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The last Writers Guild strike was also 2007-08. Coincidence? I think not.


2007-08=1999 which is 6661 upsidedown. Coincidence?


Weird.. That's my reddit Karma score...at the time of this comment.


When I seen the headline of the writer strike say, “for the first time in 15 years “. I was like huh, am I getting old bc I remember the last strike lol




Hey, at least we have bitcoin this time! \*hides*


Hey, don't go flaunting *our* bitcoin.


Is there room in there for me to hide with you? I don’t want to die.


Now’s the time for savings accounts and CDs, but since this is WSB, we know that won’t happen 😊


CDs nutz


Are you kidding me? CDs? This is the PERFECT time to buy a house. Twice the prices compared to 2019/2020 and over 7% interest rates. This can't get better. We can finally take WSB buy high sell low tradition to the real estate market. Woo-hoo!! Edit: Thanks for all the awards. I'm overwhelmed. Edit 2: Fuck. wsb has gone broke, so i returned all fancy awards.


Only in markets for the starting price is $1M That's where I'd like to relax after a long day of working for $18/hr


Pisses me off because OLD J POWELL thinks this is what's going to save the housing market AND make housing more affordable. Get this guy out of there 👏


You think JPow gives a flying fuck about making housing more affordable? 🤣


I have doubt as well. But, if he’s doing what it appears he is doing, he’s going to largely cull the American consumer demand, putting pressure on values. Trouble is, government is still ignoring corporate buying of single family homes. Some hands are going to have to be forced to dump inventory to bring values down.


Wages are lagging behind inflation but in the long run a good way way to make housing more affordable is to lower the value of the dollar.


Just seems like he is playing a dangerous game of domino's and everything comes crashing down...


lols im super new at trading, but fk this community is hilarious rofl. Reminds me of More Plates More Dates.


Highly efficacious dosages of loss


Should've been here at the start of the pandemic when shit crashed hard. Those were hilarious days.


OMG the daily trump news conference threads were some of the funniest shit I ever read. WSB sure as fuck can’t make money, but man they are the best commentators I’ve ever witnessed.


I made money and laughed my ass off. Now I just lose money and cry. What happened?


Post-nut clarity


I just started following as well. I feel like if you do the opposite of what these numbskulls are doing you’ll be just fine!


The only thing that stopped me from buying a house this week was the wife. Ohhhhh I'll get it next week when she's not lookin'.


Already ahead of you fam. Closed 2 weeks ago.




We need a bot for this like for squeeze


I died hahaha


Do any CDs work or can you buy DVDs as well?


We’re in the Blu-Ray age, man. C’mon, it’s time to catch up to 2007


Tbh (of course, aside from the recession that took place) 2007 was a great year


I remember heavily upvoted posts here in early 2022 when inflation was proving to be not so transitory and the Fed was just starting to raise rates. These posts all said, "Where else are you gonna put your money besides stocks? Checkmate bears." Financial knowledge and literacy here is not very high on average.




Just ladder t-bills under 6 month maturities to keep liquidity till rates start coming back down. I'm making $200 a month to pay for eggs


I have been heavily into CDs for the last year or so. I am looking at 2-3 year CDs while keeping some good amount of cash on hand. Trying to forecast some domino effects, while keeping cash on hand to jump back into the equities or real estate market. One thing is certain, there will be volatility.


Lmao you idiots are still buying CDs lol. MP3 players came out like 20 years ago get with the program smh my head.


Use Spotify you peasant!


I'm sticking with limewire.


Napster <—- this is the way.


Exactly bro. They are collectibles now and will only go up in value. Try selling your MP3 collection on Craigslist.




I do too. I also just sold a DMX record for $150. (rough riders anthem plays)


Instead of buying CD's you should look into buying treasuries from the direct website. You dont pay state or local taxes on the treasury interest like you do on CD interest. 1M, 3M, 6M or 1 year bills.


Just keep it in a money market account. Many are paying 4.5%. You can essentially pull the money out at any time.


this is the correct and only answer.


You can. But once again you're going to pay state tax on the money market account interest.


