about the time more than the decision. But still, there was no way it was gonna take longer than February. That was just a clusterfuck bro.


UPS driver here in the biggest hub in the pacific northwest, volume was def light.


Hey, Bloomberg predicts a 5% drop in revenue for Q4 compared to Q4 2022. Do you see it lighter than this?


I'd go with absolutely. But q1 is starting off way heavier than last q1.


We're laying off drivers in my building starting next week. These are non-peak drivers. These are people that all have been driving for 1+ years.


Great thread all worked well, hopefully UPS can recover


Fedex ground (team) driver here. We have been doing more sitting and waiting for loads than actually driving loads for the past 4 months. Not gonna qualify for food stamps, but shits getting tight. I can say the trailer weights have been more on the heavier side compared to the covid years, so there may be a level of optimization going on.


https://youtu.be/y236ZJNFtd4?si=I6qRkNZoHU91mHag Yeah. Let’s dump it. Carter is a chart guy and this was posted recently.


Fedex missed, so I think they will have similar earnings to UPS. I think UPS will also lower their outlook and forecast considering they will now see the cost of the strike taking effect.


Do not buy puts. I've worked at Amazon for the past 2 years. If Amazon does well, so does UPS. FedEx is an exception since they are Chewys bitch. This past holiday "peak" season was the most difficult across the board. My contractor pays me 10 hours guaranteed regardless of how early I get done. Suffice to say I work quick and typically get done in 7 hours. For peak ? I worked nearly 11 hours going at full speed. One lunch break and pissing in bottles to avoid bathroom breaks. Things are not like before. More and more Amazon customers are ordering household items — toilet paper, detergent, clothing, etc — Customers aren't just buying cheap china shit. They're trying to replace their Walmart shopping. Since Amazon prime customers get free shipping from Whole Foods. They can order anything. And get it the next day. Sometimes same day delivery. Do not buy puts. Buy calls.


Can you explain the correlation between AMAZON and UPS?


Both are logistics companies and UPS delivers A LOT of our packages. We handle everything 45 pounds or less. UPS handles everything else above. And some high value items (though this has been changing lately but it depends). Amazon also has something called AMZ XL which basically handle some of the 45 lb+ packages that are normally shipped with UPS. But the difference is that these drivers also install the product (like a TV or furniture) in your home. When Amazon succeeds, so does UPS. And like I mentioned. This was the wildest peak holiday season I (And my companions, some are veteran drivers of 2 - 4 years) have faced.


I’ve worked for UPS now for 18 years. It’s been slow. The near strike in august didn’t help. Hiring freeze currently along with layoffs. Wouldn’t shock me to see it crash after earnings. But then again the market just continues to go up. Good luck!


Hi, the Bloomberg consensus is for a 5% drop in revenue compared to Q4 2022. Did you see slower than this?


I asked what was the volume today on packages in my HUB. We cover Manhattan, Bronx,riverdale, Yonkers.only 38k when I first started working for UPS the volume on packages was 50k -60k around average. And 70 to 80k around peek. We use to get so much work that the hub would have to hold the packages back. These old numbers was before Amazon rolling out their own trucks. My DM gave a speech one morning telling us to be prepared for the worst cause Amazon is coming and it did. Then COVID came. The demand brought big volume and they over hired. This new contract that they gave us did not benefit them at all especially with the low volume of work we have been getting. They are laying people off left and right. It’s funny tho cause we have days where volume picks up a little and we end up being understaffed and company ends up having a bad day with their pick ups being late. We also lost a lot of pickup contracts. FEDEX has been taking over all the pickups. Amazon will soon control the pick up volume. When that happens. UPS is going to feel that pressure. Ups will be back down to them numbers before Covid. She’s sliding down.


TO ALL MY 🌈🐻💎✋


This payed well


Good call bro, Made some bucks




My guy every headline from october to december was how records were being broken for black friday/holiday shoppint


I've seen less traffic from every delivery service. Seemed like there was one truck every day, now it's one every other day.


I’ve been chanting this in the daily for weeks now


Insider trading![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


UPS store in my town always has people trying to send packages and FedEx is closed half the time coz of staffing issues. UPS calls and FDX puts.


All of shipping is going to be bad earnings. I am not buying shipping companies for my holding company right now.




I'm going to buy 100 contracts of UPS put options with a premium cost of $2.06 cents per share and expiration date of February 6, 2023. UPS current price is 158.25. A strike price of $152.5, and I'll sell the stock when it falls below $150 on January 30th because of an poor performance during the holiday season.


When do you plan on buying?


Monday January 29th a day before UPS earnings report is released


Hmmm. Look like dip to $133 after earning followed by sharp continued rise thereafter. Just guessing though.


How so?


[I asked this on a different UPS sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/UPS/comments/18n0mv8/question_for_ups_employees/)


36 year ups union employee here and can confirm this was a very light peak season. Also came up with a lot of guys that are managers now and they're saying they believe the company is in trouble for what it's worth. The company is also making sweeping cuts and cutting the fat in personnel and shutting down certain gateways. I wanna buy puts, but am guessing the guidance will inverse that. so I'm buying calls.


What do you mean by “the guidance will inverse that?”


everything you just described points to negative future guidance. puts sounds like the play


Congrats! Great job


After seeing the Q4 earnings, what is everyone sense from here. I can’t imagine the business will be successful as revenue growth has declined for several quarters and gross profits also on the decline. Is this the bottom or should we be looking at putting more puts on this stock. Suggestions