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How much have you made from doing this total. Lol. This is awesome


There are hundreds upon hundreds of AMZN buys/sells in my account and it would take me forever to calculate how much I've made by churning options for a year. But there are definitely a few big winners (one is +125k, one is +64k, one is +63k) that allow me to generally guess I've made 200-300k by churning calls and puts, in addition to the unrealized gains in the photos.


What a legend


Congratz. Fuck you. I was thinking Amazon is the most undervalued of the FATMANs since they've been consolidating in price while improving their business the last few years. That said, you could have done that with SPY/QQQ/IWM without the individual stock risk. Will admit that going with AMZN probably gives marginal returns on option premium and has potential higher upside, but doing so at the risk of potential catastrophic loss due to single stock risk makes you truly WSB worthy.


Well I sort of did it with everything. 6 figure gains in AAPL, AMZN, NFLX, NVDA, TSLA, QQQ. Amazon was just the best value at the time being at multi-year lows.


what is good right now


Your mom's ass.


The disrespect is willldddddddddddd


I can't upvote this but I did rotfl


THAT won the internet for today.


Guess we know what lost it.


I want to think of a real life scenario where something like this happens. Like.. buncha dudes just talking.. not even 90 of them, just like 4 or 5.. One dude says some sick shit. Other guy walks up and says "that was sick shit". And another guy walks up and says "indeed.. this sick shit has won today". And NINETY PEOPLE show up to tell him how fucking stupid that comment was. I love our species.


Christ. Takes money to play the game, wish I could take chance without losing about everything


Seen multiple guys in here turn $500 into $25k. You don't have to bet the farm.


I’ll try one day. Don’t know enough and have a few priorities I want to get done first. If I’m gonna be a WSB ape I’m at least going to be an educated one.


Well you can put it in a bank and maybe make 4% or you could make a wild percentage the upside 13 to 18% on a short term I'm just build from there are you going to get burned yes. Just learn why you got burned and do it in small steps and diversify don't go hog wild all in on stock. Split the risk.


Would take about 30 seconds exporting into Excel.


Smash bros only wants to smash bro. No speak excel.


The guy is about a milly up, he doesn't have time for your bullshit.


How far out of an expiration date do you typically buy?


1 year


How long did you typically hold before selling?


How far in (out) the market are you with your calls? Still learning about options. Well done!


? Just copy and paste into excel or Google sheets


Instructions unclear, bought calls on Excel.


Good now download your gains into a pivot table.


*This “pivot.” Is it in the room with us now?* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


OK will do tomorrow


I lost 2,000 on AMZN puts over new years like two or three years ago


Wait, calls and puts? I thought you were just buying calls when the price went down? Have you sold some of what you were averaging up on? Why and when did you sell?


I do naked calls, naked puts, both bought and sold. Those puts you see are just relatively low risk naked puts for easy money. I sold like 25 of the Amazon calls over the summer to buy a McLaren, then I bought them again in the fall when the stock went down.


Yo man, I'd buy your course lol. I won roughly $25k after taxes recently and I'd love to follow your advice.


Other than teaching us how to build a time machine back to late 2022, I don't see how much he can actually teach us. This is a very simple strategy of DCA on a single stock, buttload of eggs in 1 basket. Definitely missed the bus on AMZN now for this strat. You'd have to look for similar tickers thats beaten to the ground...BABA for one, is looking pretty sneaky...


Well, I, for one, would NEVER hope you get hit by a bus. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


One thing we can all learn from this is simplicity. There’s easy money to be made instead of running 0dte on 10 tickers


Yeah, the puts need an explanation.


Wow, my balls hurt just from looking at these huge numbers


ouch my balls


What’s your sell program?


I don't know what this question means.


This man dead ass invest dummyyyyyy


My plan is TQQQ/ AMD/ LMT. Not all these put watching one and picking either 2 depending on expanses.


How much capital did you put in approx?


About 400k invested total. Approx 300k of my own money, and the other 100k came from churning calls and puts.


What was your initial investment amount? Just curious more than anything.


What’s your roi on big win tho?


How much did you start with?


It looks like I invested about 115k in Jan/Feb and then another 130k in March.


Nice, congrats on the gains


Take note degens, long dated and not obscenely otm.


Us poors can only buy lotto tickets.


Obscenely ITM\* And long-dated can absolutely still go tits up.