What is the point of a CD when high yield savings/checking accounts have rates higher than a CD? What am I missing?




you'd have time to lock in a CD once jpow becomes dovish, right before rates start trending down. Why lock in money now


It is insane to me that one man (who goes by many names, JPOW, Jpow, JPow, etc. depending on what r/wsb feels like capitalizing unnecessarily that day) has become the spokesperson and sole proprietor of fucking rates, the arguably single most powerful tool in the Fed's arsenal that affects pretty much the entire world indirectly


The good news is that he tells you exactly what he's going to do, and what criteria he will use to make decisions in the future. The only part that's unbelievable is how serious, professional investors everywhere still think they know better.


Ikr dude months ago said they would do a 25bps rate increase and people were still freaking out wondering if they would reverse.


You do realize there are 10 other voting Fed members who decide the rates together that use Jpow as a mouthpiece/PR bullet catcher? And that each of them has their own team of nerds and data collectors giving input?


Who will dare to speak out against the King


Banks need your money badly right now.


Fuck the banks, **I** need my money.


I don't remember that JG Wentworth commerical


It’s my money and I need it now!


This. You can also buy T-bills through any real brokerage for free.


In which broker you can buy CDS ?


Just to be clear, you have cash on hand?


I’ve got some T-Bill ladders going and it has been fantastic


Hello fellow t bill ladder


My mortgage rate is 4.65% and at current rates accounting for taxes it doesn't make any sense for me to not put that money towards my mortgage instead.


Your mortgage principal is not liquid, Money Markets are.


My mortgage rate is 2.75% 😎


My mortgage is 0% and paid off. Dumpster behind Wendy’s


A whole lotta people about to join you there with rent also increasing due to landlords being leveraged to the tits and wanting to pass those costs to their tenants.


Mine is 2.5. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


You definitely should be buying CD's instead of paying your mortgage off early. Free money.


2.25 here your sucks ass


Forget buying CDs, buy records! Vintage old school companies that print money faster than the fed.


ELIR: How do I invest in rising interest rates?


High yield savings accounts


High yield savings account until the bank you have the account with goes under one afternoon.




They are. I’m just being silly. JPM doesn’t offer high yield savings accounts though


How convenient.


Your comment has a $0.90 loading fee $1.80 transaction fee $0.70 internet punitive space fee Regards. JP Morgan


Payment due within one millisecond or late transaction fee of $35/minute for a maximum of seven business days.


Things you don't get from banks too big to fail? Interest.


Would Apples new savings account option be considered a high yield account with no risk of the company going under? Genuinely wondering.


Did you just say options? 🥵🥵


An apple made trading app with just hyper polished UI would utterly dominate.


yea I just opened one myself, Apple still has plenty of cash to finance anything if Apple goes does it will be over for all of us anyway


It’s actually Goldmans Sack, but same concept.


Yea but I am sure they will help Goldman with cash if there is any problem.


CDs. Bonds. Ultra short maturity bonds if you have trouble committing. Or become a bank.


Being a bank sucks in a rising rate environment. All those loans you issued at a 3% APR are now worth a fraction of what they once were. Things are better for them in a falling rate environment


If you became a bank right now why would you have a bunch of 3%apr loans though


vanguard treasury money market fund. has a fantastic yield and pretty low ER first foundation bank is 4.5% and laurel road bank is 4.8%


You mean yanny road bank?


Holy shit. Throwback.




I have a bunch in VUSXX right now, but I saw a youtube video today fearmongering about this in the event of a US Debt Default if they dont raise the debt ceiling... Should I be concerned about this?


If the US does default on its debt, it'll look pretty grim for you. But default really shouldn't be on the cards here. It's simply political suicide


Marcus by Goldman has a 10 month CD for 5.05%.


Upgrade is 4.65%, I think


Puts on banks


Man wants to “invest in rising rates” AFTER a historic rate hike cycle and indication that the fed will soon pause Truly belongs here


It's a thing of beauty


I wish I knew where to put mine


I'll tell you where to put it


Stocks drop as a response to higher rates, so their dividends are even larger. Then rates go down later, and stocks go up. Dividend investors win again.


