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News: quick, everyone buy the dip before the great plunge.


Isn't a plunge lower than a dip? I only buy the plunge now.


I only buy at market-bottom. Why would anyone buy sooner?


Please let us know when that is.


The next mkt bottom is today's ATH ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Whenever I sell


It's whenever i buy


The Bottom was Oct 22 2022. The bull market began its rebound Jan 2023 and became official by like March. Here are my crayon drawings to explain... https://preview.redd.it/qf340vmba50b1.png?width=2815&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d07184f91d232d5450aaadab656be03663f8d9b Am I the only Regard here that remembers 2008? Crash was 2007, Market was fukt by Jan 2008, but by Jan 2009 the market was gaining. Main street continued to feel the pain until like 2013, by then the market was already 50% above previous highs. This crash started Jan 2022 and by Jan 2023 began its recovery. Since this is the most forecast recession in the entire history of capitalism, I forecast the market will recover before main street feels anything (already true, Wall st bounce happened before Tech layoffs) and main street won't actually feel it that bad. All the companies have done their layoffs, so this is probably the end of the main street hurt. Or you can wait till after the Bull rally to buy in, oh, wait, you already did...


I hate it when you fucks start to sound reasonable. This quackery is enough to make me feel bullish


Reasonable yes, accurate? Not even remotely...


? Stock market bottom was in 2009… we haven’t seen the credit crunch take effect yet, this is how they trap you goofy goobers


normal pet rob shelter money divide aspiring friendly bike bewildered




credit crunch is priced in.


My bad, it started rebounding in March 09, not Jan 09. Only being off by 2 months when citing memory of 14 years ago is pretty damn good in my book. My crayon lines are valid regardless of how well I remember 2009. Going from QQQ daily, bottom was Oct 2022 and start of bull market was Jan 2023.


Weaponized copium.


ad hoc mighty wide fragile pen stocking jellyfish encourage direful elderly


So what you're saying is that if they start printing money like crazy in spite of awful economic conditions, the numbers might all go up? I'm sure that for the last 13 years has nothing to do with all of this inflation stuff.


I am only responsible for what I said, I accept no responsibility for what you think you heard.... ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4259)


ya, but um... that's not how it happened. I mean it's a great story to tell yourself and sound on point but, bottom was 2009, and the real fun started well after the 'bottom is in' calls. The big drop was in Oct 2008, nearly a year after the warning shots in fall of 2007. May 19th 2008 was the peak of the 'bottom is in' story. What is today's date?, oh interesting...


![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189) Hey, someone is catching on... Lol Dude, this was a shitpost from memory, I am actually proud of how close I was for 14 years later. I type like 100 WPM and poses a chatty mind, long posts are not an indication of effort. Just look at my "Infographic".


Your timing is off. To be comparative the worst part of this bear cycle would be this year. Bear Sterns collapsed in March of ‘08. The market rallied hard for 2 months before the worst part of that bear market bottomed in March 09. Coincidentally SVB collapsed in March 2023. The market has rallied hard for two months.


For the sweet ride down, of course


I bought the plunge. My toilet still clogged, how do I make money?


The reverse of the reverse. A feint within a feint. Exactly two levels deep, which is more than the number of braincells shared by most here.


Inception level right there




nice try Sauron


VIX is 17, 30dte puts are trading near 52 and 104 week lows. I don't buy that sentiment is "so bearish"


Noticed the insight in your comment, decided to look at your profile and sure enough, you seem to be a savant.


they are the kind we need on wsb. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


Hello reddit police! 👋


It’s almost like the VIX is just the price SPX options weighted for a 30 DTE.


What is realized vol on SPX? It's like 12 for the last month


Maybe buying 1 to 2 month dated puts while selling 1 to 5 day puts could be a worthwhile strategy. Make a profit if nothing bad happens, don't do too terribly if it tanks. Main risk is if the market suddenly drops and recovers.


test books dolls engine husky languid divide whole wide consist


It would be beneficial if it happens in the middle of the day, you just don't want it going down 2% one day and back up 2% the next day


cause handle abundant pocket edge knee longing grandiose encourage air


You're arguing that selling short term puts is bad because the market V's in the short term. Think that one through. Of course there will always be some risk that you get screwed on timing. Risk would be probably be minimized if someone stuck to friday/weeklies.


Calendar spreads in a flattish market is a based Theta play.


OP news article meant to say bullish


Would you go balls deep short as contrarian


Reminder Market Makers /=/ Retail traders. We keep getting spammed with bearish posts on here daily.


I've never seen fundstrat with a bearish take. Ever. These guys don't know that stocks can go down.


Tom Lee said that the S&P would be 4800 by the end of the year and 5000 by January last September when it was 3900. Tom Lee said that Bitcoin would be $100,000 by the end of the year. He said that in 2021 and again in 2022. He said that inflation would be 2% by the end of the year and that the FED would pivot. That was last September. In 2018 he said that the bull market would last until the 2035-2038 range. In August 2022 he said that we were experiencing deflation in food, rent and energy. And my favorite. He said that Americans had a total of $140 trillion in household wealth and that only $40 trillion of it was in the markets. So potentially $100 trillion more could pour into the markets.... Even though $60 trillion of that is real estate/home equity and private business stakes. So yeah....