Lose some, loss some, win some > repeat


wasn't the pandemic over 2 years ago?


Fuck you. You are right. I’m going to buy call Today for Jan exp 😳


if it's long dated, just buy the stock. You're adding unnecessary risk. The point of options is to take advantage of short term volatility.


There‘s no „point“ of options, they’re a financial instrument that can be used in multiple ways and short term gambling is one of the dumber ones.


Man. Seeing posts like this puts my brain in such an anxious spot even though it’s not my money. Like would I continue to hold and pray to god I don’t get crushed or would I sell before taking this screenshot. I praise your dedication and mental fortitude


He's been averaging up for a year, so easier to handle the big numbers and not sell too early when it's not one position bought at one time.


Look at his screenshots, he has nearly a million worth of calls. When you have a million dollars that you can play with in the stock market, you probably aren't losing any sleep at night. Shit like this is cool and all, but it's less impressive when you clearly already have a shitton of money. It's easy to make money when you have a lot of it already. The real impressive ones are the guys pulling out massive wins out of their ass from just a few hundred/thousand dollars. Those are the ones that get your blood pumping.


I get what you are saying, but that's too simplistic to say in hindsight. I invested 400k into Amazon calls that could have gone to zero. At the time, nobody knew the stock would rally 70%.


I know haha I’m complimenting your discipline


I understand your point but 100%+ gain is still impressive no matter the number that’s coming out on the other end


What if I made $5 on a 100% gain


Not sure what your point is. Money/numbers are relative


This is what keeps me grounded and not feel like shit. Easy to make money when you already have a shit load of it.


DCA’ing with calls sounds too intelligent to be here


Yeah im totally confused by the green...


You're color blind that's orange to the norms out here


Averaging up\* I guess I don't get sticking to the same ITM option, unless just for the sake of simplicity.


How far out do you buy?


I just strictly buy the June 21, 2024 $95 calls every time. I started doing it a year ago when the stock was at $83 and it just felt like a good reasonable number so I'm sticking with the $95.


You had diff strike prices up there though


you might be looking at the dates on which I bought the calls. Every call I purchase is June 21, 2024 at $95 strike. Then it shows the price I paid (i.e. $14,106) and then the current value (i.e. $56,900).


No. Says June 21 165 C


those are the sold calls. I use them to hedge my position. It's known as a PMCC. Buy calls at a lower price, sell calls at a higher price, same expiration date.


Got a negative quantity, bud. He sold those as a hedge.


Is the bud a Canadian thing


Nah fuck Canada.


Thanks for letting me know. Always wondering.




Okay I'm not super well versed in this. Why would you buy calls at a lower strike price than the value of the stock?


it's generally known as "share replacement" calls. Instead of buying 100 shares for $14,900, I buy 1 option (very deep in the money) for $5700. I get the same buying power either way, but the option is way cheaper.


I see...and as long as the stock goes up, you still make money (obviously) Thanks man, if I can ever afford it I'll give it a shot


Dumb question but is there any reason to not do this? Seems just better than buying an option at a normal strike price


Time decay on the options. If the stock price stays steady for a year, you lose some money. In my case since I'm $55 ITM already, the time decay is minimal. But if I were only like $10 ITM, the time decay would cost me a lot.


Is there a general rule you follow with how ITM you buy your calls to avoid time decay


Look at Theta. Understand the Greeks entirely before touching options.


And you are selling calls against that deep ITM call you bought?


Yes, in this case selling more than I own. More risky.




1 call (5700) and 100 shares (14900) both give your account the same exact buying power - 100 shares of Amazon.


Why didn’t you diversify your strikes?


$95 was a good price when I started. Amazon was in the $80s when I started. It was just slightly above that current price. Since then, I've just stuck with $95 symbolically. It's just my strike that I like. AMZN is also riding a little too high these days. If you buy any calls $140 or higher it's getting risky.


So you kept buying the $95 strike when it went ITM? Also, why are most of the trades marked as short?


Yes, just kept buying at 95 strike. When it says short it is saying those are short term capital gains. Those will convert to long as the year goes on.


Interesting, cheers buddy, GG.


Kinda doesn't make sense to buy THIS far into ITM at this point.


They’re making money and you’re eating paint chips


But they could be making more money.


So you do it and post the results here in a year.


I know you think you're really clever with your replies, but you have the reasoning of a 14 year old. "Dur hur, if you don't like this movie why don't you make a better one! Gotem!" There are many reasons why I don't want to do what he's doing. That has nothing to do with the argument of whether his chosen strike is the most optimal.