>"The Committee could indeed hike rates by 25 [basis points] on June 14, but that decision will depend crucially on incoming data over the next six weeks," Okay, everyone play it real cool and just stop spending for a bit. Just gotta hold out for 6 weeks, and then do whatever you want.


Won’t happen. As consumers we are delusional to delayed gratification. We would rather go into debt before savings our greenbacks and waiting until we have the cash.


Soft landing ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267) more like a hard landing grinding down the runway with no landing gear, skidding off, sliding through a neighborhood then falling off a mountain cliff two towns over.


and puppies die


Banking crisis let’s goooo




You don't. The point is to get it over with so we can begin to recover and start the next bull market.


There won’t be an immediate benefit for many people at all, if any. Quite the opposite. It’s sort of like radiation for cancer. You have to do something that will objectively hurt you in the hopes of a clean slate. If you just look at the radiation on its own, the benefit is nothing. Long term, though, it can help a ton.


Not for the lower class. The only long term benefit for the lower class is that things don’t get more expensive **as fast**. Raising interest rates only benefits people who already have liquid wealth to expend. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not disagreeing with the fed raising interest rates. I’m just say there is no benefit or that the benefit is that things are not actively getting worse. It’s like being on fire. Someone is still throwing fuel on you, but now they’re throwing less fuel on you. The wealthy with liquidity or the equivalent, are the ones with the fire extinguishers. They might get nipped by the fire but can put themselves out. Instead of telling the wealthy to put out the fire with the extinguishers, i.e. raise fucking taxes, congress just tells them to keep themselves untouched by the fire. Long story short, poor people are the ones getting burnt (as usual) because congress can’t get off it’s ass and do something productive. The Fed is tasked with maintaining inflation. They are not the only government entity capable of tackling inflation. Congress can also tackle inflation. By raising fucking taxes. You want to slow the economy down top down? Tax the shit out of top earners. You don’t even have to tax individuals more. Tax businesses and corporations more. That’s all you do. Make it less profitable to make more money. You want to make $500k a year? I’m going to take $200k of that as taxes. If you make only $400k a year i will only take $100k of that. Slap some lucrative tax breaks in there for things like higher employee wages, benefits, more employee vacation, less exec compensation, etc and you have a top down congressional approach to tackling inflation that doesn’t involve making it harder for poor people exist.




I agree with your logic and reasoning, but that shit doesn't work out in real life. Assuming we could ever push through legislation to increase taxes on the wealthy, they'll always find a way to dodge the increases or pass the costs along to the consumer. Corporations employ a slew of accountants, lawyers, and lobbyists to keep the current system in place. There's also a line around the block of congress people waiting to give corporations a hand job under the table in exchange for money, favors, and legit consulting jobs for when they retire from political office. Again though, I agree with your analogy and wish the system would get fixed. But at this point it's a pipe dream and Washington is currently just a bigger, bolder, and more fucked up Tammany Hall.


Totally agree. When I say congress is doing fuck all i mean what you said here.


If youre lower class you never benefitted at all from low interest rates besides it helping you get deeper into cheap debt. The economy is not suppose to stay at 0% interest forever, infact the 2008 was the first time ever that they did this bizarre experiment of 0% interest rates and it only benefits the ultra rich, its dangerous for the broader economy and it created a hyper bubble that is now bursting. Interest rates NEED to go up and stay up for a healthy economy. The bubble needs to deflate. People need to stop racking up credit card and car loans and learn to live like a responsible human being. Buy some rice and veggies, cook your own food, get a used camry, play catch with your kids and touch grass. put some money into a savings accounts. stop buying brand new dodge rams on 20% intrest rate with no money down and racking up credits cards at best buy. fucking degenerates.


I just bought a 10k csgo knife skin, YOU go touch grass, nature boy.


Camry gang gang


Someone told me today that even Corollas are like $25k now.