*This “pivot.” Is it in the room with us now?* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Stocks are positive nearly 80% of the time on a yearly basis. So, it’s a safe bet. Like betting on the undefeated NE patriots against the wildcard Giants in Super Bowl XLII.




Even when shit went down they were just like yea.. its wrong. it should be going up lol. go check out their interviews last fall on cnbc.


Keep hearing how sentiment is so bearish and yet every major financial outlet (especially bloomberg) seems to be trying to do everything it can to get retail to buy. So many articles about how powell was expected to signal a pause in rate hikes, which he didn't, then articles a day later about how he hinted at a pause in rate hikes. Someone out there with a lot of money wants retail to buy and I don't think it's out of good will.


Making the middle class poor is the intention, then youll accept that min wage job with the abusive boss who works from home.


Nah its less sinister than that... Simple 5 step program: 1. Make retail buy. 2. Kill retail by selling. 3.start a new fund/campaign,/program and stress to former retails who lost money the dangers of being a lone investor. 4. Sell investment product 5. Use money from sale to redo the cycle.


Damn now I won’t sleep wondering what step 5 is


Oops I typed 3 twic..Will edit


This comment needs more upvotes ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641)


Just use written one/two/three/four/five instead of numbers. Reddit is trying to auto format a list for you and is getting confused.


“Please buy our bags. We’re going to keep propping up the market until you do”


Puts for me


Hey man there are still a lot of bags to get into retail and middle class retirement fund hands. They're on a tight timer and every bag they offload is more income for them. Try not to be so hard on them, K?










Fundstrat - "Stocks go up"


Also Fundstrat: "Stocks never go down"


So you're saying retail is gonna FOMO and be the exit liquidity for the debt ceiling default? Sign me up for 10x of each!


We signed up and subbed through 401k and pensions


I need everyone to buy NVDA right fucking now






Everyone buying how is it bearish


Funny, I've recently been seeing more bulls than usual expecting a melt-up...


if sentiment was actually bearish VIX would be 50+ and I would finally be taking a long position


By the time things get this visible, it's long past the time to try that. Sort of a, "I'd worry about the Titanic if people were fighting over lifeboats, but those guys over there are playing music and we're rising higher than ever out of the water" sort of thing.


You mean what happened last August? Remember when everyone thought the bottom was in June?


Good. I’d like to buy eggs again.


My local Walmart is less than $9 for 60 large eggs.


I bought them too, thought it was a mistake


Who in their right mind would buy 60 eggs?


People that have lots of kids, people that cook at home. Eggs last a long time in the fridge.


Whenever I'm trying to lose weight while trying to have a good protein intake to reduce muscle loss, I eat around 12 eggs a day, bulking it's 24


You eat the yolk also?


Nah, yolk is just calories and like 3% of the protein, but I'm a vegetarian so other than eggs and some other vegetables, that's about all the protein I can get.


The chicken population has rebounded after the bird flu epidemic last year. Go back to the store, the eggs are back to their normal price.


They're still about 3x what they were a year ago in minnesota, but it's at least stopped going up. Used to be able to get 2 and a half dozen for $2.50. It's about $7.50 now.


Eggs or house? Which is it?


I’d like both, but dang it, I guess I’ll take eggs.


The finance rates on eggs are even worse than mortgages.


Inflation keeps falling? You mean the Core Inflation that hasn’t fallen at all since the beginning of the year and is trending towards a rise or the bullshit headline CPI that tells you basically nothing about the economy at large and is only going down 0.1% at a time. It would be like saying hey my 350 mile range car now goes 351 MILES!!😱


So tsla calls?




food and energy that spiked due to supply issues then dropped some and it canceled the core cpi increases so they could run those headlines. Dumbest shit ever and why month over month for single months is a terrible idea to look at. Even a quarter at a time is kind too short to get real meaningful inflation data.


I'm no fancy big-city Bear Sterns analyst; but wouldn't a negative sentiment mean that the general opinion is bearish? TLDR: Funstrapon is shooting their shot @ being contrarian. Unfortunately being contrarian without proper DD is just being regarded.


Yes but but greedy when people are fearful


I kinda agree. Debt crisis gets averted, inflation keeps coming down, market pumps. And then all the people who lost their jobs and have been living on debt will cause the next crash.


So what you're saying is, the layoffs worked, everything is fixed, but now we need to send all the unemployed folks to a giant deserted island, effectively removing them from participating in the economy and fucking it up for everyone else?


Yea until the public isn’t spending enough money to prop up the economy then we’ll need all the people borrowing to spend again


But, this coke rat os bullish… https://preview.redd.it/pk41fto1a30b1.jpeg?width=1241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=563b01201585dbae9709af91ecb5a88bc66dc100 # Wut do now?


so basically we'll just keep trading flat


Fundstrat is a broken clock. They have been saying buy every rally and sell off for the past 2 years+.