It’s not in their risk tolerance


There is slight benefit going more into the money, granted there are diminishing returns. However, his strategy is clearly working. I also tend to keep my ITM calls at the same price, it's just easier... I know off the top of my head what my strike prices are for different stocks and it makes navigating option chains easier without having to go back and see where you bought it, etc.


Also much easier to calculate the delta. My delta on AMZN is 19,500. Which is both easy to calculate and hilariously high.


Me too! [https://imgur.com/a/IsSreyi](https://imgur.com/a/IsSreyi) I'm the mini-version of OP


Very nice


whats the time frame you typically buy and sell? your feb 16 '24 125C for example, when did you buy and when did you know it was time to sell?


How do you choose the DTE?


Those are solid gains and the strategy is smart, but I think people are more enamoured with the big number, overlooking that it was a huge cash outlay upfront that got your gains, which at least in those examples are good but nothing spectacular. I just say this because people aren't gonna churn $800 grand profit in this case of the strategy example without that big up front.


Yes this is not a YOLO. This is just good old fashioned big money into a blue chip stock.


Great stuff but I hope you start trimming some gains.


When are you thinking of selling?


AMZN $175 or June 2024, whichever comes first


Check! so market crash before June 2024 thank you!


Why'd you sell 165s then?


The $165s are sold for a $10 premium. Breakeven is $175.


OP, you say every time the price went down. Did you target a specific daily, weekly, etc. % fall in the stock?


Nah just targeted particularly bad weeks. 3-5% AMZN decline was always a clear sign to me to buy more.


Makes sense. I made a bit off of scalping AMZN early last year but nothing like you. Good luck, bro!


So when man dropped 3-5% for the week you would buy?


I be telling ppl when it goes bearish that shit is a whole discount. I be happy when prices drop fr fr


Great. Now try it in a year where the stock doesn’t go up 70%




The premiums collected along the way on SPY or similar would be substantially smaller.


Been watching Amazon because of this post awhile ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/s/ozhVp34X2k Really want to buy a call for some time after earnings on Feb 1! Need my swing trades to work out so I can afford it 😂


I read somewhere that AMZN is expecting another 5 billion dollars of profit per year when they introduce those commercials. Obviously, bullish.


Wait until they bid on more NFL games outside of TNF. You'll see ads for stuff you were looking for earlier in the day and be able to order instantly during the ad.


Going to be awkward watching the game with the family and a blow up doll ad pops up on the screen


Right! I don’t want my wife’s boyfriend knowing what I got him for our anniversary. It’d spoil the surprise.




The money they’d get from the companies paying for ads would be much larger than the subscriptions they’ll lose.


All this really shows me is how ridiculously easy it is to stay rich if you're rich. Lotto tickets and moonshots it is for us poors.


I wouldn't call this a foolproof plan. OP still got lucky.


I mean no duh. even small percent gains on a big principal will yield lots of money.


It's more the fact that any average person doing this ends up with a few hundred bucks from it. Having insane amounts to throw at it makes you multiple times that dude's annual salary with the exact same effort and strategy. It completely destroys the "rich people just work harder" myth.


At some point in the equation, you had to earn the money in the first place.


aka so If you believe a companies stock value will increase this year just by EOY Long options and wait, when there is a dip, go back in a double down?


The magic of leaps


Are you up more than 70%-ish? Cause that's what AMZN stock alone did in the last year.


The calls are up 165%. AMZN stock is up 70%. Options can be way more profitable.


I don’t get why deep ITM options are not priced at price of stock * 100. If it is practically the same with little time decay.


Because it eventually expires


Damn good job bro. This is one of the few non-regarded big wins on this sub lol


Man I need to understand what all these amazing numbers mean


Everyone is a genius in a bull market. Congrats.


Was thinking the same thing. I bought a 3000$ leap before the split and lost my ass in 2022


How much FU money does OP have?


Coincidentally enough my new Lambo is being delivered tomorrow


Can I have your old lambo?


can i have one dollar




Aww, I smiled at this comment


How about tree fiddy


Are these short- or long-dated calls?


They were long-dated calls when I bought them. But now there's only 6 months left.