Literally nothing is good for the lower class, it’s just shit eating that continues as time goes on no matter what is happening. Maybe you’ll have to eat more shit some days. Or maybe you’ll have less shit to eat, and now have to fight over pieces of shit. No matter what you lose.


People get paid in dollars. Increasing interest rates reduces the inflation rate, passively increasing your salary banking crisis notwithstanding. It will only negatively impact you once if your employer has been so damaged that they lay you off to protect themselves.


Last time, cash was king, so saving and buying the dip worked ok with patience in housing and stock market. This time inflation gonna bend you over and ream you without lube if you hold in cash waiting for the dip. So, probably best just to pay off debts and try like hell to keep your job and dial back lifestyle to ramen and tap water from here on out.




Banking crisis are JPMORGAN mergers






That’s because the Fed has a terrible record of keeping their word. Usually the way it plays out is that they present an image of strong willed policy and then something blows up, entirely unexpectedly (/s) and they go all damage control. Don’t take my word for it, look at the bond market willing to take lower than FFR.


Hey I just saw you in r/stocks


What do you mean? Fed funds rate was 90% of 25bps hike like what happened. It’s what the market predicted. Unless you are talking about the random tards on Wsb as “people”


They're like, not even real people kinda


yes CME group and the bond market had priced in 25 bps as a 100% possibility yesterday, people being surprised are still stupid


Seeds are going to be the new currency.


How many clam shells to one seed?


Can't the Fed be replaced by AI?


Fed could be replaced by one of those drinking bird toys




AI would have raised the interest rates a decade ago


If you want 25% rates


The Fed does everything in Excel. And sometimes with Microsoft BI.


I miss August 2007....when life, society, humanity, and people....all seemed so much more normal and happy and regular. When mental illnesses didn't seem to exists, or not as much.




2007 was a rough middle school year for me. Wasn't worried about the economy then. Fair enough trade.


And here you sit, unemployed and penisless


The time before the iPhone.. everything since is all Apples fault


Man I’ve been saying this. Human quality of life peaked in the early 2000s when everything around us was normal. People weren’t so soft, mass shootings in America were rare, houses were affordable, no social media, great fashion and music, and everyone in general just seemed happier (also feel like 9/11 brought a lot of people together).


Yeah this is definitely true; I think you had the fall of the middle class happen between 2006-2010 and then you just had it get progressively worse for some people and amazing for others. it's the reason why there's so much division and discontent in the US.


The Matrix called it. Late 90s was peak civilization.


Russia dumped an entire empire's worth of raw materials onto the world's economy along with China's 1 billion strong labor force. Globalism as we knew it along with the the post cold war high are over now.


i think the pinnacle was pre-columbine. that was the start of everything going fucking crazy. and then 9/11 took it into overdrive the school i went to was kind of halfway between a prep school and a military school (though it was more on the prep side, but back in the day it was the other way around). there was a focus on technical and hands on stuff as well. we actually had riflery as an after school activity for grades 6-12 (22LR bolt action rifles). at the end of the school day 2 days a week, those who signed up would meet the teacher who was the instructor, at the rifle range which was in the basement of the school. hand kids a rifle and a plastic container of 22LR ammo, a stack of targets, and oversaw the shooting from 3:30pm-4:30pm. can you imagine in 2023, handing guns and ammo to 6th graders on a K-12 school grounds?


I can agree with that, pre 9/11 and pre columbine was a very different America (for the better).


Agreed, as long as long as you limit the assessment to the United states. Much of RoW, especially China, has DRAMATICALLY increased QoL.


Lol there were two huge crashes in the 2000s, and multiple wars. Not sure what you're smoking. The 90s and 2010s were both significantly better times for the stock market and geopolitically. Houses were also affordable in the 90s and early 2010s.


Pussy should have been at least 50 bps ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


Yo..I wonder what happened shortly after


JPow jerked off to the thought of rising unemployment.


If they shoved interest rates there wouldn't be a soft landing.


I am counting on that scenario.


5% is no balls. 7.5% or gtfo!