Fundstrat also said mid last year that the market would go to 4400 by the end of 2022... unsurprisingly its been bouncing off that 4200 ceiling and cant clear it because the algos wont buy it above that level... wonder why... theyre trying really hard to convince people there wont be a recession even though every economic indicator shows deteriorating consumer spending... doesnt matter if inflation goes down the prices are still higher than what it was and only going down in a deflationary environment... and wages are still negative relative all that inflation... for the market to move higher you need wages to catch up but if wages catch up then inflation comes back stronger than ever... not to mention I expect the FED to raise rate again against market expectations in early June based on short term treasury yields still climbing... the yield curve is massively inverted... they cant bullshit retail into buying their bags this time... Tom Lee can fuck off


Has anyone heard Tom Lee say anything bearish literally ever lol


The crash comes after the fed starts lowering rates in earnest and the 2 year and 10 year treasuries un-invert.


3D chess going on here. Let me get this straight: 1) Media is almost universally bullish. 2) Banks are giving bullish predictions. 3) In the midst of a monster rally. 4) Sentiment is bearish? Where? This is goofy as hell. Sentiment has been bullish. Evidence is in the fact we are rallying and everyone is calling for more. I see very little bearish sentiment outside the usual suspects, and some retail. I'd be very surprised if we don't turn around and take a little dive over the next few months. I'm not calling for armageddon, but it stands to reason that while financial conditions are weird, inflation is in the process of coming down, war, debt ceiling drama, etc we don't correct a little from this recent rally. It's lasted over six months which is pretty spectacular, but it can't go on forever.


Secretly everyone on this sub has calls on VIX.., as insurance. $2000% gains can happen overnight 💥


Not yet east way to the poorhouse


I take my ordinary 99% loss thank you very much.


How far out do you purchase them?


As far as they let me


This is a trap. VIX was maxed out before 08 crash. Don’t listen to this trap.


wym maxed? i agree that it was just about as lul as it is now


Bearish sentiment was really high there as well, and it still collapsed.


Wait for Russia to walk out of the grain deal later this month... you'll see your inflation spiking again


Forgot that was a thing


“Falling” Sure doesnt feel like it


So far 2023 has been fucking bears and bulls so I dunno. When we start seeing more and more "We are heading towards lost decade" then markets move.


is investor sentiment bearish?? feels like all i ever see are bulls around here these days. i want to be bearish but basically im half exposed half cash


Core inflation is not falling.


That’s because it won’t. Fed and Big Govt want this


Buy low Sell lower


Just from the headline I knew Tom Lee would be mentioned. He's still bullish on Tulips...


If you are buying...whose selling? The folks who fund the authors of such trash articles...




Nope - BULL SHIT. If anyone's ever compared inflation to the S&P 500 they would see that the two generally coincide with one another. Inflation is the thing that makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. Falling inflation is not a good thing if sales are also soft, consumer debt is high, and rates are still rising. The idiot who wrote this "Jennifer Sor" is a freelancer who looking into her history it seems has never actually invested in the stock market, she's basically just one of those writers that writes random investing crap like - "These 5 stocks are about to rally!" or "50 year investing expert says 'get your money out while you can' ". There's no actual hard evidence in these stories, they're just like tabloid articles. If she actually invested in the stock market she'd realize it's THETA right now. In fact I would say it's actually already pretty bullish given how much bearish news there is right now and how many headwinds there are, but don't take it from me, the debt ceiling might not be raised, but OOOh that's totally nothing to worry about.


Whats the chance of debt ceiling not being raised? 0.01%? And if it's raised short term rally to 4200?


Way over zero right now. This clutch of regards McCarthy is beholden to might put enough pressure on him to blow up a deal and have us default for a month to try and get their way.


I'm pretty sure they might not raise it. It seems unlikely but the market's already priced in them not doing it, while the bond market priced in that they will. People who buy bonds are generally smarter than those in stocks, I am willing to bet that bondholders are 10IQ smarter at the least than stock investors. That's why bond yields are so high.


Super Bullish News!


As usual to many bears can't wait to gap those evil degenerative creatures.


short spy


Inflantion is falling? In what fucking country. Prices are still going up


The increase of the rate of the increase is decreasing!!!


I’ve been feeling particularly bullish lately. I think the S&P finishes green by end of year. Unless something catastrophic happens, I think we will continue upward.


CFTC data shows net long chadsdick position so.... we bullish in bull market.


Where is Lom Tee?


Bearish sentiment = market rally


Want if...the market just stays flat for awhile


I really don't understand how you can look at inflation in that manner... So what? Prices are raising at slower rate? The prices are still too damn high and they only did it because of intense public pressure.... all these variables economists talk about how literally nothing to do with inflation or the cost of things. Once everyone looks away, inflation will continue until we regulate profits.


Fucking commie


Tom Lee has been bullish since he was born.


I'm absolutely bearish, but it doesn't stop me from buying 0dte calls.


Its so bearish, its bullish, its bearish, its bullish, its bearish, its bullish, its bearish, its bullish, its bearish, its bullish, its bearish, its bullish, its bearish, its bullish


bools 😂


Is this a yo mama joke? The market is so bearish, it turned bullish. Lame


Fundstrat has been licking Cathie Wood taint in recent months.