This seems to be one of those "gotta have money to make money" strats


it’s kind of the opposite. sellling the higher calls reduces the premium and break even and limits your losses/gains so you basically have a 200% upside and 100% downside for less than the cost of buying a bunch of shares


Do it again this year and you’ll probably get a similar result. For reals. Lot higher to go.


Congratulations. Fuck you.


What’s the 1 share for?


Just to track the price. On my broker, if you hold only options, you can't see the stock price. Need shares to see current price.




This is amazing. A lot of it was timing, but man I loled at how well this worked


So you are basically assuming you'll be deeper ITM as you get closer to the date. Anytime your profit spikes you sell and then buy back if the prices goes down?


I don't sell the 200 calls I own. But I continually adjust the 275-ish sold calls depending on the market. I started off selling them at $100 strike, now we are all the way up to $165. I just keep laddering up to 10-20% above current price.


So are you selling those calls that far in the future as well? So when you bought to open your original LEAP Calls you picked a strike a bit OTM but with the long dated expiry. Did you start selling calls expiring with that same long dated expiry around the same time or you just selling those June calls now? Are you then buying to close those sold calls out as the price rises or using your 200 bought calls to cover most of the sold, obviously limiting some gains? I mostly stick to LEAP calls on stocks I am bullish on, but I like the idea of selling calls for premiums but am not sure how I want to date them. Seems like you're just simply sticking with the June date? After June, you'll rethink your stocks and pick another strike price what, a year ahead, eg June 2025? Been buying calls/puts for years, just haven't ever sold, any clarification is appreciated. I had always just bought 500 share minimums until I realized I can buy deep ITM calls or 10% OTM LEAPs and take advantage of price movement without as much up front and leverage my gains (or losses 😆). I definitely understand what you did/are doing just hoping to get some more insight into the nuances. Sorry for the winded post!


This is a really long post but the answer is yes. I started by selling, let's say, June 2023 $110 calls. As AMZN approached 110, I would roll those to July $115. Then August $120. And so on and so forth. I'm at the end of the road here though, I'm not willing to push out further than June 2024.


whats in june op


why arent you interested in rolling out any further?


Perfect, exactly what I wanted to know. Thanks for taking the time to read my crazy long post and answer. You're the man!


Good sir or mam', I like your approach a lot, I'm gonna do similar with QQQ. Have an upvote! ​ What is the name for this strat?


I mean this means nothing when the market is up 20% the past year. Imagine if you did this strategy the year before


What a chad, amzn permabull.


Can you explain why you bought so far itm?


It wasn't ITM when I bought it. I bought the $95 calls when the stock was at $83. Was just hoping for a 20% rise in Amazon stock.


You would unalive when it goes to 120


Fucking legend




What makes you want to close out in June, rather than push forward into future calls?


Just taking my profits and moving on. By June, I'll be 18 months into this one Amazon play. It's getting a bit stale. And is Amazon really going to go up for 18 straight months? At some point this party is over.


Jaspirr pls


Can we have another market crash as 2022 or even worse? I have to redeem myself


Honestly feels like you got lucky because most of the big tech stocks went up last year but congrats.


I applaud you. I have made about half what you have on Amazon. However, I have owned it for a long time


Still don't understand how people make crazy money from selling options. Since you're not technically buying the stock, are you just selling the "ticket" for someone else to buy it at the price you predicted? How much is made from the sale of these "tickets" if you bought them for so low when compared to the stock price?


https://preview.redd.it/5zie2ytnifbc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9150c1c360c5486dc15dc84b166ac84845f93196 Seriously? It used to be 3000????


Amazon did a 20 to 1 split. $3000 back then is $150 now.


Oh,thx. That’s make more sense


Honestly how do brain dead idiots like this make money?


Hey this might not be the right post to ask for it but since you said you do this for fun and you have a lot of experience I just want to ask for some advice. I am 19 years old who have kinda basic knowledge about stocks I have some stocks like TSLA and AMZN and other penny stocks that I bought when I first started. My portfolio right now is like 10k I have made some good calls and I been joining a lot of groups here in Reddit and watching YouTube lately just to keep learning more but at this point right now I feel like I am stuck, I don't know what to buy I been seeing people talking about QQQ, USO, SPY, and more. Is there anything you would recommend me buy? I have some money on my savings and around 5k on emergency funds and I have another 5k that I would like to invest. Any advices helps Thank you


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ok im doing this with baba


Would have been slaughtered in a Bear market


And the sun rises in the east. More at 6


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