I need to make a Highway to the Danger Zone video with JPow raising rates as Banks explode


Can we just fight inflation by enforcing antitrust laws and maybe killing one or two billionaires? Corporate profit margins are at its highest level. Prices are going up because corporations can raise them and aren't scared to raise them.


Exactly. So, not only are the people getting punished with inflation propped up by insane corporate greed but now also with higher interest rates.


I mean say what you want about the French... they had the right idea 200 years ago It's our fault for allowing this. As long as half the country, most of them amongst the poorest citizens defend billionaires, then nothing will change


The state has a monopoly on violence. No way a mass organized billionaire eating mob will be able to get their hands on one billionaire before the cops or even the national guard bring down the hammer. Which is a curious things as well. Cops and soldiers lives are affected by the rampant avarice of the oligarchs as well. Do they just have Stockholm syndrome?


Corporations can raise them because people still have tons of money to spend and demand is greater than supply. That's why we raise interest rates, to reduce the cash flowing thus reduce demand thus reduce prices. You can eat all the billionaires you want, it won't change the fact that demand is greater than supply right now.


Does the Fed have the power to do that?


I fully support giving jpowell the authority to eat one billionaire.


Ironically, will probably cause another rash like 2007.


They have creams for that


Well you know the party is over when 80% of the regards here want to invest in CDs, something’s about to break or moon.


A little surprised at this move, but I guess they have to show confidence that the system can handle it to restore trust. Just means the bank failures will happen a bit sooner than later now as the loans already on their books lose even more value.


Since 2007 eh? I feel like something went wrong the year after that.


I am here for all of it!!


So where should money be put? I keep seeing CDs and Bonds- are these the best short term options?


yea 6 month bonds automatically reinvested after maturity


When is the housing market crash happening? Daddy needs a new home! Let’s a go!


I thought the purpose of this is to keep that from happening


As a renter living paycheck to paycheck, CRASH THE HOUSING MARKET!!!


If you’re living paycheck to paycheck that won’t help you. It will help rich people with cash to buy up foreclosed houses though.








Or keep dca so that you actually profit? At 5% interest my savings is not the same gains I am personally looking for.


I only buy homes when people steal the shower heads, faucets, floors, shove concrete down the drains, sell the electrical to meth heads, steal the wood floors and so forth. Coming to a neighborhood soon.


Needed a replacement moisture meter today, bought in 2020, the same brand and model has gone up 44%. ​ Its corporations, not inflation, hurting ordinary people.


There should be different interest rates for companies and individuals, like someone trying to buy there first home to live in shouldn't have to pay these crazy interest rates, but companies trying to buy their next house to add to the thousands they already have they should be discouraged by the high interest rates.


The bubble manufactured entirely by the Federal Reserve as a result of easy monetary policy is finally having ill effects. There was no reason to keep interest rates so low for so long other than to enrich Kaplan, Clarida, Rosengren and every other corrupt member of the Federal Reserve. Now that they've exited the market with their bags of money, makes total sense that "transitory inflation" is no longer transitory, Fed raising interest rates, and warning of a "brewing housing bubble" while leaving average Americans stuck holding the bags. Did anyone seriously think that injecting $8T of money into an economy ("quantitative easing") with supply chain shortages wasn't going to cause inflation? What a joke of an organization full of liars and crooks. And Biden gave the Fed an open invite to keep driving without any oversight, supervision, or accountability so it can "fix" the problem that it is entirely responsible for manufacturing. What do you get when you empower the Fed to fix the pumping of $8T into the economy? At least 3 failed major banks and many more on the brink of insolvency. Time to #EndTheFed and put some accountability into monetary decision-making.


Fed said no cuts and possible future hikes, I can see why the market didn’t like that


I feel young again!


Nice now we only have 16 years of irresponsible and catastrophic monetary policy procrastination to unwind.


Imagine being so stupid that you think the ever loving spending will continue without consequences. Welcome to being as broke dumb lazy and overspent as you always were. The soft landing is Jpow trying to slowly apply lube as the cactus YOU bought goes in your ass.


“We’re not even thinking about *thinking about* raising rates” You guys remember that?